path: root/Doc/library/http.client.rst
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1 files changed, 22 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/http.client.rst b/Doc/library/http.client.rst
index 807f685..d57649c 100644
--- a/Doc/library/http.client.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/http.client.rst
@@ -180,6 +180,17 @@ The following exceptions are raised as appropriate:
is received in the HTTP protocol from the server.
+.. exception:: RemoteDisconnected
+ A subclass of :exc:`ConnectionResetError` and :exc:`BadStatusLine`. Raised
+ by :meth:`HTTPConnection.getresponse` when the attempt to read the response
+ results in no data read from the connection, indicating that the remote end
+ has closed the connection.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.5
+ Previously, :exc:`BadStatusLine`\ ``('')`` was raised.
The constants defined in this module are:
.. data:: HTTP_PORT
@@ -191,221 +202,15 @@ The constants defined in this module are:
The default port for the HTTPS protocol (always ``443``).
-and also the following constants for integer status codes:
-| Constant | Value | Definition |
-| :const:`CONTINUE` | ``100`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.1.1 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS` | ``101`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.1.2 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`PROCESSING` | ``102`` | WEBDAV, `RFC 2518, Section 10.1 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`OK` | ``200`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.2.1 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`CREATED` | ``201`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.2.2 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`ACCEPTED` | ``202`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.2.3 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION` | ``203`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.2.4 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`NO_CONTENT` | ``204`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.2.5 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`RESET_CONTENT` | ``205`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.2.6 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`PARTIAL_CONTENT` | ``206`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.2.7 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`MULTI_STATUS` | ``207`` | WEBDAV `RFC 2518, Section 10.2 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`IM_USED` | ``226`` | Delta encoding in HTTP, |
-| | | :rfc:`3229`, Section 10.4.1 |
-| :const:`MULTIPLE_CHOICES` | ``300`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.3.1 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`MOVED_PERMANENTLY` | ``301`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.3.2 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`FOUND` | ``302`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.3.3 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`SEE_OTHER` | ``303`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.3.4 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`NOT_MODIFIED` | ``304`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.3.5 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`USE_PROXY` | ``305`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.3.6 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`TEMPORARY_REDIRECT` | ``307`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.3.8 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`BAD_REQUEST` | ``400`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.1 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`UNAUTHORIZED` | ``401`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.2 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`PAYMENT_REQUIRED` | ``402`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.3 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`FORBIDDEN` | ``403`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.4 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`NOT_FOUND` | ``404`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.5 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED` | ``405`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.6 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`NOT_ACCEPTABLE` | ``406`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.7 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED` | ``407`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.8 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`REQUEST_TIMEOUT` | ``408`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.9 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`CONFLICT` | ``409`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.10 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`GONE` | ``410`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.11 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`LENGTH_REQUIRED` | ``411`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.12 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`PRECONDITION_FAILED` | ``412`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.13 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE` | ``413`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.14 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG` | ``414`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.15 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE` | ``415`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.16 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE` | ``416`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.17 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`EXPECTATION_FAILED` | ``417`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.4.18 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY` | ``422`` | WEBDAV, `RFC 2518, Section 10.3 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`LOCKED` | ``423`` | WEBDAV `RFC 2518, Section 10.4 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`FAILED_DEPENDENCY` | ``424`` | WEBDAV, `RFC 2518, Section 10.5 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`UPGRADE_REQUIRED` | ``426`` | HTTP Upgrade to TLS, |
-| | | :rfc:`2817`, Section 6 |
-| :const:`PRECONDITION_REQUIRED` | ``428`` | Additional HTTP Status Codes, |
-| | | :rfc:`6585`, Section 3 |
-| :const:`TOO_MANY_REQUESTS` | ``429`` | Additional HTTP Status Codes, |
-| | | :rfc:`6585`, Section 4 |
-| :const:`REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE` | ``431`` | Additional HTTP Status Codes, |
-| | | :rfc:`6585`, Section 5 |
-| :const:`INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR` | ``500`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.5.1 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`NOT_IMPLEMENTED` | ``501`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.5.2 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`BAD_GATEWAY` | ``502`` | HTTP/1.1 `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.5.3 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE` | ``503`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.5.4 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`GATEWAY_TIMEOUT` | ``504`` | HTTP/1.1 `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.5.5 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED` | ``505`` | HTTP/1.1, `RFC 2616, Section |
-| | | 10.5.6 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE` | ``507`` | WEBDAV, `RFC 2518, Section 10.6 |
-| | | <>`_ |
-| :const:`NOT_EXTENDED` | ``510`` | An HTTP Extension Framework, |
-| | | :rfc:`2774`, Section 7 |
-| :const:`NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED` | ``511`` | Additional HTTP Status Codes, |
-| | | :rfc:`6585`, Section 6 |
-.. versionchanged:: 3.3
- Added codes ``428``, ``429``, ``431`` and ``511`` from :rfc:`6585`.
.. data:: responses
This dictionary maps the HTTP 1.1 status codes to the W3C names.
Example: ``http.client.responses[http.client.NOT_FOUND]`` is ``'Not Found'``.
+See :ref:`http-status-codes` for a list of HTTP status codes that are
+available in this module as constants.
.. _httpconnection-objects:
@@ -458,6 +263,11 @@ HTTPConnection Objects
Note that you must have read the whole response before you can send a new
request to the server.
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.5
+ If a :exc:`ConnectionError` or subclass is raised, the
+ :class:`HTTPConnection` object will be ready to reconnect when
+ a new request is sent.
.. method:: HTTPConnection.set_debuglevel(level)
@@ -496,7 +306,9 @@ HTTPConnection Objects
.. method:: HTTPConnection.connect()
- Connect to the server specified when the object was created.
+ Connect to the server specified when the object was created. By default,
+ this is called automatically when making a request if the client does not
+ already have a connection.
.. method:: HTTPConnection.close()