path: root/Doc/library/http.rst
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diff --git a/Doc/library/http.rst b/Doc/library/http.rst
index a387a37..b6f2c58 100644
--- a/Doc/library/http.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/http.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
:mod:`http` --- HTTP modules
-``http`` is a package that collects several modules for working with the
+.. module:: http
+ :synopsis: HTTP status codes and messages
+.. index::
+ pair: HTTP; protocol
+ single: HTTP; http (standard module)
+**Source code:** :source:`Lib/http/`
+:mod:`http` is a package that collects several modules for working with the
HyperText Transfer Protocol:
* :mod:`http.client` is a low-level HTTP protocol client; for high-level URL
@@ -9,3 +18,105 @@ HyperText Transfer Protocol:
* :mod:`http.server` contains basic HTTP server classes based on :mod:`socketserver`
* :mod:`http.cookies` has utilities for implementing state management with cookies
* :mod:`http.cookiejar` provides persistence of cookies
+:mod:`http` is also a module that defines a number of HTTP status codes and
+associated messages through the :class:`http.HTTPStatus` enum:
+.. class:: HTTPStatus
+ .. versionadded:: 3.5
+ A subclass of :class:`enum.IntEnum` that defines a set of HTTP status codes,
+ reason phrases and long descriptions written in English.
+ Usage::
+ >>> from http import HTTPStatus
+ >>> HTTPStatus.OK
+ <HTTPStatus.OK: 200>
+ >>> HTTPStatus.OK == 200
+ True
+ >>> http.HTTPStatus.OK.value
+ 200
+ >>> HTTPStatus.OK.phrase
+ 'OK'
+ >>> HTTPStatus.OK.description
+ 'Request fulfilled, document follows'
+ >>> list(HTTPStatus)
+ [<HTTPStatus.CONTINUE: 100>, <HTTPStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS: 101>, ...]
+.. _http-status-codes:
+HTTP status codes
+`IANA-registered <>`_
+status codes available in :class:`http.HTTPStatus` are:
+======= =================================== ==================================================================
+Code Enum Name Details
+======= =================================== ==================================================================
+``100`` ``CONTINUE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.2.1
+``101`` ``SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.2.2
+``102`` ``PROCESSING`` WebDAV :rfc:`2518`, Section 10.1
+``200`` ``OK`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.1
+``201`` ``CREATED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.2
+``202`` ``ACCEPTED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.3
+``203`` ``NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.4
+``204`` ``NO_CONTENT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.5
+``205`` ``RESET_CONTENT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.6
+``206`` ``PARTIAL_CONTENT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7233`, Section 4.1
+``207`` ``MULTI_STATUS`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.1
+``208`` ``ALREADY_REPORTED`` WebDAV Binding Extensions :rfc:`5842`, Section 7.1 (Experimental)
+``226`` ``IM_USED`` Delta Encoding in HTTP :rfc:`3229`, Section 10.4.1
+``300`` ``MULTIPLE_CHOICES`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.1
+``301`` ``MOVED_PERMANENTLY`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.2
+``302`` ``FOUND`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.3
+``303`` ``SEE_OTHER`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.4
+``304`` ``NOT_MODIFIED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7232`, Section 4.1
+``305`` ``USE_PROXY`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.5
+``307`` ``TEMPORARY_REDIRECT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.7
+``308`` ``PERMANENT_REDIRECT`` Permanent Redirect :rfc:`7238`, Section 3 (Experimental)
+``400`` ``BAD_REQUEST`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.1
+``401`` ``UNAUTHORIZED`` HTTP/1.1 Authentication :rfc:`7235`, Section 3.1
+``402`` ``PAYMENT_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.2
+``403`` ``FORBIDDEN`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.3
+``404`` ``NOT_FOUND`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.4
+``405`` ``METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.5
+``406`` ``NOT_ACCEPTABLE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.6
+``407`` ``PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 Authentication :rfc:`7235`, Section 3.2
+``408`` ``REQUEST_TIMEOUT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.7
+``409`` ``CONFLICT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.8
+``410`` ``GONE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.9
+``411`` ``LENGTH_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.10
+``412`` ``PRECONDITION_FAILED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7232`, Section 4.2
+``413`` ``REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.11
+``414`` ``REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.12
+``415`` ``UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.13
+``416`` ``REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE`` HTTP/1.1 Range Requests :rfc:`7233`, Section 4.4
+``417`` ``EXPECTATION_FAILED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.14
+``422`` ``UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.2
+``423`` ``LOCKED`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.3
+``424`` ``FAILED_DEPENDENCY`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.4
+``426`` ``UPGRADE_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.15
+``428`` ``PRECONDITION_REQUIRED`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`
+``429`` ``TOO_MANY_REQUESTS`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`
+``431`` ``REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`
+``500`` ``INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.1
+``501`` ``NOT_IMPLEMENTED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.2
+``502`` ``BAD_GATEWAY`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.3
+``503`` ``SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.4
+``504`` ``GATEWAY_TIMEOUT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.5
+``505`` ``HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.6
+``506`` ``VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES`` Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP :rfc:`2295`, Section 8.1 (Experimental)
+``507`` ``INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.5
+``508`` ``LOOP_DETECTED`` WebDAV Binding Extensions :rfc:`5842`, Section 7.2 (Experimental)
+``510`` ``NOT_EXTENDED`` An HTTP Extension Framework :rfc:`2774`, Section 7 (Experimental)
+``511`` ``NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`, Section 6
+======= =================================== ==================================================================
+In order to preserve backwards compatibility, enum values are also present
+in the :mod:`http.client` module in the form of constants. The enum name is
+equal to the constant name (i.e. ``http.HTTPStatus.OK`` is also available as