path: root/Mac/Tools/twit/
diff options
authorJack Jansen <>1996-09-24 15:35:50 (GMT)
committerJack Jansen <>1996-09-24 15:35:50 (GMT)
commit4892ab7f79dbd7a0ee19afa83944be5f3f5b0507 (patch)
tree7c00da4abdfe4f10013d57b6216f24da7f0824a6 /Mac/Tools/twit/
parentf5b31c94a29674d1ca7d7f9c86cc91d16f060952 (diff)
The Window Independent Tracer (which will probably move elsewhere once
it is truly window-independent:-)
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Tools/twit/')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..370a1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+from FrameWork import *
+import Win
+import Qd
+import Controls
+import Ctl
+import TE
+import List
+import os
+import string
+import macfs
+TEXTWIDTH=4096 # More-or-less random value
+class MT_TextWidget:
+ def __init__(self, wid, r):
+ self.wid = wid
+ self.rect = r
+ left, top, right, bottom = r
+ self.terect = left+MARGIN+ICONSIZE, top+MARGIN, \
+ dr = self.terect[0], self.terect[1], TEXTWIDTH, self.terect[3]
+ Qd.SetPort(wid)
+ Qd.TextFont(4)
+ Qd.TextSize(9)
+ self.ted = TE.TENew(dr, self.terect)
+ self.ted.TEAutoView(1)
+ self.activate(1)
+ rect = right-SCROLLBAR, top, right, bottom-SCROLLBAR+1
+ self.bary = Ctl.NewControl(self.wid, rect, "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0)
+ rect = left, bottom-SCROLLBAR, right-SCROLLBAR+1, bottom
+ self.barx = Ctl.NewControl(self.wid, rect, "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0)
+ self.have_data = 0
+ self.line_index = []
+ def close(self):
+ del self.barx
+ del self.bary
+ del self.ted
+ def scrollbars(self):
+ pass
+ def setcontent(self, file):
+ self.line_index = []
+ if file == None:
+ data = ''
+ self.have_data = 0
+ else:
+ try:
+ fp = open(file, 'rb') # NOTE the binary
+ data =
+ self.have_data = 1
+ except IOError, arg:
+ data = 'Cannot open file:\r'+`arg`
+ self.have_data = 0
+ if len(data) > 32767:
+ self.have_data = 0
+ data = 'File too big'
+ self.ted.TESetText(data)
+ if self.have_data:
+ cur = 0
+ while 1:
+ self.line_index.append(cur)
+ try:
+ cur = string.index(data, '\r', cur+1)
+ except ValueError:
+ break
+ self.line_index.append(len(data))
+ Win.InvalRect(self.rect)
+ self.ted.TESetSelect(0,0)
+ self.ted.TECalText()
+ self.ted.TESelView()
+ self.setscrollbars()
+ def setscrollbars(self):
+ docleft, doctop, docright, docbot = self.ted.destRect
+ winleft, wintop, winright, winbot = self.ted.viewRect
+ docbot = self.ted.nLines*self.ted.lineHeight + doctop
+ self.setbar(self.barx, docleft, docright, winleft, winright)
+ self.setbar(self.bary, doctop, docbot, wintop, winbot)
+ def setbar(self, bar, minmin, maxmax, curmin, curmax):
+ if maxmax-minmin > 32767 or (curmin <= minmin and curmax >= maxmax):
+ bar.SetControlMinimum(0)
+ bar.SetControlMaximum(0)
+ bar.SetControlValue(0)
+ return
+ bar.SetControlMinimum(minmin)
+ bar.SetControlMaximum(maxmax-(curmax-curmin))
+ bar.SetControlValue(curmin)
+ def update(self, rgn):
+ Qd.EraseRect(self.terect)
+ Qd.FrameRect(self.rect)
+ self.ted.TEUpdate(self.terect)
+ def activate(self, onoff):
+ if onoff:
+ self.ted.TEActivate()
+ else:
+ self.ted.TEDeactivate()
+ def select(self, line):
+ if line == None or line <= 0 or not self.have_data:
+ self.ted.TESetSelect(0,0)
+ else:
+ line = line - 1
+ if line > len(self.line_index)-1: line = len(self.line_index)-1
+ if line == 1:
+ self.ted.TESetSelect(0, self.line_index[1])
+ else:
+ self.ted.TESetSelect(self.line_index[line]+1, self.line_index[line+1])
+ self.setscrollbars()
+ def click(self, where, modifiers):
+ # First check scrollbars
+ ctltype, control = Ctl.FindControl(where, self.wid)
+ if ctltype and control:
+ partcode = control.TrackControl(where)
+ if partcode:
+ self.controlhit(control, partcode)
+ return None, 0
+ off = self.ted.TEGetOffset(where)
+ inborder = where[0] < self.terect[0]
+ return self.offsettoline(off), inborder
+ def offsettoline(self, offset):
+ for i in range(len(self.line_index)):
+ if offset < self.line_index[i]:
+ return i # Not i-1: 1-based line numbers in files
+ return None
+ def controlhit(self, control, partcode):
+ if partcode <> Controls.inThumb:
+ if control == self.barx:
+ if partcode == Controls.inUpButton:
+ delta = -10
+ if partcode == Controls.inDownButton:
+ delta = 10
+ if partcode == Controls.inPageUp:
+ delta = 10-(self.terect[2]-self.terect[0])
+ if partcode == Controls.inPageDown:
+ delta = (self.terect[2]-self.terect[0])-10
+ old = control.GetControlValue()
+ control.SetControlValue(old+delta)
+ if control == self.bary:
+ if partcode == Controls.inUpButton:
+ delta = -self.ted.lineHeight
+ if partcode == Controls.inDownButton:
+ delta = self.ted.lineHeight
+ if partcode == Controls.inPageUp:
+ delta = self.ted.lineHeight-(self.terect[3]-self.terect[1])
+ if partcode == Controls.inPageDown:
+ delta = (self.terect[3]-self.terect[1])-self.ted.lineHeight
+ old = control.GetControlValue()
+ control.SetControlValue(old+delta)
+ newx = self.barx.GetControlValue()
+ newy = self.bary.GetControlValue()
+ oldx = self.ted.viewRect[0]
+ oldy = self.ted.viewRect[1]
+ self.ted.TEPinScroll(oldx-newx, oldy-newy)
+ self.setscrollbars() # XXXX Bibbert, maar hoe anders?
