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2 files changed, 123 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 9096696..ecc9fb3 100755
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -26,12 +26,14 @@
# Betancourt, Randall Hopper, Karl Putland, John Farrell, Greg
# Andruk, Just van Rossum, Thomas Heller, Mark R. Levinson, Mark
# Hammond, Bill Tutt, Hans Nowak, Uwe Zessin (OpenVMS support),
-# Colin Kong, Trent Mick, Guido van Rossum, Anthony Baxter
+# Colin Kong, Trent Mick, Guido van Rossum, Anthony Baxter, Steve
+# Dower
# History:
# <see CVS and SVN checkin messages for history>
+# 1.0.8 - changed Windows support to read version from kernel32.dll
# 1.0.7 - added DEV_NULL
# 1.0.6 - added linux_distribution()
# 1.0.5 - fixed Java support to allow running the module on Jython
@@ -469,189 +471,139 @@ def _syscmd_ver(system='', release='', version='',
version = _norm_version(version)
return system, release, version
-def _win32_getvalue(key, name, default=''):
+ (5, 0): "2000",
+ (5, 1): "XP",
+ # Strictly, 5.2 client is XP 64-bit, but historically
+ # has always called it 2003 Server
+ (5, 2): "2003Server",
+ (5, None): "post2003",
+ (6, 0): "Vista",
+ (6, 1): "7",
+ (6, 2): "8",
+ (6, 3): "8.1",
+ (6, None): "post8.1",
+ (10, 0): "10",
+ (10, None): "post10",
- """ Read a value for name from the registry key.
+# Server release name lookup will default to client names if necessary
+ (5, 2): "2003Server",
- In case this fails, default is returned.
+ (6, 0): "2008Server",
+ (6, 1): "2008ServerR2",
+ (6, 2): "2012Server",
+ (6, 3): "2012ServerR2",
+ (6, None): "post2012ServerR2",
- """
- try:
- # Use win32api if available
- from win32api import RegQueryValueEx
- except ImportError:
- # On Python 2.0 and later, emulate using winreg
- import winreg
- RegQueryValueEx = winreg.QueryValueEx
- try:
- return RegQueryValueEx(key, name)
- except:
- return default
+def _get_real_winver(maj, min, build):
+ if maj < 6 or (maj == 6 and min < 2):
+ return maj, min, build
+ from ctypes import (c_buffer, POINTER, byref, create_unicode_buffer,
+ Structure, WinDLL)
+ from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE
+ class VS_FIXEDFILEINFO(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("dwSignature", DWORD),
+ ("dwStrucVersion", DWORD),
+ ("dwFileVersionMS", DWORD),
+ ("dwFileVersionLS", DWORD),
+ ("dwProductVersionMS", DWORD),
+ ("dwProductVersionLS", DWORD),
+ ("dwFileFlagsMask", DWORD),
+ ("dwFileFlags", DWORD),
+ ("dwFileOS", DWORD),
+ ("dwFileType", DWORD),
+ ("dwFileSubtype", DWORD),
+ ("dwFileDateMS", DWORD),
+ ("dwFileDateLS", DWORD),
+ ]
+ kernel32 = WinDLL('kernel32')
+ version = WinDLL('version')
+ # We will immediately double the length up to MAX_PATH, but the
+ # path may be longer, so we retry until the returned string is
+ # shorter than our buffer.
+ name_len = actual_len = 130
+ while actual_len == name_len:
+ name_len *= 2
+ name = create_unicode_buffer(name_len)
+ actual_len = kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(HANDLE(kernel32._handle),
+ name, len(name))
+ if not actual_len:
+ return maj, min, build
+ size = version.GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(name, None)
+ if not size:
+ return maj, min, build
+ ver_block = c_buffer(size)
+ if (not version.GetFileVersionInfoW(name, None, size, ver_block) or
+ not ver_block):
+ return maj, min, build
+ if not version.VerQueryValueW(ver_block, "", byref(pvi), byref(DWORD())):
+ return maj, min, build
+ maj = pvi.contents.dwProductVersionMS >> 16
+ min = pvi.contents.dwProductVersionMS & 0xFFFF
+ build = pvi.contents.dwProductVersionLS >> 16
+ return maj, min, build
def win32_ver(release='', version='', csd='', ptype=''):
+ from sys import getwindowsversion
+ try:
+ from winreg import OpenKeyEx, QueryValueEx, CloseKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
+ except ImportError:
+ from _winreg import OpenKeyEx, QueryValueEx, CloseKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- """ Get additional version information from the Windows Registry
- and return a tuple (version, csd, ptype) referring to version
- number, CSD level (service pack), and OS type (multi/single
- processor).
- As a hint: ptype returns 'Uniprocessor Free' on single
- processor NT machines and 'Multiprocessor Free' on multi
- processor machines. The 'Free' refers to the OS version being
- free of debugging code. It could also state 'Checked' which
- means the OS version uses debugging code, i.e. code that
- checks arguments, ranges, etc. (Thomas Heller).
+ winver = getwindowsversion()
+ maj, min, build = _get_real_winver(*winver[:3])
+ version = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(maj, min, build)
- Note: this function works best with Mark Hammond's win32
- package installed, but also on Python 2.3 and later. It
- obviously only runs on Win32 compatible platforms.
