path: root/Lib
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authorGuido van Rossum <>1996-03-06 07:20:06 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>1996-03-06 07:20:06 (GMT)
commit7275561d34c6a8565caf512ee3b647f200ca3155 (patch)
tree31cb8e2afc7dc32d3cba2326d0565a1335256725 /Lib
parent911ad6b0670cf990c486a701d3f85027ac669fb7 (diff)
File upload and revamped documentation.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib')
1 files changed, 572 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 6b4f859..9614f3b 100755
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -1,65 +1,369 @@
-# - proper doc strings instead of this rambling dialogue style
-# - more utilities, e.g.
-# - print_header(type="test/html", blankline=1) -- print MIME header
-# - utility to format a nice error message in HTML
-# - utility to format a Location: ... response, including HTML
-# - utility to catch errors and display traceback
-# A class for wrapping the WWW Forms Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
-# Michael McLay, NIST 6/14/94
-# modified by Steve Majewski <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU> 12/5/94
-# now maintained as part of the Python distribution
-# Several classes to parse the name/value pairs that are passed to
-# a server's CGI by GET, POST or PUT methods by a WWW FORM. This
-# module is based on Mike McLay's original after discussing
-# changes with him and others on the comp.lang.python newsgroup, and
-# at the NIST Python workshop.
-# The rationale for changes was:
-# The original FormContent class was almost, but not quite like
-# a dictionary object. Besides adding some extra access methods,
-# it had a values() method with different arguments and semantics
-# from the standard values() method of a mapping object. Also,
-# it provided several different access methods that may be necessary
-# or useful, but made it a little more confusing to figure out how
-# to use. Also, we wanted to make the most typical cases the simplest
-# and most convenient access methods. ( Most form fields just return
-# a single value, and in practice, a lot of code was just assuming
-# a single value and ignoring all others. On the other hand, the
-# protocol allows multiple values to be returned.
-# The new base class (FormContentDict) is just like a dictionary.
-# In fact, if you just want a dictionary, all of the stuff that was
-# in __init__ has been extracted into a cgi.parse() function that will
-# return the "raw" dictionary, but having a class allows you to customize
-# it further.
-# Mike McLay's original FormContent class is reimplemented as a
-# subclass of FormContentDict.
-# There are two additional sub-classes, but I'm not yet too sure
-# whether they are what I want.
-import string,regsub,sys,os,urllib
-# since os.environ may often be used in cgi code, we name it in this module.
-from os import environ
-def parse():
- """Parse the query passed in the environment or on stdin"""
+"""Support module for CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts.
+This module defines a number of utilities for use by CGI scripts written in
+A CGI script is invoked by an HTTP server, usually to process user input
+submitted through an HTML <FORM> or <ISINPUT> element.
+Most often, CGI scripts live in the server's special cgi-bin directory.
+The HTTP server places all sorts of information about the request (such as
+the client's hostname, the requested URL, the query string, and lots of
+other goodies) in the script's shell environment, executes the script, and
+sends the script's output back to the client.
+The script's input is connected to the client too, and sometimes the form
+data is read this way; at other times the form data is passed via the
+"query string" part of the URL. This module ( is intended to take
+care of the different cases and provide a simpler interface to the Python
+script. It also provides a number of utilities that help in debugging
+scripts, and the latest addition is support for file uploads from a form
+(if your browser supports it -- Grail 0.3 and Netscape 2.0 do).
+The output of a CGI script should consist of two sections, separated by a
+blank line. The first section contains a number of headers, telling the
+client what kind of data is following. Python code to generate a minimal
+header section looks like this:
+ print "Content-type: text/html" # HTML is following
+ print # blank line, end of headers
+The second section is usually HTML, which allows the client software to
+display nicely formatted text with header, in-line images, etc. Here's
+Python code that prints a simple piece of HTML:
+ print "<TITLE>CGI script output</TITLE>"
+ print "<H1>This is my first CGI script</H1>"
+ print "Hello, world!"
+(It may not be fully legal HTML according to the letter of the standard,
+but any browser will understand it.)
