path: root/Doc/library/email.compat32-message.rst
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+.. _compat32_message:
+:mod:`email.message.Message`: Representing an email message using the :data:`~email.policy.compat32` API
+.. module:: email.message
+ :synopsis: The base class representing email messages in a fashion
+ backward compatible with python3.2
+The :class:`Message` class is very similar to the
+:class:`~email.message.EmailMessage` class, without the methods added by that
+class, and with the default behavior of certain other methods being slightly
+different. We also document here some methods that, while supported by the
+:class:`~email.message.EmailMessage` class, are not recommended unless you are
+dealing with legacy code.
+The philosophy and structure of the two classes is otherwise the same.
+This document describes the behavior under the default (for :class:`Message`)
+policy :attr:`~email.policy.Compat32`. If you are going to use another policy,
+you should be using the :class:`~email.message.EmailMessage` class instead.
+An email message consists of *headers* and a *payload*. Headers must be
+:rfc:`5233` style names and values, where the field name and value are
+separated by a colon. The colon is not part of either the field name or the
+field value. The payload may be a simple text message, or a binary object, or
+a structured sequence of sub-messages each with their own set of headers and
+their own payload. The latter type of payload is indicated by the message
+having a MIME type such as :mimetype:`multipart/\*` or
+The conceptual model provided by a :class:`Message` object is that of an
+ordered dictionary of headers with additional methods for accessing both
+specialized information from the headers, for accessing the payload, for
+generating a serialized version of the mssage, and for recursively walking over
+the object tree. Note that duplicate headers are supported but special methods
+must be used to access them.
+The :class:`Message` psuedo-dictionary is indexed by the header names, which
+must be ASCII values. The values of the dictionary are strings that are
+supposed to contain only ASCII characters; there is some special handling for
+non-ASCII input, but it doesn't always produce the correct results. Headers
+are stored and returned in case-preserving form, but field names are matched
+case-insensitively. There may also be a single envelope header, also known as
+the *Unix-From* header or the ``From_`` header. The *payload* is either a
+string or bytes, in the case of simple message objects, or a list of
+:class:`Message` objects, for MIME container documents (e.g.
+:mimetype:`multipart/\*` and :mimetype:`message/rfc822`).
+Here are the methods of the :class:`Message` class:
+.. class:: Message(policy=compat32)
+ If *policy* is specified (it must be an instance of a :mod:`~email.policy`
+ class) use the rules it specifies to update and serialize the representation
+ of the message. If *policy* is not set, use the :class:`compat32
+ <email.policy.Compat32>` policy, which maintains backward compatibility with
+ the Python 3.2 version of the email package. For more information see the
+ :mod:`~email.policy` documentation.
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.3 The *policy* keyword argument was added.
+ .. method:: as_string(unixfrom=False, maxheaderlen=0, policy=None)
+ Return the entire message flattened as a string. When optional *unixfrom*
+ is true, the envelope header is included in the returned string.
+ *unixfrom* defaults to ``False``. For backward compabitility reasons,
+ *maxheaderlen* defaults to ``0``, so if you want a different value you
+ must override it explicitly (the value specified for *max_line_length* in
+ the policy will be ignored by this method). The *policy* argument may be
+ used to override the default policy obtained from the message instance.
+ This can be used to control some of the formatting produced by the
+ method, since the specified *policy* will be passed to the ``Generator``.
+ Flattening the message may trigger changes to the :class:`Message` if
+ defaults need to be filled in to complete the transformation to a string
+ (for example, MIME boundaries may be generated or modified).
+ Note that this method is provided as a convenience and may not always
+ format the message the way you want. For example, by default it does
+ not do the mangling of lines that begin with ``From`` that is
+ required by the unix mbox format. For more flexibility, instantiate a
+ :class:`~email.generator.Generator` instance and use its
+ :meth:`~email.generator.Generator.flatten` method directly. For example::
+ from io import StringIO
+ from email.generator import Generator
+ fp = StringIO()
+ g = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=True, maxheaderlen=60)
+ g.flatten(msg)
+ text = fp.getvalue()
+ If the message object contains binary data that is not encoded according
+ to RFC standards, the non-compliant data will be replaced by unicode
+ "unknown character" code points. (See also :meth:`.as_bytes` and
+ :class:`~email.generator.BytesGenerator`.)
