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diff --git a/Doc/lib/libdecimal.tex b/Doc/lib/libdecimal.tex
index 40c1e91..7b4122a 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/libdecimal.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/libdecimal.tex
@@ -525,11 +525,11 @@ The \class{Context} class defines several general purpose methods as well as a
large number of methods for doing arithmetic directly in a given context.
- Sets all of the flags to \constant{0}.
+ Resets all of the flags to \constant{0}.
- Returns a duplicate of the context.
+ Return a duplicate of the context.
@@ -1118,3 +1118,156 @@ def sin(x):
return +s
+\subsection{Decimal FAQ \label{decimal-faq}}
+Q. It is cumbersome to type \code{decimal.Decimal('1234.5')}. Is there a way
+to minimize typing when using the interactive interpreter?
+A. Some users abbreviate the constructor to just a single letter:
+>>> D = decimal.Decimal
+>>> D('1.23') + D('3.45')
+Q. In a fixed-point application to two decimal places, some inputs
+have many places and need to be rounded. Others are not supposed to have
+excess digits and need to be validated. What methods should be used?
+A. The \method{quantize()} method rounds to a fixed number of decimal places.
+If the \constant{Inexact} trap is set, it is also useful for validation:
+>>> TWOPLACES = Decimal(10) ** -2 # same as Decimal('0.01')
+>>> # Round to two places
+>>> Decimal("3.214").quantize(TWOPLACES)
+>>> # Validate that a number does not exceed two places
+>>> Decimal("3.21").quantize(TWOPLACES, context=Context(traps=[Inexact]))
+>>> Decimal("3.214").quantize(TWOPLACES, context=Context(traps=[Inexact]))
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+Inexact: Changed in rounding
+Q. Once I have valid two place inputs, how do I maintain that invariant
+throughout an application?
+A. Some operations like addition and subtraction automatically preserve fixed
+point. Others, like multiplication and division, change the number of decimal
+places and need to be followed-up with a \method{quantize()} step.
+Q. There are many ways to write express the same value. The numbers
+\constant{200}, \constant{200.000}, \constant{2E2}, and \constant{.02E+4} all
+have the same value at various precisions. Is there a way to transform them to
+a single recognizable canonical value?
+A. The \method{normalize()} method maps all equivalent values to a single
+>>> values = map(Decimal, '200 200.000 2E2 .02E+4'.split())
+>>> [v.normalize() for v in values]
+[Decimal("2E+2"), Decimal("2E+2"), Decimal("2E+2"), Decimal("2E+2")]
+Q. Is there a way to convert a regular float to a \class{Decimal}?
+A. Yes, all binary floating point numbers can be exactly expressed as a
+Decimal. An exact conversion may take more precision than intuition would
+suggest, so trapping \constant{Inexact} will signal a need for more precision:
+def floatToDecimal(f):
+ "Convert a floating point number to a Decimal with no loss of information"
+ # Transform (exactly) a float to a mantissa (0.5 <= abs(m) < 1.0) and an
+ # exponent. Double the mantissa until it is an integer. Use the integer
+ # mantissa and exponent to compute an equivalent Decimal. If this cannot
+ # be done exactly, then retry with more precision.
+ mantissa, exponent = math.frexp(f)
+ while mantissa != int(mantissa):
+ mantissa *= 2.0
+ exponent -= 1
+ mantissa = int(mantissa)
+ oldcontext = getcontext()
+ setcontext(Context(traps=[Inexact]))
+ try:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ return mantissa * Decimal(2) ** exponent
+ except Inexact:
+ getcontext().prec += 1
+ finally:
+ setcontext(oldcontext)
+Q. Why isn't the \function{floatToDecimal()} routine included in the module?
+A. There is some question about whether it is advisable to mix binary and
+decimal floating point. Also, its use requires some care to avoid the
+representation issues associated with binary floating point:
+>>> floatToDecimal(1.1)
+Q. Within a complex calculation, how can I make sure that I haven't gotten a
+spurious result because of insufficient precision or rounding anomalies.
+A. The decimal module makes it easy to test results. A best practice is to
+re-run calculations using greater precision and with various rounding modes.
+Widely differing results indicate insufficient precision, rounding mode
+issues, ill-conditioned inputs, or a numerically unstable algorithm.
+Q. I noticed that context precision is applied to the results of operations
+but not to the inputs. Is there anything to watch out for when mixing
+values of different precisions?
+A. Yes. The principle is that all values are considered to be exact and so
+is the arithmetic on those values. Only the results are rounded. The
+advantage for inputs is that ``what you type is what you get''. A
+disadvantage is that the results can look odd if you forget that the inputs
+haven't been rounded:
+>>> getcontext().prec = 3
+>>> Decimal('3.104') + D('2.104')
+>>> Decimal('3.104') + D('0.000') + D('2.104')
+The solution is either to increase precision or to force rounding of inputs
+using the unary plus operation:
+>>> getcontext().prec = 3
+>>> +Decimal('1.23456789') # unary plus triggers rounding
+Alternatively, inputs can be rounded upon creation using the
+\method{Context.create_decimal()} method:
+>>> Context(prec=5, rounding=ROUND_DOWN).create_decimal('1.2345678')