diff options
4 files changed, 856 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b41057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# -*- Mode: Python; tab-width: 4 -*-
+# Secret Labs' Regular Expression Engine
+# $Id$
+# re-compatible interface for the sre matching engine
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
+# This code can only be used for 1.6 alpha testing. All other use
+# require explicit permission from Secret Labs AB.
+# Portions of this engine have been developed in cooperation with
+# CNRI. Hewlett-Packard provided funding for 1.6 integration and
+# other compatibility work.
+this is a long string
+import sre_compile
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# public interface
+def compile(pattern, flags=0):
+ return sre_compile.compile(pattern, _fixflags(flags))
+def match(pattern, string, flags=0):
+ return compile(pattern, _fixflags(flags)).match(string)
+def search(pattern, string, flags=0):
+ assert flags == 0
+ return compile(pattern, _fixflags(flags)).search(string)
+# FIXME: etc
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# helpers
+def _fixflags(flags):
+ # convert flag bitmask to sequence
+ assert flags == 0
+ return ()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e9700b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Secret Labs' Regular Expression Engine
+# $Id$
+# convert template to internal format
+# Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
+# This code can only be used for 1.6 alpha testing. All other use
+# require explicit permission from Secret Labs AB.
+# Portions of this engine have been developed in cooperation with
+# CNRI. Hewlett-Packard provided funding for 1.6 integration and
+# other compatibility work.
+# FIXME: <fl> formalize (objectify?) and document the compiler code
+# format, so that other frontends can use this compiler
+import array, string, sys
+import _sre
+from sre_constants import *
+# find an array type code that matches the engine's code size
+for WORDSIZE in "BHil":
+ if len(array.array(WORDSIZE, [0]).tostring()) == _sre.getcodesize():
+ break
+ raise RuntimeError, "cannot find a useable array type"
+# FIXME: <fl> should move some optimizations from the parser to here!
+class Code:
+ def __init__(self):
+ = []
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ return[index]
+ def __setitem__(self, index, code):
+[index] = code
+ def append(self, code):
+ def todata(self):
+ # print
+ return array.array(WORDSIZE,
+def _lower(literal):
+ # return _sre._lower(literal) # FIXME
+ return string.lower(literal)
+def _compile(code, pattern, flags):
+ append = code.append
+ for op, av in pattern:
+ if op is ANY:
+ if "s" in flags:
+ append(CODES[op]) # any character at all!
+ else:
+ append(10)
+ elif op in (SUCCESS, FAILURE):
+ append(CODES[op])
+ elif op is AT:
+ append(CODES[op])
+ append(POSITIONS[av])
+ elif op is BRANCH:
+ append(CODES[op])
+ tail = []
+ for av in av[1]:
+ skip = len(code); append(0)
+ _compile(code, av, flags)
+ append(CODES[JUMP])
+ tail.append(len(code)); append(0)
+ code[skip] = len(code) - skip
+ append(0) # end of branch
+ for tail in tail:
+ code[tail] = len(code) - tail
+ elif op is CALL:
+ append(CODES[op])
+ skip = len(code); append(0)
+ _compile(code, av, flags)
+ append(CODES[SUCCESS])
+ code[skip] = len(code) - skip
+ elif op is CATEGORY: # not used by current parser
+ append(CODES[op])
+ append(CATEGORIES[av])
+ elif op is GROUP:
+ if "i" in flags:
+ append(CODES[MAP_IGNORE[op]])
+ else:
+ append(CODES[op])
+ append(av)
+ elif op is IN:
+ if "i" in flags:
+ append(CODES[MAP_IGNORE[op]])
+ def fixup(literal):
+ return ord(_lower(literal))
+ else:
+ append(CODES[op])
+ fixup = ord
+ skip = len(code); append(0)
+ for op, av in av:
+ append(CODES[op])
+ if op is NEGATE:
+ pass
+ elif op is LITERAL:
+ append(fixup(av))
+ elif op is RANGE:
+ append(fixup(av[0]))
+ append(fixup(av[1]))
+ elif op is CATEGORY:
+ append(CATEGORIES[av])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, "unsupported set operator"
+ append(CODES[FAILURE])
+ code[skip] = len(code) - skip
+ elif op in (LITERAL, NOT_LITERAL):
+ if "i" in flags:
+ append(CODES[MAP_IGNORE[op]])
+ append(ord(_lower(av)))
