path: root/Parser/
diff options
authorJeremy Hylton <>2005-10-20 19:59:25 (GMT)
committerJeremy Hylton <>2005-10-20 19:59:25 (GMT)
commit3e0055f8c65c407e74ce476b8e2b1fb889723514 (patch)
tree169cce8c87033e15364b57de947073e6e9c34d59 /Parser/
parent2cb94aba122b86dcda87d437eb36a860d14393d5 (diff)
Merge ast-branch to head
This change implements a new bytecode compiler, based on a transformation of the parse tree to an abstract syntax defined in Parser/Python.asdl. The compiler implementation is not complete, but it is in stable enough shape to run the entire test suite excepting two disabled tests.
Diffstat (limited to 'Parser/')
1 files changed, 840 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Parser/ b/Parser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00d9733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2002 John Aycock
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+__version__ = 'SPARK-0.7 (pre-alpha-5)'
+import re
+import sys
+import string
+def _namelist(instance):
+ namelist, namedict, classlist = [], {}, [instance.__class__]
+ for c in classlist:
+ for b in c.__bases__:
+ classlist.append(b)
+ for name in c.__dict__.keys():
+ if not namedict.has_key(name):
+ namelist.append(name)
+ namedict[name] = 1
+ return namelist
+class GenericScanner:
+ def __init__(self, flags=0):
+ pattern = self.reflect()
+ = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE|flags)
+ self.index2func = {}
+ for name, number in
+ self.index2func[number-1] = getattr(self, 't_' + name)
+ def makeRE(self, name):
+ doc = getattr(self, name).__doc__
+ rv = '(?P<%s>%s)' % (name[2:], doc)
+ return rv
+ def reflect(self):
+ rv = []
+ for name in _namelist(self):
+ if name[:2] == 't_' and name != 't_default':
+ rv.append(self.makeRE(name))
+ rv.append(self.makeRE('t_default'))
+ return string.join(rv, '|')
+ def error(self, s, pos):
+ print "Lexical error at position %s" % pos
+ raise SystemExit
+ def tokenize(self, s):
+ pos = 0
+ n = len(s)
+ while pos < n:
+ m =, pos)
+ if m is None:
+ self.error(s, pos)
+ groups = m.groups()
+ for i in range(len(groups)):
+ if groups[i] and self.index2func.has_key(i):
+ self.index2func[i](groups[i])
+ pos = m.end()
+ def t_default(self, s):
+ r'( . | \n )+'
+ print "Specification error: unmatched input"
+ raise SystemExit
+# Extracted from GenericParser and made global so that [un]picking works.
+class _State:
+ def __init__(self, stateno, items):
+ self.T, self.complete, self.items = [], [], items
+ self.stateno = stateno
+class GenericParser:
+ #
+ # An Earley parser, as per J. Earley, "An Efficient Context-Free
+ # Parsing Algorithm", CACM 13(2), pp. 94-102. Also J. C. Earley,
+ # "An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm", Ph.D. thesis,
+ # Carnegie-Mellon University, August 1968. New formulation of
+ # the parser according to J. Aycock, "Practical Earley Parsing
+ # and the SPARK Toolkit", Ph.D. thesis, University of Victoria,
+ # 2001, and J. Aycock and R. N. Horspool, "Practical Earley
+ # Parsing", unpublished paper, 2001.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, start):
+ self.rules = {}
+ self.rule2func = {}
+ self.rule2name = {}
+ self.collectRules()
+ self.augment(start)
+ self.ruleschanged = 1
+ _NULLABLE = '\e_'
+ _BOF = '|-'
+ #
+ # When pickling, take the time to generate the full state machine;
+ # some information is then extraneous, too. Unfortunately we
+ # can't save the rule2func map.
+ #
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ if self.ruleschanged:
+ #
+ # XXX - duplicated from parse()
+ #
+ self.computeNull()
+ self.newrules = {}
+ self.new2old = {}
+ self.makeNewRules()
+ self.ruleschanged = 0
+ self.edges, self.cores = {}, {}
+ self.states = { 0: self.makeState0() }
+ self.makeState(0, self._BOF)
+ #
+ # XXX - should find a better way to do this..
