path: root/Lib
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authorSerhiy Storchaka <>2015-09-29 12:50:45 (GMT)
committerSerhiy Storchaka <>2015-09-29 12:50:45 (GMT)
commitcb764960c917ba9b91cb7dc3aebf4b642f62167d (patch)
tree6a0e3afbdf660daedbe6caf183b50d37eda31286 /Lib
parent104de66b76bef9ae466c739ac281852773c27d61 (diff)
parentb8b951f6ee349f6e808f67f0424e71d91802223b (diff)
Added additional unpickling tests.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 5585129..9a2b24b 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def create_dynamic_class(name, bases):
result.reduce_args = (name, bases)
return result
-# DATA0 .. DATA2 are the pickles we expect under the various protocols, for
+# DATA0 .. DATA4 are the pickles we expect under the various protocols, for
# the object returned by create_data().
DATA0 = (
@@ -401,22 +401,172 @@ DATA2_DIS = """\
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
+DATA3 = (
+ b'\x80\x03]q\x00(K\x00K\x01G@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00c'
+ b'builtins\ncomplex\nq\x01G'
+ b'@\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00G\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x86q\x02'
+ b'Rq\x03K\x01J\xff\xff\xff\xffK\xffJ\x01\xff\xff\xffJ\x00\xff'
+ b'\xff\xffM\xff\xffJ\x01\x00\xff\xffJ\x00\x00\xff\xffJ\xff\xff\xff\x7f'
+ b'J\x01\x00\x00\x80J\x00\x00\x00\x80(X\x03\x00\x00\x00abcq'
+ b'\x04h\x04c__main__\nC\nq\x05)\x81q'
+ b'\x06}q\x07(X\x03\x00\x00\x00barq\x08K\x02X\x03\x00'
+ b'\x00\x00fooq\tK\x01ubh\x06tq\nh\nK\x05'
+ b'e.'
+# Disassembly of DATA3
+DATA3_DIS = """\
+ 0: \x80 PROTO 3
+ 3: q BINPUT 0
+ 5: ( MARK
+ 6: K BININT1 0
+ 8: K BININT1 1
+ 10: G BINFLOAT 2.0
+ 19: c GLOBAL 'builtins complex'
+ 37: q BINPUT 1
+ 39: G BINFLOAT 3.0
+ 48: G BINFLOAT 0.0
+ 57: \x86 TUPLE2
+ 58: q BINPUT 2
+ 60: R REDUCE
+ 61: q BINPUT 3
+ 63: K BININT1 1
+ 65: J BININT -1
+ 70: K BININT1 255
+ 72: J BININT -255
+ 77: J BININT -256
+ 82: M BININT2 65535
+ 85: J BININT -65535
+ 90: J BININT -65536
+ 95: J BININT 2147483647
+ 100: J BININT -2147483647
+ 105: J BININT -2147483648
+ 110: ( MARK
+ 111: X BINUNICODE 'abc'
+ 119: q BINPUT 4
+ 121: h BINGET 4
+ 123: c GLOBAL '__main__ C'
+ 135: q BINPUT 5
+ 137: ) EMPTY_TUPLE
+ 138: \x81 NEWOBJ
+ 139: q BINPUT 6
+ 141: } EMPTY_DICT
+ 142: q BINPUT 7
+ 144: ( MARK
+ 145: X BINUNICODE 'bar'
+ 153: q BINPUT 8
+ 155: K BININT1 2
+ 157: X BINUNICODE 'foo'
+ 165: q BINPUT 9
+ 167: K BININT1 1
+ 169: u SETITEMS (MARK at 144)
+ 170: b BUILD
+ 171: h BINGET 6
+ 173: t TUPLE (MARK at 110)
+ 174: q BINPUT 10
+ 176: h BINGET 10
+ 178: K BININT1 5
+ 180: e APPENDS (MARK at 5)
+ 181: . STOP
+highest protocol among opcodes = 2
+DATA4 = (
+ b'\x80\x04\x95\xa8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00]\x94(K\x00K\x01G@'
+ b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c\x08builtins\x94\x8c\x07'
+ b'complex\x94\x93\x94G@\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00G'
+ b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x86\x94R\x94K\x01J\xff\xff\xff\xffK'
+ b'\xffJ\x01\xff\xff\xffJ\x00\xff\xff\xffM\xff\xffJ\x01\x00\xff\xffJ'
+ b'\x00\x00\xff\xffJ\xff\xff\xff\x7fJ\x01\x00\x00\x80J\x00\x00\x00\x80('
+ b'\x8c\x03abc\x94h\x06\x8c\x08__main__\x94\x8c'
+ b'\x01C\x94\x93\x94)\x81\x94}\x94(\x8c\x03bar\x94K\x02\x8c'
+ b'\x03foo\x94K\x01ubh\nt\x94h\x0eK\x05e.'
