path: root/Doc/library/parser.rst
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-:mod:`parser` --- Access Python parse trees
-.. module:: parser
- :synopsis: Access parse trees for Python source code.
-.. moduleauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. <>
-.. sectionauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. <>
-.. Copyright 1995 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Fred
- L. Drake, Jr. This copyright notice must be distributed on all copies, but
- this document otherwise may be distributed as part of the Python
- distribution. No fee may be charged for this document in any representation,
- either on paper or electronically. This restriction does not affect other
- elements in a distributed package in any way.
-.. index:: single: parsing; Python source code
-The :mod:`parser` module provides an interface to Python's internal parser and
-byte-code compiler. The primary purpose for this interface is to allow Python
-code to edit the parse tree of a Python expression and create executable code
-from this. This is better than trying to parse and modify an arbitrary Python
-code fragment as a string because parsing is performed in a manner identical to
-the code forming the application. It is also faster.
-.. warning::
- The parser module is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of
- Python. For the majority of use cases you can leverage the Abstract Syntax
- Tree (AST) generation and compilation stage, using the :mod:`ast` module.
-There are a few things to note about this module which are important to making
-use of the data structures created. This is not a tutorial on editing the parse
-trees for Python code, but some examples of using the :mod:`parser` module are
-Most importantly, a good understanding of the Python grammar processed by the
-internal parser is required. For full information on the language syntax, refer
-to :ref:`reference-index`. The parser
-itself is created from a grammar specification defined in the file
-:file:`Grammar/Grammar` in the standard Python distribution. The parse trees
-stored in the ST objects created by this module are the actual output from the
-internal parser when created by the :func:`expr` or :func:`suite` functions,
-described below. The ST objects created by :func:`sequence2st` faithfully
-simulate those structures. Be aware that the values of the sequences which are
-considered "correct" will vary from one version of Python to another as the
-formal grammar for the language is revised. However, transporting code from one
-Python version to another as source text will always allow correct parse trees
-to be created in the target version, with the only restriction being that
-migrating to an older version of the interpreter will not support more recent
-language constructs. The parse trees are not typically compatible from one
-version to another, though source code has usually been forward-compatible within
-a major release series.
-Each element of the sequences returned by :func:`st2list` or :func:`st2tuple`
-has a simple form. Sequences representing non-terminal elements in the grammar
-always have a length greater than one. The first element is an integer which
-identifies a production in the grammar. These integers are given symbolic names
-in the C header file :file:`Include/graminit.h` and the Python module
-:mod:`symbol`. Each additional element of the sequence represents a component
-of the production as recognized in the input string: these are always sequences
-which have the same form as the parent. An important aspect of this structure
-which should be noted is that keywords used to identify the parent node type,
-such as the keyword :keyword:`if` in an :const:`if_stmt`, are included in the
-node tree without any special treatment. For example, the :keyword:`!if` keyword
-is represented by the tuple ``(1, 'if')``, where ``1`` is the numeric value
-associated with all :const:`NAME` tokens, including variable and function names
-defined by the user. In an alternate form returned when line number information
-is requested, the same token might be represented as ``(1, 'if', 12)``, where
-the ``12`` represents the line number at which the terminal symbol was found.
-Terminal elements are represented in much the same way, but without any child
-elements and the addition of the source text which was identified. The example
-of the :keyword:`if` keyword above is representative. The various types of
-terminal symbols are defined in the C header file :file:`Include/token.h` and
-the Python module :mod:`token`.
-The ST objects are not required to support the functionality of this module,
-but are provided for three purposes: to allow an application to amortize the
-cost of processing complex parse trees, to provide a parse tree representation
-which conserves memory space when compared to the Python list or tuple
-representation, and to ease the creation of additional modules in C which
-manipulate parse trees. A simple "wrapper" class may be created in Python to
-hide the use of ST objects.
-The :mod:`parser` module defines functions for a few distinct purposes. The
-most important purposes are to create ST objects and to convert ST objects to
-other representations such as parse trees and compiled code objects, but there
-are also functions which serve to query the type of parse tree represented by an
-ST object.
-.. seealso::
- Module :mod:`symbol`
- Useful constants representing internal nodes of the parse tree.
- Module :mod:`token`
- Useful constants representing leaf nodes of the parse tree and functions for
- testing node values.
-.. _creating-sts:
-Creating ST Objects
-ST objects may be created from source code or from a parse tree. When creating
-an ST object from source, different functions are used to create the ``'eval'``
-and ``'exec'`` forms.
-.. function:: expr(source)
- The :func:`expr` function parses the parameter *source* as if it were an input
- to ``compile(source, '', 'eval')``. If the parse succeeds, an ST object
- is created to hold the internal parse tree representation, otherwise an
- appropriate exception is raised.
-.. function:: suite(source)
- The :func:`suite` function parses the parameter *source* as if it were an input
- to ``compile(source, '', 'exec')``. If the parse succeeds, an ST object
- is created to hold the internal parse tree representation, otherwise an
- appropriate exception is raised.