+ #
+ changes = 1
+ while changes:
+ changes = 0
+ for k, v in self.edges.items():
+ if v is None:
+ state, sym = k
+ if self.states.has_key(state):
+ self.goto(state, sym)
+ changes = 1
+ rv = self.__dict__.copy()
+ for s in self.states.values():
+ del s.items
+ del rv['rule2func']
+ del rv['nullable']
+ del rv['cores']
+ return rv
+ def __setstate__(self, D):
+ self.rules = {}
+ self.rule2func = {}
+ self.rule2name = {}
+ self.collectRules()
+ start = D['rules'][self._START][0][1][1] # Blech.
+ self.augment(start)
+ D['rule2func'] = self.rule2func
+ D['makeSet'] = self.makeSet_fast
+ self.__dict__ = D
+ #
+ # A hook for GenericASTBuilder and GenericASTMatcher. Mess
+ # thee not with this; nor shall thee toucheth the _preprocess
+ # argument to addRule.
+ #
+ def preprocess(self, rule, func): return rule, func
+ def addRule(self, doc, func, _preprocess=1):
+ fn = func
+ rules = string.split(doc)
+ index = []
+ for i in range(len(rules)):
+ if rules[i] == '::=':
+ index.append(i-1)
+ index.append(len(rules))
+ for i in range(len(index)-1):
+ lhs = rules[index[i]]
+ rhs = rules[index[i]+2:index[i+1]]
+ rule = (lhs, tuple(rhs))
+ if _preprocess:
+ rule, fn = self.preprocess(rule, func)
+ if self.rules.has_key(lhs):
+ self.rules[lhs].append(rule)
+ else:
+ self.rules[lhs] = [ rule ]
+ self.rule2func[rule] = fn
+ self.rule2name[rule] = func.__name__[2:]
+ self.ruleschanged = 1
+ def collectRules(self):
+ for name in _namelist(self):
+ if name[:2] == 'p_':
+ func = getattr(self, name)
+ doc = func.__doc__
+ self.addRule(doc, func)
+ def augment(self, start):
+ rule = '%s ::= %s %s' % (self._START, self._BOF, start)
+ self.addRule(rule, lambda args: args[1], 0)
+ def computeNull(self):
+ self.nullable = {}
+ tbd = []
+ for rulelist in self.rules.values():
+ lhs = rulelist[0][0]
+ self.nullable[lhs] = 0
+ for rule in rulelist:
+ rhs = rule[1]
+ if len(rhs) == 0:
+ self.nullable[lhs] = 1
+ continue
+ #
+ # We only need to consider rules which
+ # consist entirely of nonterminal symbols.
+ # This should be a savings on typical
+ # grammars.
+ #
+ for sym in rhs:
+ if not self.rules.has_key(sym):
+ break
+ else:
+ tbd.append(rule)
+ changes = 1
+ while changes:
+ changes = 0
+ for lhs, rhs in tbd:
+ if self.nullable[lhs]:
+ continue
+ for sym in rhs:
+ if not self.nullable[sym]:
+ break
+ else:
+ self.nullable[lhs] = 1
+ changes = 1
+ def makeState0(self):
+ s0 = _State(0, [])
+ for rule in self.newrules[self._START]:
+ s0.items.append((rule, 0))
+ return s0
+ def finalState(self, tokens):
+ #
+ # Yuck.