+# Disassembly of DATA4
+DATA4_DIS = """\
+ 0: \x80 PROTO 4
+ 2: \x95 FRAME 168
+ 11: ] EMPTY_LIST
+ 12: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 13: ( MARK
+ 14: K BININT1 0
+ 16: K BININT1 1
+ 18: G BINFLOAT 2.0
+ 27: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'builtins'
+ 37: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 38: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'complex'
+ 47: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 48: \x93 STACK_GLOBAL
+ 49: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 50: G BINFLOAT 3.0
+ 59: G BINFLOAT 0.0
+ 68: \x86 TUPLE2
+ 69: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 70: R REDUCE
+ 71: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 72: K BININT1 1
+ 74: J BININT -1
+ 79: K BININT1 255
+ 81: J BININT -255
+ 86: J BININT -256
+ 91: M BININT2 65535
+ 94: J BININT -65535
+ 99: J BININT -65536
+ 104: J BININT 2147483647
+ 109: J BININT -2147483647
+ 114: J BININT -2147483648
+ 119: ( MARK
+ 120: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'abc'
+ 125: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 126: h BINGET 6
+ 128: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE '__main__'
+ 138: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 139: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'C'
+ 142: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 143: \x93 STACK_GLOBAL
+ 144: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 145: ) EMPTY_TUPLE
+ 146: \x81 NEWOBJ
+ 147: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 148: } EMPTY_DICT
+ 149: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 150: ( MARK
+ 151: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'bar'
+ 156: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 157: K BININT1 2
+ 159: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'foo'
+ 164: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 165: K BININT1 1
+ 167: u SETITEMS (MARK at 150)
+ 168: b BUILD
+ 169: h BINGET 10
+ 171: t TUPLE (MARK at 119)
+ 172: \x94 MEMOIZE
+ 173: h BINGET 14
+ 175: K BININT1 5
+ 177: e APPENDS (MARK at 13)
+ 178: . STOP
+highest protocol among opcodes = 4
# set([1,2]) pickled from 2.x with protocol 2
-DATA3 = b'\x80\x02c__builtin__\nset\nq\x00]q\x01(K\x01K\x02e\x85q\x02Rq\x03.'
+DATA_SET = b'\x80\x02c__builtin__\nset\nq\x00]q\x01(K\x01K\x02e\x85q\x02Rq\x03.'
# xrange(5) pickled from 2.x with protocol 2
-DATA4 = b'\x80\x02c__builtin__\nxrange\nq\x00K\x00K\x05K\x01\x87q\x01Rq\x02.'
+DATA_XRANGE = b'\x80\x02c__builtin__\nxrange\nq\x00K\x00K\x05K\x01\x87q\x01Rq\x02.'
# a SimpleCookie() object pickled from 2.x with protocol 2
-DATA5 = (b'\x80\x02cCookie\nSimpleCookie\nq\x00)\x81q\x01U\x03key'
- b'q\x02cCookie\nMorsel\nq\x03)\x81q\x04(U\x07commentq\x05U'
- b'\x00q\x06U\x06domainq\x07h\x06U\x06secureq\x08h\x06U\x07'
- b'expiresq\th\x06U\x07max-ageq\nh\x06U\x07versionq\x0bh\x06U'
- b'\x04pathq\x0ch\x06U\x08httponlyq\rh\x06u}q\x0e(U\x0b'
- b'coded_valueq\x0fU\x05valueq\x10h\x10h\x10h\x02h\x02ubs}q\x11b.')