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.4 the *policy* keyword argument was added.
+ .. method:: __str__()
+ Equivalent to :meth:`.as_string()`. Allows ``str(msg)`` to produce a
+ string containing the formatted message.
+ .. method:: as_bytes(unixfrom=False, policy=None)
+ Return the entire message flattened as a bytes object. When optional
+ *unixfrom* is true, the envelope header is included in the returned
+ string. *unixfrom* defaults to ``False``. The *policy* argument may be
+ used to override the default policy obtained from the message instance.
+ This can be used to control some of the formatting produced by the
+ method, since the specified *policy* will be passed to the
+ ``BytesGenerator``.
+ Flattening the message may trigger changes to the :class:`Message` if
+ defaults need to be filled in to complete the transformation to a string
+ (for example, MIME boundaries may be generated or modified).
+ Note that this method is provided as a convenience and may not always
+ format the message the way you want. For example, by default it does
+ not do the mangling of lines that begin with ``From`` that is
+ required by the unix mbox format. For more flexibility, instantiate a
+ :class:`~email.generator.BytesGenerator` instance and use its
+ :meth:`~email.generator.BytesGenerator.flatten` method directly.
+ For example::
+ from io import BytesIO
+ from email.generator import BytesGenerator
+ fp = BytesIO()
+ g = BytesGenerator(fp, mangle_from_=True, maxheaderlen=60)
+ g.flatten(msg)
+ text = fp.getvalue()
+ .. versionadded:: 3.4
+ .. method:: __bytes__()
+ Equivalent to :meth:`.as_bytes()`. Allows ``bytes(msg)`` to produce a
+ bytes object containing the formatted message.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.4
+ .. method:: is_multipart()
+ Return ``True`` if the message's payload is a list of sub-\
+ :class:`Message` objects, otherwise return ``False``. When
+ :meth:`is_multipart` returns ``False``, the payload should be a string
+ object (which might be a CTE encoded binary payload. (Note that
+ :meth:`is_multipart` returning ``True`` does not necessarily mean that
+ "msg.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart'" will return the ``True``.
+ For example, ``is_multipart`` will return ``True`` when the
+ :class:`Message` is of type ``message/rfc822``.)
+ .. method:: set_unixfrom(unixfrom)
+ Set the message's envelope header to *unixfrom*, which should be a string.
+ .. method:: get_unixfrom()
+ Return the message's envelope header. Defaults to ``None`` if the
+ envelope header was never set.
+ .. method:: attach(payload)
+ Add the given *payload* to the current payload, which must be ``None`` or
+ a list of :class:`Message` objects before the call. After the call, the
+ payload will always be a list of :class:`Message` objects. If you want to
+ set the payload to a scalar object (e.g. a string), use
+ :meth:`set_payload` instead.
+ This is a legacy method. On the
+ :class:`~email.emailmessage.EmailMessage` class its functionality is
+ replaced by :meth:`~email.message.EmailMessage.set_content` and the
+ realted ``make`` and ``add`` methods.
+ .. method:: get_payload(i=None, decode=False)
+ Return the current payload, which will be a list of
+ :class:`Message` objects when :meth:`is_multipart` is ``True``, or a
+ string when :meth:`is_multipart` is ``False``. If the payload is a list
+ and you mutate the list object, you modify the message's payload in place.
+ With optional argument *i*, :meth:`get_payload` will return the *i*-th
+ element of the payload, counting from zero, if :meth:`is_multipart` is
+ ``True``. An :exc:`IndexError` will be raised if *i* is less than 0 or
+ greater than or equal to the number of items in the payload. If the
+ payload is a string (i.e. :meth:`is_multipart` is ``False``) and *i* is
+ given, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised.