+Using the cgi module
+Begin by writing "import cgi". Don't use "from cgi import *" -- the module
+defines all sorts of names for its own use that you don't want in your
+If you have a standard form, it's best to use the SvFormContentDict class.
+Instantiate the SvFormContentDict class exactly once: it consumes any input
+on standard input, which can't be wound back (it's a network connection,
+not a disk file).
+The SvFormContentDict instance can be accessed as if it were a Python
+dictionary. For instance, the following code checks that the fields
+"name" and "addr" are both set to a non-empty string:
+ form = SvFormContentDict()
+ form_ok = 0
+ if form.has_key("name") and form.has_key("addr"):
+ if form["name"] != "" and form["addr"] != "":
+ form_ok = 1
+ if not form_ok:
+ print "<H1>Error</H1>"
+ print "Please fill in the name and addr fields."
+ return
+ ...actual form processing here...
+If you have an input item of type "file" in your form and the client
+supports file uploads, the value for that field, if present in the form,
+is not a string but a tuple of (filename, content-type, data).
+Overview of classes
+SvFormContentDict: single value form content as dictionary; described
+FormContentDict: multiple value form content as dictionary (the form items
+are lists of values). Useful if your form contains multiple fields with
+the same name.
+Other classes (FormContent, InterpFormContentDict) are present for
+backwards compatibility only.
+Overview of functions
+These are useful if you want more control, or if you want to employ some
+of the algorithms implemented in this module in other circumstances.
+parse(): parse a form into a Python dictionary.
+parse_qs(qs): parse a query string.
+parse_multipart(...): parse input of type multipart/form-data (for file
+parse_header(string): parse a header like Content-type into a main value
+and a dictionary of parameters.
+test(): complete test program.
+print_environ(): format the shell environment in HTML.
+print_form(form): format a form in HTML.
+print_environ_usage(): print a list of useful environment variables in HTML.
+escape(): convert the characters "&", "<" and ">" to HTML-safe sequences.
+Caring about security
+There's one important rule: if you invoke an external program (e.g. via
+the os.system() or os.popen() functions), make very sure you don't pass
+arbitrary strings received from the client to the shell. This is a
+well-known security hole whereby clever hackers anywhere on the web can
+exploit a gullible CGI script to invoke arbitrary shell commands. Even
+parts of the URL or field names cannot be trusted, since the request
+doesn't have to come from your form!
+To be on the safe side, if you must pass a string gotten from a form to a
+shell command, you should make sure the string contains only alphanumeric
+characters, dashes, underscores, and periods.
+Installing your CGI script on a Unix system
+Read the documentation for your HTTP server and check with your local
+system administrator to find the directory where CGI scripts should be
+installed; usually this is in a directory cgi-bin in the server tree.
+Make sure that your script is readable and executable by "others"; the Unix
+file mode should be 755 (use "chmod 755 filename"). Make sure that the
+first line of the script contains "#!" starting in column 1 followed by the
+pathname of the Python interpreter, for instance:
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python
+Make sure the Python interpreter exists and is executable by "others".
+Make sure that any files your script needs to read or write are readable or
+writable, respectively, by "others" -- their mode should be 644 for
+readable and 666 for writable. This is because, for security reasons, the
+HTTP server executes your script as user "nobody", without any special
+privileges. It can only read (write, execute) files that everybody can
+read (write, execute). The current directory at execution time is also
+different (it is usually the server's cgi-bin directory) and the set of
+environment variables is also different from what you get at login. in
+particular, don't count on the shell's search path for executables ($PATH)
+or the Python module search path ($PYTHONPATH) to be set to anything
+If you need to load modules from a directory which is not on Python's
+default module search path, you can change the path in your script, before
+importing other modules, e.g.:
+ import sys
+ sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/home/joe/lib/python")
+ sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/local/lib/python")
+(This way, the directory inserted last will be searched first!)
+Instructions for non-Unix systems will vary; check your HTTP server's
+documentation (it will usually have a section on CGI scripts).
