diff options
4 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/guido/ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f7a70fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Tkinter interface to Linux `ps' command.
+from Tkinter import *
+from string import splitfields
+from string import split
+class BarButton(Menubutton):
+ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
+ Menubutton.__init__(self, master)
+ self.pack({'side': 'left'})
+ self.config(cnf)
+ = Menu(self, {'name': 'menu'})
+ self['menu'] =
+class Kill(Frame):
+ # List of (name, option, pid_column)
+ format_list = [('Default', '', 0),
+ ('Long', '-l', 2),
+ ('User', '-u', 1),
+ ('Jobs', '-j', 1),
+ ('Signal', '-s', 1),
+ ('Memory', '-m', 0),
+ ('VM', '-v', 0),
+ ('Hex', '-X', 0)]
+ def kill(self, selected):
+ c = self.format_list[self.format.get()][2]
+ pid = split(selected)[c]
+'exec', 'kill', '-9', pid)
+ self.do_update()
+ def do_update(self):
+ name, option, column = self.format_list[self.format.get()]
+ s ='exec', 'ps', '-w', option)
+ list = splitfields(s, '\n')
+ self.header.set(list[0])
+ del list[0]
+ y = self.frame.vscroll.get()[2]
+ self.frame.list.delete(0, AtEnd())
+ for line in list:
+ self.frame.list.insert(0, line)
+ self.frame.list.yview(y)
+ def do_motion(self, e):
+ e.widget.select_from(e.widget.nearest(e.y))
+ def do_leave(self, e):
+ e.widget.select_clear()
+ def do_1(self, e):
+ self.kill(e.widget.get(e.widget.nearest(e.y)))
+ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
+ Frame.__init__(self, master, cnf)
+ self.pack({'expand': 'yes', 'fill': 'both'})
+ = Frame(
+ self,
+ {'name': 'bar',
+ 'relief': 'raised',
+ 'bd': 2,
+ Pack: {'side': 'top',
+ 'fill': 'x'}})
+ = BarButton(, {'text': 'File'})
+ {'label': 'Quit', 'command': self.quit})
+ = BarButton(, {'text': 'View'})
+ self.format = IntVar(self)
+ self.format.set(2)
+ for num in range(len(self.format_list)):
+ {'label': self.format_list[num][0],
+ 'command': self.do_update,
+ 'variable': self.format,
+ 'value': num})
+ #XXX ...
+ self.frame = Frame(
+ self,
+ {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 2,
+ Pack: {'side': 'top',
+ 'expand': 'yes',
+ 'fill': 'both'}})
+ self.header = StringVar(self)
+ self.frame.label = Label(
+ self.frame,
+ {'relief': 'flat',
+ 'anchor': 'nw',
+ 'borderwidth': 0,
+ 'textvariable': self.header,
+ Pack: {'side': 'top',
+ 'fill': 'x'}})
+ self.frame.vscroll = Scrollbar(
+ self.frame,
+ {'orient': 'vertical'})
+ self.frame.list = Listbox(
+ self.frame,
+ {'relief': 'sunken',
+ 'selectbackground': '#eed5b7',
+ 'selectborderwidth': 0,
+ 'yscroll': self.frame.vscroll.set})
+ self.frame.vscroll['command'] = self.frame.list.yview
+ self.frame.vscroll.pack({'side': 'right', 'fill': 'y'})
+ self.frame.list.pack(
+ {'side': 'top',
+ 'expand': 'yes',
+ 'fill': 'both'})
+ self.update = Button(
+ self,
+ {'text': 'Update',
+ 'command': self.do_update,
+ Pack: {'expand': 'yes',
+ 'fill': 'x'}})
+ self.frame.list.bind('<Motion>', self.do_motion)
+ self.frame.list.bind('<Leave>', self.do_leave)
+ self.frame.list.bind('<1>', self.do_1)
+ self.do_update()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ kill = Kill(None, {'bd': 5})
+ kill.winfo_toplevel().title('Tkinter Process Killer')
+ kill.winfo_toplevel().minsize(1, 1)
+ kill.mainloop()
diff --git a/Lib/lib-tk/ b/Lib/lib-tk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28222ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib-tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# -- Tkinter interface to the tk_dialog script.
+from Tkinter import *
+class Dialog(Widget):
+ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
+ Widget._setup(self, master, cnf)
+ self.num = apply(,
+ ('tk_dialog', self._w,
+ cnf['title'], cnf['text'],
+ cnf['bitmap'], cnf['default'])
+ + cnf['strings'])
+ try: Widget.destroy(self)
+ except TclError: pass
+ def destroy(self): pass
+def _test():
+ d = Dialog(None, {'title': 'File Modified',
+ 'text':
+ 'File "Python.h" has been modified'
+ ' since the last time it was saved.'
+ ' Do you want to save it before'
+ ' exiting the application.',
+ 'bitmap': 'warning',
+ 'default': 0,
+ 'strings': ('Save File',
+ 'Discard Changes',
+ 'Return to Editor')})
+ print d.num
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ t = Button(None, {'text': 'Test',
+ 'command': _test,
+ Pack: {}})
+ q = Button(None, {'text': 'Quit',
+ 'command': t.quit,
+ Pack: {}})
+ t.mainloop()
diff --git a/Lib/tkinter/ b/Lib/tkinter/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..28222ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/tkinter/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# -- Tkinter interface to the tk_dialog script.
+from Tkinter import *
+class Dialog(Widget):
+ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
+ Widget._setup(self, master, cnf)
+ self.num = apply(,
+ ('tk_dialog', self._w,
+ cnf['title'], cnf['text'],
+ cnf['bitmap'], cnf['default'])
+ + cnf['strings'])
+ try: Widget.destroy(self)
+ except TclError: pass
+ def destroy(self): pass
+def _test():
+ d = Dialog(None, {'title': 'File Modified',
+ 'text':
+ 'File "Python.h" has been modified'
+ ' since the last time it was saved.'
+ ' Do you want to save it before'
+ ' exiting the application.',
+ 'bitmap': 'warning',
+ 'default': 0,
+ 'strings': ('Save File',
+ 'Discard Changes',
+ 'Return to Editor')})
+ print d.num
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ t = Button(None, {'text': 'Test',
+ 'command': _test,
+ Pack: {}})
+ q = Button(None, {'text': 'Quit',
+ 'command': t.quit,
+ Pack: {}})
+ t.mainloop()
diff --git a/Modules/tkappinit.c b/Modules/tkappinit.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daff9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/tkappinit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* appinit.c -- Tcl and Tk application initialization. */
+#include <tcl.h>
+#include <tk.h>
+Tcl_AppInit (interp)
+ Tcl_Interp *interp;
+ Tk_Window main;
+ main = Tk_MainWindow(interp);
+ if (Tcl_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR)
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ if (Tk_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR)
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ {
+ extern Tcl_CmdProc studButtonCmd;
+ extern Tcl_CmdProc triButtonCmd;
+ Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "studbutton", studButtonCmd,
+ (ClientData) main, NULL);
+ Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "tributton", triButtonCmd,
+ (ClientData) main, NULL);
+ }
+#ifdef WITH_XXX
+ return TCL_OK;