+ Optional *decode* is a flag indicating whether the payload should be
+ decoded or not, according to the :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding`
+ header. When ``True`` and the message is not a multipart, the payload will
+ be decoded if this header's value is ``quoted-printable`` or ``base64``.
+ If some other encoding is used, or :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding`
+ header is missing, the payload is
+ returned as-is (undecoded). In all cases the returned value is binary
+ data. If the message is a multipart and the *decode* flag is ``True``,
+ then ``None`` is returned. If the payload is base64 and it was not
+ perfectly formed (missing padding, characters outside the base64
+ alphabet), then an appropriate defect will be added to the message's
+ defect property (:class:`~email.errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect` or
+ :class:`~email.errors.InvalidBase64CharactersDefect`, respectively).
+ When *decode* is ``False`` (the default) the body is returned as a string
+ without decoding the :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding`. However,
+ for a :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding` of 8bit, an attempt is made
+ to decode the original bytes using the ``charset`` specified by the
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, using the ``replace`` error handler.
+ If no ``charset`` is specified, or if the ``charset`` given is not
+ recognized by the email package, the body is decoded using the default
+ ASCII charset.
+ This is a legacy method. On the
+ :class:`~email.emailmessage.EmailMessage` class its functionality is
+ replaced by :meth:`~email.message.EmailMessage.get_content` and
+ :meth:`~email.message.EmailMessage.iter_parts`.
+ .. method:: set_payload(payload, charset=None)
+ Set the entire message object's payload to *payload*. It is the client's
+ responsibility to ensure the payload invariants. Optional *charset* sets
+ the message's default character set; see :meth:`set_charset` for details.
+ This is a legacy method. On the
+ :class:`~email.emailmessage.EmailMessage` class its functionality is
+ replaced by :meth:`~email.message.EmailMessage.set_content`.
+ .. method:: set_charset(charset)
+ Set the character set of the payload to *charset*, which can either be a
+ :class:`~email.charset.Charset` instance (see :mod:`email.charset`), a
+ string naming a character set, or ``None``. If it is a string, it will
+ be converted to a :class:`~email.charset.Charset` instance. If *charset*
+ is ``None``, the ``charset`` parameter will be removed from the
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header (the message will not be otherwise
+ modified). Anything else will generate a :exc:`TypeError`.
+ If there is no existing :mailheader:`MIME-Version` header one will be
+ added. If there is no existing :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, one
+ will be added with a value of :mimetype:`text/plain`. Whether the
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header already exists or not, its ``charset``
+ parameter will be set to *charset.output_charset*. If
+ *charset.input_charset* and *charset.output_charset* differ, the payload
+ will be re-encoded to the *output_charset*. If there is no existing
+ :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding` header, then the payload will be
+ transfer-encoded, if needed, using the specified
+ :class:`~email.charset.Charset`, and a header with the appropriate value
+ will be added. If a :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding` header
+ already exists, the payload is assumed to already be correctly encoded
+ using that :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding` and is not modified.
+ This is a legacy method. On the
+ :class:`~email.emailmessage.EmailMessage` class its functionality is
+ replaced by the *charset* parameter of the
+ :meth:`email.emailmessage.EmailMessage.set_content` method.
+ .. method:: get_charset()
+ Return the :class:`~email.charset.Charset` instance associated with the
+ message's payload.
+ This is a legacy method. On the
+ :class:`~email.emailmessage.EmailMessage` class it always returns
+ ``None``.
+ The following methods implement a mapping-like interface for accessing the
+ message's :rfc:`2822` headers. Note that there are some semantic differences
+ between these methods and a normal mapping (i.e. dictionary) interface. For
+ example, in a dictionary there are no duplicate keys, but here there may be
+ duplicate message headers. Also, in dictionaries there is no guaranteed
+ order to the keys returned by :meth:`keys`, but in a :class:`Message` object,
+ headers are always returned in the order they appeared in the original
+ message, or were added to the message later. Any header deleted and then
+ re-added are always appended to the end of the header list.