+ else:
+ append(CODES[op])
+ append(ord(av))
+ elif op is MARK:
+ append(CODES[op])
+ append(av)
+ lo, hi = av[2].getwidth()
+ if lo == 0:
+ raise SyntaxError, "cannot repeat zero-width items"
+ if lo == hi == 1 and op is MAX_REPEAT:
+ skip = len(code); append(0)
+ append(av[0])
+ append(av[1])
+ _compile(code, av[2], flags)
+ append(CODES[SUCCESS])
+ code[skip] = len(code) - skip
+ else:
+ append(CODES[op])
+ skip = len(code); append(0)
+ append(av[0])
+ append(av[1])
+ _compile(code, av[2], flags)
+ if op is MIN_REPEAT:
+ append(CODES[MIN_UNTIL])
+ else:
+ append(CODES[MAX_UNTIL])
+ code[skip] = len(code) - skip
+ elif op is SUBPATTERN:
+## group = av[0]
+## if group:
+## append(CODES[MARK])
+## append((group-1)*2)
+ _compile(code, av[1], flags)
+## if group:
+## append(CODES[MARK])
+## append((group-1)*2+1)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, ("unsupported operand type", op)
+def compile(p, flags=()):
+ # convert pattern list to internal format
+ if type(p) is type(""):
+ import sre_parse
+ pattern = p
+ p = sre_parse.parse(p)
+ else:
+ pattern = None
+ # print p.getwidth()
+ # print p
+ code = Code()
+ _compile(code,, p.pattern.flags)
+ code.append(CODES[SUCCESS])
+ # print list(
+ data = code.todata()
+ if 0: # debugging
+ print
+ print "-" * 68
+ import sre_disasm
+ sre_disasm.disasm(data)
+ print "-" * 68
+ # print len(data), p.pattern.groups, len(p.pattern.groupdict)
+ return _sre.compile(pattern, data, p.pattern.groups-1, p.pattern.groupdict)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af88309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Secret Labs' Regular Expression Engine
+# $Id$
+# various symbols used by the regular expression engine.
+# run this script to update the _sre include files!
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
+# This code can only be used for 1.6 alpha testing. All other use
+# require explicit permission from Secret Labs AB.
+# Portions of this engine have been developed in cooperation with
+# CNRI. Hewlett-Packard provided funding for 1.6 integration and
+# other compatibility work.
+# operators
+FAILURE = "failure"
+SUCCESS = "success"
+ANY = "any"
+ASSERT = "assert"
+AT = "at"
+BRANCH = "branch"
+CALL = "call"
+CATEGORY = "category"
+GROUP = "group"
+GROUP_IGNORE = "group_ignore"
+IN = "in"
+IN_IGNORE = "in_ignore"
+JUMP = "jump"
+LITERAL = "literal"
+LITERAL_IGNORE = "literal_ignore"
+MARK = "mark"
+MAX_REPEAT = "max_repeat"
+MAX_REPEAT_ONE = "max_repeat_one"
+MAX_UNTIL = "max_until"
+MIN_REPEAT = "min_repeat"
+MIN_UNTIL = "min_until"
+NEGATE = "negate"
+NOT_LITERAL = "not_literal"
+NOT_LITERAL_IGNORE = "not_literal_ignore"
+RANGE = "range"
+REPEAT = "repeat"
+SUBPATTERN = "subpattern"
+# positions
+AT_BEGINNING = "at_beginning"
+AT_BOUNDARY = "at_boundary"
+AT_NON_BOUNDARY = "at_non_boundary"
+AT_END = "at_end"
+# categories
+CATEGORY_DIGIT = "category_digit"
+CATEGORY_NOT_DIGIT = "category_not_digit"
+CATEGORY_SPACE = "category_space"
+CATEGORY_NOT_SPACE = "category_not_space"
+CATEGORY_WORD = "category_word"
+CATEGORY_NOT_WORD = "category_not_word"
+CODES = [
+ # failure=0 success=1 (just because it looks better that way :-)
+ ANY,
+ AT,
+# convert to dictionary
+c = {}
+i = 0
+for code in CODES:
+ c[code] = i
+ i = i + 1
+CODES = c
+# replacement operations for "ignore case" mode
+ AT_BEGINNING: ord("a"),
+ AT_BOUNDARY: ord("b"),
+ AT_NON_BOUNDARY: ord("B"),
+ AT_END: ord("z"),
+ CATEGORY_DIGIT: ord("d"),
+ CATEGORY_SPACE: ord("s"),
+ CATEGORY_WORD: ord("w"),
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import string
+ items = CODES.items()
+ items.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1]))
+ f = open("sre_constants.h", "w")
+ f.write("/* generated by */\n")
+ for k, v in items:
+ f.write("#define SRE_OP_" + string.upper(k) + " " + str(v) + "\n")
+ f.close()
+ print "done"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a563de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+# Secret Labs' Regular Expression Engine
+# $Id$
+# convert re-style regular expression to SRE template. the current
+# implementation is somewhat incomplete, and not very fast. should
+# definitely be rewritten before Python 1.6 goes beta.