+ #
+ if len(self.newrules[self._START]) == 2 and len(tokens) == 0:
+ return 1
+ start = self.rules[self._START][0][1][1]
+ return self.goto(1, start)
+ def makeNewRules(self):
+ worklist = []
+ for rulelist in self.rules.values():
+ for rule in rulelist:
+ worklist.append((rule, 0, 1, rule))
+ for rule, i, candidate, oldrule in worklist:
+ lhs, rhs = rule
+ n = len(rhs)
+ while i < n:
+ sym = rhs[i]
+ if not self.rules.has_key(sym) or \
+ not self.nullable[sym]:
+ candidate = 0
+ i = i + 1
+ continue
+ newrhs = list(rhs)
+ newrhs[i] = self._NULLABLE+sym
+ newrule = (lhs, tuple(newrhs))
+ worklist.append((newrule, i+1,
+ candidate, oldrule))
+ candidate = 0
+ i = i + 1
+ else:
+ if candidate:
+ lhs = self._NULLABLE+lhs
+ rule = (lhs, rhs)
+ if self.newrules.has_key(lhs):
+ self.newrules[lhs].append(rule)
+ else:
+ self.newrules[lhs] = [ rule ]
+ self.new2old[rule] = oldrule
+ def typestring(self, token):
+ return None
+ def error(self, token):
+ print "Syntax error at or near `%s' token" % token
+ raise SystemExit
+ def parse(self, tokens):
+ sets = [ [(1,0), (2,0)] ]
+ self.links = {}
+ if self.ruleschanged:
+ self.computeNull()
+ self.newrules = {}
+ self.new2old = {}
+ self.makeNewRules()
+ self.ruleschanged = 0
+ self.edges, self.cores = {}, {}
+ self.states = { 0: self.makeState0() }
+ self.makeState(0, self._BOF)
+ for i in xrange(len(tokens)):
+ sets.append([])
+ if sets[i] == []:
+ break
+ self.makeSet(tokens[i], sets, i)
+ else:
+ sets.append([])
+ self.makeSet(None, sets, len(tokens))
+ #_dump(tokens, sets, self.states)
+ finalitem = (self.finalState(tokens), 0)
+ if finalitem not in sets[-2]:
+ if len(tokens) > 0:
+ self.error(tokens[i-1])
+ else:
+ self.error(None)
+ return self.buildTree(self._START, finalitem,
+ tokens, len(sets)-2)
+ def isnullable(self, sym):
+ #
+ # For symbols in G_e only. If we weren't supporting 1.5,
+ # could just use sym.startswith().
+ #
+ return self._NULLABLE == sym[0:len(self._NULLABLE)]
+ def skip(self, (lhs, rhs), pos=0):
+ n = len(rhs)
+ while pos < n:
+ if not self.isnullable(rhs[pos]):
+ break
+ pos = pos + 1
+ return pos
+ def makeState(self, state, sym):
+ assert sym is not None
+ #
+ # Compute \epsilon-kernel state's core and see if
+ # it exists already.
+ #
+ kitems = []
+ for rule, pos in self.states[state].items:
+ lhs, rhs = rule
+ if rhs[pos:pos+1] == (sym,):
+ kitems.append((rule, self.skip(rule, pos+1)))
+ core = kitems
+ core.sort()
+ tcore = tuple(core)
+ if self.cores.has_key(tcore):
+ return self.cores[tcore]
+ #
+ # Nope, doesn't exist. Compute it and the associated
+ # \epsilon-nonkernel state together; we'll need it right away.
+ #
+ k = self.cores[tcore] = len(self.states)
+ K, NK = _State(k, kitems), _State(k+1, [])
+ self.states[k] = K
+ predicted = {}
+ edges = self.edges
+ rules = self.newrules
+ for X in K, NK:
+ worklist = X.items
+ for item in worklist:
+ rule, pos = item
+ lhs, rhs = rule
+ if pos == len(rhs):
+ X.complete.append(rule)
+ continue
+ nextSym = rhs[pos]
+ key = (X.stateno, nextSym)
+ if not rules.has_key(nextSym):
+ if not edges.has_key(key):
+ edges[key] = None
+ X.T.append(nextSym)
+ else:
+ edges[key] = None
+ if not predicted.has_key(nextSym):
+ predicted[nextSym] = 1
+ for prule in rules[nextSym]:
+ ppos = self.skip(prule)
+ new = (prule, ppos)
+ NK.items.append(new)
+ #
+ # Problem: we know K needs generating, but we
+ # don't yet know about NK. Can't commit anything
+ # regarding NK to self.edges until we're sure. Should
+ # we delay committing on both K and NK to avoid this
+ # hacky code? This creates other problems..
