path: root/Demo
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Diffstat (limited to 'Demo')
4 files changed, 541 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/curses/README b/Demo/curses/README
index 7de5c96..2fb1159 100644
--- a/Demo/curses/README
+++ b/Demo/curses/README
@@ -1,3 +1,28 @@
-Sample programs that use the curses package:
+This is a collection of demos and tests for the curses module.
+ncurses demos
+These demos are converted from the C versions in the ncurses
+distribution, and were contributed by Thomas Gellekum <>
+I didn't strive for a `pythonic' style, but bluntly copied the
+originals. I won't attempt to `beautify' the program anytime soon, but
+I wouldn't mind someone else making an effort in that direction, of
+ -- currently only a panels demo
+ XXX this won't work until panel support is checked in -- raindrops keep falling on my desktop -- ASCII clock, by Howard Jones
+Please send bugfixes and new contributions to me or, even better,
+submit them to the Python Bug Tracker on SourceForge
+Other demos
+=========== Simple game of Life
diff --git a/Demo/curses/ b/Demo/curses/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..782d17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/curses/
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# $Id$
+# (n)curses exerciser in Python, an interactive test for the curses
+# module. Currently, only the panel demos are ported.
+import curses
+def wGetchar(win = None):
+ if win == None: win = stdscr
+ return win.getch()
+def Getchar():
+ wGetchar()
+# Panels tester
+def wait_a_while():
+ if nap_msec == 1:
+ Getchar()
+ else:
+ curses.napms(nap_msec)
+def saywhat(text):
+ stdscr.move(curses.LINES - 1, 0)
+ stdscr.clrtoeol()
+ stdscr.addstr(text)
+def mkpanel(color, rows, cols, tly, tlx):
+ win = curses.newwin(rows, cols, tly, tlx)
+ pan = win.new_panel()
+ if curses.has_colors():
+ if color == curses.COLOR_BLUE:
+ fg = curses.COLOR_WHITE
+ else:
+ fg = curses.COLOR_BLACK
+ bg = color
+ curses.init_pair(color, fg, bg)
+ win.bkgdset(ord(' '), curses.color_pair(color))
+ else:
+ win.bkgdset(ord(' '), curses.A_BOLD)
+ return pan
+def pflush():
+ curses.update_panels()
+ curses.doupdate()
+def fill_panel(pan):
+ win = pan.window()
+ num = pan.userptr()[1]
+ win.move(1, 1)
+ win.addstr("-pan%c-" % num)
+ win.clrtoeol()
+ maxy, maxx = win.getmaxyx()
+ for y in range(2, maxy - 1):
+ for x in range(1, maxx - 1):
+ win.move(y, x)
+ win.addch(num)
+def demo_panels(win):
+ global stdscr, nap_msec, mod
+ stdscr = win
+ nap_msec = 1
+ mod = ["test", "TEST", "(**)", "*()*", "<-->", "LAST"]
+ stdscr.refresh()
+ for y in range(0, curses.LINES - 1):
+ for x in range(0, curses.COLS):
+ stdscr.addstr("%d" % ((y + x) % 10))
+ for y in range(0, 1):
+ p1 = mkpanel(curses.COLOR_RED,
+ curses.LINES / 2 - 2,
+ curses.COLS / 8 + 1,
+ 0,
+ 0)
+ p1.set_userptr("p1")
+ p2 = mkpanel(curses.COLOR_GREEN,
+ curses.LINES / 2 + 1,
+ curses.COLS / 7,
+ curses.LINES / 4,
+ curses.COLS / 10)
+ p2.set_userptr("p2")
+ p3 = mkpanel(curses.COLOR_YELLOW,
+ curses.LINES / 4,
+ curses.COLS / 10,
+ curses.LINES / 2,
+ curses.COLS / 9)
+ p3.set_userptr("p3")
+ p4 = mkpanel(curses.COLOR_BLUE,
+ curses.LINES / 2 - 2,
+ curses.COLS / 8,
+ curses.LINES / 2 - 2,
+ curses.COLS / 3)
+ p4.set_userptr("p4")
+ p5 = mkpanel(curses.COLOR_MAGENTA,
+ curses.LINES / 2 - 2,
+ curses.COLS / 8,
+ curses.LINES / 2,
+ curses.COLS / 2 - 2)
+ p5.set_userptr("p5")
+ fill_panel(p1)
+ fill_panel(p2)
+ fill_panel(p3)
+ fill_panel(p4)
+ fill_panel(p5)
+ p4.hide()
+ p5.hide()
+ pflush()
+ saywhat("press any key to continue")
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("h3 s1 s2 s4 s5;press any key to continue")
+ p1.move(0, 0)
+ p3.hide()
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("s1; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("s2; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("m2; press any key to continue")
+ p2.move(curses.LINES / 3 + 1, curses.COLS / 8)
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("s3; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("m3; press any key to continue")
+ p3.move(curses.LINES / 4 + 1, curses.COLS / 15)
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("b3; press any key to continue")
+ p3.bottom()
