path: root/Tools
diff options
authorBenjamin Peterson <>2010-06-25 23:37:15 (GMT)
committerBenjamin Peterson <>2010-06-25 23:37:15 (GMT)
commit0a28bc52b877d489d2d20ca13529bb5655284ee5 (patch)
treecc98c85d512ee56f3e88b24f5cd17e00fff53f1a /Tools
parent4fd283a4fea33b652340fbbbbb850a2ac2dd128e (diff)
remove old, outdated tool
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 2107 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/webchecker/README b/Tools/webchecker/README
deleted file mode 100644
index a51bb3d..0000000
--- a/Tools/webchecker/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-This is a simple web tree checker, useful to find bad links in a web
-tree. It currently checks links pointing within the same subweb for
-validity. The main program is "". See its doc string
-(or invoke it with the option "-?") for more defails.
-- Jan 1997. First release. The module was written by
-Skip Montanaro; the rest is original work by Guido van Rossum.
-- May 1999. Sam Bayer contributed a new version,, which
-supports checking internal links (#spam fragments in URLs) and some
-other options.
-- Nov 1999. Sam Bayer contributed patches to reintegrate
-into, and corresponding mods to and
-- Mar 2004. Chris Herborth contributed a patch to let
-handle XHTML's 'id' attribute.
diff --git a/Tools/webchecker/ b/Tools/webchecker/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a68f9a..0000000
--- a/Tools/webchecker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-"""Assorted Tk-related subroutines used in Grail."""
-from types import *
-from Tkinter import *
-def _clear_entry_widget(event):
- try:
- widget = event.widget
- widget.delete(0, INSERT)
- except: pass
-def install_keybindings(root):
- root.bind_class('Entry', '<Control-u>', _clear_entry_widget)
-def make_toplevel(master, title=None, class_=None):
- """Create a Toplevel widget.
- This is a shortcut for a Toplevel() instantiation plus calls to
- set the title and icon name of the widget.
- """
- if class_:
- widget = Toplevel(master, class_=class_)
- else:
- widget = Toplevel(master)
- if title:
- widget.title(title)
- widget.iconname(title)
- return widget
-def set_transient(widget, master, relx=0.5, rely=0.3, expose=1):
- """Make an existing toplevel widget transient for a master.
- The widget must exist but should not yet have been placed; in
- other words, this should be called after creating all the
- subwidget but before letting the user interact.
- """
- widget.withdraw() # Remain invisible while we figure out the geometry
- widget.transient(master)
- widget.update_idletasks() # Actualize geometry information
- if master.winfo_ismapped():
- m_width = master.winfo_width()
- m_height = master.winfo_height()
- m_x = master.winfo_rootx()
- m_y = master.winfo_rooty()
- else:
- m_width = master.winfo_screenwidth()
- m_height = master.winfo_screenheight()
- m_x = m_y = 0
- w_width = widget.winfo_reqwidth()
- w_height = widget.winfo_reqheight()
- x = m_x + (m_width - w_width) * relx
- y = m_y + (m_height - w_height) * rely
- widget.geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
- if expose:
- widget.deiconify() # Become visible at the desired location
- return widget
-def make_scrollbars(parent, hbar, vbar, pack=1, class_=None, name=None,
- takefocus=0):
- """Subroutine to create a frame with scrollbars.
- This is used by make_text_box and similar routines.
- Note: the caller is responsible for setting the x/y scroll command
- properties (e.g. by calling set_scroll_commands()).
- Return a tuple containing the hbar, the vbar, and the frame, where
- hbar and vbar are None if not requested.
- """
- if class_:
- if name: frame = Frame(parent, class_=class_, name=name)
- else: frame = Frame(parent, class_=class_)
- else:
- if name: frame = Frame(parent, name=name)
- else: frame = Frame(parent)
- if pack:
- frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
- corner = None
- if vbar:
- if not hbar:
- vbar = Scrollbar(frame, takefocus=takefocus)
- vbar.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT)
- else:
- vbarframe = Frame(frame, borderwidth=0)
- vbarframe.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT)
- vbar = Scrollbar(frame, name="vbar", takefocus=takefocus)
- vbar.pack(in_=vbarframe, expand=1, fill=Y, side=TOP)
- sbwidth = vbar.winfo_reqwidth()
- corner = Frame(vbarframe, width=sbwidth, height=sbwidth)
- corner.propagate(0)
- corner.pack(side=BOTTOM)
- else:
- vbar = None
- if hbar:
- hbar = Scrollbar(frame, orient=HORIZONTAL, name="hbar",
- takefocus=takefocus)
- hbar.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)
- else:
- hbar = None
- return hbar, vbar, frame
-def set_scroll_commands(widget, hbar, vbar):
- """Link a scrollable widget to its scroll bars.
- The scroll bars may be empty.
- """
- if vbar:
- widget['yscrollcommand'] = (vbar, 'set')
- vbar['command'] = (widget, 'yview')
- if hbar:
- widget['xscrollcommand'] = (hbar, 'set')
- hbar['command'] = (widget, 'xview')
- widget.vbar = vbar
- widget.hbar = hbar
-def make_text_box(parent, width=0, height=0, hbar=0, vbar=1,
- fill=BOTH, expand=1, wrap=WORD, pack=1,
- class_=None, name=None, takefocus=None):
- """Subroutine to create a text box.
- Create:
- - a both-ways filling and expanding frame, containing:
- - a text widget on the left, and
- - possibly a vertical scroll bar on the right.
- - possibly a horizonta; scroll bar at the bottom.
- Return the text widget and the frame widget.
- """
- hbar, vbar, frame = make_scrollbars(parent, hbar, vbar, pack,
- class_=class_, name=name,
- takefocus=takefocus)
- widget = Text(frame, wrap=wrap, name="text")
- if width: widget.config(width=width)
- if height: widget.config(height=height)
- widget.pack(expand=expand, fill=fill, side=LEFT)
- set_scroll_commands(widget, hbar, vbar)
- return widget, frame
-def make_list_box(parent, width=0, height=0, hbar=0, vbar=1,
- fill=BOTH, expand=1, pack=1, class_=None, name=None,
- takefocus=None):
- """Subroutine to create a list box.
- Like make_text_box().
- """
- hbar, vbar, frame = make_scrollbars(parent, hbar, vbar, pack,
- class_=class_, name=name,
- takefocus=takefocus)
- widget = Listbox(frame, name="listbox")
- if width: widget.config(width=width)
- if height: widget.config(height=height)
- widget.pack(expand=expand, fill=fill, side=LEFT)
- set_scroll_commands(widget, hbar, vbar)
- return widget, frame
-def make_canvas(parent, width=0, height=0, hbar=1, vbar=1,
- fill=BOTH, expand=1, pack=1, class_=None, name=None,
- takefocus=None):
- """Subroutine to create a canvas.
- Like make_text_box().
- """
- hbar, vbar, frame = make_scrollbars(parent, hbar, vbar, pack,
- class_=class_, name=name,
- takefocus=takefocus)
- widget = Canvas(frame, scrollregion=(0, 0, width, height), name="canvas")
- if width: widget.config(width=width)
- if height: widget.config(height=height)
- widget.pack(expand=expand, fill=fill, side=LEFT)
- set_scroll_commands(widget, hbar, vbar)
- return widget, frame
-def make_form_entry(parent, label, borderwidth=None):
- """Subroutine to create a form entry.
