path: root/Mac/Modules/cg/_CGmodule.c
diff options
authorJack Jansen <>2002-08-16 09:09:31 (GMT)
committerJack Jansen <>2002-08-16 09:09:31 (GMT)
commit49931887d7e135190fbcf0119e03419a7101ff7c (patch)
treec32d8d0ddf92ede69e1430361e0434d81de50318 /Mac/Modules/cg/_CGmodule.c
parent44b99e0a1f6166ea05e7327c56dda601e017d401 (diff)
Regenerated with PyDoc_STR() around docstrings.
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Modules/cg/_CGmodule.c')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/cg/_CGmodule.c b/Mac/Modules/cg/_CGmodule.c
index 69bd77c..069889a 100755
--- a/Mac/Modules/cg/_CGmodule.c
+++ b/Mac/Modules/cg/_CGmodule.c
@@ -1148,121 +1148,121 @@ static PyObject *CGContextRefObj_ClipCGContextToRegion(CGContextRefObject *_self
static PyMethodDef CGContextRefObj_methods[] = {
{"CGContextSaveGState", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSaveGState, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextRestoreGState", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextRestoreGState, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextScaleCTM", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextScaleCTM, 1,
- "(float sx, float sy) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float sx, float sy) -> None")},
{"CGContextTranslateCTM", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextTranslateCTM, 1,
- "(float tx, float ty) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float tx, float ty) -> None")},
{"CGContextRotateCTM", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextRotateCTM, 1,
- "(float angle) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float angle) -> None")},
{"CGContextConcatCTM", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextConcatCTM, 1,
- "(CGAffineTransform transform) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGAffineTransform transform) -> None")},
{"CGContextGetCTM", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextGetCTM, 1,
- "() -> (CGAffineTransform _rv)"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (CGAffineTransform _rv)")},
{"CGContextSetLineWidth", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetLineWidth, 1,
- "(float width) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float width) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetLineCap", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetLineCap, 1,
- "(int cap) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(int cap) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetLineJoin", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetLineJoin, 1,
- "(int join) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(int join) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetMiterLimit", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetMiterLimit, 1,
- "(float limit) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float limit) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetFlatness", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetFlatness, 1,
- "(float flatness) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float flatness) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetAlpha", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetAlpha, 1,
- "(float alpha) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float alpha) -> None")},
{"CGContextBeginPath", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextBeginPath, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextMoveToPoint", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextMoveToPoint, 1,
- "(float x, float y) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float x, float y) -> None")},
{"CGContextAddLineToPoint", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextAddLineToPoint, 1,
- "(float x, float y) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float x, float y) -> None")},
{"CGContextAddCurveToPoint", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextAddCurveToPoint, 1,
- "(float cp1x, float cp1y, float cp2x, float cp2y, float x, float y) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float cp1x, float cp1y, float cp2x, float cp2y, float x, float y) -> None")},
{"CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint, 1,
- "(float cpx, float cpy, float x, float y) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float cpx, float cpy, float x, float y) -> None")},
{"CGContextClosePath", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextClosePath, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextAddRect", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextAddRect, 1,
- "(CGRect rect) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGRect rect) -> None")},
{"CGContextAddArc", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextAddArc, 1,
- "(float x, float y, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int clockwise) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float x, float y, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int clockwise) -> None")},
{"CGContextAddArcToPoint", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextAddArcToPoint, 1,
- "(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius) -> None")},
{"CGContextIsPathEmpty", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextIsPathEmpty, 1,
- "() -> (int _rv)"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (int _rv)")},
{"CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint, 1,
- "() -> (CGPoint _rv)"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (CGPoint _rv)")},
{"CGContextGetPathBoundingBox", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextGetPathBoundingBox, 1,
- "() -> (CGRect _rv)"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (CGRect _rv)")},
{"CGContextDrawPath", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextDrawPath, 1,
- "(int mode) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(int mode) -> None")},
{"CGContextFillPath", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextFillPath, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextEOFillPath", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextEOFillPath, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextStrokePath", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextStrokePath, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextFillRect", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextFillRect, 1,
