path: root/Mac
diff options
authorJack Jansen <>2002-08-22 23:31:37 (GMT)
committerJack Jansen <>2002-08-22 23:31:37 (GMT)
commitd59f8d0691aff6649c70bfc764f7edce8d5f105c (patch)
tree308b621325a5dd2793d80a95e728fb6b6f035676 /Mac
parentf34a8bced262ad63564336de128c32b72eefec44 (diff)
Interface to Apple Help Manager.
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac')
3 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/ah/_AHmodule.c b/Mac/Modules/ah/_AHmodule.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7543e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Modules/ah/_AHmodule.c
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/* =========================== Module _AH =========================== */
+#include "Python.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "pywintoolbox.h"
+#include "macglue.h"
+#include "pymactoolbox.h"
+/* Macro to test whether a weak-loaded CFM function exists */
+#define PyMac_PRECHECK(rtn) do { if ( &rtn == NULL ) {\
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, \
+ "Not available in this shared library/OS version"); \
+ return NULL; \
+ }} while(0)
+#include <AppleHelp.h>
+#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
+static PyObject *Ah_Error;
+static PyObject *Ah_AHSearch(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+ CFStringRef bookname;
+ CFStringRef query;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
+ CFStringRefObj_Convert, &bookname,
+ CFStringRefObj_Convert, &query))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = AHSearch(bookname,
+ query);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Ah_AHGotoMainTOC(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+ AHTOCType toctype;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "s",
+ &toctype))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = AHGotoMainTOC(toctype);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Ah_AHGotoPage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+ CFStringRef bookname;
+ CFStringRef path;
+ CFStringRef anchor;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
+ CFStringRefObj_Convert, &bookname,
+ CFStringRefObj_Convert, &path,
+ CFStringRefObj_Convert, &anchor))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = AHGotoPage(bookname,
+ path,
+ anchor);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Ah_AHLookupAnchor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+ CFStringRef bookname;
+ CFStringRef anchor;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
+ CFStringRefObj_Convert, &bookname,
+ CFStringRefObj_Convert, &anchor))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = AHLookupAnchor(bookname,
+ anchor);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Ah_AHRegisterHelpBook(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+ FSRef appBundleRef;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ PyMac_GetFSRef, &appBundleRef))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = AHRegisterHelpBook(&appBundleRef);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyMethodDef Ah_methods[] = {
+ {"AHSearch", (PyCFunction)Ah_AHSearch, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(CFStringRef bookname, CFStringRef query) -> None")},
+ {"AHGotoMainTOC", (PyCFunction)Ah_AHGotoMainTOC, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(AHTOCType toctype) -> None")},
+ {"AHGotoPage", (PyCFunction)Ah_AHGotoPage, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(CFStringRef bookname, CFStringRef path, CFStringRef anchor) -> None")},
+ {"AHLookupAnchor", (PyCFunction)Ah_AHLookupAnchor, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(CFStringRef bookname, CFStringRef anchor) -> None")},
+ {"AHRegisterHelpBook", (PyCFunction)Ah_AHRegisterHelpBook, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef appBundleRef) -> None")},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+void init_AH(void)
+ PyObject *m;
+ PyObject *d;
+ m = Py_InitModule("_AH", Ah_methods);
+ d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
+ Ah_Error = PyMac_GetOSErrException();
+ if (Ah_Error == NULL ||
+ PyDict_SetItemString(d, "Error", Ah_Error) != 0)
+ return;
+/* ========================= End module _AH ========================= */
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/ah/ b/Mac/Modules/ah/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cced19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Modules/ah/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Scan an Apple header file, generating a Python file of generator calls.
+import sys
+import os
+from bgenlocations import TOOLBOXDIR, BGENDIR
+from scantools import Scanner_OSX
+LONG = "AppleHelp"
+SHORT = "ah"
+def main():
+ input = LONG + ".h"
+ output = SHORT + ""
+ defsoutput = TOOLBOXDIR + LONG + ".py"
+ scanner = MyScanner(input, output, defsoutput)
+ scanner.scan()
+ scanner.close()
+ print "=== Testing definitions output code ==="
+ execfile(defsoutput, {}, {})
+ print "=== Done scanning and generating, now importing the generated code... ==="
+ exec "import " + SHORT + "support"
+ print "=== Done. It's up to you to compile it now! ==="
+class MyScanner(Scanner_OSX):
+ def destination(self, type, name, arglist):
+ classname = "Function"
+ listname = "functions"
+ if arglist:
+ t, n, m = arglist[0]
+ # This is non-functional today
+ if t == OBJECT and m == "InMode":
+ classname = "Method"
+ listname = "methods"
+ return classname, listname
+ def makeblacklistnames(self):
+ return [
+ ]
+ def makeblacklisttypes(self):
+ return [
+ ]
+ def makerepairinstructions(self):
+ return [
+ ]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/ah/ b/Mac/Modules/ah/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b07c779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Modules/ah/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# This script generates a Python interface for an Apple Macintosh Manager.
+# It uses the "bgen" package to generate C code.
+# The function specifications are generated by scanning the mamager's header file,
+# using the "scantools" package (customized for this particular manager).
+import string
+# Declarations that change for each manager
+MACHEADERFILE = 'AppleHelp.h' # The Apple header file
+MODNAME = '_AH' # The name of the module
+# The following is *usually* unchanged but may still require tuning
+MODPREFIX = 'Ah' # The prefix for module-wide routines
+INPUTFILE = string.lower(MODPREFIX) + '' # The file generated by the scanner
+OUTPUTFILE = MODNAME + "module.c" # The file generated by this program
+from macsupport import *
+# Create the type objects
+AHTOCType = Type("AHTOCType", "s")
+includestuff = includestuff + """
+#include <AppleHelp.h>
+#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
+# From here on it's basically all boiler plate...
+# Create the generator groups and link them
+module = MacModule(MODNAME, MODPREFIX, includestuff, finalstuff, initstuff)
+# Create the generator classes used to populate the lists
+Function = OSErrFunctionGenerator
+# Create and populate the lists
+functions = []
+# add the populated lists to the generator groups
+# (in a different wordl the scan program would generate this)
+for f in functions: module.add(f)
+# generate output (open the output file as late as possible)