path: root/Lib/test
diff options
authorTim Peters <>2004-08-23 22:13:22 (GMT)
committerTim Peters <>2004-08-23 22:13:22 (GMT)
commita7def72a081c5ea54f12b091a2d742eb7adef468 (patch)
tree020ba844a1e59838ae436c42e70501fe1e8d5c87 /Lib/test
parent3fa8c2079a164254b037a975a811aae946845815 (diff)
Moved some test cases from doctest to test_doctest.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 969ee17..1268e6a 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Test script for doctest.
from test import test_support
import doctest
+import warnings
## Sample Objects (used by test cases)
@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ We'll simulate a __file__ attr that ends in pyc:
>>> tests = finder.find(sample_func)
>>> print tests # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- [<DocTest sample_func from ...:12 (1 example)>]
+ [<DocTest sample_func from ...:13 (1 example)>]
>>> tests[0].filename
@@ -1493,13 +1494,136 @@ def test_DocFileSuite():
def test_trailing_space_in_test():
- Trailing spaces in expcted output are significant:
+ Trailing spaces in expected output are significant:
>>> x, y = 'foo', ''
>>> print x, y
foo \n
+# old_test1, ... used to live in, but cluttered it. Note
+# that these use the deprecated doctest.Tester, so should go away (or
+# be rewritten) someday.
+# Ignore all warnings about the use of class Tester in this module.
+# Note that the name of this module may differ depending on how it's
+# imported, so the use of __name__ is important.
+warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "class Tester", DeprecationWarning,
+ __name__, 0)
+def old_test1(): r"""
+>>> from doctest import Tester
+>>> t = Tester(globs={'x': 42}, verbose=0)
+>>> t.runstring(r'''
+... >>> x = x * 2
+... >>> print x
+... 42
+... ''', 'XYZ')
+Line 3, in XYZ
+Failed example:
+ print x
+ 42
+ 84
+(1, 2)
+>>> t.runstring(">>> x = x * 2\n>>> print x\n84\n", 'example2')
+(0, 2)
+>>> t.summarize()
+1 items had failures:
+ 1 of 2 in XYZ
+***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
+(1, 4)
+>>> t.summarize(verbose=1)
+1 items passed all tests:
+ 2 tests in example2
+1 items had failures:
+ 1 of 2 in XYZ
+4 tests in 2 items.
+3 passed and 1 failed.
+***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
+(1, 4)
+def old_test2(): r"""
+ >>> from doctest import Tester
+ >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=1)
+ >>> test = r'''
+ ... # just an example
+ ... >>> x = 1 + 2
+ ... >>> x
+ ... 3
+ ... '''
+ >>> t.runstring(test, "Example")
+ Running string Example
+ Trying: x = 1 + 2
+ Expecting: nothing
+ ok
+ Trying: x
+ Expecting: 3
+ ok
+ 0 of 2 examples failed in string Example
+ (0, 2)
+def old_test3(): r"""
+ >>> from doctest import Tester
+ >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
+ >>> def _f():
+ ... '''Trivial docstring example.
+ ... >>> assert 2 == 2
+ ... '''
+ ... return 32
+ ...
+ >>> t.rundoc(_f) # expect 0 failures in 1 example
+ (0, 1)
+def old_test4(): """
+ >>> import new
+ >>> m1 = new.module('_m1')
+ >>> m2 = new.module('_m2')
+ >>> test_data = \"""
+ ... def _f():
+ ... '''>>> assert 1 == 1
+ ... '''
+ ... def g():
+ ... '''>>> assert 2 != 1
+ ... '''
+ ... class H:
+ ... '''>>> assert 2 > 1
+ ... '''
+ ... def bar(self):
+ ... '''>>> assert 1 < 2
+ ... '''
+ ... \"""
+ >>> exec test_data in m1.__dict__
+ >>> exec test_data in m2.__dict__
+ >>> m1.__dict__.update({"f2": m2._f, "g2": m2.g, "h2": m2.H})
+ Tests that objects outside m1 are excluded:
+ >>> from doctest import Tester
+ >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
+ >>> t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test", m1) # f2 and g2 and h2 skipped
+ (0, 4)
+ Once more, not excluding stuff outside m1:
+ >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
+ >>> t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test_pvt") # None are skipped.
+ (0, 8)
+ The exclusion of objects from outside the designated module is
+ meant to be invoked automagically by testmod.
+ >>> doctest.testmod(m1, verbose=False)
+ (0, 4)
## Main