diff options
2 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Demo/PICTbrowse/ b/Mac/Demo/PICTbrowse/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a84a7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Demo/PICTbrowse/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+"""browsepict - Display all "PICT" resources found"""
+import FrameWork
+import EasyDialogs
+import Res
+import Qd
+import Win
+import List
+import sys
+import struct
+# Resource definitions
+# Where is the picture window?
+def main():
+ try:
+ dummy = Res.GetResource('DLOG', ID_MAIN)
+ except Res.Error:
+ try:
+ Res.OpenResFile("PICTbrowse.rsrc")
+ except Res.Error, arg:
+ EasyDialogs.Message("Cannot open PICTbrowse.rsrc: "+arg[1])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ PICTbrowse()
+class PICTbrowse(FrameWork.Application):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # First init menus, etc.
+ FrameWork.Application.__init__(self)
+ # Next create our dialog
+ self.main_dialog = MyDialog(self)
+ # Now open the dialog
+ contents = self.findPICTresources()
+, contents)
+ # Finally, go into the event loop
+ self.mainloop()
+ def makeusermenus(self):
+ self.filemenu = m = FrameWork.Menu(self.menubar, "File")
+ self.quititem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Quit", "Q", self.quit)
+ def quit(self, *args):
+ raise self
+ def showPICT(self, resid):
+ w = PICTwindow(self)
+ #EasyDialogs.Message('Show PICT '+`resid`)
+ def findPICTresources(self):
+ num = Res.CountResources('PICT')
+ rv = []
+ for i in range(1, num+1):
+ Res.SetResLoad(0)
+ try:
+ r = Res.GetIndResource('PICT', i)
+ finally:
+ Res.SetResLoad(1)
+ id, type, name = r.GetResInfo()
+ rv.append(id, name)
+ return rv
+class PICTwindow(FrameWork.Window):
+ def open(self, (resid, resname)):
+ if not resname:
+ resname = '#'+`resid`
+ self.resid = resid
+ picture = Qd.GetPicture(self.resid)
+ # Get rect for picture
+ print `[:16]`
+ sz, t, l, b, r = struct.unpack('hhhhh',[:10])
+ print 'pict:', t, l, b, r
+ width = r-l
+ height = b-t
+ if width < 64: width = 64
+ elif width > 480: width = 480
+ if height < 64: height = 64
+ elif height > 320: height = 320
+ bounds = (LEFT, TOP, LEFT+width, TOP+height)
+ print 'bounds:', bounds
+ self.wid = Win.NewWindow(bounds, resname, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0)
+ self.wid.SetWindowPic(picture)
+ self.do_postopen()
+class MyDialog(FrameWork.DialogWindow):
+ "Main dialog window for PICTbrowse"
+ def open(self, id, contents):
+ = id
+ self.wid.SetDialogDefaultItem(MAIN_SHOW)
+ tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(MAIN_LIST)
+ rect2 = rect[0]+1, rect[1]+1, rect[2]-17, rect[3]-17 # Scroll bar space
+ self.list = List.LNew(rect2, (0, 0, 1, len(contents)), (0,0), 0, self.wid,
+ 0, 1, 1, 1)
+ self.contents = contents
+ self.setlist()
+ def setlist(self):
+ self.list.LDelRow(0, 0)
+ self.list.LSetDrawingMode(0)
+ if self.contents:
+ self.list.LAddRow(len(self.contents), 0)
+ for i in range(len(self.contents)):
+ v = `self.contents[i][0]`
+ if self.contents[i][1]:
+ v = v + '"' + self.contents[i][1] + '"'
+ self.list.LSetCell(v, (0, i))
+ self.list.LSetDrawingMode(1)
+ self.list.LUpdate()
+ def do_listhit(self, event):
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+ where = Qd.GlobalToLocal(where)
+ print 'LISTHIT', where
+ if self.list.LClick(where, modifiers):
+ self.do_show()
+ def getselection(self):
+ items = []
+ point = (0,0)
+ while 1:
+ ok, point = self.list.LGetSelect(1, point)
+ if not ok:
+ break
+ items.append(point[1])
+ point = point[0], point[1]+1
+ values = []
+ for i in items:
+ values.append(self.contents[i])
+ return values
+ def do_show(self, *args):
+ selection = self.getselection()
+ for resid in selection:
+ self.parent.showPICT(resid)
+ def do_rawupdate(self, window, event):
+ tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(MAIN_LIST)
+ Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+ Qd.FrameRect(rect)
+ self.list.LUpdate()
+ def do_activate(self, activate, event):
+ self.list.LActivate(activate)
+ def do_close(self):
+ self.close()
+ def do_itemhit(self, item, event):
+ if item == MAIN_LIST:
+ self.do_listhit(event)
+ if item == MAIN_SHOW:
+ self.do_show()
diff --git a/Mac/Demo/PICTbrowse/PICTbrowse.rsrc.hqx b/Mac/Demo/PICTbrowse/PICTbrowse.rsrc.hqx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d00964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Demo/PICTbrowse/PICTbrowse.rsrc.hqx
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(This file may be decompressed with BinHex 4.0)