+Testing your CGI script
+Unfortunately, a CGI script will generally not run when you try it from the
+command line, and a script that works perfectly from the command line may
+fail mysteriously when run from the server. There's one reason why you
+should still test your script from the command line: if it contains a
+syntax error, the python interpreter won't execute it at all, and the HTTP
+server will most likely send a cryptic error to the client.
+Assuming your script has no syntax errors, yet it does not work, you have
+no choice but to read the next section:
+Debugging CGI scripts
+First of all, check for trivial installation errors -- reading the section
+above on installing your CGI script carefully can save you a lot of time.
+If you wonder whether you have understood the installation procedure
+correctly, try installing a copy of this module file ( as a CGI
+script. When invoked as a script, the file will dump its environment and
+the contents of the form in HTML form. Give it the right mode etc, and
+send it a request. If it's installed in the standard cgi-bin directory, it
+should be possible to send it a request by entering a URL into your browser
+of the form:
+ http://yourhostname/cgi-bin/
+If this gives an error of type 404, the server cannot find the script --
+perhaps you need to install it in a different directory. If it gives
+another error (e.g. 500), there's an installation problem that you should
+fix before trying to go any further. If you get a nicely formatted listing
+of the environment and form content (in this example, the fields should be
+listed as "addr" with value "At Home" and "name" with value "Joe Blow"),
+the script has been installed correctly. If you follow the same
+procedure for your own script, you should now be able to debug it.
+The next step could be to call the cgi module's test() function from your
+script: replace its main code with the single statement
+ cgi.test()
+This should produce the same results as those gotten from installing the file itself.
+When an ordinary Python script raises an unhandled exception (e.g. because
+of a typo in a module name, a file that can't be opened, etc.), the Python
+interpreter prints a nice traceback and exits. While the Python
+interpreter will still do this when your CGI script raises an exception,
+most likely the traceback will end up in one of the HTTP server's log
+file, or be discarded altogether.
+Fortunately, once you have managed to get your script to execute *some*
+code, it is easy to catch exceptions and cause a traceback to be printed.
+The test() function below in this module is an example. Here are the
+ 1. Import the traceback module (before entering the try-except!)
+ 2. Make sure you finish printing the headers and the blank line early
+ 3. Assign sys.stderr to sys.stdout
+ 3. Wrap all remaining code in a try-except statement
+ 4. In the except clause, call traceback.print_exc()
+For example:
+ import sys
+ import traceback
+ print "Content-type: text/html"
+ print
+ sys.stderr = sys.stdout
+ try:
+ ...your code here...
+ except:
+ print "\n\n<PRE>"
+ traceback.print_exc()
+Notes: The assignment to sys.stderr is needed because the traceback prints
+to sys.stderr. The print "\n\n<PRE>" statement is necessary to disable the
+word wrapping in HTML.
+If you suspect that there may be a problem in importing the traceback
+module, you can use an even more robust approach (which only uses built-in
+ import sys
+ sys.stderr = sys.stdout
+ print "Content-type: text/plain"
+ print
+ ...your code here...
+This relies on the Python interpreter to print the traceback. The content
+type of the output is set to plain text, which disables all HTML
+processing. If your script works, the raw HTML will be displayed by your
+client. If it raises an exception, most likely after the first two lines
+have been printed, a traceback will be displayed. Because no HTML
+interpretation is going on, the traceback will readable.
+Good luck!
+Common problems and solutions
+- Most HTTP servers buffer the output from CGI scripts until the script is
+completed. This means that it is not possible to display a progress report
+on the client's display while the script is running.
+- Check the installation instructions above.
+- Check the HTTP server's log files. ("tail -f logfile" in a separate
+window may be useful!)
+- Always check a script for syntax errors first, by doing something like
+- When using any of the debugging techniques, don't forget to add
+"import sys" to the top of the script.
+- When invoking external programs, make sure they can be found. Usually,
+this means using absolute path names -- $PATH is usually not set to a
+very useful value in a CGI script.
+- When reading or writing external files, make sure they can be read or
+written by every user on the system.
