path: root/Lib
diff options
authorMartin v. Löwis <>2008-12-29 15:51:01 (GMT)
committerMartin v. Löwis <>2008-12-29 15:51:01 (GMT)
commite2eb2b4bc39b73c6346446e278166395a514cdb5 (patch)
tree4a571a4f6a13018b4b0b894776cdf790f17a02c5 /Lib
parent80b59054c6c9727f38269275d4781f9053066c5c (diff)
Issue #3248: Allow placing ScrolledText in a PanedWindow.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/lib-tk/ b/Lib/lib-tk/
index 367aa89..8076bc4 100644
--- a/Lib/lib-tk/
+++ b/Lib/lib-tk/
@@ -1,43 +1,52 @@
-# A ScrolledText widget feels like a text widget but also has a
-# vertical scroll bar on its right. (Later, options may be added to
-# add a horizontal bar as well, to make the bars disappear
-# automatically when not needed, to move them to the other side of the
-# window, etc.)
-# Configuration options are passed to the Text widget.
-# A Frame widget is inserted between the master and the text, to hold
-# the Scrollbar widget.
-# Most methods calls are inherited from the Text widget; Pack methods
-# are redirected to the Frame widget however.
-from Tkinter import *
-from Tkinter import _cnfmerge
+"""A ScrolledText widget feels like a text widget but also has a
+vertical scroll bar on its right. (Later, options may be added to
+add a horizontal bar as well, to make the bars disappear
+automatically when not needed, to move them to the other side of the
+window, etc.)
+Configuration options are passed to the Text widget.
+A Frame widget is inserted between the master and the text, to hold
+the Scrollbar widget.
+Most methods calls are inherited from the Text widget; Pack, Grid and
+Place methods are redirected to the Frame widget however.
+__all__ = ['ScrolledText']
+from Tkinter import Frame, Text, Scrollbar, Pack, Grid, Place
+from Tkconstants import RIGHT, LEFT, Y, BOTH
class ScrolledText(Text):
- def __init__(self, master=None, cnf=None, **kw):
- if cnf is None:
- cnf = {}
- if kw:
- cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
- fcnf = {}
- for k in cnf.keys():
- if type(k) == ClassType or k == 'name':
- fcnf[k] = cnf[k]
- del cnf[k]
- self.frame = Frame(master, **fcnf)
- self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.frame, name='vbar')
+ def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
+ self.frame = Frame(master)
+ self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.frame)
self.vbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
- cnf['name'] = 'text'
- Text.__init__(self, self.frame, **cnf)
- self.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
- self['yscrollcommand'] = self.vbar.set
+ kw.update({'yscrollcommand': self.vbar.set})
+ Text.__init__(self, self.frame, **kw)
+ self.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=True)
self.vbar['command'] = self.yview
# Copy geometry methods of self.frame -- hack!
- methods = Pack.__dict__.keys()
- methods = methods + Grid.__dict__.keys()
- methods = methods + Place.__dict__.keys()
+ methods = vars(Pack).keys() + vars(Grid).keys() + vars(Place).keys()
for m in methods:
if m[0] != '_' and m != 'config' and m != 'configure':
setattr(self, m, getattr(self.frame, m))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.frame)
+def example():
+ import __main__
+ from Tkconstants import END
+ stext = ScrolledText(bg='white', height=10)
+ stext.insert(END, __main__.__doc__)
+ stext.pack(fill=BOTH, side=LEFT, expand=True)
+ stext.focus_set()
+ stext.mainloop()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ example()