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+\title{Python Advocacy HOWTO}
+\author{A.M. Kuchling}
+It's usually difficult to get your management to accept open source
+software, and Python is no exception to this rule. This document
+discusses reasons to use Python, strategies for winning acceptance,
+facts and arguments you can use, and cases where you \emph{shouldn't}
+try to use Python.
+This document is available from the Python HOWTO page at
+\section{Reasons to Use Python}
+There are several reasons to incorporate a scripting language into
+your development process, and this section will discuss them, and why
+Python has some properties that make it a particularly good choice.
+ \subsection{Programmability}
+Programs are often organized in a modular fashion. Lower-level
+operations are grouped together, and called by higher-level functions,
+which may in turn be used as basic operations by still further upper
+For example, the lowest level might define a very low-level
+set of functions for accessing a hash table. The next level might use
+hash tables to store the headers of a mail message, mapping a header
+name like \samp{Date} to a value such as \samp{Tue, 13 May 1997
+20:00:54 -0400}. A yet higher level may operate on message objects,
+without knowing or caring that message headers are stored in a hash
+table, and so forth.
+Often, the lowest levels do very simple things; they implement a data
+structure such as a binary tree or hash table, or they perform some
+simple computation, such as converting a date string to a number. The
+higher levels then contain logic connecting these primitive
+operations. Using the approach, the primitives can be seen as basic
+building blocks which are then glued together to produce the complete
+Why is this design approach relevant to Python? Because Python is
+well suited to functioning as such a glue language. A common approach
+is to write a Python module that implements the lower level
+operations; for the sake of speed, the implementation might be in C,
+Java, or even Fortran. Once the primitives are available to Python
+programs, the logic underlying higher level operations is written in
+the form of Python code. The high-level logic is then more
+understandable, and easier to modify.
+John Ousterhout wrote a paper that explains this idea at greater
+length, entitled ``Scripting: Higher Level Programming for the 21st
+Century''. I recommend that you read this paper; see the references
+for the URL. Ousterhout is the inventor of the Tcl language, and
+therefore argues that Tcl should be used for this purpose; he only
+briefly refers to other languages such as Python, Perl, and
+Lisp/Scheme, but in reality, Ousterhout's argument applies to
+scripting languages in general, since you could equally write
+extensions for any of the languages mentioned above.
+ \subsection{Prototyping}
+In \emph{The Mythical Man-Month}, Fredrick Brooks suggests the
+following rule when planning software projects: ``Plan to throw one
+away; you will anyway.'' Brooks is saying that the first attempt at a
+software design often turns out to be wrong; unless the problem is
+very simple or you're an extremely good designer, you'll find that new
+requirements and features become apparent once development has
+actually started. If these new requirements can't be cleanly
+incorporated into the program's structure, you're presented with two
+unpleasant choices: hammer the new features into the program somehow,
+or scrap everything and write a new version of the program, taking the
+new features into account from the beginning.
+Python provides you with a good environment for quickly developing an
+initial prototype. That lets you get the overall program structure
+and logic right, and you can fine-tune small details in the fast
+development cycle that Python provides. Once you're satisfied with
+the GUI interface or program output, you can translate the Python code
+into C++, Fortran, Java, or some other compiled language.
+Prototyping means you have to be careful not to use too many Python
+features that are hard to implement in your other language. Using
+\code{eval()}, or regular expressions, or the \module{pickle} module,
+means that you're going to need C or Java libraries for formula
+evaluation, regular expressions, and serialization, for example. But
+it's not hard to avoid such tricky code, and in the end the
+translation usually isn't very difficult. The resulting code can be
+rapidly debugged, because any serious logical errors will have been
+removed from the prototype, leaving only more minor slip-ups in the
+translation to track down.
+This strategy builds on the earlier discussion of programmability.
+Using Python as glue to connect lower-level components has obvious
+relevance for constructing prototype systems. In this way Python can
+help you with development, even if end users never come in contact
+with Python code at all. If the performance of the Python version is
+adequate and corporate politics allow it, you may not need to do a
+translation into C or Java, but it can still be faster to develop a
+prototype and then translate it, instead of attempting to produce the
+final version immediately.
+One example of this development strategy is Microsoft Merchant Server.
+Version 1.0 was written in pure Python, by a company that subsequently
+was purchased by Microsoft. Version 2.0 began to translate the code
+into \Cpp, shipping with some \Cpp code and some Python code. Version
+3.0 didn't contain any Python at all; all the code had been translated
+into \Cpp. Even though the product doesn't contain a Python
+interpreter, the Python language has still served a useful purpose by
+speeding up development.