- Create:
- - a horizontally filling and expanding frame, containing:
- - a label on the left, and
- - a text entry on the right.
- Return the entry widget and the frame widget.
- """
- frame = Frame(parent)
- frame.pack(fill=X)
- label = Label(frame, text=label)
- label.pack(side=LEFT)
- if borderwidth is None:
- entry = Entry(frame, relief=SUNKEN)
- else:
- entry = Entry(frame, relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=borderwidth)
- entry.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1)
- return entry, frame
-# This is a slightly modified version of the function above. This
-# version does the proper alighnment of labels with their fields. It
-# should probably eventually replace make_form_entry altogether.
-# The one annoying bug is that the text entry field should be
-# expandable while still aligning the colons. This doesn't work yet.
-def make_labeled_form_entry(parent, label, entrywidth=20, entryheight=1,
- labelwidth=0, borderwidth=None,
- takefocus=None):
- """Subroutine to create a form entry.
- Create:
- - a horizontally filling and expanding frame, containing:
- - a label on the left, and
- - a text entry on the right.
- Return the entry widget and the frame widget.
- """
- if label and label[-1] != ':': label = label + ':'
- frame = Frame(parent)
- label = Label(frame, text=label, width=labelwidth, anchor=E)
- label.pack(side=LEFT)
- if entryheight == 1:
- if borderwidth is None:
- entry = Entry(frame, relief=SUNKEN, width=entrywidth)
- else:
- entry = Entry(frame, relief=SUNKEN, width=entrywidth,
- borderwidth=borderwidth)
- entry.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1, fill=X)
- frame.pack(fill=X)
- else:
- entry = make_text_box(frame, entrywidth, entryheight, 1, 1,
- takefocus=takefocus)
- frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
- return entry, frame, label
-def make_double_frame(master=None, class_=None, name=None, relief=RAISED,
- borderwidth=1):
- """Create a pair of frames suitable for 'hosting' a dialog."""
- if name:
- if class_: frame = Frame(master, class_=class_, name=name)
- else: frame = Frame(master, name=name)
- else:
- if class_: frame = Frame(master, class_=class_)
- else: frame = Frame(master)
- top = Frame(frame, name="topframe", relief=relief,
- borderwidth=borderwidth)
- bottom = Frame(frame, name="bottomframe")
- bottom.pack(fill=X, padx='1m', pady='1m', side=BOTTOM)
- top.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, padx='1m', pady='1m')
- frame.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
- top = Frame(top)
- top.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, padx='2m', pady='2m')
- return frame, top, bottom
-def make_group_frame(master, name=None, label=None, fill=Y,
- side=None, expand=None, font=None):
- """Create nested frames with a border and optional label.
- The outer frame is only used to provide the decorative border, to
- control packing, and to host the label. The inner frame is packed
- to fill the outer frame and should be used as the parent of all
- sub-widgets. Only the inner frame is returned.
- """
- font = font or "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- outer = Frame(master, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE)
- outer.pack(expand=expand, fill=fill, side=side)
- if label:
- Label(outer, text=label, font=font, anchor=W).pack(fill=X)
- inner = Frame(master, borderwidth='1m', name=name)
- inner.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, in_=outer)
- inner.forget = outer.forget
- return inner
-def unify_button_widths(*buttons):
- """Make buttons passed in all have the same width.
- Works for labels and other widgets with the 'text' option.
- """
- wid = 0
- for btn in buttons:
- wid = max(wid, len(btn["text"]))
- for btn in buttons:
- btn["width"] = wid
-def flatten(msg):
- """Turn a list or tuple into a single string -- recursively."""
- t = type(msg)
- if t in (ListType, TupleType):
- msg = ' '.join(map(flatten, msg))
- elif t is ClassType:
- msg = msg.__name__
- else:
- msg = str(msg)
- return msg
-def boolean(s):
- """Test whether a string is a Tk boolean, without error checking."""
- if s.lower() in ('', '0', 'no', 'off', 'false'): return 0
- else: return 1
-def test():
- """Test make_text_box(), make_form_entry(), flatten(), boolean()."""
- import sys
- root = Tk()
- entry, eframe = make_form_entry(root, 'Boolean:')
- text, tframe = make_text_box(root)
- def enter(event, entry=entry, text=text):
- s = boolean(entry.get()) and '\nyes' or '\nno'
- text.insert('end', s)
- entry.bind('<Return>', enter)
- entry.insert(END, flatten(sys.argv))
- root.mainloop()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
diff --git a/Tools/webchecker/ b/Tools/webchecker/
deleted file mode 100755
index b0c69d3..0000000
--- a/Tools/webchecker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-"""GUI interface to webchecker.
-This works as a Grail applet too! E.g.
- <APPLET NAME=CheckerWindow></APPLET>
-Checkpoints are not (yet??? ever???) supported.
-User interface:
-Enter a root to check in the text entry box. To enter more than one root,
-enter them one at a time and press <Return> for each one.
-Command buttons Start, Stop and "Check one" govern the checking process in
-the obvious way. Start and "Check one" also enter the root from the text
-entry box if one is present. There's also a check box (enabled by default)
-to decide whether actually to follow external links (since this can slow
-the checking down considerably). Finally there's a Quit button.
-A series of checkbuttons determines whether the corresponding output panel
-is shown. List panels are also automatically shown or hidden when their
-status changes between empty to non-empty. There are six panels:
-Log -- raw output from the checker (-v, -q affect this)
-To check -- links discovered but not yet checked
-Checked -- links that have been checked
-Bad links -- links that failed upon checking
-Errors -- pages containing at least one bad link
-Details -- details about one URL; double click on a URL in any of
- the above list panels (not in Log) will show details
- for that URL
-Use your window manager's Close command to quit.
-Command line options:
--m bytes -- skip HTML pages larger than this size (default %(MAXPAGE)d)
--q -- quiet operation (also suppresses external links report)
--v -- verbose operation; repeating -v will increase verbosity
--t root -- specify root dir which should be treated as internal (can repeat)
--a -- don't check name anchors
-Command line arguments:
-rooturl -- URL to start checking
- (default %(DEFROOT)s)
-XXX The command line options (-m, -q, -v) should be GUI accessible.
-XXX The roots should be visible as a list (?).
-XXX The multipanel user interface is clumsy.
-# ' Emacs bait
-import sys
-import getopt
-from Tkinter import *
-import tktools
-import webchecker
-def main():
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 't:m:qva')
- except getopt.error as msg:
- sys.stdout = sys.stderr
- print(msg)
- print(__doc__%vars(webchecker))
- sys.exit(2)
- webchecker.verbose = webchecker.VERBOSE
- webchecker.nonames = webchecker.NONAMES
- webchecker.maxpage = webchecker.MAXPAGE
- extra_roots = []
- for o, a in opts:
- if o == '-m':
- webchecker.maxpage = int(a)
- if o == '-q':
- webchecker.verbose = 0
- if o == '-v':
- webchecker.verbose = webchecker.verbose + 1
- if o == '-t':
- extra_roots.append(a)
- if o == '-a':
- webchecker.nonames = not webchecker.nonames
- root = Tk(className='Webchecker')
- root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", root.quit)
- c = CheckerWindow(root)
- c.setflags(verbose=webchecker.verbose, maxpage=webchecker.maxpage,
- nonames=webchecker.nonames)
- if args:
- for arg in args[:-1]:
- c.addroot(arg)
- c.suggestroot(args[-1])
- # Usually conditioned on whether external links
- # will be checked, but since that's not a command
- # line option, just toss them in.
