path: root/Tools
diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>2022-11-03 16:50:35 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2022-11-03 16:50:35 (GMT)
commit916af11a976ca2faf0a8a77b0aaf71893e549cfe (patch)
tree0b737bbec1f096a000b602a285a4e61bdf41fc8a /Tools
parentb8a9f13abb61bd91a368e2d3f339de736863050f (diff)
GH-98831: Remove redundant script (GH-99065)
Debt I owe from PR GH-98830.
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 338 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/cases_generator/ b/Tools/cases_generator/
index 2d00e30..abcafe2 100644
--- a/Tools/cases_generator/
+++ b/Tools/cases_generator/
@@ -8,12 +8,6 @@ What's currently here:
- ``: driver script to read `Python/bytecodes.c` and
write `Python/generated_cases.c.h`
-**Temporarily also:**
-- ``: script to extract cases from
- `Python/ceval.c` and write them to `Python/bytecodes.c`
-- `bytecodes_template.h`: template used by ``
The DSL for the instruction definitions in `Python/bytecodes.c` is described
Note that there is some dummy C code at the top and bottom of the file
diff --git a/Tools/cases_generator/bytecodes_template.c b/Tools/cases_generator/bytecodes_template.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 31c62b5..0000000
--- a/Tools/cases_generator/bytecodes_template.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#include "Python.h"
-#include "pycore_abstract.h" // _PyIndex_Check()
-#include "pycore_call.h" // _PyObject_FastCallDictTstate()
-#include "pycore_ceval.h" // _PyEval_SignalAsyncExc()
-#include "pycore_code.h"
-#include "pycore_function.h"
-#include "pycore_long.h" // _PyLong_GetZero()
-#include "pycore_object.h" // _PyObject_GC_TRACK()
-#include "pycore_moduleobject.h" // PyModuleObject
-#include "pycore_opcode.h" // EXTRA_CASES
-#include "pycore_pyerrors.h" // _PyErr_Fetch()
-#include "pycore_pymem.h" // _PyMem_IsPtrFreed()
-#include "pycore_pystate.h" // _PyInterpreterState_GET()
-#include "pycore_range.h" // _PyRangeIterObject
-#include "pycore_sliceobject.h" // _PyBuildSlice_ConsumeRefs
-#include "pycore_sysmodule.h" // _PySys_Audit()
-#include "pycore_tuple.h" // _PyTuple_ITEMS()
-#include "pycore_emscripten_signal.h" // _Py_CHECK_EMSCRIPTEN_SIGNALS
-#include "pycore_dict.h"
-#include "dictobject.h"
-#include "pycore_frame.h"
-#include "opcode.h"
-#include "pydtrace.h"
-#include "setobject.h"
-#include "structmember.h" // struct PyMemberDef, T_OFFSET_EX
-void _PyFloat_ExactDealloc(PyObject *);
-void _PyUnicode_ExactDealloc(PyObject *);
-#define SET_TOP(v) (stack_pointer[-1] = (v))
-#define PEEK(n) (stack_pointer[-(n)])
-#define GETLOCAL(i) (frame->localsplus[i])
-#define inst(name) case name:
-#define family(name) static int family_##name
-#define NAME_ERROR_MSG \
- "name '%.200s' is not defined"
-typedef struct {
- PyObject *kwnames;
-} CallShape;
-static void
- PyThreadState *tstate,
- _PyInterpreterFrame *frame,
- unsigned char opcode,
- unsigned int oparg,
- _Py_atomic_int * const eval_breaker,
- _PyCFrame cframe,
- PyObject *names,
- PyObject *consts,
- _Py_CODEUNIT *next_instr,
- PyObject **stack_pointer,
- CallShape call_shape,
- _Py_CODEUNIT *first_instr,
- int throwflag,
- binaryfunc binary_ops[]
- switch (opcode) {
- /* BEWARE!