+ release = (_WIN32_CLIENT_RELEASES.get((maj, min)) or
+ _WIN32_CLIENT_RELEASES.get((maj, None)) or
+ release)
- """
- # XXX Is there any way to find out the processor type on WinXX ?
- # XXX Is win32 available on Windows CE ?
- #
- # Adapted from code posted by Karl Putland to comp.lang.python.
- #
- # The mappings between reg. values and release names can be found
- # here:
- # Import the needed APIs
- try:
- from win32api import RegQueryValueEx, RegOpenKeyEx, \
- RegCloseKey, GetVersionEx
- from win32con import HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT, \
- except ImportError:
- # Emulate the win32api module using Python APIs
+ # getwindowsversion() reflect the compatibility mode Python is
+ # running under, and so the service pack value is only going to be
+ # valid if the versions match.
+ if winver[:2] == (maj, min):
- sys.getwindowsversion
+ csd = 'SP{}'.format(winver.service_pack_major)
except AttributeError:
- # No emulation possible, so return the defaults...
- return release, version, csd, ptype
- else:
- # Emulation using winreg (added in Python 2.0) and
- # sys.getwindowsversion() (added in Python 2.3)
- import winreg
- GetVersionEx = sys.getwindowsversion
- RegQueryValueEx = winreg.QueryValueEx
- RegOpenKeyEx = winreg.OpenKeyEx
- RegCloseKey = winreg.CloseKey
- REG_SZ = 1
- # Find out the registry key and some general version infos
- winver = GetVersionEx()
- maj, min, buildno, plat, csd = winver
- version = '%i.%i.%i' % (maj, min, buildno & 0xFFFF)
- if hasattr(winver, "service_pack"):
- if winver.service_pack != "":
- csd = 'SP%s' % winver.service_pack_major
- else:
- if csd[:13] == 'Service Pack ':
- csd = 'SP' + csd[13:]
- regkey = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion'
- # Try to guess the release name
- if maj == 4:
- if min == 0:
- release = '95'
- elif min == 10:
- release = '98'
- elif min == 90:
- release = 'Me'
- else:
- release = 'postMe'
- elif maj == 5:
- release = '2000'
- elif plat == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT:
- regkey = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion'
- if maj <= 4:
- release = 'NT'
- elif maj == 5:
- if min == 0:
- release = '2000'
- elif min == 1:
- release = 'XP'
- elif min == 2:
- release = '2003Server'
- else:
- release = 'post2003'
- elif maj == 6:
- if hasattr(winver, "product_type"):
- product_type = winver.product_type
- else:
- product_type = VER_NT_WORKSTATION
- # Without an OSVERSIONINFOEX capable sys.getwindowsversion(),
- # or help from the registry, we cannot properly identify
- # non-workstation versions.
- try:
- key = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regkey)
- name, type = RegQueryValueEx(key, "ProductName")
- # Discard any type that isn't REG_SZ
- if type == REG_SZ and name.find("Server") != -1:
- product_type = VER_NT_SERVER
- except OSError:
- # Use default of VER_NT_WORKSTATION
- pass
- if min == 0:
- if product_type == VER_NT_WORKSTATION:
- release = 'Vista'
- else:
- release = '2008Server'
- elif min == 1:
- if product_type == VER_NT_WORKSTATION:
- release = '7'
- else:
- release = '2008ServerR2'
- elif min == 2:
- if product_type == VER_NT_WORKSTATION:
- release = '8'
- else:
- release = '2012Server'
- else:
- release = 'post2012Server'
+ if csd[:13] == 'Service Pack ':
+ csd = 'SP' + csd[13:]
- else:
- if not release:
- # E.g. Win3.1 with win32s
- release = '%i.%i' % (maj, min)
- return release, version, csd, ptype
+ if getattr(winver, 'product_type', None) == 3:
+ release = (_WIN32_SERVER_RELEASES.get((maj, min)) or
+ _WIN32_SERVER_RELEASES.get((maj, None)) or
+ release)
- # Open the registry key
+ key = None
- keyCurVer = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regkey)
- # Get a value to make sure the key exists...
- RegQueryValueEx(keyCurVer, 'SystemRoot')
+ r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion')
+ ptype = QueryValueEx(key, 'CurrentType')[0]
- return release, version, csd, ptype
- # Parse values
- #subversion = _win32_getvalue(keyCurVer,
- # 'SubVersionNumber',
- # ('',1))[0]
- #if subversion:
- # release = release + subversion # 95a, 95b, etc.
- build = _win32_getvalue(keyCurVer,
- 'CurrentBuildNumber',
- ('', 1))[0]
- ptype = _win32_getvalue(keyCurVer,
- 'CurrentType',
- (ptype, 1))[0]
- # Normalize version
- version = _norm_version(version, build)
- # Close key
- RegCloseKey(keyCurVer)
+ pass
+ finally:
+ if key:
+ CloseKey(key)
return release, version, csd, ptype
def _mac_ver_xml():
fn = '/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist'
if not os.path.exists(fn):
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index 36cb6e4..a290212 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ Core and Builtins
+- Issue #19143: platform module now reads Windows version from kernel32.dll to
+ avoid compatibility shims.
- Issue #25092: Fix datetime.strftime() failure when errno was already set to