path: root/Demo/sgi/video
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/sgi/video')
2 files changed, 570 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/video/ b/Demo/sgi/video/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d79113c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/sgi/video/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/python
+# Video bag-of-tricks
+import sys
+import getopt
+import string
+import os
+sts = os.system('makemap') # Must be before "import fl"
+import sgi
+import gl
+import GL
+import DEVICE
+import fl
+import FL
+import flp
+import watchcursor
+import sv
+import SV
+import VFile
+import VGrabber
+import imageop
+ARROW = 0
+WATCH = 1
+def main():
+ vb = VideoBagOfTricks().init()
+ while 1:
+ dummy = fl.do_forms()
+ [dummy]
+StopCapture = 'StopCapture'
+formats = ['rgb24', 'rgb8', 'grey8', 'grey4', 'grey2', \
+ 'grey2_dith', 'mono_dith', 'mono_thresh']
+formatmap = {'rgb24': 'rgb', 'grey8': 'grey'}
+class VideoBagOfTricks:
+ def init(self):
+ formdef = flp.parse_form('VbForm', 'form')
+ flp.create_full_form(self, formdef)
+ self.setdefaults()
+ self.openvideo()
+ self.makewindow()
+ self.bindvideo()
+ self.capturing = 0
+ self.b_stop.hide_object()
+ self.form.show_form(FL.PLACE_SIZE, FL.TRUE, \
+ 'Video Bag Of Tricks')
+ fl.set_event_call_back(self.do_event)
+ return self
+ def setwatch(self):
+ gl.winset(self.form.window)
+ gl.setcursor(WATCH, 0, 0)
+ def setarrow(self):
+ gl.winset(self.form.window)
+ gl.setcursor(ARROW, 0, 0)
+ def setdefaults(self):
+ self.format = 'rgb8'
+ self.c_format.clear_choice()
+ for label in formats:
+ self.c_format.addto_choice(label)
+ self.c_format.set_choice(1 + formats.index(self.format))
+ self.mono_thresh = 128
+ self.mono_use_thresh = 0
+ self.b_drop.set_button(1)
+ self.b_burst.set_button(0)
+ self.in_rate.set_input('2')
+ self.in_maxmem.set_input('1.0')
+ self.in_nframes.set_input('0')
+ self.in_file.set_input('')
+ def openvideo(self):
+ = sv.OpenVideo()
+ param = [SV.BROADCAST, 0]
+ if param[1] == SV.PAL:
+ elif param[1] == SV.NTSC:
+ else:
+ print 'Unknown video standard:', param[1]
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.maxx, self.maxy = x, y
+ def makewindow(self):
+ x, y = self.maxx, self.maxy
+ gl.foreground()
+ gl.maxsize(x, y)
+ gl.keepaspect(x, y)
+ gl.stepunit(8, 6)
+ width = 256 # XXX
+ if width:
+ height = width*3/4
+ x1 = 150
+ x2 = x1 + width-1
+ y2 = 768-150
+ y1 = y2-height+1
+ gl.prefposition(x1, x2, y1, y2)
+ self.window = gl.winopen('Vb: initializing')
+ self.settitle()
+ if width:
+ gl.maxsize(x, y)
+ gl.keepaspect(x, y)
+ gl.stepunit(8, 6)
+ gl.winconstraints()
+ gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE)
+ gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT)
+ gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT)
+ def settitle(self):
+ gl.winset(self.window)
+ gl.wintitle(self.maketitle())
+ def bindvideo(self):
+ x, y = gl.getsize()
+, y)
+ drop = self.b_drop.get_button()
+ if drop:
+ else:
+ if self.getformat()[:3] == 'rgb':
+ param = param+[SV.COLOR, SV.DEFAULT_COLOR, \
+ SV.DITHER, 1, \
+ else:
+ param = param+[SV.COLOR, SV.MONO, SV.DITHER, 0, \
+ def rebindvideo(self):
+ gl.winset(self.window)
+ self.bindvideo()
+ def do_event(self, dev, val):
+ #print 'Event:', dev, val
+ self.cb_quit()
+ if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW and val == self.window:
+ self.rebindvideo()
+ self.settitle()
+ def cb_format(self, *args):
+ i = self.c_format.get_choice()
+ label = format = formats[i-1]
+ if '_' in format:
+ i = string.find(format, '_')
+ format = format[:i]
+ if formatmap.has_key(format):
+ format = formatmap[format]
+ self.format = format
+ #
+ if label == 'mono_thresh':
+ self.mono_use_thresh = 1
+ s = `self.mono_thresh`
+ s = fl.show_input('Please enter mono threshold', s)
+ if s:
+ try:
+ self.mono_thresh = string.atoi(s)
+ except string.atoi_error:
+ fl.show_message( \
+ 'Bad input, using ' + \
+ `self.mono_thresh`)
+ else:
+ self.mono_use_thresh = 0
+ #
+ self.rebindvideo()
+ def getformat(self):
+ return self.format
+ def cb_rate(self, *args):
+ pass
+ def cb_drop(self, *args):
+ self.rebindvideo()
+ def cb_burst(self, *args):
+ pass
+ def cb_maxmem(self, *args):
+ pass
+ def cb_nframes(self, *args):
+ pass
+ def cb_file(self, *args):
+ filename = self.in_file.get_input()
+ if filename == '':
+ filename = ''
+ self.in_file.set_input(filename)
+ self.settitle()
+ def cb_open(self, *args):
+ filename = self.in_file.get_input()
+ hd, tl = os.path.split(filename)
+ filename = fl.file_selector('Select file:', hd, '', tl)
+ if filename:
+ hd, tl = os.path.split(filename)
+ if hd == os.getcwd():
+ filename = tl
+ self.in_file.set_input(filename)
+ self.cb_file()
+ def cb_play(self, *args):
+ filename = self.in_file.get_input()
+ sts = os.system('Vplay -q ' + filename + ' &')
+ def cb_stop(self, *args):
+ if self.capturing:
+ raise StopCapture
+ gl.ringbell()
+ def cb_capture(self, *args):
+ self.setwatch()
+ self.cb_file() # Make sure filename is OK
+ filename = self.in_file.get_input()
+ format = self.getformat()
+ vout = VFile.VoutFile().init(filename)
+ vout.setformat(format)
+ gl.winset(self.window)
+ x, y = gl.getsize()
+ vout.setsize(x, y)
+ vout.writeheader()
+ convertor = None
+ if format[:4] == 'grey':
+ s = format[4:]
+ if s:
+ greybits = string.atoi(s)
+ else:
+ greybits = 8
+ # XXX Should get this from somewhere else?