- It is essential that any operation that fails must goto error
- and that all operation that succeed call DISPATCH() ! */
- }
- error:;
- exception_unwind:;
- handle_eval_breaker:;
- resume_frame:;
- resume_with_error:;
- start_frame:;
- unbound_local_error:;
-// Families go below this point //
diff --git a/Tools/cases_generator/ b/Tools/cases_generator/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f1380f..0000000
--- a/Tools/cases_generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-"""Extract the main interpreter switch cases."""
-# Reads cases from ceval.c, writes to bytecodes.c.
-# (This file is not meant to be compiled, but it has a .c extension
-# so tooling like VS Code can be fooled into thinking it is C code.
-# This helps editing and browsing the code.)
-# The script regenerates the cases.
-import argparse
-import difflib
-import dis
-import re
-import sys
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, default="Python/ceval.c")
-parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, default="Python/bytecodes.c")
-parser.add_argument("-t", "--template", type=str, default="Tools/cases_generator/bytecodes_template.c")
-parser.add_argument("-c", "--compare", action="store_true")
-parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true")
-inverse_specializations = {
- specname: familyname
- for familyname, specnames in dis._specializations.items()
- for specname in specnames
-def eopen(filename, mode="r"):
- if filename == "-":
- if "r" in mode:
- return sys.stdin
- else:
- return sys.stdout
- return open(filename, mode)
-def leading_whitespace(line):
- return len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
-def extract_opcode_name(line):
- m = re.match(r"\A\s*TARGET\((\w+)\)\s*{\s*\Z", line)
- if m:
- opcode_name =
- if opcode_name not in dis._all_opmap:
- raise ValueError(f"error: unknown opcode {opcode_name}")
- return opcode_name
- raise ValueError(f"error: no opcode in {line.strip()}")
-def figure_stack_effect(opcode_name):
- # Return (i, diff``) where i is the stack effect for oparg=0
- # and diff is the increment for oparg=1.
- # If it is irregular or unknown, raise ValueError.
- if m := re.match(f"^(\w+)__(\w+)$", opcode_name):
- # Super-instruction adds effect of both parts
- first, second = m.groups()
- se1, incr1 = figure_stack_effect(first)
- se2, incr2 = figure_stack_effect(second)
- if incr1 or incr2:
- raise ValueError(f"irregular stack effect for {opcode_name}")
- return se1 + se2, 0
- if opcode_name in inverse_specializations:
- # Specialized instruction maps to unspecialized instruction
- opcode_name = inverse_specializations[opcode_name]
- opcode = dis._all_opmap[opcode_name]
- if opcode in dis.hasarg:
- try:
- se = dis.stack_effect(opcode, 0)
- except ValueError as err:
- raise ValueError(f"{err} for {opcode_name}")
- if dis.stack_effect(opcode, 0, jump=True) != se:
- raise ValueError(f"{opcode_name} stack effect depends on jump flag")
- if dis.stack_effect(opcode, 0, jump=False) != se:
- raise ValueError(f"{opcode_name} stack effect depends on jump flag")
- for i in range(1, 257):
- if dis.stack_effect(opcode, i) != se:
- return figure_variable_stack_effect(opcode_name, opcode, se)
- else:
- try:
- se = dis.stack_effect(opcode)
- except ValueError as err:
- raise ValueError(f"{err} for {opcode_name}")
- if dis.stack_effect(opcode, jump=True) != se:
- raise ValueError(f"{opcode_name} stack effect depends on jump flag")
- if dis.stack_effect(opcode, jump=False) != se:
- raise ValueError(f"{opcode_name} stack effect depends on jump flag")
- return se, 0
-def figure_variable_stack_effect(opcode_name, opcode, se0):
- # Is it a linear progression?
- se1 = dis.stack_effect(opcode, 1)
- diff = se1 - se0
- for i in range(2, 257):
- sei = dis.stack_effect(opcode, i)
- if sei - se0 != diff * i:
- raise ValueError(f"{opcode_name} has irregular stack effect")
- # Assume it's okay for larger oparg values too
- return se0, diff
-START_MARKER = "/* Start instructions */" # The '{' is on the preceding line.