+This is a very common use for Python. Past conference papers have
+also described this approach for developing high-level numerical
+algorithms; see David M. Beazley and Peter S. Lomdahl's paper
+``Feeding a Large-scale Physics Application to Python'' in the
+references for a good example. If an algorithm's basic operations are
+things like "Take the inverse of this 4000x4000 matrix", and are
+implemented in some lower-level language, then Python has almost no
+additional performance cost; the extra time required for Python to
+evaluate an expression like \code{m.invert()} is dwarfed by the cost
+of the actual computation. It's particularly good for applications
+where seemingly endless tweaking is required to get things right. GUI
+interfaces and Web sites are prime examples.
+The Python code is also shorter and faster to write (once you're
+familiar with Python), so it's easier to throw it away if you decide
+your approach was wrong; if you'd spent two weeks working on it
+instead of just two hours, you might waste time trying to patch up
+what you've got out of a natural reluctance to admit that those two
+weeks were wasted. Truthfully, those two weeks haven't been wasted,
+since you've learnt something about the problem and the technology
+you're using to solve it, but it's human nature to view this as a
+failure of some sort.
+ \subsection{Simplicity and Ease of Understanding}
+Python is definitely \emph{not} a toy language that's only usable for
+small tasks. The language features are general and powerful enough to
+enable it to be used for many different purposes. It's useful at the
+small end, for 10- or 20-line scripts, but it also scales up to larger
+systems that contain thousands of lines of code.
+However, this expressiveness doesn't come at the cost of an obscure or
+tricky syntax. While Python has some dark corners that can lead to
+obscure code, there are relatively few such corners, and proper design
+can isolate their use to only a few classes or modules. It's
+certainly possible to write confusing code by using too many features
+with too little concern for clarity, but most Python code can look a
+lot like a slightly-formalized version of human-understandable
+In \emph{The New Hacker's Dictionary}, Eric S. Raymond gives the following
+definition for "compact":
+ Compact \emph{adj.} Of a design, describes the valuable property
+ that it can all be apprehended at once in one's head. This
+ generally means the thing created from the design can be used
+ with greater facility and fewer errors than an equivalent tool
+ that is not compact. Compactness does not imply triviality or
+ lack of power; for example, C is compact and FORTRAN is not,
+ but C is more powerful than FORTRAN. Designs become
+ non-compact through accreting features and cruft that don't
+ merge cleanly into the overall design scheme (thus, some fans
+ of Classic C maintain that ANSI C is no longer compact).
+(From \url{\#SEC25})
+In this sense of the word, Python is quite compact, because the
+language has just a few ideas, which are used in lots of places. Take
+namespaces, for example. Import a module with \code{import math}, and
+you create a new namespace called \samp{math}. Classes are also
+namespaces that share many of the properties of modules, and have a
+few of their own; for example, you can create instances of a class.
+Instances? They're yet another namespace. Namespaces are currently
+implemented as Python dictionaries, so they have the same methods as
+the standard dictionary data type: .keys() returns all the keys, and
+so forth.
+This simplicity arises from Python's development history. The
+language syntax derives from different sources; ABC, a relatively
+obscure teaching language, is one primary influence, and Modula-3 is
+another. (For more information about ABC and Modula-3, consult their
+respective Web sites at \url{} and
+\url{}.) Other features have come from C, Icon,
+Algol-68, and even Perl. Python hasn't really innovated very much,
+but instead has tried to keep the language small and easy to learn,
+building on ideas that have been tried in other languages and found
+Simplicity is a virtue that should not be underestimated. It lets you
+learn the language more quickly, and then rapidly write code, code
+that often works the first time you run it.
+ \subsection{Java Integration}
+If you're working with Java, Jython
+(\url{}) is definitely worth your
+attention. Jython is a re-implementation of Python in Java that
+compiles Python code into Java bytecodes. The resulting environment
+has very tight, almost seamless, integration with Java. It's trivial
+to access Java classes from Python, and you can write Python classes
+that subclass Java classes. Jython can be used for prototyping Java
+applications in much the same way CPython is used, and it can also be
+used for test suites for Java code, or embedded in a Java application
+to add scripting capabilities.
+\section{Arguments and Rebuttals}
+Let's say that you've decided upon Python as the best choice for your
+application. How can you convince your management, or your fellow
+developers, to use Python? This section lists some common arguments
+against using Python, and provides some possible rebuttals.
+\emph{Python is freely available software that doesn't cost anything.
+How good can it be?}
+Very good, indeed. These days Linux and Apache, two other pieces of
+open source software, are becoming more respected as alternatives to
+commercial software, but Python hasn't had all the publicity.