+DATA_COOKIE = (b'\x80\x02cCookie\nSimpleCookie\nq\x00)\x81q\x01U\x03key'
+ b'q\x02cCookie\nMorsel\nq\x03)\x81q\x04(U\x07commentq\x05U'
+ b'\x00q\x06U\x06domainq\x07h\x06U\x06secureq\x08h\x06U\x07'
+ b'expiresq\th\x06U\x07max-ageq\nh\x06U\x07versionq\x0bh\x06U'
+ b'\x04pathq\x0ch\x06U\x08httponlyq\rh\x06u}q\x0e(U\x0b'
+ b'coded_valueq\x0fU\x05valueq\x10h\x10h\x10h\x02h\x02ubs}q\x11b.')
# set([3]) pickled from 2.x with protocol 2
-DATA6 = b'\x80\x02c__builtin__\nset\nq\x00]q\x01K\x03a\x85q\x02Rq\x03.'
+DATA_SET2 = b'\x80\x02c__builtin__\nset\nq\x00]q\x01K\x03a\x85q\x02Rq\x03.'
python2_exceptions_without_args = (
@@ -468,20 +618,10 @@ python2_exceptions_without_args = (
exception_pickle = b'\x80\x02cexceptions\n?\nq\x00)Rq\x01.'
-# Exception objects without arguments pickled from 2.x with protocol 2
-DATA7 = {
- exception :
- exception_pickle.replace(b'?', exception.__name__.encode("ascii"))
- for exception in python2_exceptions_without_args
-# StandardError is mapped to Exception, test that separately
-DATA8 = exception_pickle.replace(b'?', b'StandardError')
# UnicodeEncodeError object pickled from 2.x with protocol 2
-DATA9 = (b'\x80\x02cexceptions\nUnicodeEncodeError\n'
- b'q\x00(U\x05asciiq\x01X\x03\x00\x00\x00fooq\x02K\x00K\x01'
- b'U\x03badq\x03tq\x04Rq\x05.')
+DATA_UEERR = (b'\x80\x02cexceptions\nUnicodeEncodeError\n'
+ b'q\x00(U\x05asciiq\x01X\x03\x00\x00\x00fooq\x02K\x00K\x01'
+ b'U\x03badq\x03tq\x04Rq\x05.')
def create_data():
@@ -537,6 +677,12 @@ class AbstractUnpickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_load_from_data2(self):
self.assert_is_copy(self._testdata, self.loads(DATA2))
+ def test_load_from_data3(self):
+ self.assert_is_copy(self._testdata, self.loads(DATA3))
+ def test_load_from_data4(self):
+ self.assert_is_copy(self._testdata, self.loads(DATA4))
def test_load_classic_instance(self):
# See issue5180. Test loading 2.x pickles that
# contain an instance of old style class.
@@ -594,11 +740,6 @@ class AbstractUnpickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
b'q\x00oq\x01}q\x02b.').replace(b'X', xname)
self.assert_is_copy(X(*args), self.loads(pickle2))
- def test_get(self):
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.loads, b'g0\np0')
- self.assert_is_copy([(100,), (100,)],
- self.loads(b'((Kdtp0\nh\x00l.))'))
def test_maxint64(self):
maxint64 = (1 << 63) - 1
data = b'I' + str(maxint64).encode("ascii") + b'\n.'
@@ -616,24 +757,27 @@ class AbstractUnpickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_unpickle_from_2x(self):
# Unpickle non-trivial data from Python 2.x.
- loaded = self.loads(DATA3)
+ loaded = self.loads(DATA_SET)
self.assertEqual(loaded, set([1, 2]))
- loaded = self.loads(DATA4)
+ loaded = self.loads(DATA_XRANGE)
self.assertEqual(type(loaded), type(range(0)))
self.assertEqual(list(loaded), list(range(5)))
- loaded = self.loads(DATA5)
+ loaded = self.loads(DATA_COOKIE)
self.assertEqual(type(loaded), SimpleCookie)
self.assertEqual(list(loaded.keys()), ["key"])
self.assertEqual(loaded["key"].value, "value")
- for (exc, data) in DATA7.items():
+ # Exception objects without arguments pickled from 2.x with protocol 2
+ for exc in python2_exceptions_without_args:
+ data = exception_pickle.replace(b'?', exc.__name__.encode("ascii"))
loaded = self.loads(data)
self.assertIs(type(loaded), exc)
- loaded = self.loads(DATA8)
+ # StandardError is mapped to Exception, test that separately
+ loaded = self.loads(exception_pickle.replace(b'?', b'StandardError'))
self.assertIs(type(loaded), Exception)
- loaded = self.loads(DATA9)
+ loaded = self.loads(DATA_UEERR)
self.assertIs(type(loaded), UnicodeEncodeError)
self.assertEqual(loaded.object, "foo")
self.assertEqual(loaded.encoding, "ascii")
@@ -670,11 +814,26 @@ class AbstractUnpickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
b'x' * 300 + pickle.STOP,
encoding='bytes'), b'x' * 300)
+ def test_constants(self):
+ self.assertIsNone(self.loads(b'N.'))
