diff options
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/guido/ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6eba09a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# The options of a widget are described by the following attributes
+# of the Pack and Widget dialogs:
+# Dialog.current: {name: value}
+# -- changes during Widget's lifetime
+# Dialog.options: {name: (default, klass)}
+# -- depends on widget class only
+# Dialog.classes: {klass: (v0, v1, v2, ...) | 'boolean' | 'other'}
+# -- totally static, though different between PackDialog and WidgetDialog
+# (but even that could be unified)
+from Tkinter import *
+class Option:
+ def __init__(self, packdialog, option, varclass):
+ self.packdialog = packdialog
+ self.option = option
+ self.master =
+ self.default, self.klass = packdialog.options[option]
+ self.var = varclass(self.master)
+ self.frame = Frame(self.master,
+ {Pack: {'expand': 0, 'fill': 'x'}})
+ self.label = Label(self.frame,
+ {'text': option + ':',
+ Pack: {'side': 'left'},
+ })
+ self.update()
+ def refresh(self):
+ self.packdialog.refresh()
+ self.update()
+ def update(self):
+ try:
+ self.current = self.packdialog.current[self.option]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.current = self.default
+ self.var.set(self.current)
+ def set(self, e=None):
+ pass
+class BooleanOption(Option):
+ def __init__(self, packdialog, option):
+ Option.__init__(self, packdialog, option, BooleanVar)
+ self.button = Checkbutton(self.frame,
+ {'text': 'on/off',
+ 'onvalue': '1',
+ 'offvalue': '0',
+ 'variable': self.var,
+ 'relief': 'raised',
+ 'borderwidth': 2,
+ 'command': self.set,
+ Pack: {'side': 'right'},
+ })
+class EnumOption(Option):
+ def __init__(self, packdialog, option):
+ Option.__init__(self, packdialog, option, StringVar)
+ self.button = Menubutton(self.frame,
+ {'textvariable': self.var,
+ 'relief': 'raised',
+ 'borderwidth': 2,
+ Pack: {'side': 'right'},
+ })
+ = Menu(self.button)
+ self.button['menu'] =
+ for v in self.packdialog.classes[self.klass]:
+ label = v
+ if v == self.default: label = label + ' (default)'
+ {'label': label,
+ 'variable': self.var,
+ 'value': v,
+ 'command': self.set,
+ })
+class StringOption(Option):
+ def __init__(self, packdialog, option):
+ Option.__init__(self, packdialog, option, StringVar)
+ self.entry = Entry(self.frame,
+ {'textvariable': self.var,
+ 'width': 10,
+ 'relief': 'sunken',
+ 'borderwidth': 2,
+ Pack: {'side': 'right',
+ 'fill': 'x', 'expand': 1},
+ })
+ self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.set)
+class PackOption: # Mix-in class
+ def set(self, e=None):
+ self.current = self.var.get()
+ try:
+ Pack.config(self.packdialog.widget,
+ {self.option: self.current})
+ except TclError:
+ self.refresh()
+class BooleanPackOption(PackOption, BooleanOption): pass
+class EnumPackOption(PackOption, EnumOption): pass
+class StringPackOption(PackOption, StringOption): pass
+class PackDialog:
+ options = {
+ 'after': (None, 'Widet'),
+ 'anchor': ('center', 'Anchor'),
+ 'before': (None, 'Widget'),
+ 'expand': ('no', 'Boolean'),
+ 'fill': ('none', 'Fill'),
+ 'in': (None, 'Widget'),
+ 'ipadx': (0, 'Pad'),
+ 'ipady': (0, 'Pad'),
+ 'padx': (0, 'Pad'),
+ 'pady': (0, 'Pad'),
+ 'side': ('top', 'Side'),
+ }
+ classes = {
+ 'Anchor': ('n','ne', 'e','se', 's','sw', 'w','nw', 'center'),
+ 'Fill': ('none', 'x', 'y', 'both'),
+ 'Side': ('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'),
+ 'Expand': 'boolean',
+ 'Pad': 'pixel',
+ 'Widget': 'widget',
+ }
+ def __init__(self, widget):
+ self.widget = widget
+ self.refresh()
+ = Toplevel(self.widget)
+'Pack: %s' % widget.widgetName)
+, 1) # XXX
+ self.anchor = EnumPackOption(self, 'anchor')
