path: root/Mac/Tools/macfreeze/
diff options
authorJack Jansen <>1998-06-26 14:56:00 (GMT)
committerJack Jansen <>1998-06-26 14:56:00 (GMT)
commit144fa678d28492b5544b6a31d947b3cd1a2e5ef9 (patch)
treebed5ac957f360dd4622a49d3295c3ce5a8c0e4b2 /Mac/Tools/macfreeze/
parentfa68b07526082bfcece1c5a17ef63e46fc7cb82b (diff)
Mac version of freeze. Uses standard freeze modules where it can,
augmenting them here and there. For now, it works more-or-less similar to unix/windows freeze, generating a config.c file, but storing modules in PYC resources. A template project is also copied. The hooks are in place to freeze by merging shared libraries so you can freeze without a C compiler/linker, but this does not work yet.
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Tools/macfreeze/')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/macfreeze/ b/Mac/Tools/macfreeze/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad0739e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/macfreeze/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+"""macgen_info - Generate CodeWarrior project, config source, resource file"""
+import EasyDialogs
+import os
+import sys
+import macfs
+import MacOS
+import macostools
+import macgen_rsrc
+# Note: this depends on being frozen, or on sys.path already being
+# modified by macmodulefinder.
+import makeconfig
+TEMPLATEDIR=os.path.join(sys.prefix, ':Mac:mwerks:projects:build.macfreeze')
+PROJECT_TEMPLATE=os.path.join(TEMPLATEDIR, ':frozen.prj')
+CONFIG_TEMPLATE=os.path.join(TEMPLATEDIR, ':templatefrozenconfig.c')
+BUNDLE_TEMPLATE=os.path.join(TEMPLATEDIR, ':frozenbundle.rsrc')
+def generate(output, module_dict, debug=0):
+ problems = 0
+ output_created=0
+ if not os.path.exists(output):
+ print 'Creating project folder', output
+ os.mkdir(output)
+ output_created = 1
+ # Resolve aliases, if needed
+ try:
+ fss, dummy1, dummy2 = macfs.ResolveAliasFile(output)
+ except macfs.error:
+ pass
+ else:
+ newname = fss.as_pathname()
+ if newname != output:
+ if debug:
+ print 'Alias', output
+ print 'Resolved to', newname
+ output = newname
+ # Construct the filenames
+ dummy, outfile = os.path.split(output)
+ build, ext = os.path.splitext(outfile)
+ if build == 'build' and ext[0] == '.':
+ # This is probably a good name for the project
+ projname = ext[1:]
+ else:
+ projname = 'frozenapplet.prj'
+ config_name = os.path.join(output, ':macfrozenconfig.c')
+ project_name = os.path.join(output, ':' + projname + '.prj')
+ resource_name = os.path.join(output, ':frozenmodules.rsrc')
+ bundle_name = os.path.join(output, ':frozenbundle.rsrc')
+ # Fill the output folder, if needed.
+ if output_created:
+ # Create the project, if needed
+ if not os.path.exists(project_name):
+ print 'Creating project', project_name
+ if not os.path.exists(PROJECT_TEMPLATE):
+ print '** No template CodeWarrior project found at', PROJECT_TEMPLATE
+ print ' To generate standalone Python applications from source you need'
+ print ' a full source distribution. Check'
+ print ' for details.'
+ problems = 1
+ else:
+ macostools.copy(PROJECT_TEMPLATE, project_name)
+ print 'A template CodeWarrior project has been copied to', project_name
+ print 'It is up to you to make the following changes:'
+ print '- Change the output file name'
+ print '- Change the search path, unless the folder is in the python home'
+ print '- Add sourcefiles/libraries for any extension modules used'
+ print '- Remove unused sources, to speed up the build process'
+ print '- Remove unused resource files (like tcl/tk) for a smaller binary'
+ problems = 1
+ macostools.copy(BUNDLE_TEMPLATE, bundle_name)
+ print 'A template bundle file has also been copied to', bundle_name
+ print 'You may want to adapt signature, size resource, etc'
+ # Create the resource file
+ macgen_rsrc.generate(resource_name, module_dict, debug=debug)
+ # Create the config.c file
+ if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_TEMPLATE):
+ print '** No template config.c found at', PROJECT_TEMPLATE
+ print ' To generate standalone Python applications from source you need'
+ print ' a full source distribution. Check'
+ print ' for details.'
+ problems = 1
+ else:
+ # Find elegible modules (builtins and dynamically loaded modules)
+ c_modules = []
+ for module in module_dict.keys():
+ if module_dict[module].gettype() in ('builtin', 'dynamic'):
+ c_modules.append(module)
+ ifp = open(CONFIG_TEMPLATE)
+ ofp = open(config_name, 'w')
+ makeconfig.makeconfig(ifp, ofp, c_modules)
+ ifp.close()
+ ofp.close()
+ MacOS.SetCreatorAndType(config_name, 'CWIE', 'TEXT')
+ if warnings(module_dict):
+ problems = 1
+ return problems
+def warnings(module_dict):
+ problems = 0
+ for name, module in module_dict.items():
+ if module.gettype() not in ('builtin', 'module', 'dynamic'):
+ problems = problems + 1
+ print 'Warning: %s not included: %s %s'%(name, module.gettype(), module)
+ return problems