+ These semantic differences are intentional and are biased toward maximal
+ convenience.
+ Note that in all cases, any envelope header present in the message is not
+ included in the mapping interface.
+ In a model generated from bytes, any header values that (in contravention of
+ the RFCs) contain non-ASCII bytes will, when retrieved through this
+ interface, be represented as :class:`~email.header.Header` objects with
+ a charset of `unknown-8bit`.
+ .. method:: __len__()
+ Return the total number of headers, including duplicates.
+ .. method:: __contains__(name)
+ Return true if the message object has a field named *name*. Matching is
+ done case-insensitively and *name* should not include the trailing colon.
+ Used for the ``in`` operator, e.g.::
+ if 'message-id' in myMessage:
+ print('Message-ID:', myMessage['message-id'])
+ .. method:: __getitem__(name)
+ Return the value of the named header field. *name* should not include the
+ colon field separator. If the header is missing, ``None`` is returned; a
+ :exc:`KeyError` is never raised.
+ Note that if the named field appears more than once in the message's
+ headers, exactly which of those field values will be returned is
+ undefined. Use the :meth:`get_all` method to get the values of all the
+ extant named headers.
+ .. method:: __setitem__(name, val)
+ Add a header to the message with field name *name* and value *val*. The
+ field is appended to the end of the message's existing fields.
+ Note that this does *not* overwrite or delete any existing header with the same
+ name. If you want to ensure that the new header is the only one present in the
+ message with field name *name*, delete the field first, e.g.::
+ del msg['subject']
+ msg['subject'] = 'Python roolz!'
+ .. method:: __delitem__(name)
+ Delete all occurrences of the field with name *name* from the message's
+ headers. No exception is raised if the named field isn't present in the
+ headers.
+ .. method:: keys()
+ Return a list of all the message's header field names.
+ .. method:: values()
+ Return a list of all the message's field values.
+ .. method:: items()
+ Return a list of 2-tuples containing all the message's field headers and
+ values.
+ .. method:: get(name, failobj=None)
+ Return the value of the named header field. This is identical to
+ :meth:`__getitem__` except that optional *failobj* is returned if the
+ named header is missing (defaults to ``None``).
+ Here are some additional useful methods:
+ .. method:: get_all(name, failobj=None)
+ Return a list of all the values for the field named *name*. If there are
+ no such named headers in the message, *failobj* is returned (defaults to
+ ``None``).
+ .. method:: add_header(_name, _value, **_params)
+ Extended header setting. This method is similar to :meth:`__setitem__`
+ except that additional header parameters can be provided as keyword
+ arguments. *_name* is the header field to add and *_value* is the
+ *primary* value for the header.
+ For each item in the keyword argument dictionary *_params*, the key is
+ taken as the parameter name, with underscores converted to dashes (since
+ dashes are illegal in Python identifiers). Normally, the parameter will
+ be added as ``key="value"`` unless the value is ``None``, in which case
+ only the key will be added. If the value contains non-ASCII characters,
+ it can be specified as a three tuple in the format
+ ``(CHARSET, LANGUAGE, VALUE)``, where ``CHARSET`` is a string naming the
+ charset to be used to encode the value, ``LANGUAGE`` can usually be set
+ to ``None`` or the empty string (see :rfc:`2231` for other possibilities),
+ and ``VALUE`` is the string value containing non-ASCII code points. If
+ a three tuple is not passed and the value contains non-ASCII characters,
+ it is automatically encoded in :rfc:`2231` format using a ``CHARSET``
+ of ``utf-8`` and a ``LANGUAGE`` of ``None``.