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("s4; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("s5; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("t3; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("t1; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("t2; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("t3; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("t4; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ for itmp in range(0, 6):
+ w4 = p4.window()
+ w5 = p5.window()
+ saywhat("m4; press any key to continue")
+ w4.move(curses.LINES / 8, 1)
+ w4.addstr(mod[itmp])
+ p4.move(curses.LINES / 6, itmp * curses.COLS / 8)
+ w5.move(curses.LINES / 6, 1)
+ w5.addstr(mod[itmp])
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("m5; press any key to continue")
+ w4.move(curses.LINES / 6, 1)
+ w4.addstr(mod[itmp])
+ p5.move(curses.LINES / 3 - 1, itmp * 10 + 6)
+ w5.move(curses.LINES / 8, 1)
+ w5.addstr(mod[itmp])
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("m4; press any key to continue")
+ p4.move(curses.LINES / 6, (itmp + 1) * curses.COLS / 8)
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("t5; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("t2; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("t1; press any key to continue")
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("d2; press any key to continue")
+ del p2
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("h3; press any key to continue")
+ p3.hide()
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("d1; press any key to continue")
+ del p1
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("d4; press any key to continue")
+ del p4
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ saywhat("d5; press any key to continue")
+ del p5
+ pflush()
+ wait_a_while()
+ if nap_msec == 1:
+ break
+ nap_msec = 100
+# one fine day there'll be the menu at this place
diff --git a/Demo/curses/ b/Demo/curses/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2399d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/curses/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# $Id$
+# somebody should probably check the randrange()s...
+import curses
+from random import randrange
+def next_j(j):
+ if j == 0:
+ j = 4
+ else:
+ j -= 1
+ if curses.has_colors():
+ z = randrange(0, 3)
+ color = curses.color_pair(z)
+ if z:
+ color = color | curses.A_BOLD
+ stdscr.attrset(color)
+ return j
+def main(win):
+ # we know that the first argument from curses.wrapper() is stdscr.
+ # Initialize it globally for convenience.
+ global stdscr
+ stdscr = win
+ if curses.has_colors():
+ bg = curses.COLOR_BLACK
+ curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLUE, bg)
+ curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_CYAN, bg)
+ curses.noecho()
+ # XXX curs_set() always returns ERR
+ # curses.curs_set(0)
+ stdscr.timeout(0)
+ c = curses.COLS - 4
+ r = curses.LINES - 4
+ xpos = [0] * c
+ ypos = [0] * r
+ for j in range(4, -1, -1):
+ xpos[j] = randrange(0, c) + 2
+ ypos[j] = randrange(0, r) + 2
+ j = 0
+ while 1:
+ x = randrange(0, c) + 2
+ y = randrange(0, r) + 2
+ stdscr.addch(y, x, ord('.'))
+ stdscr.addch(ypos[j], xpos[j], ord('o'))
+ j = next_j(j)
+ stdscr.addch(ypos[j], xpos[j], ord('O'))
+ j = next_j(j)
+ stdscr.addch( ypos[j] - 1, xpos[j], ord('-'))
+ stdscr.addstr(ypos[j], xpos[j] - 1, "|.|")
+ stdscr.addch( ypos[j] + 1, xpos[j], ord('-'))
+ j = next_j(j)
+ stdscr.addch( ypos[j] - 2, xpos[j], ord('-'))
+ stdscr.addstr(ypos[j] - 1, xpos[j] - 1, "/ \\")
+ stdscr.addstr(ypos[j], xpos[j] - 2, "| O |")
+ stdscr.addstr(ypos[j] + 1, xpos[j] - 1, "\\ /")
+ stdscr.addch( ypos[j] + 2, xpos[j], ord('-'))
+ j = next_j(j)
+ stdscr.addch( ypos[j] - 2, xpos[j], ord(' '))
+ stdscr.addstr(ypos[j] - 1, xpos[j] - 1, " ")
+ stdscr.addstr(ypos[j], xpos[j] - 2, " ")
+ stdscr.addstr(ypos[j] + 1, xpos[j] - 1, " ")
+ stdscr.addch( ypos[j] + 2, xpos[j], ord(' '))
+ xpos[j] = x
+ ypos[j] = y
+ ch = stdscr.getch()
+ if ch == ord('q') or ch == ord('Q'):
+ return 0
+ elif ch == ord('s'):
+ stdscr.nodelay(0)
+ elif ch == ord(' '):
+ stdscr.nodelay(1)
+ curses.napms(50)
diff --git a/Demo/curses/ b/Demo/curses/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc0056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/curses/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# $Id$
+# From tclock.c, Copyright Howard Jones <>, September 1994.