- "(CGRect rect) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGRect rect) -> None")},
{"CGContextStrokeRect", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextStrokeRect, 1,
- "(CGRect rect) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGRect rect) -> None")},
{"CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth, 1,
- "(CGRect rect, float width) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGRect rect, float width) -> None")},
{"CGContextClearRect", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextClearRect, 1,
- "(CGRect rect) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGRect rect) -> None")},
{"CGContextClip", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextClip, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextEOClip", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextEOClip, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextClipToRect", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextClipToRect, 1,
- "(CGRect rect) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGRect rect) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetGrayFillColor", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetGrayFillColor, 1,
- "(float gray, float alpha) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float gray, float alpha) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor, 1,
- "(float gray, float alpha) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float gray, float alpha) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetRGBFillColor", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetRGBFillColor, 1,
- "(float r, float g, float b, float alpha) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float r, float g, float b, float alpha) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor, 1,
- "(float r, float g, float b, float alpha) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float r, float g, float b, float alpha) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetCMYKFillColor", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetCMYKFillColor, 1,
- "(float c, float m, float y, float k, float alpha) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float c, float m, float y, float k, float alpha) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetCMYKStrokeColor", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetCMYKStrokeColor, 1,
- "(float c, float m, float y, float k, float alpha) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float c, float m, float y, float k, float alpha) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetCharacterSpacing", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetCharacterSpacing, 1,
- "(float spacing) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float spacing) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetTextPosition", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetTextPosition, 1,
- "(float x, float y) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float x, float y) -> None")},
{"CGContextGetTextPosition", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextGetTextPosition, 1,
- "() -> (CGPoint _rv)"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (CGPoint _rv)")},
{"CGContextSetTextMatrix", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetTextMatrix, 1,
- "(CGAffineTransform transform) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGAffineTransform transform) -> None")},
{"CGContextGetTextMatrix", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextGetTextMatrix, 1,
- "() -> (CGAffineTransform _rv)"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (CGAffineTransform _rv)")},
{"CGContextSetTextDrawingMode", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetTextDrawingMode, 1,
- "(int mode) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(int mode) -> None")},
{"CGContextSetFontSize", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetFontSize, 1,
- "(float size) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float size) -> None")},
{"CGContextSelectFont", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSelectFont, 1,
- "(char * name, float size, int textEncoding) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(char * name, float size, int textEncoding) -> None")},
{"CGContextShowText", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextShowText, 1,
- "(Buffer cstring) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(Buffer cstring) -> None")},
{"CGContextShowTextAtPoint", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextShowTextAtPoint, 1,
- "(float x, float y, Buffer cstring) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(float x, float y, Buffer cstring) -> None")},
{"CGContextEndPage", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextEndPage, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextFlush", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextFlush, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextSynchronize", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSynchronize, 1,
- "() -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
{"CGContextSetShouldAntialias", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_CGContextSetShouldAntialias, 1,
- "(int shouldAntialias) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(int shouldAntialias) -> None")},
{"SyncCGContextOriginWithPort", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_SyncCGContextOriginWithPort, 1,
- "(CGrafPtr port) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGrafPtr port) -> None")},
{"ClipCGContextToRegion", (PyCFunction)CGContextRefObj_ClipCGContextToRegion, 1,
- "(Rect portRect, RgnHandle region) -> None"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(Rect portRect, RgnHandle region) -> None")},
@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ static PyObject *CG_CreateCGContextForPort(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
static PyMethodDef CG_methods[] = {
{"CreateCGContextForPort", (PyCFunction)CG_CreateCGContextForPort, 1,
- "(CGrafPtr) -> CGContextRef"},
+ PyDoc_STR("(CGrafPtr) -> CGContextRef")},