path: root/Tools/bgen
diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>1995-01-18 23:45:01 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>1995-01-18 23:45:01 (GMT)
commit8cfc4bfb9d2c784c0901f8d31b24c49ab905b9ae (patch)
treea9da314be3c067a1a6e3d40fccac603657cd5fd9 /Tools/bgen
parent84fa5ecffffe23b6f39caf6f9cd43cdd1da33695 (diff)
initial version
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/bgen')
7 files changed, 905 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/bgen/bgen/ b/Tools/bgen/bgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aab35de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/bgen/bgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+"Export everything in the various bgen submodules."
+from bgenType import *
+from bgenOutput import *
+from bgenGenerator import *
+from bgenModule import *
+from bgenObjectDefinition import *
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce38763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/bgen/bgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+from bgenOutput import *
+from bgenType import *
+Error = "bgenGenerator.Error"
+# Strings to specify argument transfer modes in generator calls
+IN = "in"
+OUT = "out"
+INOUT = IN_OUT = "in-out"
+class Generator:
+ # XXX There are some funny things with the argument list.
+ # XXX It would be better to get rid of this and require
+ # XXX each argument to be a type object or a tuple of the form
+ # XXX (inoutmode, typeobject, argumentname)
+ # XXX or possibly even a Variable() instance...
+ def __init__(self, *argumentList):
+ apply(self.parseArguments, argumentList)
+ self.prefix = "XXX" # Will be changed by setprefix() call
+ self.objecttype = "object" # Type of _self argument to function
+ self.itselftype = None # Type of _self->ob_itself, if defined
+ def setprefix(self, prefix):
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ def setselftype(self, selftype, itselftype):
+ self.objecttype = selftype
+ self.itselftype = itselftype
+ def parseArguments(self, returnType, name, *argumentList):
+ if returnType:
+ self.rv = Variable(returnType, "_rv", OutMode)
+ else:
+ self.rv = None
+ = name
+ self.argumentList = []
+ if self.rv:
+ self.argumentList.append(rv)
+ self.parseArgumentList(argumentList)
+ def parseArgumentList(self, argumentList):
+ from types import *
+ iarg = 0
+ for arg in argumentList:
+ # Arguments can either be:
+ # - a type
+ # - a tuple (type, [name, [mode]])
+ # - a variable
+ iarg = iarg + 1
+ if hasattr(arg, 'typeName'):
+ arg = Variable(arg)
+ elif type(arg) == TupleType:
+ arg = apply(Variable, arg)
+ if is None:
+ = "_arg%d" % iarg
+ self.argumentList.append(arg)
+ def reference(self, name = None):
+ if name is None:
+ name =
+ Output("{\"%s\", (PyCFunction)%s_%s, 1},",
+ name, self.prefix,
+ def generate(self):
+ self.functionheader()
+ self.declarations()
+ self.getargs()
+ self.callit()
+ self.checkit()
+ self.returnvalue()
+ self.functiontrailer()
+ def functionheader(self):
+ Output()
+ Output("static PyObject *%s_%s(_self, _args)",
+ self.prefix,
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output("%s *_self;", self.objecttype)
+ Output("PyObject *_args;")
+ DedentLevel()
+ OutLbrace()
+ def declarations(self):
+ for arg in self.argumentList:
+ arg.declare()
+ def getargs(self):
+ fmt = ""
+ lst = ""
+ for arg in self.argumentList:
+ if arg.flags == SelfMode:
+ continue
+ if arg.mode in (InMode, InOutMode):
+ fmt = fmt + arg.getargsFormat()
+ lst = lst + ", " + arg.getargsArgs()
+ Output("if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, \"%s\"%s))", fmt, lst)
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output("return NULL;")
+ DedentLevel()
+ for arg in self.argumentList:
+ if arg.flags == SelfMode:
+ continue
+ if arg.mode in (InMode, InOutMode):
+ arg.getargsCheck()
+ def callit(self):
+ args = ""
+ for arg in self.argumentList:
+ if arg is self.rv:
+ continue
+ s = arg.passArgument()
+ if args: s = ", " + s
+ args = args + s
+ if self.rv:
+ Output("%s = %s(%s);",
+,, args)
+ else:
+ Output("%s(%s);",, args)
+ def checkit(self):
+ for arg in self.argumentList:
+ arg.errorCheck()
+ def returnvalue(self):
+ fmt = ""
+ lst = ""
+ for arg in self.argumentList:
+ if not arg: continue
+ if arg.flags == ErrorMode: continue