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
+# This code can only be used for 1.6 alpha testing. All other use
+# require explicit permission from Secret Labs AB.
+# Portions of this engine have been developed in cooperation with
+# CNRI. Hewlett-Packard provided funding for 1.6 integration and
+# other compatibility work.
+# FIXME: comments marked with the FIXME tag are open issues. all such
+# issues should be closed before the final beta.
+import string, sys
+from sre_constants import *
+SPECIAL_CHARS = ".\\[{()*+?^$|"
+REPEAT_CHARS = "*+?{"
+OCTDIGITS = "01234567"
+HEXDIGITS = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
+ "\\a": (LITERAL, chr(7)),
+ "\\b": (LITERAL, chr(8)),
+ "\\f": (LITERAL, chr(12)),
+ "\\n": (LITERAL, chr(10)),
+ "\\r": (LITERAL, chr(13)),
+ "\\t": (LITERAL, chr(9)),
+ "\\v": (LITERAL, chr(11))
+ "\\A": (AT, AT_BEGINNING), # start of string
+ "\\b": (AT, AT_BOUNDARY),
+ "\\Z": (AT, AT_END), # end of string
+class Pattern:
+ # FIXME: <fl> rename class, and store flags in here too!
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.flags = []
+ self.groups = 1
+ self.groupdict = {}
+ def getgroup(self, name=None):
+ gid = self.groups
+ self.groups = gid + 1
+ if name:
+ self.groupdict[name] = gid
+ return gid
+ def setflag(self, flag):
+ if flag not in self.flags:
+ self.flags.append(flag)
+class SubPattern:
+ # a subpattern, in intermediate form
+ def __init__(self, pattern, data=None):
+ self.pattern = pattern
+ if not data:
+ data = []
+ = data
+ self.flags = []
+ self.width = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(
+ def __delitem__(self, index):
+ del[index]
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ return[index]
+ def __setitem__(self, index, code):
+[index] = code
+ def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
+ return SubPattern(self.pattern,[start:stop])
+ def insert(self, index, code):
+, code)
+ def append(self, code):
+ def getwidth(self):
+ # determine the width (min, max) for this subpattern
+ if self.width:
+ return self.width
+ lo = hi = 0L
+ for op, av in
+ if op is BRANCH:
+ l = sys.maxint
+ h = 0
+ for av in av[1]:
+ i, j = av.getwidth()
+ l = min(l, i)
+ h = min(h, j)
+ lo = lo + i
+ hi = hi + j
+ elif op is CALL:
+ i, j = av.getwidth()
+ lo = lo + i
+ hi = hi + j
+ elif op is SUBPATTERN:
+ i, j = av[1].getwidth()
+ lo = lo + i
+ hi = hi + j
+ elif op in (MIN_REPEAT, MAX_REPEAT):
+ i, j = av[2].getwidth()
+ lo = lo + i * av[0]
+ hi = hi + j * av[1]
+ lo = lo + 1
+ hi = hi + 1
+ elif op == SUCCESS:
+ break
+ self.width = int(min(lo, sys.maxint)), int(min(hi, sys.maxint))
+ return self.width
+ def set(self, flag):
+ if not flag in self.flags:
+ self.flags.append(flag)
+ def reset(self, flag):
+ if flag in self.flags:
+ self.flags.remove(flag)
+class Tokenizer:
+ def __init__(self, string):
+ self.string = list(string)
+ = self.__next()
+ def __next(self):
+ if not self.string:
+ return None
+ char = self.string[0]
+ if char[0] == "\\":
+ try:
+ c = self.string[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise SyntaxError, "bogus escape"
+ char = char + c
+ try:
+ if c == "x":
+ # hexadecimal constant
+ for i in xrange(2, sys.maxint):
+ c = self.string[i]
+ if c not in HEXDIGITS:
+ break
+ char = char + c
+ elif c in string.digits:
+ # decimal (or octal) number
+ for i in xrange(2, sys.maxint):
+ c = self.string[i]
+ # FIXME: if larger than current number of
+ # groups, interpret as an octal number
+ if c not in string.digits:
+ break
+ char = char + c
+ except IndexError:
+ pass # use what we've got this far
+ del self.string[0:len(char)]
+ return char
+ def match(self, char):
+ if char ==
+ = self.__next()
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def match_set(self, set):
+ if in set:
+ = self.__next()
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def get(self):
+ this =
+ = self.__next()
+ return this
+def _fixescape(escape, character_class=0):
+ # convert escape to (type, value)
+ if character_class:
