path: root/Demo/tkinter/guido/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/tkinter/guido/')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/guido/ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
index 1f794ae..50d84b9 100755
--- a/Demo/tkinter/guido/
+++ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ def dialog(master, title, text, bitmap, default, *args):
# 2. Fill the top part with the bitmap and message.
msg = Message(top, width='3i', text=text,
- font='-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-*')
+ font='-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-*')
msg.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1, fill=BOTH, padx='3m', pady='3m')
if bitmap:
- bm = Label(top, bitmap=bitmap)
- bm.pack(side=LEFT, padx='3m', pady='3m')
+ bm = Label(top, bitmap=bitmap)
+ bm.pack(side=LEFT, padx='3m', pady='3m')
# 3. Create a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog.
@@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ def dialog(master, title, text, bitmap, default, *args):
buttons = []
i = 0
for but in args:
- b = Button(bot, text=but, command=lambda v=var,i=i: v.set(i))
- buttons.append(b)
- if i == default:
- bd = Frame(bot, relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=1)
- bd.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, padx='3m', pady='2m')
- b.lift()
- b.pack (in_=bd, side=LEFT,
- padx='2m', pady='2m', ipadx='2m', ipady='1m')
- else:
- b.pack (side=LEFT, expand=1,
- padx='3m', pady='3m', ipadx='2m', ipady='1m')
- i = i+1
+ b = Button(bot, text=but, command=lambda v=var,i=i: v.set(i))
+ buttons.append(b)
+ if i == default:
+ bd = Frame(bot, relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=1)
+ bd.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, padx='3m', pady='2m')
+ b.lift()
+ b.pack (in_=bd, side=LEFT,
+ padx='2m', pady='2m', ipadx='2m', ipady='1m')
+ else:
+ b.pack (side=LEFT, expand=1,
+ padx='3m', pady='3m', ipadx='2m', ipady='1m')
+ i = i+1
# 4. Set up a binding for <Return>, if there's a default,
# set a grab, and claim the focus too.
if default >= 0:
- w.bind('<Return>',
- lambda e, b=buttons[default], v=var, i=default:
- (b.flash(),
- v.set(i)))
+ w.bind('<Return>',
+ lambda e, b=buttons[default], v=var, i=default:
+ (b.flash(),
+ v.set(i)))
oldFocus = w.focus_get()
@@ -75,23 +75,23 @@ def dialog(master, title, text, bitmap, default, *args):
def go():
i = dialog(mainWidget,
- 'Not Responding',
- "The file server isn't responding right now; "
- "I'll keep trying.",
- '',
- -1,
- 'OK')
+ 'Not Responding',
+ "The file server isn't responding right now; "
+ "I'll keep trying.",
+ '',
+ -1,
+ 'OK')
print 'pressed button', i
i = dialog(mainWidget,
- 'File Modified',
- 'File "tcl.h" has been modified since '
- 'the last time it was saved. '
- 'Do you want to save it before exiting the application?',
- 'warning',
- 0,
- 'Save File',
- 'Discard Changes',
- 'Return To Editor')
+ 'File Modified',
+ 'File "tcl.h" has been modified since '
+ 'the last time it was saved. '
+ 'Do you want to save it before exiting the application?',
+ 'warning',
+ 0,
+ 'Save File',
+ 'Discard Changes',
+ 'Return To Editor')
print 'pressed button', i
def test():