+Python has been around for several years, with many users and
+developers. Accordingly, the interpreter has been used by many
+people, and has gotten most of the bugs shaken out of it. While bugs
+are still discovered at intervals, they're usually either quite
+obscure (they'd have to be, for no one to have run into them before)
+or they involve interfaces to external libraries. The internals of
+the language itself are quite stable.
+Having the source code should be viewed as making the software
+available for peer review; people can examine the code, suggest (and
+implement) improvements, and track down bugs. To find out more about
+the idea of open source code, along with arguments and case studies
+supporting it, go to \url{}.
+\emph{Who's going to support it?}
+Python has a sizable community of developers, and the number is still
+growing. The Internet community surrounding the language is an active
+one, and is worth being considered another one of Python's advantages.
+Most questions posted to the comp.lang.python newsgroup are quickly
+answered by someone.
+Should you need to dig into the source code, you'll find it's clear
+and well-organized, so it's not very difficult to write extensions and
+track down bugs yourself. If you'd prefer to pay for support, there
+are companies and individuals who offer commercial support for Python.
+\emph{Who uses Python for serious work?}
+Lots of people; one interesting thing about Python is the surprising
+diversity of applications that it's been used for. People are using
+Python to:
+\item Run Web sites
+\item Write GUI interfaces
+\item Control
+number-crunching code on supercomputers
+\item Make a commercial application scriptable by embedding the Python
+interpreter inside it
+\item Process large XML data sets
+\item Build test suites for C or Java code
+Whatever your application domain is, there's probably someone who's
+used Python for something similar. Yet, despite being useable for
+such high-end applications, Python's still simple enough to use for
+little jobs.
+See \url{} for a list of some of the
+organizations that use Python.
+\emph{What are the restrictions on Python's use?}
+They're practically nonexistent. Consult the \file{Misc/COPYRIGHT}
+file in the source distribution, or
+\url{} for the full language,
+but it boils down to three conditions.
+\item You have to leave the copyright notice on the software; if you
+don't include the source code in a product, you have to put the
+copyright notice in the supporting documentation.
+\item Don't claim that the institutions that have developed Python
+endorse your product in any way.
+\item If something goes wrong, you can't sue for damages. Practically
+all software licences contain this condition.
+Notice that you don't have to provide source code for anything that
+contains Python or is built with it. Also, the Python interpreter and
+accompanying documentation can be modified and redistributed in any
+way you like, and you don't have to pay anyone any licensing fees at
+\emph{Why should we use an obscure language like Python instead of
+well-known language X?}
+I hope this HOWTO, and the documents listed in the final section, will
+help convince you that Python isn't obscure, and has a healthily
+growing user base. One word of advice: always present Python's
+positive advantages, instead of concentrating on language X's
+failings. People want to know why a solution is good, rather than why
+all the other solutions are bad. So instead of attacking a competing
+solution on various grounds, simply show how Python's virtues can
+\section{Useful Resources}
+The first chapter of \emph{Internet Programming with Python} also
+examines some of the reasons for using Python. The book is well worth
+buying, but the publishers have made the first chapter available on
+the Web.
+John Ousterhout's white paper on scripting is a good argument for the
+utility of scripting languages, though naturally enough, he emphasizes
+Tcl, the language he developed. Most of the arguments would apply to
+any scripting language.
+The authors, David M. Beazley and Peter S. Lomdahl,
+describe their use of Python at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
+It's another good example of how Python can help get real work done.
+This quotation from the paper has been echoed by many people:
+ Originally developed as a large monolithic application for
+ massively parallel processing systems, we have used Python to
+ transform our application into a flexible, highly modular, and
+ extremely powerful system for performing simulation, data
+ analysis, and visualization. In addition, we describe how Python
+ has solved a number of important problems related to the
+ development, debugging, deployment, and maintenance of scientific
+ software.
+%This interview with Andy Feit, discussing Infoseek's use of Python, can be
+%used to show that choosing Python didn't introduce any difficulties
+%into a company's development process, and provided some substantial benefits.
+Robin Friedrich wrote this document on how to support Python's use in
+commercial projects.
+For the 6th Python conference, Greg Stein presented a paper that
+traced Python's adoption and usage at a startup called eShop, and
+later at Microsoft.
+Management may be doubtful of the reliability and usefulness of
+software that wasn't written commercially. This site presents
+arguments that show how open source software can have considerable
+advantages over closed-source software.
+The Linux Advocacy mini-HOWTO was the inspiration for this document,
+and is also well worth reading for general suggestions on winning
+acceptance for a new technology, such as Linux or Python. In general,
+you won't make much progress by simply attacking existing systems and
+complaining about their inadequacies; this often ends up looking like
+unfocused whining. It's much better to point out some of the many
+areas where Python is an improvement over other systems.