+ self.side = EnumPackOption(self, 'side')
+ self.fill = EnumPackOption(self, 'fill')
+ self.expand = BooleanPackOption(self, 'expand')
+ self.ipadx = StringPackOption(self, 'ipadx')
+ self.ipady = StringPackOption(self, 'ipady')
+ self.padx = StringPackOption(self, 'padx')
+ self.pady = StringPackOption(self, 'pady')
+ # XXX after, before, in
+ def refresh(self):
+ self.current = self.widget.newinfo()
+class WidgetOption: # Mix-in class
+ def set(self, e=None):
+ self.current = self.var.get()
+ try:
+ self.packdialog.widget[self.option] = self.current
+ except TclError:
+ self.refresh()
+class BooleanWidgetOption(WidgetOption, BooleanOption): pass
+class EnumWidgetOption(WidgetOption, EnumOption): pass
+class StringWidgetOption(WidgetOption, StringOption): pass
+class WidgetDialog:
+ # Universal classes
+ classes = {
+ 'Anchor': ('n','ne', 'e','se', 's','sw', 'w','nw', 'center'),
+ 'Aspect': 'integer',
+ 'Background': 'color',
+ 'Bitmap': 'bitmap',
+ 'BorderWidth': 'pixel',
+ 'CloseEnough': 'double',
+ 'Command': 'command',
+ 'Confine': 'boolean',
+ 'Cursor': 'cursor',
+ 'CursorWidth': 'pixel',
+ 'DisabledForeground': 'color',
+ 'ExportSelection': 'boolean',
+ 'Font': 'font',
+ 'Foreground': 'color',
+ 'From': 'integer',
+ 'Geometry': 'geometry',
+ 'Height': 'pixel',
+ 'InsertWidth': 'time',
+ 'Justify': ('left', 'center', 'right'),
+ 'Label': 'string',
+ 'Length': 'pixel',
+ 'MenuName': 'widget',
+ 'OffTime': 'time',
+ 'OnTime': 'time',
+ 'Orient': ('horizontal', 'vertical'),
+ 'Pad': 'pixel',
+ 'Relief': ('raised', 'sunken', 'flat', 'ridge', 'groove'),
+ 'RepeatDelay': 'time',
+ 'RepeatInterval': 'time',
+ 'ScrollCommand': 'command',
+ 'ScrollIncrement': 'pixel',
+ 'ScrollRegion': 'rectangle',
+ 'ShowValue': 'boolean',
+ 'SetGrid': 'boolean',
+ 'Sliderforeground': 'color',
+ 'SliderLength': 'pixel',
+ 'Text': 'string',
+ 'TickInterval': 'integer',
+ 'To': 'integer',
+ 'Underline': 'index',
+ 'Variable': 'variable',
+ 'Value': 'string',
+ 'Width': 'pixel',
+ 'Wrap': ('none', 'char', 'word'),
+ }
+ # Classes that (may) differ per widget type
+ _tristate = {'State': ('normal', 'active', 'disabled')}
+ _bistate = {'State': ('normal', 'disabled')}
+ addclasses = {
+ 'button': _tristate,
+ 'radiobutton': _tristate,
+ 'checkbutton': _tristate,
+ 'entry': _bistate,
+ 'text': _bistate,
+ 'menubutton': _tristate,
+ 'slider': _bistate,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, widget):
+ self.widget = widget
+ if self.addclasses.has_key(self.widget.widgetName):
+ classes = {}
+ for c in (self.classes,
+ self.addclasses[self.widget.widgetName]):
+ for k in c.keys():
+ classes[k] = c[k]
+ self.classes = classes
+ self.refresh()
+ = Toplevel(self.widget)
+'Widget: %s' % widget.widgetName)
+, 1)
+ self.choices = {}
+ for k, (d, c) in self.options.items():
+ try:
+ cl = self.classes[c]
+ except KeyError:
+ cl = 'unknown'
+ if type(cl) == TupleType:
+ cl = EnumWidgetOption
+ elif cl == 'boolean':
+ cl = BooleanWidgetOption
+ else:
+ cl = StringWidgetOption
+ self.choices[k] = cl(self, k)
+ def refresh(self):
+ self.configuration = self.widget.config()
+ self.current = {}
+ self.options = {}
+ for k, v in self.configuration.items():
+ if len(v) > 4:
+ self.current[k] = v[4]
+ self.options[k] = v[3], v[2] # default, klass
+def test():
+ root = Tk()
+ root.minsize(1, 1)
+ frame = Frame(root, {Pack: {'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both'}})
+ button = Button(frame, {'text': 'button',
+ Pack: {'expand': 1}})
+ canvas = Canvas(frame, {Pack: {}})
+ bpd = PackDialog(button)
+ bwd = WidgetDialog(button)
+ cpd = PackDialog(canvas)
+ cwd = WidgetDialog(canvas)
+ root.mainloop()