path: root/Lib
diff options
authorAlexander Belopolsky <>2010-09-13 16:45:02 (GMT)
committerAlexander Belopolsky <>2010-09-13 16:45:02 (GMT)
commit9d17da33e2dcc51c73fdebe737eb1b9317ee69cd (patch)
tree4437e3ee2328f9cb83391f81338261c19e2c1e7e /Lib
parentc0c0b146718f3098397c287d2e03028f486606ee (diff)
Issue #9315: Fix for the trace module to record correct class name
when tracing methods. Unit tests. Patch by Eli Bendersky.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib')
4 files changed, 331 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3436aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from test.test_support import (run_unittest, TESTFN, rmtree, unlink,
+ captured_stdout)
+import unittest
+import trace
+from trace import CoverageResults, Trace
+from test.tracedmodules import testmod
+#------------------------------- Utilities -----------------------------------#
+def fix_ext_py(filename):
+ """Given a .pyc/.pyo filename converts it to the appropriate .py"""
+ if filename.endswith(('.pyc', '.pyo')):
+ filename = filename[:-1]
+ return filename
+def my_file_and_modname():
+ """The .py file and module name of this file (__file__)"""
+ modname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
+ return fix_ext_py(__file__), modname
+def get_firstlineno(func):
+ return func.__code__.co_firstlineno
+#-------------------- Target functions for tracing ---------------------------#
+# The relative line numbers of lines in these functions matter for verifying
+# tracing. Please modify the appropriate tests if you change one of the
+# functions. Absolute line numbers don't matter.
+def traced_func_linear(x, y):
+ a = x
+ b = y
+ c = a + b
+ return c
+def traced_func_loop(x, y):
+ c = x
+ for i in range(5):
+ c += y
+ return c
+def traced_func_importing(x, y):
+ return x + y + testmod.func(1)
+def traced_func_simple_caller(x):
+ c = traced_func_linear(x, x)
+ return c + x
+def traced_func_importing_caller(x):
+ k = traced_func_simple_caller(x)
+ k += traced_func_importing(k, x)
+ return k
+def traced_func_generator(num):
+ c = 5 # executed once
+ for i in range(num):
+ yield i + c
+def traced_func_calling_generator():
+ k = 0
+ for i in traced_func_generator(10):
+ k += i
+def traced_doubler(num):
+ return num * 2
+def traced_caller_list_comprehension():
+ k = 10
+ mylist = [traced_doubler(i) for i in range(k)]
+ return mylist
+class TracedClass(object):
+ def __init__(self, x):
+ self.a = x
+ def inst_method_linear(self, y):
+ return self.a + y
+ def inst_method_calling(self, x):
+ c = self.inst_method_linear(x)
+ return c + traced_func_linear(x, c)
+ @classmethod
+ def class_method_linear(cls, y):
+ return y * 2
+ @staticmethod
+ def static_method_linear(y):
+ return y * 2
+#------------------------------ Test cases -----------------------------------#
+class TestLineCounts(unittest.TestCase):
+ """White-box testing of line-counting, via runfunc"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
+ self.my_py_filename = fix_ext_py(__file__)
+ def test_traced_func_linear(self):
+ result = self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_linear, 2, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(result, 7)
+ # all lines are executed once
+ expected = {}
+ firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_linear)
+ for i in range(1, 5):
+ expected[(self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + i)] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts, expected)
+ def test_traced_func_loop(self):
+ self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_loop, 2, 3)
+ firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
+ expected = {
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts, expected)
+ def test_traced_func_importing(self):
+ self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing, 2, 5)
+ firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_importing)
+ expected = {
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
+ (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 2): 1,
+ (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 3): 1,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts, expected)
+ def test_trace_func_generator(self):
+ self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_calling_generator)
+ firstlineno_calling = get_firstlineno(traced_func_calling_generator)
+ firstlineno_gen = get_firstlineno(traced_func_generator)
+ expected = {
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_calling + 1): 1,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_calling + 2): 11,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_calling + 3): 10,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_gen + 1): 1,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_gen + 2): 11,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_gen + 3): 10,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts, expected)
+ def test_trace_list_comprehension(self):
+ self.tracer.runfunc(traced_caller_list_comprehension)
+ firstlineno_calling = get_firstlineno(traced_caller_list_comprehension)
+ firstlineno_called = get_firstlineno(traced_doubler)
+ expected = {
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_calling + 1): 1,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_calling + 2): 11,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_calling + 3): 1,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno_called + 1): 10,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts, expected)
+ def test_linear_methods(self):
+ # XXX todo: later add 'static_method_linear' and 'class_method_linear'
+ # here, once issue1764286 is resolved
+ #
+ for methname in ['inst_method_linear',]:
+ tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
+ traced_obj = TracedClass(25)
+ method = getattr(traced_obj, methname)
+ tracer.runfunc(method, 20)
+ firstlineno = get_firstlineno(method)
+ expected = {
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(tracer.results().counts, expected)
+class TestRunExecCounts(unittest.TestCase):
+ """A simple sanity test of line-counting, via runctx (exec)"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.my_py_filename = fix_ext_py(__file__)
+ def test_exec_counts(self):
+ self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
+ code = r'''traced_func_loop(2, 5)'''
+ code = compile(code, __file__, 'exec')
+ self.tracer.runctx(code, globals(), vars())
+ firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
+ expected = {
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
+ (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,
+ }
+ # When used through 'run', some other spurios counts are produced, like
+ # the settrace of threading, which we ignore, just making sure that the
+ # counts fo traced_func_loop were right.