+from math import *
+import curses, time
+ASPECT = 2.2
+def sign(_x):
+ if _x < 0: return -1
+ return 1
+def A2XY(angle, radius):
+ return int(round(ASPECT * radius * sin(angle))), int(round(radius * cos(angle)))
+def plot(x, y, col):
+ stdscr.addch(y, x, col)
+# draw a diagonal line using Bresenham's algorithm
+def dline(pair, from_x, from_y, x2, y2, ch):
+ if curses.has_colors():
+ stdscr.attrset(curses.color_pair(pair))
+ dx = x2 - from_x
+ dy = y2 - from_y
+ ax = abs(dx * 2)
+ ay = abs(dy * 2)
+ sx = sign(dx)
+ sy = sign(dy)
+ x = from_x
+ y = from_y
+ if ax > ay:
+ d = ay - ax / 2
+ while 1:
+ plot(x, y, ch)
+ if x == x2:
+ return
+ if d >= 0:
+ y += sy
+ d -= ax
+ x += sx
+ d += ay
+ else:
+ d = ax - ay / 2
+ while 1:
+ plot(x, y, ch)
+ if y == y2:
+ return
+ if d >= 0:
+ x += sx
+ d -= ay
+ y += sy
+ d += ax
+def main(win):
+ global stdscr
+ stdscr = win
+ lastbeep = -1
+ my_bg = curses.COLOR_BLACK
+ stdscr.nodelay(1)
+ stdscr.timeout(0)
+# curses.curs_set(0)
+ if curses.has_colors():
+ curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, my_bg)
+ curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, my_bg)
+ curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_GREEN, my_bg)
+ cx = (curses.COLS - 1) / 2
+ cy = curses.LINES / 2
+ if cx > cy:
+ ch = cy
+ else:
+ ch = cx
+ mradius = (3 * cy) / 4
+ hradius = cy / 2
+ sradius = (2 * cy) / 3
+ for i in range(0, 12):
+ sangle = (i + 1) * 2.0 * pi / 12.0
+ sradius = 5 * cy / 6
+ sdx, sdy = A2XY(sangle, sradius)
+ stdscr.addstr(cy - sdy, cx + sdx, "%d" % (i + 1))
+ stdscr.addstr(0, 0,
+ "ASCII Clock by Howard Jones <>, 1994")
+ sradius = 8
+ while 1:
+ curses.napms(1000)
+ tim = time.time()
+ t = time.localtime(tim)
+ hours = t[3] + t[4] / 60.0
+ if hours > 12.0:
+ hours -= 12.0
+ mangle = t[4] * 2 * pi / 60.0
+ mdx, mdy = A2XY(mangle, mradius)
+ hangle = hours * 2 * pi / 12.0
+ hdx, hdy = A2XY(hangle, hradius)
+ sangle = t[5] * 2 * pi / 60.0
+ sdx, sdy = A2XY(sangle, sradius)
+ dline(3, cx, cy, cx + mdx, cy - mdy, ord('#'))
+ stdscr.attrset(curses.A_REVERSE)
+ dline(2, cx, cy, cx + hdx, cy - hdy, ord('.'))
+ stdscr.attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
+ if curses.has_colors():
+ stdscr.attrset(curses.color_pair(1))
+ plot(cx + sdx, cy - sdy, ord('O'))
+ if curses.has_colors():
+ stdscr.attrset(curses.color_pair(0))
+ stdscr.addstr(curses.LINES - 2, 0, time.ctime(tim))
+ stdscr.refresh()
+ if (t[5] % 5) == 0 and t[5] != lastbeep:
+ lastbeep = t[5]
+ curses.beep()
+ ch = stdscr.getch()
+ if ch == ord('q'):
+ return 0
+ plot(cx + sdx, cy - sdy, ord(' '))
+ dline(0, cx, cy, cx + hdx, cy - hdy, ord(' '))
+ dline(0, cx, cy, cx + mdx, cy - mdy, ord(' '))