+ Here's an example::
+ msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename='bud.gif')
+ This will add a header that looks like ::
+ Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bud.gif"
+ An example with non-ASCII characters::
+ msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
+ filename=('iso-8859-1', '', 'Fußballer.ppt'))
+ Which produces ::
+ Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*="iso-8859-1''Fu%DFballer.ppt"
+ .. method:: replace_header(_name, _value)
+ Replace a header. Replace the first header found in the message that
+ matches *_name*, retaining header order and field name case. If no
+ matching header was found, a :exc:`KeyError` is raised.
+ .. method:: get_content_type()
+ Return the message's content type. The returned string is coerced to
+ lower case of the form :mimetype:`maintype/subtype`. If there was no
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header in the message the default type as given
+ by :meth:`get_default_type` will be returned. Since according to
+ :rfc:`2045`, messages always have a default type, :meth:`get_content_type`
+ will always return a value.
+ :rfc:`2045` defines a message's default type to be :mimetype:`text/plain`
+ unless it appears inside a :mimetype:`multipart/digest` container, in
+ which case it would be :mimetype:`message/rfc822`. If the
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header has an invalid type specification,
+ :rfc:`2045` mandates that the default type be :mimetype:`text/plain`.
+ .. method:: get_content_maintype()
+ Return the message's main content type. This is the :mimetype:`maintype`
+ part of the string returned by :meth:`get_content_type`.
+ .. method:: get_content_subtype()
+ Return the message's sub-content type. This is the :mimetype:`subtype`
+ part of the string returned by :meth:`get_content_type`.
+ .. method:: get_default_type()
+ Return the default content type. Most messages have a default content
+ type of :mimetype:`text/plain`, except for messages that are subparts of
+ :mimetype:`multipart/digest` containers. Such subparts have a default
+ content type of :mimetype:`message/rfc822`.
+ .. method:: set_default_type(ctype)
+ Set the default content type. *ctype* should either be
+ :mimetype:`text/plain` or :mimetype:`message/rfc822`, although this is not
+ enforced. The default content type is not stored in the
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
+ .. method:: get_params(failobj=None, header='content-type', unquote=True)
+ Return the message's :mailheader:`Content-Type` parameters, as a list.
+ The elements of the returned list are 2-tuples of key/value pairs, as
+ split on the ``'='`` sign. The left hand side of the ``'='`` is the key,
+ while the right hand side is the value. If there is no ``'='`` sign in
+ the parameter the value is the empty string, otherwise the value is as
+ described in :meth:`get_param` and is unquoted if optional *unquote* is
+ ``True`` (the default).
+ Optional *failobj* is the object to return if there is no
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header. Optional *header* is the header to
+ search instead of :mailheader:`Content-Type`.
+ This is a legacy method. On the
+ :class:`~email.emailmessage.EmailMessage` class its functionality is
+ replaced by the *params* property of the individual header objects
+ returned by the header access methods.
+ .. method:: get_param(param, failobj=None, header='content-type', unquote=True)
+ Return the value of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header's parameter
+ *param* as a string. If the message has no :mailheader:`Content-Type`
+ header or if there is no such parameter, then *failobj* is returned
+ (defaults to ``None``).
+ Optional *header* if given, specifies the message header to use instead of
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type`.
+ Parameter keys are always compared case insensitively. The return value
+ can either be a string, or a 3-tuple if the parameter was :rfc:`2231`
+ encoded. When it's a 3-tuple, the elements of the value are of the form
+ ``(CHARSET, LANGUAGE, VALUE)``. Note that both ``CHARSET`` and
+ ``LANGUAGE`` can be ``None``, in which case you should consider ``VALUE``
+ to be encoded in the ``us-ascii`` charset. You can usually ignore
+ If your application doesn't care whether the parameter was encoded as in
+ :rfc:`2231`, you can collapse the parameter value by calling
+ :func:`email.utils.collapse_rfc2231_value`, passing in the return value
+ from :meth:`get_param`. This will return a suitably decoded Unicode
+ string when the value is a tuple, or the original string unquoted if it
+ isn't. For example::
+ rawparam = msg.get_param('foo')
+ param = email.utils.collapse_rfc2231_value(rawparam)
+ In any case, the parameter value (either the returned string, or the
+ ``VALUE`` item in the 3-tuple) is always unquoted, unless *unquote* is set
+ to ``False``.