+- Don't try to give a CGI script a set-uid mode. This doesn't work on most
+systems, and is a security liability as well.
+Michael McLay started this module. Steve Majewski changed the interface to
+SvFormContentDict and FormContentDict. The multipart parsing was inspired
+by code submitted by Andreas Paepcke. Guido van Rossum rewrote,
+reformatted and documented the module and is currently responsible for its
+# Imports
+# =======
+import string
+import regsub
+import sys
+import os
+import urllib
+# A shorthand for os.environ
+environ = os.environ
+# Parsing functions
+# =================
+def parse(fp=None):
+ """Parse a query in the environment or from a file (default stdin)"""
+ if not fp:
+ fp = sys.stdin
+ if not environ.has_key('REQUEST_METHOD'):
+ environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET' # For testing
if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST':
- qs =['CONTENT_LENGTH']))
+ ctype, pdict = parse_header(environ['CONTENT_TYPE'])
+ if ctype == 'multipart/form-data':
+ return parse_multipart(fp, ctype, pdict)
+ elif ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
+ clength = string.atoi(environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
+ qs =
+ else:
+ qs = '' # Bad content-type
environ['QUERY_STRING'] = qs
elif environ.has_key('QUERY_STRING'):
qs = environ['QUERY_STRING']
- environ['QUERY_STRING'] = qs = ''
+ if sys.argv[1:]:
+ qs = sys.argv[1]
+ else:
+ qs = ""
+ environ['QUERY_STRING'] = qs
return parse_qs(qs)
@@ -81,21 +385,129 @@ def parse_qs(qs):
return dict
+def parse_multipart(fp, ctype, pdict):
+ """Parse multipart input.
-# The FormContent constructor creates a dictionary from the name/value pairs
-# passed through the CGI interface.
+ Arguments:
+ fp : input file
+ ctype: content-type
+ pdict: dictionary containing other parameters of conten-type header
+ Returns a dictionary just like parse_qs() (keys are the field
+ names, each value is a list of values for that field) except
+ that if the value was an uploaded file, it is a tuple of the
+ form (filename, content-type, data). Note that content-type
+ is the raw, unparsed contents of the content-type header.
-# form['key']
-# form.__getitem__('key')
-# form.has_key('key')
-# form.keys()
-# form.values()
-# form.items()
-# form.dict
+ XXX Should we parse further when the content-type is
+ multipart/*?
+ """
+ import mimetools
+ if pdict.has_key('boundary'):
+ boundary = pdict['boundary']
+ else:
+ boundary = ""
+ nextpart = "--" + boundary
+ lastpart = "--" + boundary + "--"
+ partdict = {}
+ terminator = ""
+ while terminator != lastpart:
+ bytes = -1
+ data = None
+ if terminator:
+ # At start of next part. Read headers first.
+ headers = mimetools.Message(fp)
+ clength = headers.getheader('content-length')
+ if clength:
+ try:
+ bytes = string.atoi(clength)
+ except string.atoi_error:
+ pass
+ if bytes > 0:
+ data =
+ else:
+ data = ""
+ # Read lines until end of part.
+ lines = []
+ while 1:
+ line = fp.readline()
+ if not line:
+ terminator = lastpart # End outer loop
+ break
+ if line[:2] == "--":
+ terminator = string.strip(line)
+ if terminator in (nextpart, lastpart):
+ break
+ if line[-2:] == '\r\n':
+ line = line[:-2]
+ elif line[-1:] == '\n':
+ line = line[:-1]
+ lines.append(line)
+ # Done with part.
+ if data is None:
+ continue
+ if bytes < 0:
+ data = string.joinfields(lines, "\n")
+ line = headers['content-disposition']
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ key, params = parse_header(line)
+ if key != 'form-data':
+ continue
+ if params.has_key('name'):
+ name = params['name']
+ else:
+ continue
+ if params.has_key('filename'):
+ data = (params['filename'],
+ headers.getheader('content-type'), data)
+ if partdict.has_key(name):
+ partdict[name].append(data)
+ else:
+ partdict[name] = [data]
+ return partdict
+def parse_header(line):
+ """Parse a Content-type like header.