+class MT_IconTextWidget(MT_TextWidget):
+ def __init__(self, wid, r):
+ MT_TextWidget.__init__(self, wid, r)
+ self.breakpointlist = []
+ self.curline = None
+ self.iconrect = (self.rect[0]+1, self.rect[1]+1,
+ self.terect[0]-1, self.terect[3]-1)
+ self.curlinerange = (self.terect[1]+self.ted.lineHeight,
+ self.terect[3]-2*self.ted.lineHeight)
+ def setbreaks(self, list):
+ self.breakpointlist = list[:]
+ Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+ Win.InvalRect(self.iconrect)
+ def setcurline(self, line):
+ self.curline = line
+ Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+ self.showline(line)
+ def showline(self, line):
+ if line <= 0: line = 1
+ if line >= len(self.line_index): line = len(self.line_index)-1
+ if line < 0: return
+ off = self.line_index[line]
+ x, y = self.ted.TEGetPoint(off)
+ if self.curlinerange[0] <= y <= self.curlinerange[1]:
+ return # It is in view
+ middle = (self.curlinerange[0]+self.curlinerange[1])/2
+ self.ted.TEPinScroll(0, middle-y) # Of andersom?
+ self.setscrollbars()
+ def setscrollbars(self):
+ MT_TextWidget.setscrollbars(self)
+ Win.InvalRect(self.iconrect)
+ def update(self, rgn):
+ MT_TextWidget.update(self, rgn)
+ self.drawallicons()
+ def drawallicons(self):
+ Qd.EraseRect(self.iconrect)
+ Qd.MoveTo(self.iconrect[2], self.iconrect[1])
+ Qd.LineTo(self.iconrect[2], self.iconrect[3])
+ topoffset = self.ted.TEGetOffset((self.terect[0], self.terect[1]))
+ botoffset = self.ted.TEGetOffset((self.terect[0], self.terect[3]))
+ topline = self.offsettoline(topoffset)
+ botline = self.offsettoline(botoffset)
+ if topline == None: topline = 1 # ???
+ if botline == None: botline = len(self.line_index)
+ for i in self.breakpointlist:
+ if topline <= i <= botline:
+ self.draw1icon(i, PIC_BREAK)
+ if self.curline <> None and topline <= self.curline <= botline:
+ self.draw1icon(self.curline, PIC_CURRENT)
+ def draw1icon(self, line, which):
+ offset = self.line_index[line]
+ botx, boty = self.ted.TEGetPoint(offset)
+ rect = self.rect[0]+2, boty-self.ted.lineHeight, \
+ self.rect[0]+ICONSIZE-2, boty
+ if not picture_cache.has_key(which):
+ print 'Get picture', which
+ picture_cache[which] = Qd.GetPicture(which)
+ self.drawicon(rect, picture_cache[which])
+ def drawicon(self, rect, which):
+ Qd.DrawPicture(which, rect)
+class MT_IndexList:
+ def __init__(self, wid, rect, width):
+ # wid is the window (dialog) where our list is going to be in
+ # rect is it's item rectangle (as in dialog item)
+ self.rect = rect
+ rect2 = rect[0]+1, rect[1]+1, rect[2]-16, rect[3]-1
+ self.list = List.LNew(rect2, (0, 0, width, 0), (0,0), 0, wid,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1)
+ self.wid = wid
+ self.width = width
+ def setcontent(self, *content):
+ self.list.LDelRow(0, 1)
+ self.list.LSetDrawingMode(0)
+ self.list.LAddRow(len(content[0]), 0)
+ for x in range(len(content)):
+ column = content[x]
+ for y in range(len(column)):
+ self.list.LSetCell(column[y], (x, y))
+ self.list.LSetDrawingMode(1)
+ Win.InvalRect(self.rect)
+ def deselectall(self):
+ while 1:
+ ok, pt = self.list.LGetSelect(1, (0,0))
+ if not ok: return
+ self.list.LSetSelect(0, pt)
+ def select(self, num):
+ self.deselectall()
+ if num < 0:
+ return
+ for i in range(self.width):
+ self.list.LSetSelect(1, (i, num))
+ def click(self, where, modifiers):
+ is_double = self.list.LClick(where, modifiers)
+ ok, (x, y) = self.list.LGetSelect(1, (0, 0))
+ if ok:
+ return y, is_double
+ else:
+ return None, is_double
+ # draw a frame around the list, List Manager doesn't do that
+ def drawframe(self):
+ Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+ Qd.FrameRect(self.rect)
+ def update(self, rgn):
+ self.drawframe()
+ self.list.LUpdate(rgn)
+ def activate(self, onoff):
+ self.list.LActivate(onoff)
+class MT_AnyList(MT_IndexList):
+ def click(self, where, modifiers):
+ is_double = self.list.LClick(where, modifiers)
+ ok, (x, y) = self.list.LGetSelect(1, (0, 0))
+ if ok:
+ field0 = self.list.LGetCell(1000,(0,y))
+ else:
+ field0 = None
+ return field0, is_double