path: root/Demo/sgi/video/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/video/ b/Demo/sgi/video/
deleted file mode 100755
index aa114d9..0000000
--- a/Demo/sgi/video/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@ PP
-.. pT
-.IP \fB\\$1\fP
-CMIF video file format
-Jack Jansen
-(Version of 27-Feb-92)
-The CMIF video format was invented to allow various applications
-to exchange video data. The format consists of
-a header containing global information (like data format)
-followed by a sequence of frames, each consisting of a header
-followed by the actual frame data.
-All information except pixel data is
-encoded in ASCII. Pixel data is \fIalways\fP encoded in Silicon Graphics
-order, which means that the first pixel in the frame is the lower left
-pixel on the screen.
-All ASCII data except the first line of the file
-is in python format. This means that
-outer parentheses can be ommitted, and parentheses around a tuple with
-one element can also be omitted. So, the lines
-.ft C
-have the same meaning.
-To ease parsing in C programs, however, it is advised that there are
-no parenteses around single items, and that there are parentheses around
-lists. So, the second format above is preferred.
-The current version is version 3, but this document will also explain
-shortly what the previous formats looked like.
-The header consists of three lines. The first line identifies the file
-as a CMIF video file, and gives the version number.
-It looks as follows:
-.ft C
-CMIF video 3.0
-All programs expect the layout to be exactly like this, so no
-extra spaces, etc. should be added.
-The second line specifies the data format. Its format is a python
-tuple with two members. The first member is a string giving the format
-type and the second is a tuple containing type-specific information.
-The following formats are currently understood:
-.pT rgb
-The video data is 24 bit RGB packed into 32 bit words.
-R is the least significant byte, then G and then B. The top byte is
-There is no type-specific information, so the complete data format
-line is
-.ft C
-.pT grey
-The video data is greyscale, at most 8 bits. Data is packed into
-8 bit bytes (in the low-order bits). The extra information is the
-number of significant bits, so an example data format line is
-.ft C
-.pT yiq
-The video data is in YIQ format. This is a format that has one luminance
-component, Y, and two chrominance components, I and Q. The luminance and
-chrominance components are encoded in \fItwo\fP pixel arrays: first an
-array of 8-bit luminance values followed by a array of 16 bit chrominance
-values. See the section on chrominance coding for details.
-The type specific part contains the number of bits for Y, I and Q,
-the chrominance packfactor and the colormap offset. So, a sample format
-information line of
-.ft C
-means that the pictures have 5 bit Y values (in the luminance array),
-3 bits of I and Q each (in the chrominance array), chrominance data
-is packed for 2x2 pixels, and the first colormap index used is 1024.
-.pT hls
-The video data is in HLS format. L is the luminance component, H and S
-are the chrominance components. The data format and type specific information
-are the same as for the yiq format.
-.pT hsv
-The video data is in HSV format. V is the luminance component, H and S
-are the chrominance components. Again, data format and type specific
-information are the same as for the yiq format.
-.pT rgb8
-The video data is in 8 bit dithered rgb format. This is the format
-used internally by the Indigo. bit 0-2 are green, bit 3-4 are blue and
-bit 5-7 are red. Because rgb8 is treated more-or-less like yiq format
-internally the type-specific information is the same, with zeroes for
-the (unused) chrominance sizes:
-.ft C
-The third header line contains width and height of the video image,
-in pixels, and the pack factor of the picture. For compatability, RGB
-images must have a pack factor of 0 (zero), and non-RGB images must
-have a pack factor of at least 1.
-The packfactor is the amount of compression done on the original video
-signal to obtain pictures. In other words, if only one out of three pixels
-and lines is stored (so every 9 original pixels have one pixel in the
-data) the packfactor is three. Width and height are the size of the
-\fIoriginal\fP picture.
-Viewers are expected to enlarge the picture so it is shown in the
-original size. RGB videos cannot be packed.
-So, a size line like
-.ft C
-means that this was a 200x200 picture that is stored as 100x100 pixels.
-Frame header
-Each frame is preceded by a single header line. This line contains timing information
-and optional size information. The time information is mandatory, and
-contains the time this frame should be displayed, in milliseconds since
-the start of the film. Frames should be stored in chronological order.
-An optional second number is interpreted as the size of the luminance
-data in bytes. Currently this number, if present, should always be the
-same as \fCwidth*height/(packfactor*packfactor)\fP (times 4 for RGB
-data), but this might change if we come up with variable-length encoding
-for frame data.
-An optional third number is the size of the chrominance data
-in bytes. If present, the number should be equal to
-.ft C
-Frame data
-For RGB films, the frame data is an array of 32 bit pixels containing
-RGB data in the lower 24 bits. For greyscale films, the frame data
-is an array of 8 bit pixels. For split luminance/chrominance films the
-data consists of two parts: first an array of 8 bit luminance values
-followed by an array of 16 bit chrominance values.
-For all data formats, the data is stored left-to-right, bottom-to-top.
-Chrominance coding
-Since the human eye is apparently more sensitive to luminance changes
-than to chrominance changes we support a coding where we split the luminance
-and chrominance components of the video image. The main point of this
-is that it allows us to transmit chrominance data in a coarser granularity
-than luminance data, for instance one chrominance pixel for every
-2x2 luminance pixels. According to the theory this should result in an
-acceptable picture while reducing the data by a fair amount.
-The coding of split chrominance/luminance data is a bit tricky, to
-make maximum use of the graphics hardware on the Personal Iris. Therefore,
-there are the following constraints on the number of bits used:
-.IP -
-No more than 8 luminance bits,
-.IP -
-No more than 11 bits total,
-.IP -
-The luminance bits are in the low-end of the data word, and are stored
-as 8 bit bytes,
-.IP -
-The two sets of chrominance bits are stored in 16 bit words, correctly
-.IP -
-The color map offset is added to the chrominance data. The offset should
-be at most 4096-256-2**(total number of bits). To reduce interference with
-other applications the offset should be at least 1024.
-So, as an example, an HLS video with 5 bits L, 4 bits H, 2 bits S and an
-offset of 1024 will look as follows in-core and in-file:
-.ft C
- 31 15 11 10 9 8 5 4 0
- +-----------------------------------+
-incore + 0+ 1+ S + H + L +
- +-----------------------------------+
- +----------+
-L-array + 0 + L +
- +----------+
- +-----------------------+
-C-array + 0+ 1+ S + H + 0 +
- +-----------------------+