+ self.assertIs(self.loads(b'\x88.'), True)
+ self.assertIs(self.loads(b'\x89.'), False)
+ self.assertIs(self.loads(b'I01\n.'), True)
+ self.assertIs(self.loads(b'I00\n.'), False)
def test_empty_bytestring(self):
# issue 11286
empty = self.loads(b'\x80\x03U\x00q\x00.', encoding='koi8-r')
self.assertEqual(empty, '')
+ def test_short_binbytes(self):
+ dumped = b'\x80\x03C\x04\xe2\x82\xac\x00.'
+ self.assertEqual(self.loads(dumped), b'\xe2\x82\xac\x00')
+ def test_binbytes(self):
+ dumped = b'\x80\x03B\x04\x00\x00\x00\xe2\x82\xac\x00.'
+ self.assertEqual(self.loads(dumped), b'\xe2\x82\xac\x00')
def test_negative_32b_binbytes(self):
# On 32-bit builds, a BINBYTES of 2**31 or more is refused
@@ -689,6 +848,39 @@ class AbstractUnpickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises((pickle.UnpicklingError, OverflowError)):
+ def test_short_binunicode(self):
+ dumped = b'\x80\x04\x8c\x04\xe2\x82\xac\x00.'
+ self.assertEqual(self.loads(dumped), '\u20ac\x00')
+ def test_misc_get(self):
+ self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.loads, b'g0\np0')
+ self.assert_is_copy([(100,), (100,)],
+ self.loads(b'((Kdtp0\nh\x00l.))'))
+ def test_get(self):
+ pickled = b'((lp100000\ng100000\nt.'
+ unpickled = self.loads(pickled)
+ self.assertEqual(unpickled, ([],)*2)
+ self.assertIs(unpickled[0], unpickled[1])
+ def test_binget(self):
+ pickled = b'(]q\xffh\xfft.'
+ unpickled = self.loads(pickled)
+ self.assertEqual(unpickled, ([],)*2)
+ self.assertIs(unpickled[0], unpickled[1])
+ def test_long_binget(self):
+ pickled = b'(]r\x00\x00\x01\x00j\x00\x00\x01\x00t.'
+ unpickled = self.loads(pickled)
+ self.assertEqual(unpickled, ([],)*2)
+ self.assertIs(unpickled[0], unpickled[1])
+ def test_dup(self):
+ pickled = b'((l2t.'
+ unpickled = self.loads(pickled)
+ self.assertEqual(unpickled, ([],)*2)
+ self.assertIs(unpickled[0], unpickled[1])
def test_negative_put(self):
# Issue #12847
dumped = b'Va\np-1\n.'
@@ -1501,9 +1693,9 @@ class AbstractPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
# NOTE: this test is a bit too strong since we can produce different
# bytecode that 2.x will still understand.
dumped = self.dumps(range(5), 2)
- self.assertEqual(dumped, DATA4)
+ self.assertEqual(dumped, DATA_XRANGE)
dumped = self.dumps(set([3]), 2)
- self.assertEqual(dumped, DATA6)
+ self.assertEqual(dumped, DATA_SET2)
def test_large_pickles(self):
# Test the correctness of internal buffering routines when handling
@@ -2398,7 +2590,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Print some stuff that can be used to rewrite DATA{0,1,2}
from pickletools import dis
x = create_data()
- for i in range(3):
+ for i in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL+1):
p = pickle.dumps(x, i)
print("DATA{0} = (".format(i))
for j in range(0, len(p), 20):