path: root/Lib/test/
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authorRaymond Hettinger <>2019-04-23 07:06:35 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2019-04-23 07:06:35 (GMT)
commit9013ccf6d8037f6ae78145a42d194141cb10d332 (patch)
tree9a1bf5b8739569012d9d3ecbf50b739936b730e2 /Lib/test/
parentd437012cdd4a38b5b3d05f139d5f0a28196e4769 (diff)
bpo-36546: Add statistics.quantiles() (#12710)
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 4d397eb..c988d7f 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ approx_equal function.
+import bisect
import collections
import copy
@@ -2038,6 +2039,7 @@ class TestStdev(VarianceStdevMixin, NumericTestCase):
expected = math.sqrt(statistics.variance(data))
self.assertEqual(self.func(data), expected)
class TestGeometricMean(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
@@ -2126,6 +2128,146 @@ class TestGeometricMean(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
geometric_mean([Inf, -Inf])
+class TestQuantiles(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_specific_cases(self):
+ # Match results computed by hand and cross-checked
+ # against the PERCENTILE.EXC function in MS Excel.
+ quantiles = statistics.quantiles
+ data = [120, 200, 250, 320, 350]
+ random.shuffle(data)
+ for n, expected in [
+ (1, []),
+ (2, [250.0]),
+ (3, [200.0, 320.0]),
+ (4, [160.0, 250.0, 335.0]),
+ (5, [136.0, 220.0, 292.0, 344.0]),
+ (6, [120.0, 200.0, 250.0, 320.0, 350.0]),
+ (8, [100.0, 160.0, 212.5, 250.0, 302.5, 335.0, 357.5]),
+ (10, [88.0, 136.0, 184.0, 220.0, 250.0, 292.0, 326.0, 344.0, 362.0]),
+ (12, [80.0, 120.0, 160.0, 200.0, 225.0, 250.0, 285.0, 320.0, 335.0,
+ 350.0, 365.0]),
+ (15, [72.0, 104.0, 136.0, 168.0, 200.0, 220.0, 240.0, 264.0, 292.0,
+ 320.0, 332.0, 344.0, 356.0, 368.0]),
+ ]:
+ self.assertEqual(expected, quantiles(data, n=n))
+ self.assertEqual(len(quantiles(data, n=n)), n - 1)
+ self.assertEqual(list(map(float, expected)),
+ quantiles(map(Decimal, data), n=n))
+ self.assertEqual(list(map(Decimal, expected)),
+ quantiles(map(Decimal, data), n=n))
+ self.assertEqual(list(map(Fraction, expected)),
+ quantiles(map(Fraction, data), n=n))
+ # Invariant under tranlation and scaling
+ def f(x):
+ return 3.5 * x - 1234.675
+ exp = list(map(f, expected))
+ act = quantiles(map(f, data), n=n)
+ self.assertTrue(all(math.isclose(e, a) for e, a in zip(exp, act)))
+ # Quartiles of a standard normal distribution
+ for n, expected in [
+ (1, []),
+ (2, [0.0]),
+ (3, [-0.4307, 0.4307]),
+ (4 ,[-0.6745, 0.0, 0.6745]),
+ ]:
+ actual = quantiles(statistics.NormalDist(), n=n)
+ self.assertTrue(all(math.isclose(e, a, abs_tol=0.0001)
+ for e, a in zip(expected, actual)))
+ def test_specific_cases_inclusive(self):
+ # Match results computed by hand and cross-checked
+ # against the PERCENTILE.INC function in MS Excel
+ # and against the quaatile() function in SciPy.
+ quantiles = statistics.quantiles
+ data = [100, 200, 400, 800]
+ random.shuffle(data)
+ for n, expected in [
+ (1, []),
+ (2, [300.0]),
+ (3, [200.0, 400.0]),
+ (4, [175.0, 300.0, 500.0]),
+ (5, [160.0, 240.0, 360.0, 560.0]),
+ (6, [150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 600.0]),
+ (8, [137.5, 175, 225.0, 300.0, 375.0, 500.0,650.0]),
+ (10, [130.0, 160.0, 190.0, 240.0, 300.0, 360.0, 440.0, 560.0, 680.0]),
+ (12, [125.0, 150.0, 175.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 350.0, 400.0,
+ 500.0, 600.0, 700.0]),
+ (15, [120.0, 140.0, 160.0, 180.0, 200.0, 240.0, 280.0, 320.0, 360.0,
+ 400.0, 480.0, 560.0, 640.0, 720.0]),
+ ]:
+ self.assertEqual(expected, quantiles(data, n=n, method="inclusive"))
+ self.assertEqual(len(quantiles(data, n=n, method="inclusive")), n - 1)
+ self.assertEqual(list(map(float, expected)),
+ quantiles(map(Decimal, data), n=n, method="inclusive"))
+ self.assertEqual(list(map(Decimal, expected)),
+ quantiles(map(Decimal, data), n=n, method="inclusive"))
+ self.assertEqual(list(map(Fraction, expected)),
+ quantiles(map(Fraction, data), n=n, method="inclusive"))
+ # Invariant under tranlation and scaling
+ def f(x):
+ return 3.5 * x - 1234.675
+ exp = list(map(f, expected))
+ act = quantiles(map(f, data), n=n, method="inclusive")
+ self.assertTrue(all(math.isclose(e, a) for e, a in zip(exp, act)))
+ # Quartiles of a standard normal distribution
+ for n, expected in [
+ (1, []),
+ (2, [0.0]),
+ (3, [-0.4307, 0.4307]),
+ (4 ,[-0.6745, 0.0, 0.6745]),
+ ]:
+ actual = quantiles(statistics.NormalDist(), n=n, method="inclusive")
+ self.assertTrue(all(math.isclose(e, a, abs_tol=0.0001)
+ for e, a in zip(expected, actual)))
+ def test_equal_sized_groups(self):
+ quantiles = statistics.quantiles
+ total = 10_000
+ data = [random.expovariate(0.2) for i in range(total)]
+ while len(set(data)) != total:
+ data.append(random.expovariate(0.2))
+ data.sort()
+ # Cases where the group size exactly divides the total
+ for n in (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000):
+ group_size = total // n
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [bisect.bisect(data, q) for q in quantiles(data, n=n)],
+ list(range(group_size, total, group_size)))
+ # When the group sizes can't be exactly equal, they should
+ # differ by no more than one
+ for n in (13, 19, 59, 109, 211, 571, 1019, 1907, 5261, 9769):
+ group_sizes = {total // n, total // n + 1}
+ pos = [bisect.bisect(data, q) for q in quantiles(data, n=n)]
+ sizes = {q - p for p, q in zip(pos, pos[1:])}
+ self.assertTrue(sizes <= group_sizes)
+ def test_error_cases(self):
+ quantiles = statistics.quantiles
+ StatisticsError = statistics.StatisticsError
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ quantiles() # Missing arguments
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ quantiles([10, 20, 30], 13, n=4) # Too many arguments
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ quantiles([10, 20, 30], 4) # n is a positional argument
+ with self.assertRaises(StatisticsError):
+ quantiles([10, 20, 30], n=0) # n is zero
+ with self.assertRaises(StatisticsError):
+ quantiles([10, 20, 30], n=-1) # n is negative
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ quantiles([10, 20, 30], n=1.5) # n is not an integer
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ quantiles([10, 20, 30], method='X') # method is unknown
+ with self.assertRaises(StatisticsError):
+ quantiles([10], n=4) # not enough data points
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ quantiles([10, None, 30], n=4) # data is non-numeric
class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
# General note on precision: The pdf(), cdf(), and overlap() methods