path: root/Tools/faqwiz/
diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>1997-05-26 00:07:18 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>1997-05-26 00:07:18 (GMT)
commit1677e5b5ddea42814f3c933c22da0779fc538f81 (patch)
treeef39f08ef3dbff99d2147dbd9414a40f9cb84cd8 /Tools/faqwiz/
parentefe640c00f9447a94656bd2c277d7a7512e883db (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/faqwiz/')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/faqwiz/ b/Tools/faqwiz/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de82e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/faqwiz/
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# Miscellaneous customization constants
+PASSWORD = "Spam" # Edit password. Change this!
+FAQCGI = '' # Relative URL of the FAQ cgi script
+FAQNAME = "Python FAQ" # Name of the FAQ
+OWNERNAME = "GvR" # Name for feedback
+OWNEREMAIL = "" # Email for feedback
+HOMEURL = "" # Related home page
+HOMENAME = "Python home" # Name of related home page
+MAXHITS = 10 # Max #hits to be shown directly
+COOKIE_NAME = "Python-FAQ-Wizard" # Name used for Netscape cookie
+COOKIE_LIFETIME = 4 *7 * 24 * 3600 # Cookie expiration in seconds
+# RCS commands
+RCSBINDIR = "/depot/gnu/plat/bin/" # Directory containing RCS commands
+SH_RLOG = RCSBINDIR + "rlog %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
+SH_RLOG_H = RCSBINDIR + "rlog -h %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
+SH_RDIFF = RCSBINDIR + "rcsdiff -r%(prev)s -r%(rev)s %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
+SH_LOCK = RCSBINDIR + "rcs -l %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
+SH_CHECKIN = RCSBINDIR + "ci -u %(file)s <%(tfn)s 2>&1"
+# Titles for various output pages
+T_HOME = FAQNAME + " Wizard 0.2 (alpha)"
+T_ERROR = "Sorry, an error occurred"
+T_ROULETTE = FAQNAME + " Roulette"
+T_ALL = "The Whole " + FAQNAME
+T_INDEX = FAQNAME + " Index"
+T_SEARCH = FAQNAME + " Search Results"
+T_RECENT = "Recently Changed %s Entries" % FAQNAME
+T_SHOW = FAQNAME + " Entry"
+T_LOG = "RCS log for %s entry" % FAQNAME
+T_DIFF = "RCS diff for %s entry" % FAQNAME
+T_ADD = "How to add an entry to the " + FAQNAME
+T_DELETE = "How to delete an entry from the " + FAQNAME
+T_EDIT = FAQNAME + " Edit Wizard"
+T_REVIEW = T_EDIT + " - Review Changes"
+T_COMMITTED = T_EDIT + " - Changes Committed"
+T_COMMITFAILED = T_EDIT + " - Commit Failed"
+T_CANTCOMMIT = T_EDIT + " - Commit Rejected"
+T_HELP = T_EDIT + " - Help"
+# Titles of FAQ sections
+ 1: "General information and availability",
+ 2: "Python in the real world",
+ 3: "Building Python and Other Known Bugs",
+ 4: "Programming in Python",
+ 5: "Extending Python",
+ 6: "Python's design",
+ 7: "Using Python on non-UNIX platforms",
+# Generic prologue and epilogue
+ TEXT="#000000"
+ LINK="#AA0000"
+ VLINK="#906A6A">
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=home">%(FAQNAME)s Wizard</A> /
+Feedback to <A HREF="mailto:%(OWNEREMAIL)s">%(OWNERNAME)s</A>
+# Home page
+HOME = """
+ <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=query>
+ <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Search"><BR>
+ (Case insensitive regular expressions.)
+ <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=req VALUE=search>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=index">FAQ index</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=all">The whole FAQ</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent">Recently changed FAQ entries</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=roulette">FAQ roulette</A>
+# Index formatting
+<H2>%(sec)d. %(title)s</H2>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=show&file=%(file)s">%(title)s</A><BR>
+# Entry formatting
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=edit&file=%(file)s">Edit this entry</A> /
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=log&file=%(file)s">Log info</A>
+/ Last changed on %(last_changed_date)s by
+<A HREF="mailto:%(last_changed_email)s">%(last_changed_author)s</A>
+# Search
+NO_HITS = """
+No hits.
+ONE_HIT = """
+Your search matched the following entry:
+FEW_HITS = """
+Your search matched the following %(count)d entries:
+MANY_HITS = """
+Your search matched more than %(MAXHITS)d entries.
+The %(count)d matching entries are presented here ordered by section:
+# RCS log and diff
+LOG = """
+Click on a revision line to see the diff between that revision and the
+previous one.