+ if arg.mode in (OutMode, InOutMode):
+ fmt = fmt + arg.mkvalueFormat()
+ lst = lst + ", " + arg.mkvalueArgs()
+ if fmt == "":
+ Output("Py_INCREF(Py_None);")
+ Output("return Py_None;");
+ else:
+ Output("return Py_BuildValue(\"%s\"%s);", fmt, lst)
+ def functiontrailer(self):
+ OutRbrace()
+class ManualGenerator(Generator):
+ def __init__(self, name, body):
+ = name
+ self.body = body
+ def definition(self):
+ self.functionheader()
+ Output("%s", self.body)
+ self.functiontrailer()
+def _test():
+ void = None
+ eggs = Generator(void, "eggs",
+ Variable(stringptr, 'cmd'),
+ Variable(int, 'x'),
+ Variable(double, 'y', InOutMode),
+ Variable(int, 'status', ErrorMode),
+ )
+ eggs.setprefix("spam")
+ print "/* START */"
+ eggs.generate()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ _test()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8cd72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/bgen/bgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from bgenOutput import *
+class GeneratorGroup:
+ def __init__(self, prefix):
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ self.generators = []
+ def add(self, g):
+ g.setprefix(self.prefix)
+ self.generators.append(g)
+ def generate(self):
+ for g in self.generators:
+ g.generate()
+ Output()
+ Output("static struct methodlist %s_methods[] = {", self.prefix)
+ IndentLevel()
+ for g in self.generators:
+ g.reference()
+ Output("{NULL, NULL, 0}")
+ DedentLevel()
+ Output("};")
+def _test():
+ from bgenGenerator import Generator
+ group = GeneratorGroup("spam")
+ eggs = Generator(void, "eggs")
+ group.add(eggs)
+ print "/* START */"
+ group.generate()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ _test()
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index 0000000..8f23004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/bgen/bgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+from bgenOutput import *
+from bgenGeneratorGroup import GeneratorGroup
+class Module(GeneratorGroup):
+ def __init__(self, name, prefix = None,
+ includestuff = None,
+ initstuff = None):
+ GeneratorGroup.__init__(self, prefix or name)
+ = name
+ self.includestuff = includestuff
+ self.initstuff = initstuff
+ def addobject(self, od):
+ self.generators.append(od)
+ def generate(self):
+ OutHeader1("Module " +
+ Output("#include <Python.h>")
+ Output()
+ if self.includestuff:
+ Output()
+ Output("%s", self.includestuff)
+ self.declareModuleVariables()
+ GeneratorGroup.generate(self)
+ Output()
+ Output("void init%s()",
+ OutLbrace()
+ Output("object *m;")
+ Output("object *d;")
+ Output()
+ if self.initstuff:
+ Output("%s", self.initstuff)
+ Output()
+ Output("m = initmodule(\"%s\", %s_methods);",
+, self.prefix)
+ Output("d = getmoduledict(m);")
+ self.createModuleVariables()
+ OutRbrace()
+ OutHeader1("End module " +
+ def declareModuleVariables(self):
+ self.errorname = self.prefix + "_Error"
+ Output("static object *%s;", self.errorname)
+ def createModuleVariables(self):
+ Output("""if ((%s = newstringobject("%s.Error")) == NULL ||""",
+ self.errorname,
+ Output(""" dictinsert(d, "Error", %s) != 0)""",
+ self.errorname)
+ Output("""\tfatal("can't initialize %s.Error");""",
+def _test():
+ from bgenGenerator import Generator
+ m = Module("spam", "", "#include <stdio.h>")
+ g = Generator(None, "bacon")
+ m.add(g)
+ m.generate()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ _test()
diff --git a/Tools/bgen/bgen/ b/Tools/bgen/bgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6573fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/bgen/bgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+from bgenOutput import *
+from bgenGeneratorGroup import GeneratorGroup
+class ObjectDefinition(GeneratorGroup):
+ def __init__(self, name, prefix, itselftype):
+ import string
+ GeneratorGroup.__init__(self, prefix or name)
+ = name
+ self.itselftype = itselftype
+ self.objecttype = name + 'Object'
+ self.typename = self.prefix + '_' + \
+ string.upper(name[:1]) + \
+ string.lower(name[1:]) + '_Type'
+ def add(self, g):
+ g.setselftype(self.objecttype, self.itselftype)
+ GeneratorGroup.add(self, g)
+ def reference(self):
+ # In case we are referenced from a module
+ pass
+ def generate(self):
+ # XXX This should use long strings and %(varname)s substitution!