+ #
+ if X is K:
+ edges = {}
+ if NK.items == []:
+ return k
+ #
+ # Check for \epsilon-nonkernel's core. Unfortunately we
+ # need to know the entire set of predicted nonterminals
+ # to do this without accidentally duplicating states.
+ #
+ core = predicted.keys()
+ core.sort()
+ tcore = tuple(core)
+ if self.cores.has_key(tcore):
+ self.edges[(k, None)] = self.cores[tcore]
+ return k
+ nk = self.cores[tcore] = self.edges[(k, None)] = NK.stateno
+ self.edges.update(edges)
+ self.states[nk] = NK
+ return k
+ def goto(self, state, sym):
+ key = (state, sym)
+ if not self.edges.has_key(key):
+ #
+ # No transitions from state on sym.
+ #
+ return None
+ rv = self.edges[key]
+ if rv is None:
+ #
+ # Target state isn't generated yet. Remedy this.
+ #
+ rv = self.makeState(state, sym)
+ self.edges[key] = rv
+ return rv
+ def gotoT(self, state, t):
+ return [self.goto(state, t)]
+ def gotoST(self, state, st):
+ rv = []
+ for t in self.states[state].T:
+ if st == t:
+ rv.append(self.goto(state, t))
+ return rv
+ def add(self, set, item, i=None, predecessor=None, causal=None):
+ if predecessor is None:
+ if item not in set:
+ set.append(item)
+ else:
+ key = (item, i)
+ if item not in set:
+ self.links[key] = []
+ set.append(item)
+ self.links[key].append((predecessor, causal))
+ def makeSet(self, token, sets, i):
+ cur, next = sets[i], sets[i+1]
+ ttype = token is not None and self.typestring(token) or None
+ if ttype is not None:
+ fn, arg = self.gotoT, ttype
+ else:
+ fn, arg = self.gotoST, token
+ for item in cur:
+ ptr = (item, i)
+ state, parent = item
+ add = fn(state, arg)
+ for k in add:
+ if k is not None:
+ self.add(next, (k, parent), i+1, ptr)
+ nk = self.goto(k, None)
+ if nk is not None:
+ self.add(next, (nk, i+1))
+ if parent == i:
+ continue
+ for rule in self.states[state].complete:
+ lhs, rhs = rule
+ for pitem in sets[parent]:
+ pstate, pparent = pitem
+ k = self.goto(pstate, lhs)
+ if k is not None:
+ why = (item, i, rule)
+ pptr = (pitem, parent)
+ self.add(cur, (k, pparent),
+ i, pptr, why)
+ nk = self.goto(k, None)
+ if nk is not None:
+ self.add(cur, (nk, i))
+ def makeSet_fast(self, token, sets, i):
+ #
+ # Call *only* when the entire state machine has been built!
+ # It relies on self.edges being filled in completely, and
+ # then duplicates and inlines code to boost speed at the
+ # cost of extreme ugliness.
