path: root/Lib/test
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authorGiampaolo Rodola <>2019-02-07 11:03:11 (GMT)
committerAntoine Pitrou <>2019-02-07 11:03:11 (GMT)
commit2848d9d29914948621bce26bf0d9a89f2e19b97b (patch)
treee8d9df4ff3badc1ab1c8393cf937a4a72ba09615 /Lib/test
parentbc098515864d0d1ffe8fb97ca1a0526c30fee45a (diff)
bpo-35917: Test multiprocessing manager classes and shareable types (GH-11772)
multiprocessing: provide unittests for manager classes and shareable types
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 7341131..2f839b9 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -4706,6 +4706,252 @@ class TestPoolNotLeakOnFailure(unittest.TestCase):
any(process.is_alive() for process in forked_processes))
+class TestSyncManagerTypes(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test all the types which can be shared between a parent and a
+ child process by using a manager which acts as an intermediary
+ between them.
+ In the following unit-tests the base type is created in the parent
+ process, the @classmethod represents the worker process and the
+ shared object is readable and editable between the two.
+ # The child.
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_list(cls, obj):
+ assert obj[0] == 5
+ assert obj.append(6)
+ # The parent.
+ def test_list(self):
+ o = self.manager.list()
+ o.append(5)
+ self.run_worker(self._test_list, o)
+ assert o[1] == 6
+ """
+ manager_class = multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.manager = self.manager_class()
+ self.manager.start()
+ self.proc = None
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if self.proc is not None and self.proc.is_alive():
+ self.proc.terminate()
+ self.proc.join()
+ self.manager.shutdown()
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ support.reap_children()
+ tearDownClass = setUpClass
+ def wait_proc_exit(self):
+ # Only the manager process should be returned by active_children()
+ # but this can take a bit on slow machines, so wait a few seconds
+ # if there are other children too (see #17395).
+ join_process(self.proc)
+ start_time = time.monotonic()
+ t = 0.01
+ while len(multiprocessing.active_children()) > 1:
+ time.sleep(t)
+ t *= 2
+ dt = time.monotonic() - start_time
+ if dt >= 5.0:
+ = True
+ print("Warning -- multiprocessing.Manager still has %s active "
+ "children after %s seconds"
+ % (multiprocessing.active_children(), dt),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ break
+ def run_worker(self, worker, obj):
+ self.proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=(obj, ))
+ self.proc.daemon = True
+ self.proc.start()
+ self.wait_proc_exit()
+ self.assertEqual(self.proc.exitcode, 0)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_queue(cls, obj):
+ assert obj.qsize() == 2
+ assert obj.full()
+ assert not obj.empty()
+ assert obj.get() == 5
+ assert not obj.empty()
+ assert obj.get() == 6
+ assert obj.empty()
+ def test_queue(self, qname="Queue"):
+ o = getattr(self.manager, qname)(2)
+ o.put(5)
+ o.put(6)
+ self.run_worker(self._test_queue, o)
+ assert o.empty()
+ assert not o.full()
+ def test_joinable_queue(self):
+ self.test_queue("JoinableQueue")
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_event(cls, obj):
+ assert obj.is_set()
+ obj.wait()
+ obj.clear()
+ obj.wait(0.001)
+ def test_event(self):
+ o = self.manager.Event()
+ o.set()
+ self.run_worker(self._test_event, o)
+ assert not o.is_set()
+ o.wait(0.001)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_lock(cls, obj):
+ obj.acquire()
+ def test_lock(self, lname="Lock"):
+ o = getattr(self.manager, lname)()
+ self.run_worker(self._test_lock, o)
+ o.release()
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, o.release) # already released
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_rlock(cls, obj):
+ obj.acquire()
+ obj.release()
+ def test_rlock(self, lname="Lock"):
+ o = getattr(self.manager, lname)()
+ self.run_worker(self._test_rlock, o)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_semaphore(cls, obj):
+ obj.acquire()
+ def test_semaphore(self, sname="Semaphore"):
+ o = getattr(self.manager, sname)()
+ self.run_worker(self._test_semaphore, o)
+ o.release()
+ def test_bounded_semaphore(self):
+ self.test_semaphore(sname="BoundedSemaphore")
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_condition(cls, obj):
+ obj.acquire()
+ obj.release()
+ def test_condition(self):
+ o = self.manager.Condition()
+ self.run_worker(self._test_condition, o)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_barrier(cls, obj):
+ assert obj.parties == 5
+ obj.reset()
+ def test_barrier(self):
+ o = self.manager.Barrier(5)
+ self.run_worker(self._test_barrier, o)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_pool(cls, obj):
+ # TODO: fix
+ with obj:
+ pass
+ def test_pool(self):
+ o = self.manager.Pool(processes=4)
+ self.run_worker(self._test_pool, o)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_list(cls, obj):
+ assert obj[0] == 5
+ assert obj.count(5) == 1
+ assert obj.index(5) == 0
+ obj.sort()
+ obj.reverse()
+ for x in obj:
+ pass
+ assert len(obj) == 1
+ assert obj.pop(0) == 5
+ def test_list(self):
+ o = self.manager.list()
+ o.append(5)
+ self.run_worker(self._test_list, o)
+ assert not o
+ self.assertEqual(len(o), 0)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_dict(cls, obj):
+ assert len(obj) == 1
+ assert obj['foo'] == 5
+ assert obj.get('foo') == 5
+ # TODO: fix
+ # assert obj.has_key('foo')
+ assert list(obj.items()) == [('foo', 5)]
+ assert list(obj.keys()) == ['foo']
+ assert list(obj.values()) == [5]
+ assert obj.copy() == {'foo': 5}
+ assert obj.popitem() == ('foo', 5)
+ def test_dict(self):
+ o = self.manager.dict()
+ o['foo'] = 5
+ self.run_worker(self._test_dict, o)
+ assert not o
+ self.assertEqual(len(o), 0)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_value(cls, obj):
+ assert obj.value == 1
+ assert obj.get() == 1
+ obj.set(2)
+ def test_value(self):
+ o = self.manager.Value('i', 1)
+ self.run_worker(self._test_value, o)
+ self.assertEqual(o.value, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(o.get(), 2)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_array(cls, obj):
+ assert obj[0] == 0
+ assert obj[1] == 1
+ assert len(obj) == 2
+ assert list(obj) == [0, 1]
+ def test_array(self):
+ o = self.manager.Array('i', [0, 1])
+ self.run_worker(self._test_array, o)
+ @classmethod
+ def _test_namespace(cls, obj):
+ assert obj.x == 0
+ assert obj.y == 1
+ def test_namespace(self):
+ o = self.manager.Namespace()
+ o.x = 0
+ o.y = 1
+ self.run_worker(self._test_namespace, o)
+ import multiprocessing.shared_memory
+except ImportError:
+ @unittest.skip("SharedMemoryManager not available on this platform")
+ class TestSharedMemoryManagerTypes(TestSyncManagerTypes):
+ pass
+ class TestSharedMemoryManagerTypes(TestSyncManagerTypes):
+ """Same as above but by using SharedMemoryManager."""
+ manager_class = multiprocessing.shared_memory.SharedMemoryManager
class MiscTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test__all__(self):