+ OutHeader2("Object type " +
+ Output("staticforward PyTypeObject %s;", self.typename)
+ Output()
+ Output("#define is_%sobject(x) ((x)->ob_type == %s)",
+, self.typename)
+ Output()
+ Output("typedef struct {")
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output("OB_HEAD")
+ Output("%s ob_itself;", self.itselftype)
+ DedentLevel()
+ Output("} %s;", self.objecttype)
+ Output()
+ Output("static %s *new%s(itself)", self.objecttype, self.objecttype)
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output("%s itself;", self.itselftype)
+ DedentLevel()
+ OutLbrace()
+ Output("%s *it;", self.objecttype)
+ Output("it = PyObject_NEW(%s, &%s);", self.objecttype, self.typename)
+ Output("if (it == NULL) return NULL;")
+ Output("it->ob_itself = itself;")
+ Output("return it;")
+ OutRbrace()
+ Output()
+ Output("static void %s_dealloc(self)", self.prefix)
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output("%s *self;", self.objecttype)
+ DedentLevel()
+ OutLbrace()
+## Output("if (self->ob_itself != NULL)")
+## OutLbrace()
+## self.outputFreeIt("self->ob_itself")
+## OutRbrace()
+ Output("DEL(self);")
+ OutRbrace()
+ Output()
+## Output("static int %s_converter(p_itself, p_it)", self.prefix)
+## IndentLevel()
+## Output("%s *p_itself;", self.itselftype)
+## Output("%s **p_it;", self.objecttype)
+## DedentLevel()
+## OutLbrace()
+## Output("if (**p_it == NULL)")
+## OutLbrace()
+## Output("*p_it = new%s(*p_itself);", self.objecttype)
+## OutRbrace()
+## Output("else")
+## OutLbrace()
+## Output("*p_itself = (*p_it)->ob_itself;")
+## OutRbrace()
+## Output("return 1;")
+## OutRbrace()
+## Output()
+ GeneratorGroup.generate(self)
+ self.outputGetattr()
+ self.outputSetattr()
+ Output("static PyTypeObject %s = {", self.typename)
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output("PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)")
+ Output("0, /*ob_size*/")
+ Output("\"%s\", /*tp_name*/",
+ Output("sizeof(%s), /*tp_basicsize*/", self.objecttype)
+ Output("0, /*tp_itemsize*/")
+ Output("/* methods */")
+ Output("(destructor) %s_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/", self.prefix)
+ Output("0, /*tp_print*/")
+ Output("(getattrfunc) %s_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/", self.prefix)
+ Output("(setattrfunc) %s_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/", self.prefix)
+ DedentLevel()
+ Output("};")
+ OutHeader2("End object type " +
+ def outputFreeIt(self, name):
+ Output("DEL(%s); /* XXX */", name)
+ def outputGetattr(self):
+ Output("static PyObject *%s_getattr(self, name)", self.prefix)
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output("%s *self;", self.objecttype)
+ Output("char *name;")
+ DedentLevel()
+ OutLbrace()
+ self.outputGetattrBody()
+ OutRbrace()
+ Output()
+ def outputGetattrBody(self):
+ Output("return findmethod(self, %s_methods, name);", self.prefix)
+ def outputSetattr(self):
+ Output("#define %s_setattr NULL", self.prefix)
+ Output()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06ca3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/bgen/bgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+"""Output primitives for the binding generator classes.