- for url_root in extra_roots:
- # Make sure it's terminated by a slash,
- # so that addroot doesn't discard the last
- # directory component.
- if url_root[-1] != "/":
- url_root = url_root + "/"
- c.addroot(url_root, add_to_do = 0)
- root.mainloop()
-class CheckerWindow(webchecker.Checker):
- def __init__(self, parent, root=webchecker.DEFROOT):
- self.__parent = parent
- self.__topcontrols = Frame(parent)
- self.__topcontrols.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- self.__label = Label(self.__topcontrols, text="Root URL:")
- self.__label.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.__rootentry = Entry(self.__topcontrols, width=60)
- self.__rootentry.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.__rootentry.bind('<Return>', self.enterroot)
- self.__rootentry.focus_set()
- self.__controls = Frame(parent)
- self.__controls.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- self.__running = 0
- self.__start = Button(self.__controls, text="Run", command=self.start)
- self.__start.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.__stop = Button(self.__controls, text="Stop", command=self.stop,
- state=DISABLED)
- self.__stop.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.__step = Button(self.__controls, text="Check one",
- command=self.step)
- self.__step.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.__cv = BooleanVar(parent)
- self.__cv.set(self.checkext)
- self.__checkext = Checkbutton(self.__controls, variable=self.__cv,
- command=self.update_checkext,
- text="Check nonlocal links",)
- self.__checkext.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.__reset = Button(self.__controls, text="Start over", command=self.reset)
- self.__reset.pack(side=LEFT)
- if __name__ == '__main__': # No Quit button under Grail!
- self.__quit = Button(self.__controls, text="Quit",
- command=self.__parent.quit)
- self.__quit.pack(side=RIGHT)
- self.__status = Label(parent, text="Status: initial", anchor=W)
- self.__status.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- self.__checking = Label(parent, text="Idle", anchor=W)
- self.__checking.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- self.__mp = mp = MultiPanel(parent)
- sys.stdout = self.__log = LogPanel(mp, "Log")
- self.__todo = ListPanel(mp, "To check", self, self.showinfo)
- self.__done = ListPanel(mp, "Checked", self, self.showinfo)
- self.__bad = ListPanel(mp, "Bad links", self, self.showinfo)
- self.__errors = ListPanel(mp, "Pages w/ bad links", self, self.showinfo)
- self.__details = LogPanel(mp, "Details")
- self.root_seed = None
- webchecker.Checker.__init__(self)
- if root:
- root = str(root).strip()
- if root:
- self.suggestroot(root)
- self.newstatus()
- def reset(self):
- webchecker.Checker.reset(self)
- for p in self.__todo, self.__done, self.__bad, self.__errors:
- p.clear()
- if self.root_seed:
- self.suggestroot(self.root_seed)
- def suggestroot(self, root):
- self.__rootentry.delete(0, END)
- self.__rootentry.insert(END, root)
- self.__rootentry.select_range(0, END)
- self.root_seed = root
- def enterroot(self, event=None):
- root = self.__rootentry.get()
- root = root.strip()
- if root:
- self.__checking.config(text="Adding root "+root)
- self.__checking.update_idletasks()
- self.addroot(root)
- self.__checking.config(text="Idle")
- try:
- i = self.__todo.items.index(root)
- except (ValueError, IndexError):
- pass
- else:
- self.__todo.list.select_clear(0, END)
- self.__todo.list.select_set(i)
- self.__todo.list.yview(i)
- self.__rootentry.delete(0, END)
- def start(self):
- self.__start.config(state=DISABLED, relief=SUNKEN)
- self.__stop.config(state=NORMAL)
- self.__step.config(state=DISABLED)
- self.enterroot()
- self.__running = 1
- self.go()
- def stop(self):
- self.__stop.config(state=DISABLED, relief=SUNKEN)
- self.__running = 0
- def step(self):
- self.__start.config(state=DISABLED)
- self.__step.config(state=DISABLED, relief=SUNKEN)
- self.enterroot()
- self.__running = 0
- self.dosomething()
- def go(self):
- if self.__running:
- self.__parent.after_idle(self.dosomething)
- else:
- self.__checking.config(text="Idle")
- self.__start.config(state=NORMAL, relief=RAISED)
- self.__stop.config(state=DISABLED, relief=RAISED)
- self.__step.config(state=NORMAL, relief=RAISED)
- __busy = 0
- def dosomething(self):
- if self.__busy: return
- self.__busy = 1
- if self.todo:
- l = self.__todo.selectedindices()
- if l:
- i = l[0]
- else:
- i = 0
- self.__todo.list.select_set(i)
- self.__todo.list.yview(i)
- url = self.__todo.items[i]
- self.__checking.config(text="Checking "+self.format_url(url))
- self.__parent.update()
- self.dopage(url)
- else:
- self.stop()
- self.__busy = 0
- self.go()
- def showinfo(self, url):
- d = self.__details
- d.clear()
- d.put("URL: %s\n" % self.format_url(url))
- if url in self.bad:
- d.put("Error: %s\n" % str(self.bad[url]))
- if url in self.roots:
- d.put("Note: This is a root URL\n")
- if url in self.done:
- d.put("Status: checked\n")
- o = self.done[url]
- elif url in self.todo:
- d.put("Status: to check\n")
- o = self.todo[url]
- else:
- d.put("Status: unknown (!)\n")
- o = []
- if (not url[1]) and url[0] in self.errors:
- d.put("Bad links from this page:\n")
- for triple in self.errors[url[0]]:
- link, rawlink, msg = triple
- d.put(" HREF %s" % self.format_url(link))
- if self.format_url(link) != rawlink: d.put(" (%s)" %rawlink)
- d.put("\n")
- d.put(" error %s\n" % str(msg))
- self.__mp.showpanel("Details")
- for source, rawlink in o:
- d.put("Origin: %s" % source)
- if rawlink != self.format_url(url):
- d.put(" (%s)" % rawlink)
- d.put("\n")
- d.text.yview("1.0")
- def setbad(self, url, msg):
- webchecker.Checker.setbad(self, url, msg)
- self.__bad.insert(url)
- self.newstatus()
- def setgood(self, url):
- webchecker.Checker.setgood(self, url)
- self.__bad.remove(url)
- self.newstatus()
- def newlink(self, url, origin):
- webchecker.Checker.newlink(self, url, origin)
- if url in self.done:
- self.__done.insert(url)
- elif url in self.todo:
- self.__todo.insert(url)
- self.newstatus()
- def markdone(self, url):
- webchecker.Checker.markdone(self, url)
- self.__done.insert(url)
- self.__todo.remove(url)
- self.newstatus()
- def seterror(self, url, triple):
- webchecker.Checker.seterror(self, url, triple)
- self.__errors.insert((url, ''))
- self.newstatus()
- def newstatus(self):
- self.__status.config(text="Status: "+self.status())
- self.__parent.update()
- def update_checkext(self):
- self.checkext = self.__cv.get()
-class ListPanel:
- def __init__(self, mp, name, checker, showinfo=None):
- = mp
- = name
- self.showinfo = showinfo
- self.checker = checker
- self.panel = mp.addpanel(name)
- self.list, self.frame = tktools.make_list_box(
- self.panel, width=60, height=5)
- self.list.config(exportselection=0)
- if showinfo:
- self.list.bind('<Double-Button-1>', self.doubleclick)
- self.items = []
- def clear(self):
