path: root/Lib/test/
diff options
authorMartin v. Löwis <>2007-01-21 09:33:07 (GMT)
committerMartin v. Löwis <>2007-01-21 09:33:07 (GMT)
commitaef4c6bc00f1b49b4a92b362ef1b60e7c5af5e86 (patch)
tree5178c9da1e5c1ab76adccafb93802375728594fc /Lib/test/
parent71cd55150b01251d0f3b97e426f367a71eed9042 (diff)
Patch #1610575: Add support for _Bool to struct.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 0144a0f..b6a3e0b 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ sz = struct.calcsize('i')
if sz * 3 != struct.calcsize('iii'):
raise TestFailed, 'inconsistent sizes'
-fmt = 'cbxxxxxxhhhhiillffd'
-fmt3 = '3c3b18x12h6i6l6f3d'
+fmt = 'cbxxxxxxhhhhiillffdt'
+fmt3 = '3c3b18x12h6i6l6f3d3t'
sz = struct.calcsize(fmt)
sz3 = struct.calcsize(fmt3)
if sz * 3 != sz3:
@@ -108,19 +108,21 @@ i = 65535
l = 65536
f = 3.1415
d = 3.1415
+t = True
for prefix in ('', '@', '<', '>', '=', '!'):
- for format in ('xcbhilfd', 'xcBHILfd'):
+ for format in ('xcbhilfdt', 'xcBHILfdt'):
format = prefix + format
if verbose:
print "trying:", format
- s = struct.pack(format, c, b, h, i, l, f, d)
- cp, bp, hp, ip, lp, fp, dp = struct.unpack(format, s)
+ s = struct.pack(format, c, b, h, i, l, f, d, t)
+ cp, bp, hp, ip, lp, fp, dp, tp = struct.unpack(format, s)
if (cp != c or bp != b or hp != h or ip != i or lp != l or
- int(100 * fp) != int(100 * f) or int(100 * dp) != int(100 * d)):
+ int(100 * fp) != int(100 * f) or int(100 * dp) != int(100 * d) or
+ tp != t):
# ^^^ calculate only to two decimal places
raise TestFailed, "unpack/pack not transitive (%s, %s)" % (
- str(format), str((cp, bp, hp, ip, lp, fp, dp)))
+ str(format), str((cp, bp, hp, ip, lp, fp, dp, tp)))
# Test some of the new features in detail
@@ -158,6 +160,11 @@ tests = [
('f', -2.0, '\300\000\000\000', '\000\000\000\300', 0),
('d', -2.0, '\300\000\000\000\000\000\000\000',
'\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300', 0),
+ ('t', 0, '\0', '\0', 0),
+ ('t', 3, '\1', '\1', 1),
+ ('t', True, '\1', '\1', 0),
+ ('t', [], '\0', '\0', 1),
+ ('t', (1,), '\1', '\1', 1),
for fmt, arg, big, lil, asy in tests:
@@ -612,3 +619,50 @@ def test_pack_into_fn():
+def test_bool():
+ for prefix in tuple("<>!=")+('',):
+ false = (), [], [], '', 0
+ true = [1], 'test', 5, -1, 0xffffffffL+1, 0xffffffff/2
+ falseFormat = prefix + 't' * len(false)
+ if verbose:
+ print 'trying bool pack/unpack on', false, 'using format', falseFormat
+ packedFalse = struct.pack(falseFormat, *false)
+ unpackedFalse = struct.unpack(falseFormat, packedFalse)
+ trueFormat = prefix + 't' * len(true)
+ if verbose:
+ print 'trying bool pack/unpack on', true, 'using format', trueFormat
+ packedTrue = struct.pack(trueFormat, *true)
+ unpackedTrue = struct.unpack(trueFormat, packedTrue)
+ if len(true) != len(unpackedTrue):
+ raise TestFailed('unpacked true array is not of same size as input')
+ if len(false) != len(unpackedFalse):
+ raise TestFailed('unpacked false array is not of same size as input')
+ for t in unpackedFalse:
+ if t is not False:
+ raise TestFailed('%r did not unpack as False' % t)
+ for t in unpackedTrue:
+ if t is not True:
+ raise TestFailed('%r did not unpack as false' % t)
+ if prefix and verbose:
+ print 'trying size of bool with format %r' % (prefix+'t')
+ packed = struct.pack(prefix+'t', 1)
+ if len(packed) != struct.calcsize(prefix+'t'):
+ raise TestFailed('packed length is not equal to calculated size')
+ if len(packed) != 1 and prefix:
+ raise TestFailed('encoded bool is not one byte: %r' % packed)
+ elif not prefix and verbose:
+ print 'size of bool in native format is %i' % (len(packed))
+ for c in '\x01\x7f\xff\x0f\xf0':
+ if struct.unpack('>t', c)[0] is not True:
+ raise TestFailed('%c did not unpack as True' % c)