diff options
5 files changed, 266 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/importlib.rst b/Doc/library/importlib.rst
index afdae9e..a83e5e4 100644
--- a/Doc/library/importlib.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/importlib.rst
@@ -1191,3 +1191,38 @@ an :term:`importer`.
module will be file-based.
.. versionadded:: 3.4
+.. class:: LazyLoader(loader)
+ A class which postpones the execution of the loader of a module until the
+ module has an attribute accessed.
+ This class **only** works with loaders that define
+ :meth:`` as control over what module type
+ is used for the module is required. For the same reasons, the loader
+ **cannot** define :meth:``. Finally,
+ modules which substitute the object placed into :attr:`sys.modules` will
+ not work as there is no way to properly replace the module references
+ throughout the interpreter safely; :exc:`ValueError` is raised if such a
+ substitution is detected.
+ .. note::
+ For projects where startup time is critical, this class allows for
+ potentially minimizing the cost of loading a module if it is never used.
+ For projects where startup time is not essential then use of this class is
+ **heavily** discouraged due to error messages created during loading being
+ postponed and thus occurring out of context.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.5
+ .. classmethod:: factory(loader)
+ A static method which returns a callable that creates a lazy loader. This
+ is meant to be used in situations where the loader is passed by class
+ instead of by instance.
+ ::
+ suffixes = importlib.machinery.SOURCE_SUFFIXES
+ loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader
+ lazy_loader = importlib.util.LazyLoader.factory(loader)
+ finder = importlib.machinery.FileFinder(path, [(lazy_loader, suffixes)])
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.5.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.5.rst
index 4218134..76b65a4 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.5.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.5.rst
@@ -149,6 +149,10 @@ Improved Modules
subclassing of :class:`~inspect.Signature` easier (contributed
by Yury Selivanov and Eric Snow in :issue:`17373`).
+* :class:`importlib.util.LazyLoader` allows for the lazy loading of modules in
+ applications where startup time is paramount (contributed by Brett Cannon in
+ :issue:`17621`).
diff --git a/Lib/importlib/ b/Lib/importlib/
index 6d73b1d..e50ef6d 100644
--- a/Lib/importlib/
+++ b/Lib/importlib/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""Utility code for constructing importers, etc."""
+from . import abc
from ._bootstrap import MAGIC_NUMBER
from ._bootstrap import cache_from_source
from ._bootstrap import decode_source
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from ._bootstrap import _find_spec
from contextlib import contextmanager
import functools
import sys
+import types
import warnings
@@ -200,3 +201,94 @@ def module_for_loader(fxn):
return fxn(self, module, *args, **kwargs)
return module_for_loader_wrapper
+class _Module(types.ModuleType):
+ """A subclass of the module type to allow __class__ manipulation."""
+class _LazyModule(types.ModuleType):
+ """A subclass of the module type which triggers loading upon attribute access."""
+ def __getattribute__(self, attr):
+ """Trigger the load of the module and return the attribute."""
+ # All module metadata must be garnered from __spec__ in order to avoid
+ # using mutated values.
+ # Stop triggering this method.
+ self.__class__ = _Module
+ # Get the original name to make sure no object substitution occurred
+ # in sys.modules.
+ original_name =
+ # Figure out exactly what attributes were mutated between the creation
+ # of the module and now.
+ attrs_then = self.__spec__.loader_state
+ attrs_now = self.__dict__
+ attrs_updated = {}
+ for key, value in attrs_now.items():
+ # Code that set the attribute may have kept a reference to the
+ # assigned object, making identity more important than equality.
+ if key not in attrs_then:
+ attrs_updated[key] = value
+ elif id(attrs_now[key]) != id(attrs_then[key]):
+ attrs_updated[key] = value
+ self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+ # If exec_module() was used directly there is no guarantee the module
+ # object was put into sys.modules.
+ if original_name in sys.modules:
+ if id(self) != id(sys.modules[original_name]):
+ msg = ('module object for {!r} substituted in sys.modules '
+ 'during a lazy load')
+ raise ValueError(msg.format(original_name))
+ # Update after loading since that's what would happen in an eager
+ # loading situation.
+ self.__dict__.update(attrs_updated)
+ return getattr(self, attr)
+ def __delattr__(self, attr):
+ """Trigger the load and then perform the deletion."""
+ # To trigger the load and raise an exception if the attribute
+ # doesn't exist.
+ self.__getattribute__(attr)
+ delattr(self, attr)
+class LazyLoader(abc.Loader):
+ """A loader that creates a module which defers loading until attribute access."""
+ @staticmethod
+ def __check_eager_loader(loader):
+ if not hasattr(loader, 'exec_module'):
+ raise TypeError('loader must define exec_module()')
+ elif hasattr(loader.__class__, 'create_module'):
+ if abc.Loader.create_module != loader.__class__.create_module:
+ # Only care if create_module() is overridden in a subclass of
+ #
+ raise TypeError('loader cannot define create_module()')
+ @classmethod
+ def factory(cls, loader):
+ """Construct a callable which returns the eager loader made lazy."""
