path: root/Misc
diff options
authorBrett Cannon <>2011-01-20 03:56:50 (GMT)
committerBrett Cannon <>2011-01-20 03:56:50 (GMT)
commitd9c4a025d337a9287a1ad99ef2d7c50ed6696e51 (patch)
tree855c93546421c43e2ff56f9ad3a293151ceeee17 /Misc
parent41c4da704da893db6c2cc2ccac35ecb38d6e773d (diff)
Move maintainers.rst into the devguide and rename it the Experts Index.
Diffstat (limited to 'Misc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/Misc/maintainers.rst b/Misc/maintainers.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f95a5..0000000
--- a/Misc/maintainers.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-Maintainers Index
-This document has tables that list Python Modules, Tools, Platforms and
-Interest Areas and names for each item that indicate a maintainer or an
-expert in the field. This list is intended to be used by issue submitters,
-issue triage people, and other issue participants to find people to add to
-the nosy list or to contact directly by email for help and decisions on
-feature requests and bug fixes. People on this list may be asked to render
-final judgement on a feature or bug. If no active maintainer is listed for
-a given module, then questionable changes should go to python-dev, while
-any other issues can and should be decided by any committer.
-Unless a name is followed by a '*', you should never assign an issue to
-that person, only make them nosy. Names followed by a '*' may be assigned
-issues involving the module or topic for which the name has a '*'.
-The Platform and Interest Area tables list broader fields in which various
-people have expertise. These people can also be contacted for help,
-opinions, and decisions when issues involve their areas.
-If a listed maintainer does not respond to requests for comment for an
-extended period (three weeks or more), they should be marked as inactive
-in this list by placing the word 'inactive' in parenthesis behind their
-tracker id. They are of course free to remove that inactive mark at
-any time.
-Committers should update these tables as their areas of expertise widen.
-New topics may be added to the Interest Area table at will.
-The existence of this list is not meant to indicate that these people
-*must* be contacted for decisions; it is, rather, a resource to be used
-by non-committers to find responsible parties, and by committers who do
-not feel qualified to make a decision in a particular context.
-See also `PEP 291`_ and `PEP 360`_ for information about certain modules
-with special rules.
-.. _`PEP 291`:
-.. _`PEP 360`:
-================== ===========
-Module Maintainers
-================== ===========
-__main__ gvanrossum
-_dummy_thread brett.cannon
-_thread pitrou
-aifc r.david.murray
-argparse bethard
-asynchat josiahcarlson, giampaolo.rodola, stutzbach
-asyncore josiahcarlson, giampaolo.rodola, stutzbach
-bisect rhettinger
-calendar rhettinger
-cmath mark.dickinson
-codecs lemburg, doerwalter
-collections rhettinger
-collections._abcoll rhettinger, stutzbach
-concurrent.futures brian.quinlan
-configparser lukasz.langa
-copy alexandre.vassalotti
-copyreg alexandre.vassalotti
-csv skip.montanaro
-ctypes theller
-datetime belopolsky
-decimal facundobatista, rhettinger, mark.dickinson
-difflib tim_one
-distutils tarek*, eric.araujo*
-doctest tim_one (inactive)
-dummy_threading brett.cannon
-email barry, r.david.murray*
-encodings lemburg, loewis
-fractions mark.dickinson, rhettinger
-ftplib giampaolo.rodola
-functools ncoghlan, rhettinger
-gc pitrou
-gettext loewis
-heapq rhettinger, stutzbach
-idlelib kbk
-importlib brett.cannon
-io pitrou, benjamin.peterson, stutzbach
-itertools rhettinger
-json bob.ippolito (inactive), rhettinger
-lib2to3 benjamin.peterson
-locale loewis, lemburg
-logging vinay.sajip
-math mark.dickinson, rhettinger, stutzbach
-modulefinder theller, jvr
-msilib loewis
-multiprocessing jnoller
-optparse aronacher
-os loewis
-pdb georg.brandl*
-pickle alexandre.vassalotti, pitrou
-pickletools alexandre.vassalotti
-platform lemburg
-pprint fdrake
-profile georg.brandl
-pstats georg.brandl
-pybench lemburg, pitrou
-queue rhettinger
-random rhettinger
-re effbot (inactive), pitrou, ezio.melotti
-runpy ncoghlan
-shutil tarek
-sqlite3 ghaering
-ssl janssen, pitrou, giampaolo.rodola
-string georg.brandl*
-struct mark.dickinson
-subprocess astrand (inactive)
-symtable benjamin.peterson
-sysconfig tarek
-syslog jafo
-tabnanny tim_one
-tarfile lars.gustaebel
-tempfile georg.brandl
-textwrap georg.brandl
-threading pitrou
-time belopolsky
-timeit georg.brandl
-tkinter gpolo
-token georg.brandl
-trace belopolsky
-traceback georg.brandl*
-turtle gregorlingl
-unicodedata loewis, lemburg, ezio.melotti
-unittest michael.foord, ezio.melotti
-urllib orsenthil
-warnings brett.cannon
-weakref fdrake, pitrou
-webbrowser georg.brandl
-winreg brian.curtin*, stutzbach
-winsound effbot (inactive)
-wsgiref pje
-xml.etree effbot (inactive)
-xmlrpc loewis
-zipfile alanmcintyre
-================== ===========
-================== ===========
-Tool Maintainers
------------------- -----------
-pybench lemburg
-================== ===========
-================== ===========
-Platform Maintainers
------------------- -----------
-Cygwin jlt63, stutzbach
-Mac ronaldoussoren, ned.deily
-OS2/EMX aimacintyre
-Windows tim.golden, brian.curtin
-================== ===========
-================== ===========
-Interest Area Maintainers
------------------- -----------
-ast/compiler ncoghlan, benjamin.peterson, brett.cannon, georg.brandl
-bug tracker ezio.melotti
-bytecode pitrou
-data formats mark.dickinson, georg.brandl
-database lemburg
-documentation georg.brandl, ezio.melotti
-i18n lemburg
-import machinery brett.cannon, ncoghlan
-io pitrou, benjamin.peterson, stutzbach
-locale lemburg, loewis
-mathematics mark.dickinson, eric.smith, lemburg, stutzbach
-memory management tim_one, lemburg
-networking giampaolo.rodola
-packaging tarek, lemburg
-py3 transition benjamin.peterson
-release management tarek, lemburg, benjamin.peterson, barry, loewis,
- gvanrossum, anthonybaxter
-str.format eric.smith
-testing michael.foord, pitrou, giampaolo.rodola, ezio.melotti
-threads pitrou
-time and dates lemburg, belopolsky
-unicode lemburg, ezio.melotti, haypo
-version control
-================== ===========