path: root/Doc/library/ast.rst
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1 files changed, 282 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/ast.rst b/Doc/library/ast.rst
index ff3fd99..c7074c4 100644
--- a/Doc/library/ast.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/ast.rst
@@ -1245,23 +1245,28 @@ Control flow
+Pattern matching
.. class:: Match(subject, cases)
A ``match`` statement. ``subject`` holds the subject of the match (the object
that is being matched against the cases) and ``cases`` contains an iterable of
:class:`match_case` nodes with the different cases.
.. class:: match_case(pattern, guard, body)
- A single case pattern in a ``match`` statement. ``pattern`` contains the
- match pattern that will be used to match the subject against. Notice that
- the meaning of the :class:`AST` nodes in this attribute have a different
- meaning than in other places, as they represent patterns to match against.
- The ``guard`` attribute contains an expression that will be evaluated if
- the pattern matches the subject. If the pattern matches and the ``guard`` condition
- is truthy, the body of the case shall be executed. ``body`` contains a list
- of nodes to execute if the guard is truthy.
+ A single case pattern in a ``match`` statement. ``pattern`` contains the
+ match pattern that the subject will be matched against. Note that the
+ :class:`AST` nodes produced for patterns differ from those produced for
+ expressions, even when they share the same syntax.
+ The ``guard`` attribute contains an expression that will be evaluated if
+ the pattern matches the subject.
+ ``body`` contains a list of nodes to execute if the pattern matches and
+ the result of evaluating the guard expression is truthy.
.. doctest::
@@ -1278,10 +1283,9 @@ Control flow
subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
- pattern=List(
- elts=[
- Name(id='x', ctx=Store())],
- ctx=Load()),
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchAs(name='x')]),
left=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
@@ -1292,10 +1296,244 @@ Control flow
- pattern=Call(
- func=Name(id='tuple', ctx=Load()),
- args=[],
- keywords=[]),
+ pattern=MatchClass(
+ cls=Name(id='tuple', ctx=Load()),
+ patterns=[],
+ kwd_attrs=[],
+ kwd_patterns=[]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchValue(value)
+ A match literal or value pattern that compares by equality. ``value`` is
+ an expression node. Permitted value nodes are restricted as described in
+ the match statement documentation. This pattern succeeds if the match
+ subject is equal to the evaluated value.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case "Relevant":
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value='Relevant')),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchSingleton(value)
+ A match literal pattern that compares by identity. ``value`` is the
+ singleton to be compared against: ``None``, ``True``, or ``False``. This
+ pattern succeeds if the match subject is the given constant.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case None:
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchSingleton(value=None),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchSequence(patterns)
+ A match sequence pattern. ``patterns`` contains the patterns to be matched
+ against the subject elements if the subject is a sequence. Matches a variable
+ length sequence if one of the subpatterns is a ``MatchStar`` node, otherwise
+ matches a fixed length sequence.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case [1, 2]:
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=1)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=2))]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchStar(name)
+ Matches the rest of the sequence in a variable length match sequence pattern.
+ If ``name`` is not ``None``, a list containing the remaining sequence
+ elements is bound to that name if the overall sequence pattern is successful.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case [1, 2, *rest]:
+ ... ...
+ ... case [*_]:
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=1)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=2)),
+ MatchStar(name='rest')]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))]),
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchStar()]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchMapping(keys, patterns, rest)
+ A match mapping pattern. ``keys`` is a sequence of expression nodes.
+ ``patterns`` is a corresponding sequence of pattern nodes. ``rest`` is an
+ optional name that can be specified to capture the remaining mapping elements.
+ Permitted key expressions are restricted as described in the match statement
+ documentation.
+ This pattern succeeds if the subject is a mapping, all evaluated key
+ expressions are present in the mapping, and the value corresponding to each
+ key matches the corresponding subpattern. If ``rest`` is not ``None``, a dict
+ containing the remaining mapping elements is bound to that name if the overall
+ mapping pattern is successful.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case {1: _, 2: _}:
+ ... ...