+ Return the main content-type and a dictionary of options.
+ """
+ plist = map(string.strip, string.splitfields(line, ';'))
+ key = string.lower(plist[0])
+ del plist[0]
+ pdict = {}
+ for p in plist:
+ i = string.find(p, '=')
+ if i >= 0:
+ name = string.lower(string.strip(p[:i]))
+ value = string.strip(p[i+1:])
+ if len(value) >= 2 and value[0] == value[-1] == '"':
+ value = value[1:-1]
+ pdict[name] = value
+ return key, pdict
+# Main classes
+# ============
class FormContentDict:
+ """Basic (multiple values per field) form content as dictionary.
+ form = FormContentDict()
+ form[key] -> [value, value, ...]
+ form.has_key(key) -> Boolean
+ form.keys() -> [key, key, ...]
+ form.values() -> [[val, val, ...], [val, val, ...], ...]
+ form.items() -> [(key, [val, val, ...]), (key, [val, val, ...]), ...]
+ form.dict == {key: [val, val, ...], ...}
+ """
def __init__( self ):
self.dict = parse()
self.query_string = environ['QUERY_STRING']
@@ -113,45 +525,42 @@ class FormContentDict:
return len(self.dict)
-# This is the "strict" single-value expecting version.
-# IF you only expect a single value for each field, then form[key]
-# will return that single value ( the [0]-th ), and raise an
-# IndexError if that expectation is not true.
-# IF you expect a field to have possible multiple values, than you
-# can use form.getlist( key ) to get all of the values.
-# values() and items() are a compromise: they return single strings
-# where there is a single value, and lists of strings otherwise.
class SvFormContentDict(FormContentDict):
- def __getitem__( self, key ):
- if len( self.dict[key] ) > 1 :
+ """Strict single-value expecting form content as dictionary.
+ IF you only expect a single value for each field, then form[key]
+ will return that single value.
+ It will raise an IndexError if that expectation is not true.
+ IF you expect a field to have possible multiple values, than you
+ can use form.getlist(key) to get all of the values.
+ values() and items() are a compromise: they return single strings
+ where there is a single value, and lists of strings otherwise.
+ """
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if len(self.dict[key]) > 1:
raise IndexError, 'expecting a single value'
return self.dict[key][0]
- def getlist( self, key ):
+ def getlist(self, key):
return self.dict[key]
- def values( self ):
+ def values(self):
lis = []
- for each in self.dict.values() :
+ for each in self.dict.values():
if len( each ) == 1 :
- lis.append( each[0] )
- else: lis.append( each )
+ lis.append(each[0])
+ else: lis.append(each)
return lis
- def items( self ):
+ def items(self):
lis = []
for key,value in self.dict.items():
if len(value) == 1 :
- lis.append( (key,value[0]) )
- else: lis.append( (key,value) )
+ lis.append((key, value[0]))
+ else: lis.append((key, value))
return lis
-# And this sub-class is similar to the above, but it will attempt to
-# interpret numerical values. This is here as mostly as an example,
-# but I think the real way to handle typed-data from a form may be
-# to make an additional table driver parsing stage that has a table
-# of allowed input patterns and the output conversion types - it
-# would signal type-errors on parse, not on access.
class InterpFormContentDict(SvFormContentDict):
+ """This class is present for backwards compatibility only."""
def __getitem__( self, key ):
v = SvFormContentDict.__getitem__( self, key )
if v[0] in string.digits+'+-.' :
@@ -178,28 +587,8 @@ class InterpFormContentDict(SvFormContentDict):
return lis
-# class FormContent parses the name/value pairs that are passed to a
-# server's CGI by GET, POST, or PUT methods by a WWW FORM. several
-# specialized FormContent dictionary access methods have been added
-# for convenience.