+ #
+ cur, next = sets[i], sets[i+1]
+ ttype = token is not None and self.typestring(token) or None
+ for item in cur:
+ ptr = (item, i)
+ state, parent = item
+ if ttype is not None:
+ k = self.edges.get((state, ttype), None)
+ if k is not None:
+ #self.add(next, (k, parent), i+1, ptr)
+ #INLINED --v
+ new = (k, parent)
+ key = (new, i+1)
+ if new not in next:
+ self.links[key] = []
+ next.append(new)
+ self.links[key].append((ptr, None))
+ #INLINED --^
+ #nk = self.goto(k, None)
+ nk = self.edges.get((k, None), None)
+ if nk is not None:
+ #self.add(next, (nk, i+1))
+ #INLINED --v
+ new = (nk, i+1)
+ if new not in next:
+ next.append(new)
+ #INLINED --^
+ else:
+ add = self.gotoST(state, token)
+ for k in add:
+ if k is not None:
+ self.add(next, (k, parent), i+1, ptr)
+ #nk = self.goto(k, None)
+ nk = self.edges.get((k, None), None)
+ if nk is not None:
+ self.add(next, (nk, i+1))
+ if parent == i:
+ continue
+ for rule in self.states[state].complete:
+ lhs, rhs = rule
+ for pitem in sets[parent]:
+ pstate, pparent = pitem
+ #k = self.goto(pstate, lhs)
+ k = self.edges.get((pstate, lhs), None)
+ if k is not None:
+ why = (item, i, rule)
+ pptr = (pitem, parent)
+ #self.add(cur, (k, pparent),
+ # i, pptr, why)
+ #INLINED --v
+ new = (k, pparent)
+ key = (new, i)
+ if new not in cur:
+ self.links[key] = []
+ cur.append(new)
+ self.links[key].append((pptr, why))
+ #INLINED --^
+ #nk = self.goto(k, None)
+ nk = self.edges.get((k, None), None)
+ if nk is not None:
+ #self.add(cur, (nk, i))
+ #INLINED --v
+ new = (nk, i)
+ if new not in cur:
+ cur.append(new)
+ #INLINED --^
+ def predecessor(self, key, causal):
+ for p, c in self.links[key]:
+ if c == causal:
+ return p
+ assert 0
+ def causal(self, key):
+ links = self.links[key]
+ if len(links) == 1:
+ return links[0][1]
+ choices = []
+ rule2cause = {}
+ for p, c in links:
+ rule = c[2]
+ choices.append(rule)
+ rule2cause[rule] = c
+ return rule2cause[self.ambiguity(choices)]
+ def deriveEpsilon(self, nt):
+ if len(self.newrules[nt]) > 1:
+ rule = self.ambiguity(self.newrules[nt])
+ else:
+ rule = self.newrules[nt][0]
+ #print rule
+ rhs = rule[1]
+ attr = [None] * len(rhs)
+ for i in range(len(rhs)-1, -1, -1):
+ attr[i] = self.deriveEpsilon(rhs[i])
+ return self.rule2func[self.new2old[rule]](attr)
+ def buildTree(self, nt, item, tokens, k):
+ state, parent = item
+ choices = []
+ for rule in self.states[state].complete:
+ if rule[0] == nt:
+ choices.append(rule)
+ rule = choices[0]
+ if len(choices) > 1:
+ rule = self.ambiguity(choices)
+ #print rule
+ rhs = rule[1]
+ attr = [None] * len(rhs)
+ for i in range(len(rhs)-1, -1, -1):
+ sym = rhs[i]
+ if not self.newrules.has_key(sym):
+ if sym != self._BOF:
+ attr[i] = tokens[k-1]
+ key = (item, k)
+ item, k = self.predecessor(key, None)
+ #elif self.isnullable(sym):
+ elif self._NULLABLE == sym[0:len(self._NULLABLE)]:
+ attr[i] = self.deriveEpsilon(sym)
+ else:
+ key = (item, k)
+ why = self.causal(key)
+ attr[i] = self.buildTree(sym, why[0],
+ tokens, why[1])
+ item, k = self.predecessor(key, why)
+ return self.rule2func[self.new2old[rule]](attr)
+ def ambiguity(self, rules):
+ #
+ # XXX - problem here and in collectRules() if the same rule
+ # appears in >1 method. Also undefined results if rules
+ # causing the ambiguity appear in the same method.
+ #
+ sortlist = []
+ name2index = {}
+ for i in range(len(rules)):
+ lhs, rhs = rule = rules[i]
+ name = self.rule2name[self.new2old[rule]]
+ sortlist.append((len(rhs), name))
+ name2index[name] = i
+ sortlist.sort()
+ list = map(lambda (a,b): b, sortlist)
+ return rules[name2index[self.resolve(list)]]
+ def resolve(self, list):
+ #
+ # Resolve ambiguity in favor of the shortest RHS.
+ # Since we walk the tree from the top down, this
+ # should effectively resolve in favor of a "shift".
+ #
+ return list[0]
+# GenericASTBuilder automagically constructs a concrete/abstract syntax tree
+# for a given input. The extra argument is a class (not an instance!)
+# which supports the "__setslice__" and "__len__" methods.
+# XXX - silently overrides any user code in methods.