+This should really be a class, but then everybody would be passing
+the output object to each other. I chose for the simpler approach
+of a module with a global variable. Use SetOutputFile() to change
+the output file.
+def SetOutputFile(file = None):
+ """Call this with an open file object to make that the output file.
+ Call it without arguments to reset the output file to sys.stdout.
+ """
+ global _File
+ if file is None:
+ import sys
+ file = sys.stdout
+ _File = file
+SetOutputFile() # Initialize _File
+_Level = 0 # Indentation level
+def GetLevel():
+ """"Return the current indentation level."""
+ return _Level
+def SetLevel(level):
+ """Set the current indentation level.
+ This does no type or range checking -- use at own risk.
+ """
+ global _Level
+ _Level = level
+def Output(format = "", *args):
+ """Call this with a format string and arguments for the format.
+ A newline is always added. Each line in the output is indented
+ to the proper indentation level -- even if the result of the
+ format expansion contains embedded newlines. Exception: lines
+ beginning with '#' are not indented -- these are assumed to be
+ C preprprocessor lines.
+ """
+ text = format % args
+ if _Level > 0:
+ indent = '\t' * _Level
+ import string
+ lines = string.splitfields(text, '\n')
+ for i in range(len(lines)):
+ if lines[i] and lines[i][0] != '#':
+ lines[i] = indent + lines[i]
+ text = string.joinfields(lines, '\n')
+ _File.write(text + '\n')
+def IndentLevel(by = 1):
+ """Increment the indentation level by one.
+ When called with an argument, adds it to the indentation level.
+ """
+ global _Level
+ if _Level+by < 0:
+ raise Error, "indentation underflow (internal error)"
+ _Level = _Level + by
+def DedentLevel(by = 1):
+ """Decfrement the indentation level by one.
+ When called with an argument, subtracts it from the indentation level.
+ """
+ IndentLevel(-by)
+def OutLbrace():
+ """Output a '{' on a line by itself and increase the indentation level."""
+ Output("{")
+ IndentLevel()
+def OutRbrace():
+ """Decrease the indentation level and output a '}' on a line by itself."""
+ DedentLevel()
+ Output("}")
+def OutHeader(text, dash):
+ """Output a header comment using a given dash character."""
+ n = 64 - len(text)
+ Output()
+ Output("/* %s %s %s */", dash * (n/2), text, dash * (n - n/2))
+ Output()
+def OutHeader1(text):
+ """Output a level 1 header comment (uses '=' dashes)."""
+ OutHeader(text, "=")
+def OutHeader2(text):
+ """Output a level 2 header comment (uses '-' dashes)."""
+ OutHeader(text, "-")
+def _test():
+ """Test program. Run when the module is run as a script."""
+ OutHeader1("test bgenOutput")
+ Output("""
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+ Output("main(argc, argv)")
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output("int argc;")
+ Output("char **argv;")
+ DedentLevel()
+ OutLbrace()
+ Output("int i;")
+ Output()
+ Output("""\
+/* Here are a few comment lines.
+ Just to test indenting multiple lines.
+ End of the comment lines. */
+ Output("for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)")
+ OutLbrace()
+ Output('printf("argv[%%d] = %%s\\n", i, argv[i]);')
+ OutRbrace()
+ Output("exit(0)")
+ OutRbrace()
+ OutHeader2("end test")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ _test()
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index 0000000..66f78eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/bgen/bgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+"""Type and Variable classes and a modest collection of standard types."""
+from bgenOutput import *
+# Values to represent argument transfer modes
+InMode = 1 # input-only argument
+OutMode = 2 # output-only argument
+InOutMode = 3 # input-output argument
+ModeMask = 3 # bits to keep for mode
+# Special cases for mode/flags argument
+# XXX This is still a mess!
+SelfMode = 4+InMode # this is 'self' -- don't declare it
+ReturnMode = 8+OutMode # this is the function return value
+ErrorMode = 16+OutMode # this is an error status -- turn it into an exception
+class Type:
+ """Define the various things you can do with a C type.
+ Most methods are intended to be extended or overridden.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, typeName, fmt):
+ """Call with the C name and getargs format for the type.