-# function return value
-# form.keys() all keys in dictionary
-# form.has_key('key') test keys existance
-# form[key] returns list associated with key
-# form.values('key') key's list (same as form.[key])
-# form.indexed_value('key' index) nth element in key's value list
-# form.value(key) key's unstripped value
-# form.length(key) number of elements in key's list
-# form.stripped(key) key's value with whitespace stripped
-# full dictionary
class FormContent(FormContentDict):
-# This is the original FormContent semantics of values,
-# not the dictionary like semantics.
+ """This class is present for backwards compatibility only."""
def values(self,key):
if self.dict.has_key(key):return self.dict[key]
else: return None
@@ -221,14 +610,66 @@ class FormContent(FormContentDict):
return self.dict
+# Test/debug code
+# ===============
+def test():
+ """Robust test CGI script.
+ Dump all information provided to the script in HTML form.
+ """
+ import traceback
+ print "Content-type: text/html"
+ print
+ sys.stderr = sys.stdout
+ try:
+ print_environ()
+ print_form(FormContentDict())
+ print
+ print "<H3>Current Working Directory</H3>"
+ try:
+ pwd = os.getcwd()
+ except os.error, msg:
+ print "os.error:", escape(str(msg))
+ else:
+ print escape(pwd)
+ print
+ except:
+ print "\n\n<PRE>" # Turn of word wrap
+ traceback.print_exc()
+def print_environ():
+ """Dump the shell environment in HTML form."""
+ keys = environ.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ print
+ print "<H3>Shell environment:</H3>"
+ print "<DL>"
+ for key in keys:
+ print "<DT>", escape(key), "<DD>", escape(environ[key])
+ print "</DL>"
+ print
+def print_form(form):
+ """Dump the contents of a form in HTML form."""
+ keys = form.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ print
+ print "<H3>Form contents:</H3>"
+ print "<DL>"
+ for key in keys:
+ print "<DT>" + escape(key) + ":",
+ print "<i>" + escape(`type(form[key])`) + "</i>"
+ print "<DD>" + escape(`form[key]`)
+ print "</DL>"
+ print
def print_environ_usage():
+ """Print a list of environment variables used by the CGI protocol."""
print """
-<H3>These operating system environment variables could have been
-set:</H3> <UL>
+<H3>These environment variables could have been set:</H3>
@@ -257,47 +698,21 @@ set:</H3> <UL>
-def print_environ():
- skeys = environ.keys()
- skeys.sort()
- print '<h3> The following environment variables ' \
- 'were set by the CGI script: </h3>'
- print '<dl>'
- for key in skeys:
- print '<dt>', escape(key), '<dd>', escape(environ[key])
- print '</dl>'
-def print_form( form ):
- skeys = form.keys()
- skeys.sort()
- print '<h3> The following name/value pairs ' \
- 'were entered in the form: </h3>'
- print '<dl>'
- for key in skeys:
- print '<dt>', escape(key), ':',
- print '<i>', escape(`type(form[key])`), '</i>',
- print '<dd>', escape(`form[key]`)
- print '</dl>'
-def escape( s ):
- s = regsub.gsub('&', '&amp;', s) # Must be done first
- s = regsub.gsub('<', '&lt;', s)
- s = regsub.gsub('>', '&gt;', s)
+# Utilities
+# =========
+def escape(s):
+ """Replace special characters '&', '<' and '>' by SGML entities."""
+ s = regsub.gsub("&", "&amp;", s) # Must be done first!
+ s = regsub.gsub("<", "&lt;", s)
+ s = regsub.gsub(">", "&gt;", s)
return s
-def test( what ):
- label = escape(str(what))
- print 'Content-type: text/html\n\n'
- print '<HEADER>\n<TITLE>' + label + '</TITLE>\n</HEADER>\n'
- print '<BODY>\n'
- print "<H1>" + label +"</H1>\n"
- form = what()
- print_form( form )
- print_environ()
- print_environ_usage()
- print '</body>'
-if __name__ == '__main__' :
- test_classes = ( FormContent, FormContentDict, SvFormContentDict, InterpFormContentDict )
- test( test_classes[0] ) # by default, test compatibility with
- # old version, change index to test others.
+# Invoke mainline
+# ===============
+# Call test() when this file is run as a script (not imported as a module)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test()