+ if greybits == 2:
+ convertor = imageop.grey2grey2
+ elif greybits == 4:
+ convertor = imageop.grey2grey4
+ elif greybits == -2:
+ convertor = imageop.dither2grey2
+ vformat = SV.RGB8_FRAMES
+ qsize = 0
+ rate = eval(self.in_rate.get_input())
+ info = (vformat, x, y, qsize, rate)
+ ids = []
+ tpf = 50
+ self.capturing = 1
+ self.setarrow()
+ self.b_stop.show_object()
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ void = fl.check_forms()
+ except StopCapture:
+ self.capturing = 0
+ break
+ try:
+ cd, id =
+ except sv.error:
+ sgi.nap(1)
+ continue
+ ids.append(id)
+ id = id + 2*rate
+ data = cd.InterleaveFields(1)
+ cd.UnlockCaptureData()
+ t = id*tpf
+ if convertor:
+ data = convertor(data, len(data), 1)
+## elif mono and monotreshold >= 0:
+## data = imageop.grey2mono(data, len(data), 1,\
+## monotreshold)
+## elif mono:
+## data = imageop.dither2mono(data, len(data), 1)
+ vout.writeframe(t, data, None)
+ self.setwatch()
+ vout.close()
+ self.b_stop.hide_object()
+ self.setarrow()
+ def cb_quit(self, *args):
+ raise SystemExit, 0
+ def maketitle(self):
+ x, y = gl.getsize()
+ return 'Vb:' + self.in_file.get_input() + ' (%dx%d)' % (x, y)
+ main()
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print '[Interrupt]'
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/video/VbForm.fd b/Demo/sgi/video/VbForm.fd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..164c2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/sgi/video/VbForm.fd
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+Magic: 12321
+Internal Form Definition File
+ (do not change)
+Number of forms: 1
+=============== FORM ===============
+Name: form
+Width: 350.000000
+Height: 240.000000
+Number of Objects: 17
+class: 1
+type: 1
+box: 0.000000 0.000000 350.000000 240.000000
+boxtype: 1
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 4
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+class: 1
+type: 2
+box: 140.000000 10.000000 120.000000 160.000000
+boxtype: 2
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 0
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Burst mode:
+class: 1
+type: 2
+box: 10.000000 10.000000 120.000000 160.000000
+boxtype: 2
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 0
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Options:
+class: 31
+type: 2
+box: 60.000000 50.000000 40.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 2
+colors: 13 5
+alignment: 0
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Capture rate:
+name: in_rate
+callback: cb_rate
+argument: 0
+class: 31
+type: 1
+box: 150.000000 70.000000 100.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 2
+colors: 13 5
+alignment: 0
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Max Mbytes:
+name: in_maxmem
+callback: cb_maxmem
+argument: 0
+class: 31
+type: 2
+box: 150.000000 20.000000 100.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 2
+colors: 13 5
+alignment: 0
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Nr. of fields:
+name: in_nframes
+callback: cb_nframes
+argument: 0
+class: 12
+type: 1
+box: 150.000000 130.000000 100.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 1
+colors: 39 3
+alignment: 4
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Burst mode
+name: b_burst
+callback: cb_burst
+argument: 0
+class: 31
+type: 0
+box: 50.000000 200.000000 209.999985 30.000000
+boxtype: 2
+colors: 13 5
+alignment: 2
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: File:
+name: in_file
+callback: cb_file
+argument: 0
+class: 11
+type: 0
+box: 270.000000 200.000000 70.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 1
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 4
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Open...
+name: b_open
+callback: cb_open
+argument: 0
+class: 11
+type: 0
+box: 270.000000 110.000000 70.000015 60.000004
+boxtype: 1
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 4
+style: 1
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Capture
+name: b_capture
+callback: cb_capture
+argument: 0
+class: 13
+type: 1
+box: 20.000000 20.000000 110.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 0
+colors: 7 3
+alignment: 4
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: "Fielddrop"
+name: b_drop
+callback: cb_drop
+argument: 0
+class: 2
+type: 0
+box: 30.000000 50.000000 30.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 0
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 2
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: 1/
+class: 2
+type: 0
+box: 100.000000 50.000000 30.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 0
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 2
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: fr
+class: 11
+type: 0
+box: 270.000000 10.000000 70.000008 30.000000
+boxtype: 1
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 4
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Quit
+name: b_quit
+callback: cb_quit
+argument: 0
+class: 11
+type: 0
+box: 270.000000 60.000000 70.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 1
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 4
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Play
+name: b_play
+callback: cb_play
+argument: 0
+class: 42
+type: 0
+box: 20.000000 110.000000 100.000000 30.000000
+boxtype: 5
+colors: 7 0
+alignment: 0
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Video format:
+name: c_format
+callback: cb_format
+argument: 0
+class: 11
+type: 0
+box: 0.000000 0.000000 350.000000 240.000000
+boxtype: 1
+colors: 47 47
+alignment: 4
+style: 0
+size: 11.000000
+lcol: 0
+label: Stop capture
+name: b_stop
+callback: cb_stop
+argument: 0