+ ... case {**rest}:
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchMapping(
+ keys=[
+ Constant(value=1),
+ Constant(value=2)],
+ patterns=[
+ MatchAs(),
+ MatchAs()]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))]),
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchMapping(keys=[], patterns=[], rest='rest'),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchClass(cls, patterns, kwd_attrs, kwd_patterns)
+ A match class pattern. ``cls`` is an expression giving the nominal class to
+ be matched. ``patterns`` is a sequence of pattern nodes to be matched against
+ the class defined sequence of pattern matching attributes. ``kwd_attrs`` is a
+ sequence of additional attributes to be matched (specified as keyword arguments
+ in the class pattern), ``kwd_patterns`` are the corresponding patterns
+ (specified as keyword values in the class pattern).
+ This pattern succeeds if the subject is an instance of the nominated class,
+ all positional patterns match the corresponding class-defined attributes, and
+ any specified keyword attributes match their corresponding pattern.
+ Note: classes may define a property that returns self in order to match a
+ pattern node against the instance being matched. Several builtin types are
+ also matched that way, as described in the match statement documentation.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case Point2D(0, 0):
+ ... ...
+ ... case Point3D(x=0, y=0, z=0):
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchClass(
+ cls=Name(id='Point2D', ctx=Load()),
+ patterns=[
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0))],
+ kwd_attrs=[],
+ kwd_patterns=[]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))]),
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchClass(
+ cls=Name(id='Point3D', ctx=Load()),
+ patterns=[],
+ kwd_attrs=[
+ 'x',
+ 'y',
+ 'z'],
+ kwd_patterns=[
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0))]),
@@ -1303,10 +1541,14 @@ Control flow
.. class:: MatchAs(pattern, name)
- A match "as-pattern". The as-pattern matches whatever pattern is on its
- left-hand side, but also binds the value to a name. ``pattern`` contains
- the match pattern that will be used to match the subject agsinst. The ``name``
- attribute contains the name that will be binded if the pattern is successful.
+ A match "as-pattern", capture pattern or wildcard pattern. ``pattern``
+ contains the match pattern that the subject will be matched against.
+ If the pattern is ``None``, the node represents a capture pattern (i.e a
+ bare name) and will always succeed.
+ The ``name`` attribute contains the name that will be bound if the pattern
+ is successful. If ``name`` is ``None``, ``pattern`` must also be ``None``
+ and the node represents the wildcard pattern.
.. doctest::
@@ -1314,6 +1556,8 @@ Control flow
... match x:
... case [x] as y:
... ...
+ ... case _:
+ ... ...
... """), indent=4))
@@ -1322,24 +1566,27 @@ Control flow
- pattern=List(
- elts=[
- Name(id='x', ctx=Store())],
- ctx=Load()),
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchAs(name='x')]),
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))]),
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchAs(),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
.. class:: MatchOr(patterns)
- A match "or-pattern". An or-pattern matches each of its subpatterns in turn
- to the subject, until one succeeds. The or-pattern is then deemed to
- succeed. If none of the subpatterns succeed the or-pattern fails. The
- ``patterns`` attribute contains a list of match patterns nodes that will be
- matched against the subject.
+ A match "or-pattern". An or-pattern matches each of its subpatterns in turn
+ to the subject, until one succeeds. The or-pattern is then deemed to
+ succeed. If none of the subpatterns succeed the or-pattern fails. The
+ ``patterns`` attribute contains a list of match pattern nodes that will be
+ matched against the subject.
.. doctest::
@@ -1356,11 +1603,10 @@ Control flow
- List(
- elts=[
- Name(id='x', ctx=Store())],
- ctx=Load()),
- Name(id='y', ctx=Store())]),
+ MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchAs(name='x')]),
+ MatchAs(name='y')]),