- self.items = []
- self.list.delete(0, END)
- def doubleclick(self, event):
- l = self.selectedindices()
- if l:
- self.showinfo(self.items[l[0]])
- def selectedindices(self):
- l = self.list.curselection()
- if not l: return []
- return list(map(int, l))
- def insert(self, url):
- if url not in self.items:
- if not self.items:
- # (I tried sorting alphabetically, but the display is too jumpy)
- i = len(self.items)
- self.list.insert(i, self.checker.format_url(url))
- self.list.yview(i)
- self.items.insert(i, url)
- def remove(self, url):
- try:
- i = self.items.index(url)
- except (ValueError, IndexError):
- pass
- else:
- was_selected = i in self.selectedindices()
- self.list.delete(i)
- del self.items[i]
- if not self.items:
- elif was_selected:
- if i >= len(self.items):
- i = len(self.items) - 1
- self.list.select_set(i)
-class LogPanel:
- def __init__(self, mp, name):
- = mp
- = name
- self.panel = mp.addpanel(name)
- self.text, self.frame = tktools.make_text_box(self.panel, height=10)
- self.text.config(wrap=NONE)
- def clear(self):
- self.text.delete("1.0", END)
- self.text.yview("1.0")
- def put(self, s):
- self.text.insert(END, s)
- if '\n' in s:
- self.text.yview(END)
- def write(self, s):
- self.text.insert(END, s)
- if '\n' in s:
- self.text.yview(END)
- self.panel.update()
-class MultiPanel:
- def __init__(self, parent):
- self.parent = parent
- self.frame = Frame(self.parent)
- self.frame.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
- self.topframe = Frame(self.frame, borderwidth=2, relief=RAISED)
- self.topframe.pack(fill=X)
- self.botframe = Frame(self.frame)
- self.botframe.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
- self.panelnames = []
- self.panels = {}
- def addpanel(self, name, on=0):
- v = StringVar(self.parent)
- if on:
- v.set(name)
- else:
- v.set("")
- check = Checkbutton(self.topframe, text=name,
- offvalue="", onvalue=name, variable=v,
- command=self.checkpanel)
- check.pack(side=LEFT)
- panel = Frame(self.botframe)
- label = Label(panel, text=name, borderwidth=2, relief=RAISED, anchor=W)
- label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- t = v, check, panel
- self.panelnames.append(name)
- self.panels[name] = t
- if on:
- panel.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
- return panel
- def showpanel(self, name):
- v, check, panel = self.panels[name]
- v.set(name)
- panel.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
- def hidepanel(self, name):
- v, check, panel = self.panels[name]
- v.set("")
- panel.pack_forget()
- def checkpanel(self):
- for name in self.panelnames:
- v, check, panel = self.panels[name]
- panel.pack_forget()
- for name in self.panelnames:
- v, check, panel = self.panels[name]
- if v.get():
- panel.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/Tools/webchecker/ b/Tools/webchecker/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9edcd5d..0000000
--- a/Tools/webchecker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import webchecker, sys
-webchecker.DEFROOT = ""
-webchecker.MAXPAGE = 50000
-webchecker.verbose = 2
-sys.stdout.write("\nCR to exit: ")
diff --git a/Tools/webchecker/ b/Tools/webchecker/
deleted file mode 100755
index 7c3124c..0000000
--- a/Tools/webchecker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,890 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-# Original code by Guido van Rossum; extensive changes by Sam Bayer,
-# including code to check URL fragments.
-"""Web tree checker.
-This utility is handy to check a subweb of the world-wide web for
-errors. A subweb is specified by giving one or more ``root URLs''; a
-page belongs to the subweb if one of the root URLs is an initial
-prefix of it.
-File URL extension:
-In order to easy the checking of subwebs via the local file system,
-the interpretation of ``file:'' URLs is extended to mimic the behavior
-of your average HTTP daemon: if a directory pathname is given, the
-file index.html in that directory is returned if it exists, otherwise
-a directory listing is returned. Now, you can point webchecker to the
-document tree in the local file system of your HTTP daemon, and have
-most of it checked. In fact the default works this way if your local
-web tree is located at /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdpcs (the default for
-the NCSA HTTP daemon and probably others).
-Report printed:
-When done, it reports pages with bad links within the subweb. When
-interrupted, it reports for the pages that it has checked already.
-In verbose mode, additional messages are printed during the
-information gathering phase. By default, it prints a summary of its
-work status every 50 URLs (adjustable with the -r option), and it
-reports errors as they are encountered. Use the -q option to disable
-this output.
-Checkpoint feature:
-Whether interrupted or not, it dumps its state (a Python pickle) to a
-checkpoint file and the -R option allows it to restart from the
-checkpoint (assuming that the pages on the subweb that were already
-processed haven't changed). Even when it has run till completion, -R
-can still be useful -- it will print the reports again, and -Rq prints
-the errors only. In this case, the checkpoint file is not written
-again. The checkpoint file can be set with the -d option.
-The checkpoint file is written as a Python pickle. Remember that
-Python's pickle module is currently quite slow. Give it the time it
-needs to load and save the checkpoint file. When interrupted while
-writing the checkpoint file, the old checkpoint file is not
-overwritten, but all work done in the current run is lost.
-- You may find the (Tk-based) GUI version easier to use. See
-- Webchecker honors the "robots.txt" convention. Thanks to Skip
-Montanaro for his module (included in this directory)!
-The agent name is hardwired to "webchecker". URLs that are disallowed
-by the robots.txt file are reported as external URLs.
-- Because the SGML parser is a bit slow, very large SGML files are
-skipped. The size limit can be set with the -m option.
-- When the server or protocol does not tell us a file's type, we guess
-it based on the URL's suffix. The module (also in this
-directory) has a built-in table mapping most currently known suffixes,
-and in addition attempts to read the mime.types configuration files in
-the default locations of Netscape and the NCSA HTTP daemon.
-- We follow links indicated by <A>, <FRAME> and <IMG> tags. We also
-honor the <BASE> tag.
-- We now check internal NAME anchor links, as well as toplevel links.
-- Checking external links is now done by default; use -x to *disable*
-this feature. External links are now checked during normal
-processing. (XXX The status of a checked link could be categorized
-better. Later...)
-- If external links are not checked, you can use the -t flag to
-provide specific overrides to -x.
-Usage: [option] ... [rooturl] ...