+ cls.__check_eager_loader(loader)
+ return lambda *args, **kwargs: cls(loader(*args, **kwargs))
+ def __init__(self, loader):
+ self.__check_eager_loader(loader)
+ self.loader = loader
+ def create_module(self, spec):
+ """Create a module which can have its __class__ manipulated."""
+ return _Module(
+ def exec_module(self, module):
+ """Make the module load lazily."""
+ module.__spec__.loader = self.loader
+ module.__loader__ = self.loader
+ # Don't need to worry about deep-copying as trying to set an attribute
+ # on an object would have triggered the load,
+ # e.g. ``module.__spec__.loader = None`` would trigger a load from
+ # trying to access module.__spec__.
+ module.__spec__.loader_state = module.__dict__.copy()
+ module.__class__ = _LazyModule
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_importlib/ b/Lib/test/test_importlib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e191bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_importlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+import importlib
+from importlib import abc
+from importlib import util
+import unittest
+from . import util as test_util
+class CollectInit:
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ def exec_module(self, module):
+ return self
+class LazyLoaderFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_init(self):
+ factory = util.LazyLoader.factory(CollectInit)
+ # E.g. what importlib.machinery.FileFinder instantiates loaders with
+ # plus keyword arguments.
+ lazy_loader = factory('module name', 'module path', kw='kw')
+ loader = lazy_loader.loader
+ self.assertEqual(('module name', 'module path'), loader.args)
+ self.assertEqual({'kw': 'kw'}, loader.kwargs)
+ def test_validation(self):
+ # No exec_module(), no lazy loading.
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ util.LazyLoader.factory(object)
+class TestingImporter(abc.MetaPathFinder, abc.Loader):
+ module_name = 'lazy_loader_test'
+ mutated_name = 'changed'
+ loaded = None
+ source_code = 'attr = 42; __name__ = {!r}'.format(mutated_name)
+ def find_spec(self, name, path, target=None):
+ if name != self.module_name:
+ return None
+ return util.spec_from_loader(name, util.LazyLoader(self))
+ def exec_module(self, module):
+ exec(self.source_code, module.__dict__)
+ self.loaded = module
+class LazyLoaderTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_init(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ util.LazyLoader(object)
+ def new_module(self, source_code=None):
+ loader = TestingImporter()
+ if source_code is not None:
+ loader.source_code = source_code
+ spec = util.spec_from_loader(TestingImporter.module_name,
+ util.LazyLoader(loader))
+ module = spec.loader.create_module(spec)
+ module.__spec__ = spec
+ module.__loader__ = spec.loader
+ spec.loader.exec_module(module)
+ # Module is now lazy.
+ self.assertIsNone(loader.loaded)
+ return module
+ def test_e2e(self):
+ # End-to-end test to verify the load is in fact lazy.
+ importer = TestingImporter()
+ assert importer.loaded is None
+ with test_util.uncache(importer.module_name):
+ with test_util.import_state(meta_path=[importer]):
+ module = importlib.import_module(importer.module_name)
+ self.assertIsNone(importer.loaded)
+ # Trigger load.
+ self.assertEqual(module.__loader__, importer)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(importer.loaded)
+ self.assertEqual(module, importer.loaded)
+ def test_attr_unchanged(self):
+ # An attribute only mutated as a side-effect of import should not be
+ # changed needlessly.
+ module = self.new_module()
+ self.assertEqual(TestingImporter.mutated_name, module.__name__)
+ def test_new_attr(self):
+ # A new attribute should persist.
+ module = self.new_module()
+ module.new_attr = 42
+ self.assertEqual(42, module.new_attr)
+ def test_mutated_preexisting_attr(self):
+ # Changing an attribute that already existed on the module --
+ # e.g. __name__ -- should persist.
+ module = self.new_module()
+ module.__name__ = 'bogus'
+ self.assertEqual('bogus', module.__name__)
+ def test_mutated_attr(self):
+ # Changing an attribute that comes into existence after an import
+ # should persist.
+ module = self.new_module()
+ module.attr = 6
+ self.assertEqual(6, module.attr)
+ def test_delete_eventual_attr(self):
+ # Deleting an attribute should stay deleted.
+ module = self.new_module()
+ del module.attr
+ self.assertFalse(hasattr(module, 'attr'))
+ def test_delete_preexisting_attr(self):
+ module = self.new_module()
+ del module.__name__
+ self.assertFalse(hasattr(module, '__name__'))
+ def test_module_substitution_error(self):
+ source_code = 'import sys; sys.modules[__name__] = 42'
+ module = self.new_module(source_code)
+ with test_util.uncache(TestingImporter.module_name):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ module.__name__
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index 3076d73..d01f375 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Core and Builtins
+- Issue #17621: Introduce importlib.util.LazyLoader.
- Issue #21076: signal module constants were turned into enums.
Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.