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diff --git a/Doc/perl/l2hinit.perl b/Doc/perl/l2hinit.perl
index 5b106e9..e27f238 100644
--- a/Doc/perl/l2hinit.perl
+++ b/Doc/perl/l2hinit.perl
@@ -622,6 +622,49 @@ sub set_depth_levels {
+# This is a modified version of what's provided by LaTeX2HTML; see the
+# comment on the middle stanza for an explanation of why we keep our
+# own version.
+# This routine must be called once on the text only,
+# else it will "eat up" sensitive constructs.
+sub text_cleanup {
+ # MRO: replaced $* with /m
+ s/(\s*\n){3,}/\n\n/gom; # Replace consecutive blank lines with one
+ s/<(\/?)P>\s*(\w)/<$1P>\n$2/gom; # clean up paragraph starts and ends
+ s/$O\d+$C//go; # Get rid of bracket id's
+ s/$OP\d+$CP//go; # Get rid of processed bracket id's
+ s/(<!)?--?(>)?/(length($1) || length($2)) ? "$1--$2" : "-"/ge;
+ # Spacing commands
+ s/\\( |$)/ /go;
+ #JKR: There should be no more comments in the source now.
+ #s/([^\\]?)%/$1/go; # Remove the comment character
+ # Cannot treat \, as a command because , is a delimiter ...
+ s/\\,/ /go;
+ # Replace tilde's with non-breaking spaces
+ s/ *~/&nbsp;/g;
+ # This is why we have this copy of this routine; the following
+ # isn't so desirable as the author/maintainers of LaTeX2HTML seem
+ # to think. It's not commented out in the main script, so we have
+ # to override the whole thing. In particular, we don't want empty
+ # table cells to disappear.
+ ### DANGEROUS ?? ###
+ # remove redundant (not <P></P>) empty tags, incl. with attributes
+ #s/\n?<([^PD >][^>]*)>\s*<\/\1>//g;
+ #s/\n?<([^PD >][^>]*)>\s*<\/\1>//g;
+ # remove redundant empty tags (not </P><P> or <TD> or <TH>)
+ #s/<\/(TT|[^PTH][A-Z]+)><\1>//g;
+ #s/<([^PD ]+)(\s[^>]*)?>\n*<\/\1>//g;
+ #JCL(jcl-hex)
+ # Replace ^^ special chars (according to p.47 of the TeX book)
+ # Useful when coming from the .aux file (german umlauts, etc.)
+ s/\^\^([^0-9a-f])/chr((64+ord($1))&127)/ge;
+ s/\^\^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/chr(hex($1))/ge;
# This is used to map the link rel attributes LaTeX2HTML uses to those
# currently recommended by the W3C.
sub custom_REL_hook {