+ This is a legacy method. On the
+ :class:`~email.emailmessage.EmailMessage` class its functionality is
+ replaced by the *params* property of the individual header objects
+ returned by the header access methods.
+ .. method:: set_param(param, value, header='Content-Type', requote=True, \
+ charset=None, language='', replace=False)
+ Set a parameter in the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header. If the
+ parameter already exists in the header, its value will be replaced with
+ *value*. If the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header as not yet been defined
+ for this message, it will be set to :mimetype:`text/plain` and the new
+ parameter value will be appended as per :rfc:`2045`.
+ Optional *header* specifies an alternative header to
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type`, and all parameters will be quoted as necessary
+ unless optional *requote* is ``False`` (the default is ``True``).
+ If optional *charset* is specified, the parameter will be encoded
+ according to :rfc:`2231`. Optional *language* specifies the RFC 2231
+ language, defaulting to the empty string. Both *charset* and *language*
+ should be strings.
+ If *replace* is ``False`` (the default) the header is moved to the
+ end of the list of headers. If *replace* is ``True``, the header
+ will be updated in place.
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.4 ``replace`` keyword was added.
+ .. method:: del_param(param, header='content-type', requote=True)
+ Remove the given parameter completely from the :mailheader:`Content-Type`
+ header. The header will be re-written in place without the parameter or
+ its value. All values will be quoted as necessary unless *requote* is
+ ``False`` (the default is ``True``). Optional *header* specifies an
+ alternative to :mailheader:`Content-Type`.
+ .. method:: set_type(type, header='Content-Type', requote=True)
+ Set the main type and subtype for the :mailheader:`Content-Type`
+ header. *type* must be a string in the form :mimetype:`maintype/subtype`,
+ otherwise a :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
+ This method replaces the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, keeping all
+ the parameters in place. If *requote* is ``False``, this leaves the
+ existing header's quoting as is, otherwise the parameters will be quoted
+ (the default).
+ An alternative header can be specified in the *header* argument. When the
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header is set a :mailheader:`MIME-Version`
+ header is also added.
+ This is a legacy method. On the
+ :class:`~email.emailmessage.EmailMessage` class its functionality is
+ replaced by the ``make_`` and ``add_`` methods.
+ .. method:: get_filename(failobj=None)
+ Return the value of the ``filename`` parameter of the
+ :mailheader:`Content-Disposition` header of the message. If the header
+ does not have a ``filename`` parameter, this method falls back to looking
+ for the ``name`` parameter on the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header. If
+ neither is found, or the header is missing, then *failobj* is returned.
+ The returned string will always be unquoted as per
+ :func:`email.utils.unquote`.
+ .. method:: get_boundary(failobj=None)
+ Return the value of the ``boundary`` parameter of the
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header of the message, or *failobj* if either
+ the header is missing, or has no ``boundary`` parameter. The returned
+ string will always be unquoted as per :func:`email.utils.unquote`.
+ .. method:: set_boundary(boundary)
+ Set the ``boundary`` parameter of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header to
+ *boundary*. :meth:`set_boundary` will always quote *boundary* if
+ necessary. A :exc:`~email.errors.HeaderParseError` is raised if the
+ message object has no :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
+ Note that using this method is subtly different than deleting the old
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header and adding a new one with the new
+ boundary via :meth:`add_header`, because :meth:`set_boundary` preserves
+ the order of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header in the list of
+ headers. However, it does *not* preserve any continuation lines which may
+ have been present in the original :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
+ .. method:: get_content_charset(failobj=None)
+ Return the ``charset`` parameter of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header,
+ coerced to lower case. If there is no :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, or if
+ that header has no ``charset`` parameter, *failobj* is returned.
+ Note that this method differs from :meth:`get_charset` which returns the
+ :class:`~email.charset.Charset` instance for the default encoding of the message body.