--R -- restart from checkpoint file
--d file -- checkpoint filename (default %(DUMPFILE)s)
--m bytes -- skip HTML pages larger than this size (default %(MAXPAGE)d)
--n -- reports only, no checking (use with -R)
--q -- quiet operation (also suppresses external links report)
--r number -- number of links processed per round (default %(ROUNDSIZE)d)
--t root -- specify root dir which should be treated as internal (can repeat)
--v -- verbose operation; repeating -v will increase verbosity
--x -- don't check external links (these are often slow to check)
--a -- don't check name anchors
-rooturl -- URL to start checking
- (default %(DEFROOT)s)
-__version__ = "$Revision$"
-import sys
-import os
-from types import *
-import io
-import getopt
-import pickle
-import urllib.request
-import urllib.parse as urlparse
-import sgmllib
-import cgi
-import mimetypes
-from urllib import robotparser
-# Extract real version number if necessary
-if __version__[0] == '$':
- _v = __version__.split()
- if len(_v) == 3:
- __version__ = _v[1]
-# Tunable parameters
-DEFROOT = "file:/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/" # Default root URL
-CHECKEXT = 1 # Check external references (1 deep)
-VERBOSE = 1 # Verbosity level (0-3)
-MAXPAGE = 150000 # Ignore files bigger than this
-ROUNDSIZE = 50 # Number of links processed per round
-DUMPFILE = "@webchecker.pickle" # Pickled checkpoint
-AGENTNAME = "webchecker" # Agent name for robots.txt parser
-NONAMES = 0 # Force name anchor checking
-# Global variables
-def main():
- checkext = CHECKEXT
- verbose = VERBOSE
- maxpage = MAXPAGE
- roundsize = ROUNDSIZE
- dumpfile = DUMPFILE
- restart = 0
- norun = 0
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'Rd:m:nqr:t:vxa')
- except getopt.error as msg:
- sys.stdout = sys.stderr
- print(msg)
- print(__doc__%globals())
- sys.exit(2)
- # The extra_roots variable collects extra roots.
- extra_roots = []
- nonames = NONAMES
- for o, a in opts:
- if o == '-R':
- restart = 1
- if o == '-d':
- dumpfile = a
- if o == '-m':
- maxpage = int(a)
- if o == '-n':
- norun = 1
- if o == '-q':
- verbose = 0
- if o == '-r':
- roundsize = int(a)
- if o == '-t':
- extra_roots.append(a)
- if o == '-a':
- nonames = not nonames
- if o == '-v':
- verbose = verbose + 1
- if o == '-x':
- checkext = not checkext
- if verbose > 0:
- print(AGENTNAME, "version", __version__)
- if restart:
- c = load_pickle(dumpfile=dumpfile, verbose=verbose)
- else:
- c = Checker()
- c.setflags(checkext=checkext, verbose=verbose,
- maxpage=maxpage, roundsize=roundsize,
- nonames=nonames
- )
- if not restart and not args:
- args.append(DEFROOT)
- for arg in args:
- c.addroot(arg)
- # The -t flag is only needed if external links are not to be
- # checked. So -t values are ignored unless -x was specified.
- if not checkext:
- for root in extra_roots:
- # Make sure it's terminated by a slash,
- # so that addroot doesn't discard the last
- # directory component.
- if root[-1] != "/":
- root = root + "/"
- c.addroot(root, add_to_do = 0)
- try:
- if not norun:
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- if verbose > 0:
- print("[run interrupted]")
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- if verbose > 0:
- print("[report interrupted]")
- finally:
- if c.save_pickle(dumpfile):
- if dumpfile == DUMPFILE:
- print("Use ``%s -R'' to restart." % sys.argv[0])
- else:
- print("Use ``%s -R -d %s'' to restart." % (sys.argv[0],
- dumpfile))
-def load_pickle(dumpfile=DUMPFILE, verbose=VERBOSE):
- if verbose > 0:
- print("Loading checkpoint from %s ..." % dumpfile)
- f = open(dumpfile, "rb")
- c = pickle.load(f)
- f.close()
- if verbose > 0:
- print("Done.")
- print("Root:", "\n ".join(c.roots))
- return c
-class Checker:
- checkext = CHECKEXT
- verbose = VERBOSE
- maxpage = MAXPAGE
- roundsize = ROUNDSIZE
- nonames = NONAMES
- validflags = tuple(dir())
- def __init__(self):
- self.reset()
- def setflags(self, **kw):
- for key in kw:
- if key not in self.validflags:
- raise NameError("invalid keyword argument: %s" % str(key))
- for key, value in kw.items():
- setattr(self, key, value)
- def reset(self):
- self.roots = []
- self.todo = {}
- self.done = {}
- self.bad = {}
- # Add a name table, so that the name URLs can be checked. Also
- # serves as an implicit cache for which URLs are done.
- self.name_table = {}
- self.round = 0
- # The following are not pickled:
- self.robots = {}
- self.errors = {}
- self.urlopener = MyURLopener()
- self.changed = 0
- def note(self, level, format, *args):
- if self.verbose > level:
- if args:
- format = format%args
- self.message(format)
- def message(self, format, *args):
- if args:
- format = format%args
- print(format)
- def __getstate__(self):
- return (self.roots, self.todo, self.done, self.bad, self.round)
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.reset()
- (self.roots, self.todo, self.done, self.bad, self.round) = state
- for root in self.roots:
- self.addrobot(root)
- for url in self.bad:
- self.markerror(url)
- def addroot(self, root, add_to_do = 1):
- if root not in self.roots:
- troot = root
- scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = \
- urlparse.urlparse(root)
- i = path.rfind("/") + 1
- if 0 < i < len(path):
- path = path[:i]
- troot = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path,
- params, query, fragment))
- self.roots.append(troot)
- self.addrobot(root)
- if add_to_do:
- self.newlink((root, ""), ("<root>", root))
- def addrobot(self, root):
- root = urlparse.urljoin(root, "/")
- if root in self.robots: return
- url = urlparse.urljoin(root, "/robots.txt")
- self.robots[root] = rp = robotparser.RobotFileParser()
- self.note(2, "Parsing %s", url)
- rp.debug = self.verbose > 3
- rp.set_url(url)
- try:
- except (OSError, IOError) as msg:
- self.note(1, "I/O error parsing %s: %s", url, msg)
- def run(self):
- while self.todo:
- self.round = self.round + 1
- self.note(0, "\nRound %d (%s)\n", self.round, self.status())
- urls = sorted(self.todo.keys())
- del urls[self.roundsize:]
- for url in urls:
- self.dopage(url)
- def status(self):
- return "%d total, %d to do, %d done, %d bad" % (
- len(self.todo)+len(self.done),
- len(self.todo), len(self.done),
- len(self.bad))
- def report(self):
- self.message("")
- if not self.todo: s = "Final"
- else: s = "Interim"
- self.message("%s Report (%s)", s, self.status())
- self.report_errors()
- def report_errors(self):
- if not self.bad:
- self.message("\nNo errors")
- return
- self.message("\nError Report:")
- sources = sorted(self.errors.keys())
- for source in sources:
- triples = self.errors[source]
- self.message("")
- if len(triples) > 1:
- self.message("%d Errors in %s", len(triples), source)
- else:
- self.message("Error in %s", source)
- # Call self.format_url() instead of referring
- # to the URL directly, since the URLs in these
- # triples is now a (URL, fragment) pair. The value
- # of the "source" variable comes from the list of
- # origins, and is a URL, not a pair.
- for url, rawlink, msg in triples:
- if rawlink != self.format_url(url): s = " (%s)" % rawlink
- else: s = ""
- self.message(" HREF %s%s\n msg %s",
- self.format_url(url), s, msg)
- def dopage(self, url_pair):
- # All printing of URLs uses format_url(); argument changed to
- # url_pair for clarity.
