path: root/Doc/c-api/structures.rst
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1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/c-api/structures.rst b/Doc/c-api/structures.rst
index 725f554..f8635e5 100644
--- a/Doc/c-api/structures.rst
+++ b/Doc/c-api/structures.rst
@@ -205,6 +205,69 @@ definition with the same method name.
.. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. ctype:: PyMemberDef
+ Structure which describes an attribute of a type which corresponds to a C
+ struct member. It's fields are:
+ +------------------+-------------+-------------------------------+
+ | Field | C Type | Meaning |
+ +==================+=============+===============================+
+ | :attr:`name` | char \* | name of the member |
+ +------------------+-------------+-------------------------------+
+ | :attr:`type` | int | the type of the member in the |
+ | | | C struct |
+ +------------------+-------------+-------------------------------+
+ | :attr:`offset` | Py_ssize_t | the offset in bytes that the |
+ | | | member is located on the |
+ | | | type's object struct |
+ +------------------+-------------+-------------------------------+
+ | :attr:`flags` | int | flag bits indicating if the |
+ | | | field should be read-only or |
+ | | | writable |
+ +------------------+-------------+-------------------------------+
+ | :attr:`doc` | char \* | points to the contents of the |
+ | | | docstring |
+ +------------------+-------------+-------------------------------+
+ :attr:`type` can be one of many ``T_`` macros corresponding to various C
+ types. When the member is accessed in Python, it will be converted to the
+ equivalent Python type.
+ =============== ==================
+ Macro name C type
+ =============== ==================
+ T_SHORT short
+ T_INT int
+ T_LONG long
+ T_FLOAT float
+ T_DOUBLE double
+ T_STRING char \*
+ T_OBJECT PyObject \*
+ T_OBJECT_EX PyObject \*
+ T_CHAR char
+ T_BYTE char
+ T_UNBYTE unsigned char
+ T_UINT unsigned int
+ T_USHORT unsigned short
+ T_ULONG unsigned long
+ T_BOOL char
+ T_LONGLONG long long
+ T_ULONGLONG unsigned long long
+ T_PYSSIZET Py_ssize_t
+ =============== ==================
+ :cmacro:`T_OBJECT` and :cmacro:`T_OBJECT_EX` differ in that
+ :cmacro:`T_OBJECT` returns ``None`` if the member is *NULL* and
+ :cmacro:`T_OBJECT_EX` raises an :exc:`AttributeError`.
+ :attr:`flags` can be 0 for write and read access or :cmacro:`READONLY` for
+ read-only access. Using :cmacro:`T_STRING` for :attr:`type` implies
+ :cmacro:`READONLY`. Only :cmacro:`T_OBJECT` and :cmacro:`T_OBJECT_EX` can be
+ deleted. (They are set to *NULL*).
.. cfunction:: PyObject* Py_FindMethod(PyMethodDef table[], PyObject *ob, char *name)
Return a bound method object for an extension type implemented in C. This can