+ .. method:: get_charsets(failobj=None)
+ Return a list containing the character set names in the message. If the
+ message is a :mimetype:`multipart`, then the list will contain one element
+ for each subpart in the payload, otherwise, it will be a list of length 1.
+ Each item in the list will be a string which is the value of the
+ ``charset`` parameter in the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header for the
+ represented subpart. However, if the subpart has no
+ :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, no ``charset`` parameter, or is not of
+ the :mimetype:`text` main MIME type, then that item in the returned list
+ will be *failobj*.
+ .. method:: get_content_disposition()
+ Return the lowercased value (without parameters) of the message's
+ :mailheader:`Content-Disposition` header if it has one, or ``None``. The
+ possible values for this method are *inline*, *attachment* or ``None``
+ if the message follows :rfc:`2183`.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.5
+ .. method:: walk()
+ The :meth:`walk` method is an all-purpose generator which can be used to
+ iterate over all the parts and subparts of a message object tree, in
+ depth-first traversal order. You will typically use :meth:`walk` as the
+ iterator in a ``for`` loop; each iteration returns the next subpart.
+ Here's an example that prints the MIME type of every part of a multipart
+ message structure:
+ .. testsetup::
+ >>> from email import message_from_binary_file
+ >>> with open('Lib/test/test_email/data/msg_16.txt', 'rb') as f:
+ ... msg = message_from_binary_file(f)
+ >>> from email.iterators import _structure
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> for part in msg.walk():
+ ... print(part.get_content_type())
+ multipart/report
+ text/plain
+ message/delivery-status
+ text/plain
+ text/plain
+ message/rfc822
+ text/plain
+ ``walk`` iterates over the subparts of any part where
+ :meth:`is_multipart` returns ``True``, even though
+ ``msg.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart'`` may return ``False``. We
+ can see this in our example by making use of the ``_structure`` debug
+ helper function:
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> for part in msg.walk():
+ ... print(part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart'),
+ ... part.is_multipart())
+ True True
+ False False
+ False True
+ False False
+ False False
+ False True
+ False False
+ >>> _structure(msg)
+ multipart/report
+ text/plain
+ message/delivery-status
+ text/plain
+ text/plain
+ message/rfc822
+ text/plain
+ Here the ``message`` parts are not ``multiparts``, but they do contain
+ subparts. ``is_multipart()`` returns ``True`` and ``walk`` descends
+ into the subparts.
+ :class:`Message` objects can also optionally contain two instance attributes,
+ which can be used when generating the plain text of a MIME message.
+ .. attribute:: preamble
+ The format of a MIME document allows for some text between the blank line
+ following the headers, and the first multipart boundary string. Normally,
+ this text is never visible in a MIME-aware mail reader because it falls
+ outside the standard MIME armor. However, when viewing the raw text of
+ the message, or when viewing the message in a non-MIME aware reader, this
+ text can become visible.
+ The *preamble* attribute contains this leading extra-armor text for MIME
+ documents. When the :class:`~email.parser.Parser` discovers some text
+ after the headers but before the first boundary string, it assigns this
+ text to the message's *preamble* attribute. When the
+ :class:`~email.generator.Generator` is writing out the plain text
+ representation of a MIME message, and it finds the
+ message has a *preamble* attribute, it will write this text in the area
+ between the headers and the first boundary. See :mod:`email.parser` and
+ :mod:`email.generator` for details.
+ Note that if the message object has no preamble, the *preamble* attribute
+ will be ``None``.
+ .. attribute:: epilogue
+ The *epilogue* attribute acts the same way as the *preamble* attribute,
+ except that it contains text that appears between the last boundary and
+ the end of the message.
+ You do not need to set the epilogue to the empty string in order for the
+ :class:`~email.generator.Generator` to print a newline at the end of the
+ file.
+ .. attribute:: defects
+ The *defects* attribute contains a list of all the problems found when
+ parsing this message. See :mod:`email.errors` for a detailed description
+ of the possible parsing defects.