- if self.verbose > 1:
- if self.verbose > 2:
-"Check ", self.format_url(url_pair),
- " from", self.todo[url_pair])
- else:
- self.message("Check %s", self.format_url(url_pair))
- url, local_fragment = url_pair
- if local_fragment and self.nonames:
- self.markdone(url_pair)
- return
- try:
- page = self.getpage(url_pair)
- except sgmllib.SGMLParseError as msg:
- msg = self.sanitize(msg)
- self.note(0, "Error parsing %s: %s",
- self.format_url(url_pair), msg)
- # Dont actually mark the URL as bad - it exists, just
- # we can't parse it!
- page = None
- if page:
- # Store the page which corresponds to this URL.
- self.name_table[url] = page
- # If there is a fragment in this url_pair, and it's not
- # in the list of names for the page, call setbad(), since
- # it's a missing anchor.
- if local_fragment and local_fragment not in page.getnames():
- self.setbad(url_pair, ("Missing name anchor `%s'" % local_fragment))
- for info in page.getlinkinfos():
- # getlinkinfos() now returns the fragment as well,
- # and we store that fragment here in the "todo" dictionary.
- link, rawlink, fragment = info
- # However, we don't want the fragment as the origin, since
- # the origin is logically a page.
- origin = url, rawlink
- self.newlink((link, fragment), origin)
- else:
- # If no page has been created yet, we want to
- # record that fact.
- self.name_table[url_pair[0]] = None
- self.markdone(url_pair)
- def newlink(self, url, origin):
- if url in self.done:
- self.newdonelink(url, origin)
- else:
- self.newtodolink(url, origin)
- def newdonelink(self, url, origin):
- if origin not in self.done[url]:
- self.done[url].append(origin)
- # Call self.format_url(), since the URL here
- # is now a (URL, fragment) pair.
- self.note(3, " Done link %s", self.format_url(url))
- # Make sure that if it's bad, that the origin gets added.
- if url in self.bad:
- source, rawlink = origin
- triple = url, rawlink, self.bad[url]
- self.seterror(source, triple)
- def newtodolink(self, url, origin):
- # Call self.format_url(), since the URL here
- # is now a (URL, fragment) pair.
- if url in self.todo:
- if origin not in self.todo[url]:
- self.todo[url].append(origin)
- self.note(3, " Seen todo link %s", self.format_url(url))
- else:
- self.todo[url] = [origin]
- self.note(3, " New todo link %s", self.format_url(url))
- def format_url(self, url):
- link, fragment = url
- if fragment: return link + "#" + fragment
- else: return link
- def markdone(self, url):
- self.done[url] = self.todo[url]
- del self.todo[url]
- self.changed = 1
- def inroots(self, url):
- for root in self.roots:
- if url[:len(root)] == root:
- return self.isallowed(root, url)
- return 0
- def isallowed(self, root, url):
- root = urlparse.urljoin(root, "/")
- return self.robots[root].can_fetch(AGENTNAME, url)
- def getpage(self, url_pair):
- # Incoming argument name is a (URL, fragment) pair.
- # The page may have been cached in the name_table variable.
- url, fragment = url_pair
- if url in self.name_table:
- return self.name_table[url]
- scheme, path = urllib.request.splittype(url)
- if scheme in ('mailto', 'news', 'javascript', 'telnet'):
- self.note(1, " Not checking %s URL" % scheme)
- return None
- isint = self.inroots(url)
- # Ensure that openpage gets the URL pair to
- # print out its error message and record the error pair
- # correctly.
- if not isint:
- if not self.checkext:
- self.note(1, " Not checking ext link")
- return None
- f = self.openpage(url_pair)
- if f:
- self.safeclose(f)
- return None
- text, nurl = self.readhtml(url_pair)
- if nurl != url:
- self.note(1, " Redirected to %s", nurl)
- url = nurl
- if text:
- return Page(text, url, maxpage=self.maxpage, checker=self)
- # These next three functions take (URL, fragment) pairs as
- # arguments, so that openpage() receives the appropriate tuple to
- # record error messages.
- def readhtml(self, url_pair):
- url, fragment = url_pair
- text = None
- f, url = self.openhtml(url_pair)
- if f:
- text =
- f.close()
- return text, url
- def openhtml(self, url_pair):
- url, fragment = url_pair
- f = self.openpage(url_pair)
- if f:
- url = f.geturl()
- info =
- if not self.checkforhtml(info, url):
- self.safeclose(f)
- f = None
- return f, url
- def openpage(self, url_pair):
- url, fragment = url_pair
- try:
- return
- except (OSError, IOError) as msg:
- msg = self.sanitize(msg)
- self.note(0, "Error %s", msg)
- if self.verbose > 0:
-" HREF ", url, " from", self.todo[url_pair])
- self.setbad(url_pair, msg)
- return None
- def checkforhtml(self, info, url):
- if 'content-type' in info:
- ctype = cgi.parse_header(info['content-type'])[0].lower()
- if ';' in ctype:
- # handle content-type: text/html; charset=iso8859-1 :
- ctype = ctype.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
- else:
- if url[-1:] == "/":
- return 1
- ctype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(url)
- if ctype == 'text/html':
- return 1
- else:
- self.note(1, " Not HTML, mime type %s", ctype)
- return 0
- def setgood(self, url):
- if url in self.bad:
- del self.bad[url]
- self.changed = 1
- self.note(0, "(Clear previously seen error)")
- def setbad(self, url, msg):
- if url in self.bad and self.bad[url] == msg:
- self.note(0, "(Seen this error before)")
- return
- self.bad[url] = msg
- self.changed = 1
- self.markerror(url)
- def markerror(self, url):
- try:
- origins = self.todo[url]
- except KeyError:
- origins = self.done[url]
- for source, rawlink in origins:
- triple = url, rawlink, self.bad[url]
- self.seterror(source, triple)
- def seterror(self, url, triple):
- try:
- # Because of the way the URLs are now processed, I need to
- # check to make sure the URL hasn't been entered in the
- # error list. The first element of the triple here is a
- # (URL, fragment) pair, but the URL key is not, since it's
- # from the list of origins.
- if triple not in self.errors[url]:
- self.errors[url].append(triple)
- except KeyError:
- self.errors[url] = [triple]
- # The following used to be toplevel functions; they have been
- # changed into methods so they can be overridden in subclasses.
- def show(self, p1, link, p2, origins):
- self.message("%s %s", p1, link)
- i = 0
- for source, rawlink in origins:
- i = i+1
- if i == 2:
- p2 = ' '*len(p2)
- if rawlink != link: s = " (%s)" % rawlink
- else: s = ""
- self.message("%s %s%s", p2, source, s)
- def sanitize(self, msg):
- if isinstance(IOError, ClassType) and isinstance(msg, IOError):
- # Do the other branch recursively
- msg.args = self.sanitize(msg.args)
- elif isinstance(msg, TupleType):
- if len(msg) >= 4 and msg[0] == 'http error' and \
- isinstance(msg[3], InstanceType):
- # Remove the Message instance -- it may contain
- # a file object which prevents pickling.
- msg = msg[:3] + msg[4:]
- return msg
- def safeclose(self, f):
- try:
- url = f.geturl()
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- if url[:4] == 'ftp:' or url[:7] == 'file://':
- # Apparently ftp connections don't like to be closed
- # prematurely...
