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3 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/asyncio/ b/Lib/asyncio/
index bbeada8..1ffac99 100644
--- a/Lib/asyncio/
+++ b/Lib/asyncio/
@@ -46,6 +46,22 @@ class _OverlappedFuture(futures.Future):
return super().cancel()
+class _WaitHandleFuture(futures.Future):
+ """Subclass of Future which represents a wait handle."""
+ def __init__(self, wait_handle, *, loop=None):
+ super().__init__(loop=loop)
+ self._wait_handle = wait_handle
+ def cancel(self):
+ super().cancel()
+ try:
+ _overlapped.UnregisterWait(self._wait_handle)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.winerror != _overlapped.ERROR_IO_PENDING:
+ raise
class PipeServer(object):
"""Class representing a pipe server.
@@ -271,6 +287,30 @@ class IocpProactor:
return windows_utils.PipeHandle(handle)
return self._register(ov, None, finish, wait_for_post=True)
+ def wait_for_handle(self, handle, timeout=None):
+ if timeout is None:
+ ms = _winapi.INFINITE
+ else:
+ ms = int(timeout * 1000 + 0.5)
+ # We only create ov so we can use ov.address as a key for the cache.
+ ov = _overlapped.Overlapped(NULL)
+ wh = _overlapped.RegisterWaitWithQueue(
+ handle, self._iocp, ov.address, ms)
+ f = _WaitHandleFuture(wh, loop=self._loop)
+ def finish(timed_out, _, ov):
+ if not f.cancelled():
+ try:
+ _overlapped.UnregisterWait(wh)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.winerror != _overlapped.ERROR_IO_PENDING:
+ raise
+ return not timed_out
+ self._cache[ov.address] = (f, ov, None, finish)
+ return f
def _register_with_iocp(self, obj):
# To get notifications of finished ops on this objects sent to the
# completion port, were must register the handle.
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_asyncio/ b/Lib/test/test_asyncio/
index 969360c..553ea34 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_asyncio/
+++ b/Lib/test/test_asyncio/
@@ -5,13 +5,17 @@ import unittest
if sys.platform != 'win32':
raise unittest.SkipTest('Windows only')
+import _winapi
import asyncio
from asyncio import windows_events
+from asyncio import futures
from asyncio import protocols
from asyncio import streams
from asyncio import transports
from asyncio import test_utils
+from asyncio import _overlapped
class UpperProto(protocols.Protocol):
@@ -94,6 +98,42 @@ class ProactorTests(unittest.TestCase):
return 'done'
+ def test_wait_for_handle(self):
+ event = _overlapped.CreateEvent(None, True, False, None)
+ self.addCleanup(_winapi.CloseHandle, event)
+ # Wait for unset event with 0.2s timeout;
+ # result should be False at timeout
+ f = self.loop._proactor.wait_for_handle(event, 0.2)
+ start = self.loop.time()
+ self.loop.run_until_complete(f)
+ elapsed = self.loop.time() - start
+ self.assertFalse(f.result())
+ self.assertTrue(0.18 < elapsed < 0.22, elapsed)
+ _overlapped.SetEvent(event)
+ # Wait for for set event;
+ # result should be True immediately
+ f = self.loop._proactor.wait_for_handle(event, 10)
+ start = self.loop.time()
+ self.loop.run_until_complete(f)
+ elapsed = self.loop.time() - start
+ self.assertTrue(f.result())
+ self.assertTrue(0 <= elapsed < 0.02, elapsed)
+ _overlapped.ResetEvent(event)
+ # Wait for unset event with a cancelled future;
+ # CancelledError should be raised immediately
+ f = self.loop._proactor.wait_for_handle(event, 10)
+ f.cancel()
+ start = self.loop.time()
+ with self.assertRaises(futures.CancelledError):
+ self.loop.run_until_complete(f)
+ elapsed = self.loop.time() - start
+ self.assertTrue(0 <= elapsed < 0.02, elapsed)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/Modules/overlapped.c b/Modules/overlapped.c
index 6a1d9e4..625c76e 100644
--- a/Modules/overlapped.c
+++ b/Modules/overlapped.c
@@ -228,6 +228,172 @@ overlapped_PostQueuedCompletionStatus(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ * Wait for a handle
+ */
+struct PostCallbackData {
+ HANDLE CompletionPort;