+class GenericASTBuilder(GenericParser):
+ def __init__(self, AST, start):
+ GenericParser.__init__(self, start)
+ self.AST = AST
+ def preprocess(self, rule, func):
+ rebind = lambda lhs, self=self: \
+ lambda args, lhs=lhs, self=self: \
+ self.buildASTNode(args, lhs)
+ lhs, rhs = rule
+ return rule, rebind(lhs)
+ def buildASTNode(self, args, lhs):
+ children = []
+ for arg in args:
+ if isinstance(arg, self.AST):
+ children.append(arg)
+ else:
+ children.append(self.terminal(arg))
+ return self.nonterminal(lhs, children)
+ def terminal(self, token): return token
+ def nonterminal(self, type, args):
+ rv = self.AST(type)
+ rv[:len(args)] = args
+ return rv
+# GenericASTTraversal is a Visitor pattern according to Design Patterns. For
+# each node it attempts to invoke the method n_<node type>, falling
+# back onto the default() method if the n_* can't be found. The preorder
+# traversal also looks for an exit hook named n_<node type>_exit (no default
+# routine is called if it's not found). To prematurely halt traversal
+# of a subtree, call the prune() method -- this only makes sense for a
+# preorder traversal. Node type is determined via the typestring() method.
+class GenericASTTraversalPruningException:
+ pass
+class GenericASTTraversal:
+ def __init__(self, ast):
+ self.ast = ast
+ def typestring(self, node):
+ return node.type
+ def prune(self):
+ raise GenericASTTraversalPruningException
+ def preorder(self, node=None):
+ if node is None:
+ node = self.ast
+ try:
+ name = 'n_' + self.typestring(node)
+ if hasattr(self, name):
+ func = getattr(self, name)
+ func(node)
+ else:
+ self.default(node)
+ except GenericASTTraversalPruningException:
+ return
+ for kid in node:
+ self.preorder(kid)
+ name = name + '_exit'
+ if hasattr(self, name):
+ func = getattr(self, name)
+ func(node)
+ def postorder(self, node=None):
+ if node is None:
+ node = self.ast
+ for kid in node:
+ self.postorder(kid)
+ name = 'n_' + self.typestring(node)
+ if hasattr(self, name):
+ func = getattr(self, name)
+ func(node)
+ else:
+ self.default(node)
+ def default(self, node):
+ pass
+# GenericASTMatcher. AST nodes must have "__getitem__" and "__cmp__"
+# implemented.
+# XXX - makes assumptions about how GenericParser walks the parse tree.
+class GenericASTMatcher(GenericParser):
+ def __init__(self, start, ast):
+ GenericParser.__init__(self, start)
+ self.ast = ast
+ def preprocess(self, rule, func):
+ rebind = lambda func, self=self: \
+ lambda args, func=func, self=self: \
+ self.foundMatch(args, func)
+ lhs, rhs = rule
+ rhslist = list(rhs)
+ rhslist.reverse()
+ return (lhs, tuple(rhslist)), rebind(func)
+ def foundMatch(self, args, func):
+ func(args[-1])
+ return args[-1]
+ def match_r(self, node):
+ self.input.insert(0, node)
+ children = 0
+ for child in node:
+ if children == 0:
+ self.input.insert(0, '(')
+ children = children + 1
+ self.match_r(child)
+ if children > 0:
+ self.input.insert(0, ')')
+ def match(self, ast=None):
+ if ast is None:
+ ast = self.ast
+ self.input = []
+ self.match_r(ast)
+ self.parse(self.input)
+ def resolve(self, list):
+ #
+ # Resolve ambiguity in favor of the longest RHS.
+ #
+ return list[-1]
+def _dump(tokens, sets, states):
+ for i in range(len(sets)):
+ print 'set', i
+ for item in sets[i]:
+ print '\t', item
+ for (lhs, rhs), pos in states[item[0]].items:
+ print '\t\t', lhs, '::=',
+ print string.join(rhs[:pos]),
+ print '.',
+ print string.join(rhs[pos:])
+ if i < len(tokens):
+ print
+ print 'token', str(tokens[i])
+ print