+ # inside a character class, we'll look in the character
+ # escapes dictionary first
+ code = ESCAPES.get(escape)
+ if code:
+ return code
+ code = CATEGORIES.get(escape)
+ else:
+ code = CATEGORIES.get(escape)
+ if code:
+ return code
+ code = ESCAPES.get(escape)
+ if code:
+ return code
+ if not character_class:
+ try:
+ group = int(escape[1:])
+ # FIXME: only valid if group <= current number of groups
+ return GROUP, group
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if escape[1:2] == "x":
+ escape = escape[2:]
+ return LITERAL, chr(string.atoi(escape[-2:], 16) & 0xff)
+ elif escape[1:2] in string.digits:
+ return LITERAL, chr(string.atoi(escape[1:], 8) & 0xff)
+ elif len(escape) == 2:
+ return LITERAL, escape[1]
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ raise SyntaxError, "bogus escape: %s" % repr(escape)
+def _branch(subpattern, items):
+ # form a branch operator from a set of items (FIXME: move this
+ # optimization to the compiler module!)
+ # check if all items share a common prefix
+ while 1:
+ prefix = None
+ for item in items:
+ if not item:
+ break
+ if prefix is None:
+ prefix = item[0]
+ elif item[0] != prefix:
+ break
+ else:
+ # all subitems start with a common "prefix".
+ # move it out of the branch
+ for item in items:
+ del item[0]
+ subpattern.append(prefix)
+ continue # check next one
+ break
+ # check if the branch can be replaced by a character set
+ for item in items:
+ if len(item) != 1 or item[0][0] != LITERAL:
+ break
+ else:
+ # we can store this as a character set instead of a
+ # branch (FIXME: use a range if possible)
+ set = []
+ for item in items:
+ set.append(item[0])
+ subpattern.append((IN, set))
+ return
+ subpattern.append((BRANCH, (None, items)))
+def _parse(source, pattern, flags=()):
+ # parse regular expression pattern into an operator list.
+ subpattern = SubPattern(pattern)
+ this = None
+ while 1:
+ if in ("|", ")"):
+ break # end of subpattern
+ this = source.get()
+ if this is None:
+ break # end of pattern
+ if this and this[0] not in SPECIAL_CHARS:
+ subpattern.append((LITERAL, this))
+ elif this == "[":
+ # character set
+ set = []
+## if source.match(":"):
+## pass # handle character classes
+ if source.match("^"):
+ set.append((NEGATE, None))
+ # check remaining characters
+ start = set[:]
+ while 1:
+ this = source.get()
+ if this == "]" and set != start:
+ break
+ elif this and this[0] == "\\":
+ code1 = _fixescape(this, 1)
+ elif this:
+ code1 = LITERAL, this
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError, "unexpected end of regular expression"
+ if source.match("-"):
+ # potential range
+ this = source.get()
+ if this == "]":
+ set.append(code1)
+ set.append((LITERAL, "-"))
+ break
+ else:
+ if this[0] == "\\":
+ code2 = _fixescape(this, 1)
+ else:
+ code2 = LITERAL, this
+ if code1[0] != LITERAL or code2[0] != LITERAL:
+ raise SyntaxError, "illegal range"
+ if len(code1[1]) != 1 or len(code2[1]) != 1:
+ raise SyntaxError, "illegal range"
+ set.append((RANGE, (code1[1], code2[1])))
+ else:
+ if code1[0] is IN:
+ code1 = code1[1][0]
+ set.append(code1)
+ # FIXME: <fl> move set optimization to support function
+ if len(set)==1 and set[0][0] is LITERAL:
+ subpattern.append(set[0]) # optimization
+ elif len(set)==2 and set[0][0] is NEGATE and set[1][0] is LITERAL:
+ subpattern.append((NOT_LITERAL, set[1][1])) # optimization
+ else:
+ # FIXME: <fl> add charmap optimization
+ subpattern.append((IN, set))
+ elif this and this[0] in REPEAT_CHARS:
+ # repeat previous item
+ if this == "?":
+ min, max = 0, 1
+ elif this == "*":
+ min, max = 0, sys.maxint
+ elif this == "+":
+ min, max = 1, sys.maxint
+ elif this == "{":
+ min, max = 0, sys.maxint
+ lo = hi = ""
+ while in string.digits:
+ lo = lo + source.get()
+ if source.match(","):
+ while in string.digits:
+ hi = hi + source.get()
+ else:
+ hi = lo
+ if not source.match("}"):
+ raise SyntaxError, "bogus range"
+ if lo:
+ min = int(lo)
+ if hi:
+ max = int(hi)
+ # FIXME: <fl> check that hi >= lo!