+ Example: int = Type("int", "i")
+ """
+ self.typeName = typeName
+ self.fmt = fmt
+ def declare(self, name):
+ """Declare a variable of the type with a given name.
+ Example: int.declare('spam') prints "int spam;"
+ """
+ Output("%s %s;", self.typeName, name)
+ def getargsFormat(self):
+ """Return the format for this type for use with [new]getargs().
+ Example: int.getargsFormat() returns the string "i".
+ """
+ return self.fmt
+ def getargsArgs(self, name):
+ """Return an argument for use with [new]getargs().
+ Example: int.getargsArgs("spam") returns the string "&spam".
+ """
+ return "&" + name
+ def getargsCheck(self, name):
+ """Perform any needed post-[new]getargs() checks.
+ This is type-dependent; the default does not check for errors.
+ An example would be a check for a maximum string length."""
+ def passInput(self, name):
+ """Return an argument for passing a variable into a call.
+ Example: int.passInput("spam") returns the string "spam".
+ """
+ return name
+ def passOutput(self, name):
+ """Return an argument for returning a variable out of a call.
+ Example: int.passOutput("spam") returns the string "&spam".
+ """
+ return "&" + name
+ def errorCheck(self, name):
+ """Check for an error returned in the variable.
+ This is type-dependent; the default does not check for errors.
+ An example would be a check for a NULL pointer.
+ If an error is found, the generated routine should
+ raise an exception and return NULL.
+ XXX There should be a way to add error clean-up code.
+ """
+ Output("/* XXX no err check for %s %s */", self.typeName, name)
+ def mkvalueFormat(self):
+ """Return the format for this type for use with mkvalue().
+ This is normally the same as getargsFormat() but it is
+ a separate function to allow future divergence.
+ """
+ return self.getargsFormat()
+ def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
+ """Return an argument for use with mkvalue().
+ Example: int.mkvalueArgs("spam") returns the string "spam".
+ """
+ return name
+# A modest collection of standard C types.
+void = None
+short = Type("short", "h")
+int = Type("int", "i")
+long = Type("long", "l")
+float = Type("float", "f")
+double = Type("double", "d")
+stringptr = Type("char*", "s")
+char = Type("char", "c")
+# Some Python related types.
+objectptr = Type("object*", "O")
+stringobjectptr = Type("stringobject*", "S")
+# Etc.
+# Buffers are character arrays that may contain null bytes.
+# Their length is either Fixed or Sized (i.e. given by a separate argument).
+class SizedInputBuffer:
+ "Sized input buffer -- buffer size is an input parameter"
+ def __init__(self, size):
+ self.size = size
+ def declare(self, name):
+ Output("char *%s;", name)
+ Output("int %s__len__;", name)
+ def getargsFormat(self):
+ return "s#"
+ def getargsArgs(self, name):
+ return "%s, %s__len__" % (name, name)
+ def getargsCheck(self, name):
+ pass
+ def passInput(self, name):
+ return "%s, %s__len__" % (name, name)
+class FixedInputBuffer(SizedInputBuffer):
+ "Fixed input buffer -- buffer size is a constant"
+ def getargsCheck(self, name):
+ Output("if (%s__len__ != %s)", name, str(self.size))
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output('err_setstr(TypeError, "bad string length");')
+ DedentLevel()
+ def passInput(self, name):
+ return name
+class SizedOutputBuffer:
+ "Sized output buffer -- buffer size is an input-output parameter"
+ def __init__(self, maxsize):
+ self.maxsize = maxsize
+ def declare(self, name):
+ Output("char %s[%s];", name, str(self.maxsize))
+ Output("int %s__len__ = %s;", name, str(self.maxsize))
+ def passOutput(self, name):
+ return "%s, &%s__len__" % (name, name)
+ def errorCheck(self, name):
+ pass
+ def mkvalueFormat(self):
+ return "s#"
+ def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
+ return "%s, %s__len__" % (name, name)
+class FixedOutputBuffer:
+ "Fixed output buffer -- buffer size is a constant"
+ def __init__(self, size):
+ self.size = size
+ def declare(self, name):
+ Output("char %s[%s];", name, str(self.size))
+ def passOutput(self, name):
+ return name
+ def errorCheck(self, name):
+ pass
+ def mkvalueFormat(self):
+ return "s#"
+ def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
+ return "%s, %s" % (name, str(self.size))
+# Strings are character arrays terminated by a null byte.