- text =
- f.close()
- def save_pickle(self, dumpfile=DUMPFILE):
- if not self.changed:
- self.note(0, "\nNo need to save checkpoint")
- elif not dumpfile:
- self.note(0, "No dumpfile, won't save checkpoint")
- else:
- self.note(0, "\nSaving checkpoint to %s ...", dumpfile)
- newfile = dumpfile + ".new"
- f = open(newfile, "wb")
- pickle.dump(self, f)
- f.close()
- try:
- os.unlink(dumpfile)
- except os.error:
- pass
- os.rename(newfile, dumpfile)
- self.note(0, "Done.")
- return 1
-class Page:
- def __init__(self, text, url, verbose=VERBOSE, maxpage=MAXPAGE, checker=None):
- self.text = text
- self.url = url
- self.verbose = verbose
- self.maxpage = maxpage
- self.checker = checker
- # The parsing of the page is done in the __init__() routine in
- # order to initialize the list of names the file
- # contains. Stored the parser in an instance variable. Passed
- # the URL to MyHTMLParser().
- size = len(self.text)
- if size > self.maxpage:
- self.note(0, "Skip huge file %s (%.0f Kbytes)", self.url, (size*0.001))
- self.parser = None
- return
- self.checker.note(2, " Parsing %s (%d bytes)", self.url, size)
- self.parser = MyHTMLParser(url, verbose=self.verbose,
- checker=self.checker)
- self.parser.feed(self.text)
- self.parser.close()
- def note(self, level, msg, *args):
- if self.checker:
- self.checker.note(level, msg, *args)
- else:
- if self.verbose >= level:
- if args:
- msg = msg%args
- print(msg)
- # Method to retrieve names.
- def getnames(self):
- if self.parser:
- return self.parser.names
- else:
- return []
- def getlinkinfos(self):
- # File reading is done in __init__() routine. Store parser in
- # local variable to indicate success of parsing.
- # If no parser was stored, fail.
- if not self.parser: return []
- rawlinks = self.parser.getlinks()
- base = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, self.parser.getbase() or "")
- infos = []
- for rawlink in rawlinks:
- t = urlparse.urlparse(rawlink)
- # DON'T DISCARD THE FRAGMENT! Instead, include
- # it in the tuples which are returned. See Checker.dopage().
- fragment = t[-1]
- t = t[:-1] + ('',)
- rawlink = urlparse.urlunparse(t)
- link = urlparse.urljoin(base, rawlink)
- infos.append((link, rawlink, fragment))
- return infos
-class MyStringIO(io.StringIO):
- def __init__(self, url, info):
- self.__url = url
- self.__info = info
- super(MyStringIO, self).__init__(self)
- def info(self):
- return self.__info
- def geturl(self):
- return self.__url
-class MyURLopener(urllib.request.FancyURLopener):
- http_error_default = urllib.request.URLopener.http_error_default
- def __init__(*args):
- self = args[0]
- urllib.request.FancyURLopener.__init__(*args)
- self.addheaders = [
- ('User-agent', 'Python-webchecker/%s' % __version__),
- ]
- def http_error_401(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers):
- return None
- def open_file(self, url):
- path = urllib.url2pathname(urllib.unquote(url))
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- if path[-1] != os.sep:
- url = url + '/'
- indexpath = os.path.join(path, "index.html")
- if os.path.exists(indexpath):
- return self.open_file(url + "index.html")
- try:
- names = os.listdir(path)
- except os.error as msg:
- exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
- raise IOError(msg).with_traceback(exc_tb)
- names.sort()
- s = MyStringIO("file:"+url, {'content-type': 'text/html'})
- s.write('<BASE HREF="file:%s">\n' %
- urllib.quote(os.path.join(path, "")))
- for name in names:
- q = urllib.quote(name)
- s.write('<A HREF="%s">%s</A>\n' % (q, q))
- return s
- return urllib.request.FancyURLopener.open_file(self, url)
-class MyHTMLParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
- def __init__(self, url, verbose=VERBOSE, checker=None):
- self.myverbose = verbose # now unused
- self.checker = checker
- self.base = None
- self.links = {}
- self.names = []
- self.url = url
- sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self)
- def check_name_id(self, attributes):
- """ Check the name or id attributes on an element.
- """
- # We must rescue the NAME or id (name is deprecated in XHTML)
- # attributes from the anchor, in order to
- # cache the internal anchors which are made
- # available in the page.
- for name, value in attributes:
- if name == "name" or name == "id":
- if value in self.names:
- self.checker.message("WARNING: duplicate ID name %s in %s",
- value, self.url)
- else: self.names.append(value)
- break
- def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attributes):
- """ In XHTML, you can have id attributes on any element.
- """
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def start_a(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'href')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def end_a(self): pass
- def do_area(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'href')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_body(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'background', 'bgsound')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_img(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'src', 'lowsrc')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_frame(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'src', 'longdesc')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_iframe(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'src', 'longdesc')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_link(self, attributes):
- for name, value in attributes:
- if name == "rel":
- parts = value.lower().split()
- if ( parts == ["stylesheet"]
- or parts == ["alternate", "stylesheet"]):
- self.link_attr(attributes, "href")
- break
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_object(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'data', 'usemap')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_script(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'src')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_table(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'background')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_td(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'background')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_th(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'background')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def do_tr(self, attributes):
- self.link_attr(attributes, 'background')
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def link_attr(self, attributes, *args):
- for name, value in attributes:
- if name in args:
- if value: value = value.strip()
- if value: self.links[value] = None
- def do_base(self, attributes):
- for name, value in attributes:
- if name == 'href':
- if value: value = value.strip()
- if value:
- if self.checker:
- self.checker.note(1, " Base %s", value)
- self.base = value
- self.check_name_id(attributes)
- def getlinks(self):
- return list(self.links.keys())
- def getbase(self):
- return self.base
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/Tools/webchecker/ b/Tools/webchecker/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4657b52..0000000
--- a/Tools/webchecker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-"""A variant on webchecker that creates a mirror copy of a remote site."""
-__version__ = "$Revision$"
-import os
-import sys
-import getopt
-import urllib.parse
-import webchecker
-# Extract real version number if necessary
-if __version__[0] == '$':
- _v = __version__.split()
- if len(_v) == 3:
- __version__ = _v[1]
-def main():
- verbose = webchecker.VERBOSE
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "qv")
- except getopt.error as msg:
- print(msg)
- print("usage:", sys.argv[0], "[-qv] ... [rooturl] ...")
- return 2
- for o, a in opts:
- if o == "-q":
- verbose = 0
- if o == "-v":
- verbose = verbose + 1
- c = Sucker()
- c.setflags(verbose=verbose)
- c.urlopener.addheaders = [
- ('User-agent', 'websucker/%s' % __version__),
- ]
- for arg in args:
- print("Adding root", arg)
- c.addroot(arg)
- print("Run...")
-class Sucker(webchecker.Checker):
- checkext = 0
- nonames = 1
- # SAM 11/13/99: in general, URLs are now URL pairs.
- # Since we've suppressed name anchor checking,
- # we can ignore the second dimension.