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError, "not supported"
+ # figure out which item to repeat
+ # FIXME: should back up to the right mark, right?
+ if subpattern:
+ index = len(subpattern)-1
+ while subpattern[index][0] is MARK:
+ index = index - 1
+ item = subpattern[index:index+1]
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError, "nothing to repeat"
+ if source.match("?"):
+ subpattern[index] = (MIN_REPEAT, (min, max, item))
+ else:
+ subpattern[index] = (MAX_REPEAT, (min, max, item))
+ elif this == ".":
+ subpattern.append((ANY, None))
+ elif this == "(":
+ group = 1
+ name = None
+ if source.match("?"):
+ group = 0
+ # options
+ if source.match("P"):
+ # named group: skip forward to end of name
+ if source.match("<"):
+ name = ""
+ while 1:
+ char = source.get()
+ if char in (">", None):
+ break
+ name = name + char
+ group = 1
+ elif source.match(":"):
+ # non-capturing group
+ group = 2
+ elif source.match_set("iI"):
+ pattern.setflag("i")
+ elif source.match_set("lL"):
+ pattern.setflag("l")
+ elif source.match_set("mM"):
+ pattern.setflag("m")
+ elif source.match_set("sS"):
+ pattern.setflag("s")
+ elif source.match_set("xX"):
+ pattern.setflag("x")
+ if group:
+ # parse group contents
+ b = []
+ if group == 2:
+ # anonymous group
+ group = None
+ else:
+ group = pattern.getgroup(name)
+ if group:
+ subpattern.append((MARK, (group-1)*2))
+ while 1:
+ p = _parse(source, pattern, flags)
+ if source.match(")"):
+ if b:
+ b.append(p)
+ _branch(subpattern, b)
+ else:
+ subpattern.append((SUBPATTERN, (group, p)))
+ break
+ elif source.match("|"):
+ b.append(p)
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError, "group not properly closed"
+ if group:
+ subpattern.append((MARK, (group-1)*2+1))
+ else:
+ # FIXME: should this really be a while loop?
+ while source.get() not in (")", None):
+ pass
+ elif this == "^":
+ subpattern.append((AT, AT_BEGINNING))
+ elif this == "$":
+ subpattern.append((AT, AT_END))
+ elif this and this[0] == "\\":
+ code =_fixescape(this)
+ subpattern.append(code)
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError, "parser error"
+ return subpattern
+def parse(source, flags=()):
+ s = Tokenizer(source)
+ g = Pattern()
+ b = []
+ while 1:
+ p = _parse(s, g, flags)
+ tail = s.get()
+ if tail == "|":
+ b.append(p)
+ elif tail == ")":
+ raise SyntaxError, "unbalanced parenthesis"
+ elif tail is None:
+ if b:
+ b.append(p)
+ p = SubPattern(g)
+ _branch(p, b)
+ break
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError, "bogus characters at end of regular expression"
+ return p
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ from pprint import pprint
+ from testpatterns import PATTERNS
+ a = b = c = 0
+ for pattern, flags in PATTERNS:
+ if flags:
+ continue
+ print "-"*68
+ try:
+ p = parse(pattern)
+ print repr(pattern), "->"
+ pprint(
+ import sre_compile
+ try:
+ code = sre_compile.compile(p)
+ c = c + 1
+ except:
+ pass
+ a = a + 1
+ except SyntaxError, v:
+ print "**", repr(pattern), v
+ b = b + 1
+ print "-"*68
+ print a, "of", b, "patterns successfully parsed"
+ print c, "of", b, "patterns successfully compiled"