path: root/Demo/parser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/parser/')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/parser/ b/Demo/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2455885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+"Usage: <path to source file>"
+import sys
+class Unparser:
+ """Methods in this class recursively traverse an AST and
+ output source code for the abstract syntax; original formatting
+ is disregarged. """
+ def __init__(self, tree, file = sys.stdout):
+ """Unparser(tree, file=sys.stdout) -> None.
+ Print the source for tree to file."""
+ self.f = file
+ self._indent = 0
+ self.dispatch(tree)
+ self.f.flush()
+ def fill(self, text = ""):
+ "Indent a piece of text, according to the current indentation level"
+ self.f.write("\n"+" "*self._indent + text)
+ def write(self, text):
+ "Append a piece of text to the current line."
+ self.f.write(text)
+ def enter(self):
+ "Print ':', and increase the indentation."
+ self.write(":")
+ self._indent += 1
+ def leave(self):
+ "Decrease the indentation level."
+ self._indent -= 1
+ def dispatch(self, tree):
+ "Dispatcher function, dispatching tree type T to method _T."
+ if isinstance(tree, list):
+ for t in tree:
+ self.dispatch(t)
+ return
+ meth = getattr(self, "_"+tree.__class__.__name__)
+ meth(tree)
+ ############### Unparsing methods ######################
+ # There should be one method per concrete grammar type #
+ # Constructors should be grouped by sum type. Ideally, #
+ # this would follow the order in the grammar, but #
+ # currently doesn't. #
+ ########################################################
+ def _Module(self, tree):
+ for stmt in tree.body:
+ self.dispatch(stmt)
+ # stmt
+ def _Expr(self, tree):
+ self.fill()
+ self.dispatch(tree.value)
+ def _Import(self, t):
+ self.fill("import ")
+ first = True
+ for a in t.names:
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ self.write(", ")
+ self.write(
+ if a.asname:
+ self.write(" as "+a.asname)
+ def _Assign(self, t):
+ self.fill()
+ for target in t.targets:
+ self.dispatch(target)
+ self.write(" = ")
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ def _ClassDef(self, t):
+ self.write("\n")
+ self.fill("class "
+ if t.bases:
+ self.write("(")
+ for a in t.bases:
+ self.dispatch(a)
+ self.write(", ")
+ self.write(")")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ def _FunctionDef(self, t):
+ self.write("\n")
+ self.fill("def " + "(")
+ self.dispatch(t.args)
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ def _If(self, t):
+ self.fill("if ")
+ self.dispatch(t.test)
+ self.enter()
+ # XXX elif?
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ if t.orelse:
+ self.fill("else")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.orelse)
+ self.leave()
+ # expr
+ def _Str(self, tree):
+ self.write(repr(tree.s))
+ def _Name(self, t):
+ self.write(
+ def _List(self, t):
+ self.write("[")
+ for e in t.elts:
+ self.dispatch(e)
+ self.write(", ")
+ self.write("]")
+ unop = {"Invert":"~", "Not": "not", "UAdd":"+", "USub":"-"}
+ def _UnaryOp(self, t):
+ self.write(self.unop[t.op.__class__.__name__])
+ self.write("(")
+ self.dispatch(t.operand)
+ self.write(")")
+ # others
+ def _arguments(self, t):
+ first = True
+ # XXX t.defaults
+ for a in t.args:
+ if first:first = False
+ else: self.write(", ")
+ self.dispatch(a)
+ if t.vararg:
+ if first:first = False
+ else: self.write(", ")
+ self.write("*"+t.vararg)
+ if t.kwarg:
+ if first:first = False
+ else: self.write(", ")
+ self.write("**"+self.kwarg)
+ self.write(")")
+def roundtrip(filename):
+ source = open(filename).read()
+ tree = compile(source, filename, "exec", 0x400)
+ Unparser(tree)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ roundtrip(sys.argv[1])