+# For input, this is covered by stringptr.
+# For output, there are again two variants: Fixed (size is a constant
+# given in the documentation) or Sized (size is given by a variable).
+# (Note that this doesn't cover output parameters in which a string
+# pointer is returned.)
+class SizedOutputString:
+ "Null-terminated output string -- buffer size is an input parameter"
+ def __init__(self, bufsize):
+ self.bufsize = bufsize
+ def declare(self, name):
+ Output("char %s[%s];", name, str(self.bufsize))
+ def passOutput(self, name):
+ return "%s, %s" % (name, str(self.bufsize))
+ def errorCheck(self, name):
+ pass
+ def mkvalueFormat(self):
+ return "s"
+ def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
+ return name
+class FixedOutputString(SizedOutputString):
+ "Null-terminated output string -- buffer size is a constant"
+ def passOutput(self, name):
+ return name
+class StructureByValue:
+ "Structure passed by value -- mapped to a Python string (for now)"
+ def __init__(self, typeName):
+ self.typeName = typeName
+ def declare(self, name):
+ n = len(self.typeName)
+ Output("%-*s %s;", n, self.typeName, name)
+ Output("%-*s*%s__str__;", n, "char", name)
+ Output("%-*s %s__len__;", n, "int", name)
+ def getargsFormat(self):
+ return "s#"
+ def getargsArgs(self, name):
+ return "&%s__str__, &%s__len__" % (name, name)
+ def getargsCheck(self, name):
+ Output("if (%s__len__ != sizeof %s)", name, name)
+ IndentLevel()
+ Output('err_setstr(TypeError, "bad structure length");')
+ DedentLevel()
+ Output("memcpy(&%s, %s__str__, %s__len__);",
+ name, name, name)
+ def passInput(self, name):
+ return "%s" % name
+ def passOutput(self, name):
+ return "&%s" % name
+ def errorCheck(self, name):
+ pass
+ def mkvalueFormat(self):
+ return "s#"
+ def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
+ return "(char *)&%s, (int)sizeof %s" % (name, name)
+class StructureByAddress(StructureByValue):
+ def passInput(self, name):
+ return "&%s" % name
+class Variable:
+ """A Variable holds a type, a name, a transfer mode and flags.
+ Most of its methods call the correponding type method with the
+ variable name.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, type, name = None, flags = InMode):
+ """Call with a type, a name and flags.
+ If name is None, it muse be set later.
+ flags defaults to InMode.
+ """
+ self.type = type
+ = name
+ self.flags = flags
+ self.mode = flags & ModeMask
+ def declare(self):
+ """Declare the variable if necessary.
+ If it is "self", it is not declared.
+ """
+ if self.flags != SelfMode:
+ self.type.declare(
+ def getargsFormat(self):
+ """Call the type's getargsFormatmethod."""
+ return self.type.getargsFormat()
+ def getargsArgs(self):
+ """Call the type's getargsArgsmethod."""
+ return self.type.getargsArgs(
+ def getargsCheck(self):
+ return self.type.getargsCheck(
+ def passArgument(self):
+ """Return the string required to pass the variable as argument.
+ For "in" arguments, return the variable name.
+ For "out" and "in out" arguments,
+ return its name prefixed with "&".
+ """
+ if self.mode == InMode:
+ return self.type.passInput(
+ if self.mode in (OutMode, InOutMode):
+ return self.type.passOutput(
+ # XXX Shouldn't get here
+ return "/*mode?*/" + self.type.passInput(
+ def errorCheck(self):
+ """Check for an error if necessary.
+ This only generates code if the variable's mode is ErrorMode.
+ """
+ if self.flags == ErrorMode:
+ self.type.errorCheck(
+ def mkvalueFormat (self):
+ """Call the type's mkvalueFormatmethod."""
+ return self.type.mkvalueFormat()
+ def mkvalueArgs(self):
+ """Call the type's mkvalueArgs method."""
+ return self.type.mkvalueArgs(