path: root/Python/sysmodule.c
diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>2007-05-24 14:31:33 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>2007-05-24 14:31:33 (GMT)
commit6f376c40317e693c5eea0356fbb90d7394f21ff0 (patch)
treeb787fddfb1173c1045d3c9e622b255754ab5eb49 /Python/sysmodule.c
parentfa0054aa732176a1f9b1c79cd20198f43cfed334 (diff)
Enable new I/O. Disable creation of old files.
Lots of stuff fails now, including -S and -m command line flags.
Diffstat (limited to 'Python/sysmodule.c')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/Python/sysmodule.c b/Python/sysmodule.c
index 247ec05..9eebc14 100644
--- a/Python/sysmodule.c
+++ b/Python/sysmodule.c
@@ -960,13 +960,6 @@ settrace() -- set the global debug tracing function\n\
/* end of sys_doc */ ;
-static int
-_check_and_flush (FILE *stream)
- int prev_fail = ferror (stream);
- return fflush (stream) || prev_fail ? EOF : 0;
/* Subversion branch and revision management */
static const char _patchlevel_revision[] = PY_PATCHLEVEL_REVISION;
static const char headurl[] = "$HeadURL$";
@@ -1058,11 +1051,7 @@ PyObject *
PyObject *m, *v, *sysdict;
- PyObject *sysin, *sysout, *syserr;
char *s;
-#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
- char buf[128];
m = Py_InitModule3("sys", sys_methods, sys_doc);
if (m == NULL)
@@ -1081,52 +1070,12 @@ _PySys_Init(void)
- /* Closing the standard FILE* if sys.std* goes aways causes problems
- * for embedded Python usages. Closing them when somebody explicitly
- * invokes .close() might be possible, but the FAQ promises they get
- * never closed. However, we still need to get write errors when
- * writing fails (e.g. because stdout is redirected), so we flush the
- * streams and check for errors before the file objects are deleted.
- * On OS X, fflush()ing stdin causes an error, so we exempt stdin
- * from that procedure.
- */
- sysin = PyFile_FromFile(stdin, "<stdin>", "r", NULL);
- sysout = PyFile_FromFile(stdout, "<stdout>", "w", _check_and_flush);
- syserr = PyFile_FromFile(stderr, "<stderr>", "w", _check_and_flush);
- if (PyErr_Occurred())
- return NULL;
-#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
- if(isatty(_fileno(stdin)) && PyFile_Check(sysin)) {
- sprintf(buf, "cp%d", GetConsoleCP());
- if (!PyFile_SetEncoding(sysin, buf))
- return NULL;
- }
- if(isatty(_fileno(stdout)) && PyFile_Check(sysout)) {
- sprintf(buf, "cp%d", GetConsoleOutputCP());
- if (!PyFile_SetEncoding(sysout, buf))
- return NULL;
- }
- if(isatty(_fileno(stderr)) && PyFile_Check(syserr)) {
- sprintf(buf, "cp%d", GetConsoleOutputCP());
- if (!PyFile_SetEncoding(syserr, buf))
- return NULL;
- }
+ /* stdin/stdout/stderr are now set by */
- PyDict_SetItemString(sysdict, "stdin", sysin);
- PyDict_SetItemString(sysdict, "stdout", sysout);
- PyDict_SetItemString(sysdict, "stderr", syserr);
- /* Make backup copies for cleanup */
- PyDict_SetItemString(sysdict, "__stdin__", sysin);
- PyDict_SetItemString(sysdict, "__stdout__", sysout);
- PyDict_SetItemString(sysdict, "__stderr__", syserr);
PyDict_SetItemString(sysdict, "__displayhook__",
PyDict_GetItemString(sysdict, "displayhook"));
PyDict_SetItemString(sysdict, "__excepthook__",
PyDict_GetItemString(sysdict, "excepthook"));
- Py_XDECREF(sysin);
- Py_XDECREF(sysout);
- Py_XDECREF(syserr);
PyDict_SetItemString(sysdict, "version",
v = PyString_FromString(Py_GetVersion()));