- def readhtml(self, url_pair):
- url = url_pair[0]
- text = None
- path = self.savefilename(url)
- try:
- f = open(path, "rb")
- except IOError:
- f = self.openpage(url_pair)
- if f:
- info =
- nurl = f.geturl()
- if nurl != url:
- url = nurl
- path = self.savefilename(url)
- text =
- f.close()
- self.savefile(text, path)
- if not self.checkforhtml(info, url):
- text = None
- else:
- if self.checkforhtml({}, url):
- text =
- f.close()
- return text, url
- def savefile(self, text, path):
- dir, base = os.path.split(path)
- makedirs(dir)
- try:
- f = open(path, "wb")
- f.write(text)
- f.close()
- self.message("saved %s", path)
- except IOError as msg:
- self.message("didn't save %s: %s", path, str(msg))
- def savefilename(self, url):
- type, rest = urllib.parse.splittype(url)
- host, path = urllib.parse.splithost(rest)
- path = path.lstrip("/")
- user, host = urllib.parse.splituser(host)
- host, port = urllib.parse.splitnport(host)
- host = host.lower()
- if not path or path[-1] == "/":
- path = path + "index.html"
- if os.sep != "/":
- path = os.sep.join(path.split("/"))
- path = os.path.join(host, path)
- return path
-def makedirs(dir):
- if not dir:
- return
- if os.path.exists(dir):
- if not os.path.isdir(dir):
- try:
- os.rename(dir, dir + ".bak")
- os.mkdir(dir)
- os.rename(dir + ".bak", os.path.join(dir, "index.html"))
- except os.error:
- pass
- return
- head, tail = os.path.split(dir)
- if not tail:
- print("Huh? Don't know how to make dir", dir)
- return
- makedirs(head)
- os.mkdir(dir, 0o777)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main() or 0)
diff --git a/Tools/webchecker/ b/Tools/webchecker/
deleted file mode 100755
index 032523b..0000000
--- a/Tools/webchecker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-"""Tkinter-based GUI for websucker.
-Easy use: type or paste source URL and destination directory in
-their respective text boxes, click GO or hit return, and presto.
-from Tkinter import *
-import websucker
-import os
-import threading
-import queue
-import time
- class Canceled(Exception):
- "Exception used to cancel run()."
-except (NameError, TypeError):
- Canceled = __name__ + ".Canceled"
-class SuckerThread(websucker.Sucker):
- stopit = 0
- savedir = None
- rootdir = None
- def __init__(self, msgq):
- self.msgq = msgq
- websucker.Sucker.__init__(self)
- self.setflags(verbose=VERBOSE)
- self.urlopener.addheaders = [
- ('User-agent', 'websucker/%s' % websucker.__version__),
- ]
- def message(self, format, *args):
- if args:
- format = format%args
- ##print format
- self.msgq.put(format)
- def run1(self, url):
- try:
- try:
- self.reset()
- self.addroot(url)
- except Canceled:
- self.message("[canceled]")
- else:
- self.message("[done]")
- finally:
- self.msgq.put(None)
- def savefile(self, text, path):
- if self.stopit:
- raise Canceled
- websucker.Sucker.savefile(self, text, path)
- def getpage(self, url):
- if self.stopit:
- raise Canceled
- return websucker.Sucker.getpage(self, url)
- def savefilename(self, url):
- path = websucker.Sucker.savefilename(self, url)
- if self.savedir:
- n = len(self.rootdir)
- if path[:n] == self.rootdir:
- path = path[n:]
- while path[:1] == os.sep:
- path = path[1:]
- path = os.path.join(self.savedir, path)
- return path
- def XXXaddrobot(self, *args):
- pass
- def XXXisallowed(self, *args):
- return 1
-class App:
- sucker = None
- msgq = None
- def __init__(self, top):
- = top
- top.columnconfigure(99, weight=1)
- self.url_label = Label(top, text="URL:")
- self.url_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e')
- self.url_entry = Entry(top, width=60, exportselection=0)
- self.url_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='we',
- columnspan=99)
- self.url_entry.focus_set()
- self.url_entry.bind("<Key-Return>", self.go)
- self.dir_label = Label(top, text="Directory:")
- self.dir_label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='e')
- self.dir_entry = Entry(top)
- self.dir_entry.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='we',
- columnspan=99)
- self.go_button = Button(top, text="Go", command=self.go)
- self.go_button.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='w')
- self.cancel_button = Button(top, text="Cancel",
- command=self.cancel,
- state=DISABLED)
- self.cancel_button.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='w')
- self.auto_button = Button(top, text="Paste+Go",
- self.auto_button.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky='w')
- self.status_label = Label(top, text="[idle]")
- self.status_label.grid(row=2, column=4, sticky='w')
- def message(self, text, *args):
- if args:
- text = text % args
- self.status_label.config(text=text)
- def check_msgq(self):
- while not self.msgq.empty():
- msg = self.msgq.get()
- if msg is None:
- self.go_button.configure(state=NORMAL)
- self.auto_button.configure(state=NORMAL)
- self.cancel_button.configure(state=DISABLED)
- if self.sucker:
- self.sucker.stopit = 0
- else:
- self.message(msg)
-, self.check_msgq)
- def go(self, event=None):
- if not self.msgq:
- self.msgq = queue.Queue(0)
- self.check_msgq()
- if not self.sucker:
- self.sucker = SuckerThread(self.msgq)
- if self.sucker.stopit:
- return
- self.url_entry.selection_range(0, END)
- url = self.url_entry.get()
- url = url.strip()
- if not url:
- self.message("[Error: No URL entered]")
- return
- self.rooturl = url
- dir = self.dir_entry.get().strip()
- if not dir:
- self.sucker.savedir = None
- else:
- self.sucker.savedir = dir
- self.sucker.rootdir = os.path.dirname(
- websucker.Sucker.savefilename(self.sucker, url))
- self.go_button.configure(state=DISABLED)
- self.auto_button.configure(state=DISABLED)
- self.cancel_button.configure(state=NORMAL)
- self.message( '[running...]')
- self.sucker.stopit = 0
- t = threading.Thread(target=self.sucker.run1, args=(url,))
- t.start()
- def cancel(self):
- if self.sucker:
- self.sucker.stopit = 1
- self.message("[canceling...]")
- def auto(self):
- tries = ['PRIMARY', 'CLIPBOARD']
- text = ""
- for t in tries:
- try:
- text =
- except TclError:
- continue
- text = text.strip()
- if text:
- break
- if not text:
- self.message("[Error: clipboard is empty]")
- return
- self.url_entry.delete(0, END)
- self.url_entry.insert(0, text)
- self.go()
-class AppArray:
- def __init__(self, top=None):
- if not top:
- top = Tk()
- top.title("websucker GUI")
- top.iconname("wsgui")
- top.wm_protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.exit)
- = top
- self.appframe = Frame(
- self.appframe.pack(fill='both')
- self.applist = []
- self.exit_button = Button(top, text="Exit", command=self.exit)
- self.exit_button.pack(side=RIGHT)
- self.new_button = Button(top, text="New", command=self.addsucker)
- self.new_button.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.addsucker()
- ##self.applist[0].url_entry.insert(END, "")
- def addsucker(self):
- frame = Frame(self.appframe, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE)
- frame.pack(fill='x')
- app = App(frame)
- self.applist.append(app)
- done = 0
- def mainloop(self):
- while not self.done:
- time.sleep(0.1)
- def exit(self):
- for app in self.applist:
- app.cancel()
- app.message("[exiting...]")
- self.done = 1
-def main():
- AppArray().mainloop()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()