+ #
+ for k in expected.keys():
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts[k], expected[k])
+class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
+ """White-box testing of funcs tracing"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tracer = Trace(count=0, trace=0, countfuncs=1)
+ self.filemod = my_file_and_modname()
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ def test_simple_caller(self):
+ self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_simple_caller, 1)
+ expected = {
+ self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',): 1,
+ self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',): 1,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().calledfuncs, expected)
+ def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
+ self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)
+ expected = {
+ self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',): 1,
+ self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',): 1,
+ self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',): 1,
+ self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',): 1,
+ (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func'): 1,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().calledfuncs, expected)
+ def test_inst_method_calling(self):
+ obj = TracedClass(20)
+ self.tracer.runfunc(obj.inst_method_calling, 1)
+ expected = {
+ self.filemod + ('TracedClass.inst_method_calling',): 1,
+ self.filemod + ('TracedClass.inst_method_linear',): 1,
+ self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',): 1,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().calledfuncs, expected)
+class TestCallers(unittest.TestCase):
+ """White-box testing of callers tracing"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tracer = Trace(count=0, trace=0, countcallers=1)
+ self.filemod = my_file_and_modname()
+ def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
+ self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)
+ expected = {
+ ((os.path.splitext(trace.__file__)[0] + '.py', 'trace', 'Trace.runfunc'),
+ (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',))): 1,
+ ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',)),
+ (self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',))): 1,
+ ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
+ (self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',))): 1,
+ ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
+ (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',))): 1,
+ ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',)),
+ (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func')): 1,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().callers, expected)
+# Created separately for issue #3821
+class TestCoverage(unittest.TestCase):
+ def tearDown(self):
+ rmtree(TESTFN)
+ unlink(TESTFN)
+ def _coverage(self, tracer):
+'from test import test_pprint; test_pprint.test_main()')
+ r = tracer.results()
+ r.write_results(show_missing=True, summary=True, coverdir=TESTFN)
+ def test_coverage(self):
+ tracer = trace.Trace(trace=0, count=1)
+ with captured_stdout() as stdout:
+ self._coverage(tracer)
+ stdout = stdout.getvalue()
+ self.assertTrue("" in stdout)
+ self.assertTrue("" in stdout) # from unittest
+ files = os.listdir(TESTFN)
+ self.assertTrue("pprint.cover" in files)
+ self.assertTrue("" in files)
+ def test_coverage_ignore(self):
+ # Ignore all files, nothing should be traced nor printed
+ libpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.__file__))
+ # sys.prefix does not work when running from a checkout
+ tracer = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix, libpath],
+ trace=0, count=1)
+ with captured_stdout() as stdout:
+ self._coverage(tracer)
+ if os.path.exists(TESTFN):
+ files = os.listdir(TESTFN)
+ self.assertEquals(files, [])
+def test_main():
+ run_unittest(__name__)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_main()
diff --git a/Lib/test/tracedmodules/ b/Lib/test/tracedmodules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13fa4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/tracedmodules/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+"""This package contains modules that help testing the module. Note
+that the exact location of functions in these modules is important, as
+takes the real line numbers into account.
diff --git a/Lib/test/tracedmodules/ b/Lib/test/tracedmodules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4c25e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/tracedmodules/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+def func(x):
+ b = x + 1
+ return b + 2
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 43a5d33..7ec0cf6 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ import threading
import time
import token
import tokenize
-import types
+import inspect
import gc
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ def find_lines(code, strs):
# and check the constants for references to other code objects
for c in code.co_consts:
- if isinstance(c, types.CodeType):
+ if inspect.iscode(c):
# find another code object, so recurse into it
linenos.update(find_lines(c, strs))
return linenos
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ class Trace:
## use of gc.get_referrers() was suggested by Michael Hudson
# all functions which refer to this code object
funcs = [f for f in gc.get_referrers(code)
- if hasattr(f, "func_doc")]
+ if inspect.isfunction(f)]
# require len(func) == 1 to avoid ambiguity caused by calls to
# new.function(): "In the face of ambiguity, refuse the
# temptation to guess."
@@ -557,17 +557,13 @@ class Trace:
if hasattr(c, "__bases__")]
if len(classes) == 1:
# ditto for new.classobj()
- clsname = str(classes[0])
+ clsname = classes[0].__name__
# cache the result - assumption is that new.* is
# not called later to disturb this relationship
# _caller_cache could be flushed if functions in
# the new module get called.
self._caller_cache[code] = clsname
if clsname is not None:
- # final hack - module name shows up in str(cls), but we've already
- # computed module name, so remove it
- clsname = clsname.split(".")[1:]
- clsname = ".".join(clsname)
funcname = "%s.%s" % (clsname, funcname)
return filename, modulename, funcname