+DIFFLINK = """\
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=diff&file=%(file)s&rev=%(rev)s">%(line)s</A>
+# Recently changed entries
+NO_RECENT = """
+No %(FAQNAME)s entries were changed in the last %(period)s.
+View entries changed in the last:
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=1">24 hours</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=2">2 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=3">3 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=7">week</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=28">4 weeks</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=365250">millennium</A>
+The following %(FAQNAME)s entry was changed in the last %(period)s:
+View entries changed in the last:
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=1">24 hours</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=2">2 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=3">3 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=7">week</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=28">4 weeks</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=365250">millennium</A>
+The following %(count)d %(FAQNAME)s entries were changed
+in the last %(period)s, most recently changed shown first:
+View entries changed in the last:
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=1">24 hours</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=2">2 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=3">3 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=7">week</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=28">4 weeks</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=365250">millennium</A>
+# Last changed banner on "all" (strftime format)
+LAST_CHANGED = "Last changed on %c %Z"
+# "Compat" command prologue (no <BODY> tag)
+COMPAT = """
+<H1>The whole %(FAQNAME)s</H1>
+# Editing
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=help">Click for Help</A>
+EDITFORM1 = """
+<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=req VALUE=review>
+<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=file VALUE=%(file)s>
+<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=editversion VALUE=%(editversion)s>
+EDITFORM2 = """
+Title: <INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=70 NAME=title VALUE="%(title)s"><BR>
+<TEXTAREA COLS=72 ROWS=20 NAME=body>%(body)s
+Log message (reason for the change):<BR>
+<TEXTAREA COLS=72 ROWS=5 NAME=log>%(log)s
+Please provide the following information for logging purposes:
+ <TR>
+ <TD>Name:
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=author VALUE="%(author)s">
+ <TR>
+ <TD>Email:
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=email VALUE="%(email)s">
+ <TR>
+ <TD>Password:
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE=password SIZE=20 NAME=password VALUE="%(password)s">
+<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=review VALUE="Preview Edit">
+Click this button to preview your changes.
+EDITFORM3 = """
+COMMIT = """
+<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=commit VALUE="Commit">
+Click this button to commit your changes.
+You can't commit your changes unless you enter a log message, your
+name, email addres, and the correct password in the form below.
+Some required information is missing:
+NEED_PASSWD = "<LI>You must provide the correct passwd.\n"
+NEED_AUTHOR = "<LI>You must enter your name.\n"
+NEED_EMAIL = "<LI>You must enter your email address.\n"
+NEED_LOG = "<LI>You must enter a log message.\n"
+Please use your browser's Back command to correct the form and commit
+You edited version %(editversion)s but the current version is %(version)s.
+The two most common causes of this problem are:
+<LI>After committing a change, you went back in your browser,
+ edited the entry some more, and clicked Commit again.
+<LI>Someone else started editing the same entry and committed
+ before you did.
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=show&file=%(file)s">Click here to reload the entry
+and try again.</A>
+Can't write file %(file)s (%(why)s).
+Title: %(title)s
+Last-Changed-Date: %(date)s
+Last-Changed-Author: %(author)s
+Last-Changed-Email: %(email)s
+Last-Changed-Remote-Host: %(REMOTE_HOST)s
+Last-Changed-Remote-Address: %(REMOTE_ADDR)s
+Last-Changed-Date: %(date)s
+Last-Changed-Author: %(author)s
+Last-Changed-Email: %(email)s
+Last-Changed-Remote-Host: %(REMOTE_HOST)s
+Last-Changed-Remote-Address: %(REMOTE_ADDR)s
+Your changes have been committed.
+Exit status %(sts)04x.
+HELP = """
+Using the %(FAQNAME)s Edit Wizard speaks mostly for itself. Here are
+some answers to questions you are likely to ask:
+<H2>I can review an entry but I can't commit it.</H2>
+The commit button only appears if the following conditions are met:
+<LI>The Name field is not empty.
+<LI>The Email field contains at least an @ character.
+<LI>The Log message box is not empty.
+<LI>The Password field contains the proper password.
+<H2>What is the password?</H2>
+At the moment, only PSA members will be told the password. This is a
+good time to join the PSA! See <A
+HREF="">the PSA home page</A>.
+<H2>Can I use HTML in the FAQ entry?</H2>
+No, but if you include a URL or an email address in the text it will
+automatigally become an anchor of the right type. Also, *word*
+is made italic (but only for single alphabetic words).
+<H2>How do I delineate paragraphs?</H2>
+Use blank lines to separate paragraphs.
+<H2>How do I enter example text?</H2>
+Any line that begins with a space or tab is assumed to be part of
+literal text. Blocks of literal text delineated by blank lines are
+placed inside &lt;PRE&gt;...&lt;/PRE&gt;.