+ LPOVERLAPPED Overlapped;
+PostToQueueCallback(PVOID lpParameter, BOOL TimerOrWaitFired)
+ struct PostCallbackData *p = (struct PostCallbackData*) lpParameter;
+ PostQueuedCompletionStatus(p->CompletionPort, TimerOrWaitFired,
+ 0, p->Overlapped);
+ /* ignore possible error! */
+ PyMem_Free(p);
+ RegisterWaitWithQueue_doc,
+ "RegisterWaitWithQueue(Object, CompletionPort, Overlapped, Timeout)\n"
+ " -> WaitHandle\n\n"
+ "Register wait for Object; when complete CompletionPort is notified.\n");
+static PyObject *
+overlapped_RegisterWaitWithQueue(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ HANDLE NewWaitObject;
+ HANDLE Object;
+ ULONG Milliseconds;
+ struct PostCallbackData data, *pdata;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, F_HANDLE F_HANDLE F_POINTER F_DWORD,
+ &Object,
+ &data.CompletionPort,
+ &data.Overlapped,
+ &Milliseconds))
+ return NULL;
+ pdata = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(struct PostCallbackData));
+ if (pdata == NULL)
+ return SetFromWindowsErr(0);
+ *pdata = data;
+ if (!RegisterWaitForSingleObject(
+ &NewWaitObject, Object, (WAITORTIMERCALLBACK)PostToQueueCallback,
+ pdata, Milliseconds,
+ {
+ PyMem_Free(pdata);
+ return SetFromWindowsErr(0);
+ }
+ return Py_BuildValue(F_HANDLE, NewWaitObject);
+ UnregisterWait_doc,
+ "UnregisterWait(WaitHandle) -> None\n\n"
+ "Unregister wait handle.\n");
+static PyObject *
+overlapped_UnregisterWait(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ HANDLE WaitHandle;
+ BOOL ret;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, F_HANDLE, &WaitHandle))
+ return NULL;
+ ret = UnregisterWait(WaitHandle);
+ if (!ret)
+ return SetFromWindowsErr(0);
+ * Event functions -- currently only used by tests
+ */
+ CreateEvent_doc,
+ "CreateEvent(EventAttributes, ManualReset, InitialState, Name)"
+ " -> Handle\n\n"
+ "Create an event. EventAttributes must be None.\n");
+static PyObject *
+overlapped_CreateEvent(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ PyObject *EventAttributes;
+ BOOL ManualReset;
+ BOOL InitialState;
+ Py_UNICODE *Name;
+ HANDLE Event;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O" F_BOOL F_BOOL "Z",
+ &EventAttributes, &ManualReset,
+ &InitialState, &Name))
+ return NULL;
+ if (EventAttributes != Py_None) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "EventAttributes must be None");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Event = CreateEventW(NULL, ManualReset, InitialState, Name);
+ if (Event == NULL)
+ return SetFromWindowsErr(0);
+ return Py_BuildValue(F_HANDLE, Event);
+ SetEvent_doc,
+ "SetEvent(Handle) -> None\n\n"
+ "Set event.\n");
+static PyObject *
+overlapped_SetEvent(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ HANDLE Handle;
+ BOOL ret;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, F_HANDLE, &Handle))
+ return NULL;
+ ret = SetEvent(Handle);
+ if (!ret)
+ return SetFromWindowsErr(0);
+ ResetEvent_doc,
+ "ResetEvent(Handle) -> None\n\n"
+ "Reset event.\n");
+static PyObject *
+overlapped_ResetEvent(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ HANDLE Handle;
+ BOOL ret;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, F_HANDLE, &Handle))
+ return NULL;
+ ret = ResetEvent(Handle);
+ if (!ret)
+ return SetFromWindowsErr(0);
* Bind socket handle to local port without doing slow getaddrinfo()
@@ -1147,6 +1313,16 @@ static PyMethodDef overlapped_functions[] = {
METH_VARARGS, FormatMessage_doc},
{"BindLocal", overlapped_BindLocal,
METH_VARARGS, BindLocal_doc},
+ {"RegisterWaitWithQueue", overlapped_RegisterWaitWithQueue,
+ METH_VARARGS, RegisterWaitWithQueue_doc},
+ {"UnregisterWait", overlapped_UnregisterWait,
+ METH_VARARGS, UnregisterWait_doc},
+ {"CreateEvent", overlapped_CreateEvent,
+ METH_VARARGS, CreateEvent_doc},
+ {"SetEvent", overlapped_SetEvent,
+ METH_VARARGS, SetEvent_doc},
+ {"ResetEvent", overlapped_ResetEvent,
+ METH_VARARGS, ResetEvent_doc},