-END_MARKER = "/* End regular instructions */"
-def read_cases(f):
- cases = []
- case = None
- started = False
- # TODO: Count line numbers
- for line in f:
- stripped = line.strip()
- if not started:
- if stripped == START_MARKER:
- started = True
- continue
- if stripped == END_MARKER:
- break
- if stripped.startswith("TARGET("):
- if case:
- cases.append(case)
- indent = " " * leading_whitespace(line)
- case = ""
- opcode_name = extract_opcode_name(line)
- try:
- se, diff = figure_stack_effect(opcode_name)
- except ValueError as err:
- case += f"{indent}// error: {err}\n"
- case += f"{indent}inst({opcode_name}) {{\n"
- else:
- inputs = []
- outputs = []
- if se > 0:
- for i in range(se):
- outputs.append(f"__{i}")
- elif se < 0:
- for i in range(-se):
- inputs.append(f"__{i}")
- if diff > 0:
- if diff == 1:
- outputs.append(f"__array[oparg]")
- else:
- outputs.append(f"__array[oparg*{diff}]")
- elif diff < 0:
- if diff == -1:
- inputs.append(f"__array[oparg]")
- else:
- inputs.append(f"__array[oparg*{-diff}]")
- input = ", ".join(inputs)
- output = ", ".join(outputs)
- case += f"{indent}// stack effect: ({input} -- {output})\n"
- case += f"{indent}inst({opcode_name}) {{\n"
- else:
- if case:
- case += line
- if case:
- cases.append(case)
- return cases
-def write_cases(f, cases):
- for case in cases:
- caselines = case.splitlines()
- while caselines[-1].strip() == "":
- caselines.pop()
- if caselines[-1].strip() == "}":
- caselines.pop()
- else:
- raise ValueError("case does not end with '}'")
- if caselines[-1].strip() == "DISPATCH();":
- caselines.pop()
- caselines.append(" }")
- case = "\n".join(caselines)
- print(case + "\n", file=f)
-def write_families(f):
- for opcode, specializations in dis._specializations.items():
- all = [opcode] + specializations
- if len(all) <= 3:
- members = ', '.join(all)
- print(f"family({opcode.lower()}) = {{ {members} }};", file=f)
- else:
- print(f"family({opcode.lower()}) = {{", file=f)
- for i in range(0, len(all), 3):
- members = ', '.join(all[i:i+3])
- if i+3 < len(all):
- print(f" {members},", file=f)
- else:
- print(f" {members} }};", file=f)
-def compare(oldfile, newfile, quiet=False):
- with open(oldfile) as f:
- oldlines = f.readlines()
- for top, line in enumerate(oldlines):
- if line.strip() == START_MARKER:
- break
- else:
- print(f"No start marker found in {oldfile}", file=sys.stderr)
- return
- del oldlines[:top]
- for bottom, line in enumerate(oldlines):
- if line.strip() == END_MARKER:
- break
- else:
- print(f"No end marker found in {oldfile}", file=sys.stderr)
- return
- del oldlines[bottom:]
- if not quiet:
- print(
- f"// {oldfile} has {len(oldlines)} lines after stripping top/bottom",
- file=sys.stderr,
- )
- with open(newfile) as f:
- newlines = f.readlines()
- if not quiet:
- print(f"// {newfile} has {len(newlines)} lines", file=sys.stderr)
- for line in difflib.unified_diff(oldlines, newlines, fromfile=oldfile, tofile=newfile):
- sys.stdout.write(line)
-def main():
- args = parser.parse_args()
- with eopen(args.input) as f:
- cases = read_cases(f)
- with open(args.template) as f:
- prolog, epilog ="// INSERT CASES HERE //", 1)
- if not args.quiet:
- print(f"// Read {len(cases)} cases from {args.input}", file=sys.stderr)
- with eopen(args.output, "w") as f:
- f.write(prolog)
- write_cases(f, cases)
- f.write(epilog)
- write_families(f)
- if not args.quiet:
- print(f"// Wrote {len(cases)} cases to {args.output}", file=sys.stderr)
- if
- compare(args.input, args.output, args.quiet)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()