-.. function:: sequence2st(sequence)
- This function accepts a parse tree represented as a sequence and builds an
- internal representation if possible. If it can validate that the tree conforms
- to the Python grammar and all nodes are valid node types in the host version of
- Python, an ST object is created from the internal representation and returned
- to the called. If there is a problem creating the internal representation, or
- if the tree cannot be validated, a :exc:`ParserError` exception is raised. An
- ST object created this way should not be assumed to compile correctly; normal
- exceptions raised by compilation may still be initiated when the ST object is
- passed to :func:`compilest`. This may indicate problems not related to syntax
- (such as a :exc:`MemoryError` exception), but may also be due to constructs such
- as the result of parsing ``del f(0)``, which escapes the Python parser but is
- checked by the bytecode compiler.
- Sequences representing terminal tokens may be represented as either two-element
- lists of the form ``(1, 'name')`` or as three-element lists of the form ``(1,
- 'name', 56)``. If the third element is present, it is assumed to be a valid
- line number. The line number may be specified for any subset of the terminal
- symbols in the input tree.
-.. function:: tuple2st(sequence)
- This is the same function as :func:`sequence2st`. This entry point is
- maintained for backward compatibility.
-.. _converting-sts:
-Converting ST Objects
-ST objects, regardless of the input used to create them, may be converted to
-parse trees represented as list- or tuple- trees, or may be compiled into
-executable code objects. Parse trees may be extracted with or without line
-numbering information.
-.. function:: st2list(st, line_info=False, col_info=False)
- This function accepts an ST object from the caller in *st* and returns a
- Python list representing the equivalent parse tree. The resulting list
- representation can be used for inspection or the creation of a new parse tree in
- list form. This function does not fail so long as memory is available to build
- the list representation. If the parse tree will only be used for inspection,
- :func:`st2tuple` should be used instead to reduce memory consumption and
- fragmentation. When the list representation is required, this function is
- significantly faster than retrieving a tuple representation and converting that
- to nested lists.
- If *line_info* is true, line number information will be included for all
- terminal tokens as a third element of the list representing the token. Note
- that the line number provided specifies the line on which the token *ends*.
- This information is omitted if the flag is false or omitted.
-.. function:: st2tuple(st, line_info=False, col_info=False)
- This function accepts an ST object from the caller in *st* and returns a
- Python tuple representing the equivalent parse tree. Other than returning a
- tuple instead of a list, this function is identical to :func:`st2list`.
- If *line_info* is true, line number information will be included for all
- terminal tokens as a third element of the list representing the token. This
- information is omitted if the flag is false or omitted.
-.. function:: compilest(st, filename='<syntax-tree>')
- .. index::
- builtin: exec
- builtin: eval
- The Python byte compiler can be invoked on an ST object to produce code objects
- which can be used as part of a call to the built-in :func:`exec` or :func:`eval`
- functions. This function provides the interface to the compiler, passing the
- internal parse tree from *st* to the parser, using the source file name
- specified by the *filename* parameter. The default value supplied for *filename*
- indicates that the source was an ST object.
- Compiling an ST object may result in exceptions related to compilation; an
- example would be a :exc:`SyntaxError` caused by the parse tree for ``del f(0)``:
- this statement is considered legal within the formal grammar for Python but is
- not a legal language construct. The :exc:`SyntaxError` raised for this
- condition is actually generated by the Python byte-compiler normally, which is
- why it can be raised at this point by the :mod:`parser` module. Most causes of
- compilation failure can be diagnosed programmatically by inspection of the parse
- tree.
-.. _querying-sts:
-Queries on ST Objects
-Two functions are provided which allow an application to determine if an ST was
-created as an expression or a suite. Neither of these functions can be used to
-determine if an ST was created from source code via :func:`expr` or
-:func:`suite` or from a parse tree via :func:`sequence2st`.
-.. function:: isexpr(st)
- .. index:: builtin: compile
- When *st* represents an ``'eval'`` form, this function returns ``True``, otherwise
- it returns ``False``. This is useful, since code objects normally cannot be queried
- for this information using existing built-in functions. Note that the code
- objects created by :func:`compilest` cannot be queried like this either, and
- are identical to those created by the built-in :func:`compile` function.
-.. function:: issuite(st)
- This function mirrors :func:`isexpr` in that it reports whether an ST object
- represents an ``'exec'`` form, commonly known as a "suite." It is not safe to
- assume that this function is equivalent to ``not isexpr(st)``, as additional
- syntactic fragments may be supported in the future.
-.. _st-errors:
-Exceptions and Error Handling
-The parser module defines a single exception, but may also pass other built-in
-exceptions from other portions of the Python runtime environment. See each
-function for information about the exceptions it can raise.
-.. exception:: ParserError
- Exception raised when a failure occurs within the parser module. This is
- generally produced for validation failures rather than the built-in
- :exc:`SyntaxError` raised during normal parsing. The exception argument is
- either a string describing the reason of the failure or a tuple containing a
- sequence causing the failure from a parse tree passed to :func:`sequence2st`
- and an explanatory string. Calls to :func:`sequence2st` need to be able to
- handle either type of exception, while calls to other functions in the module
- will only need to be aware of the simple string values.
-Note that the functions :func:`compilest`, :func:`expr`, and :func:`suite` may
-raise exceptions which are normally raised by the parsing and compilation
-process. These include the built in exceptions :exc:`MemoryError`,
-:exc:`OverflowError`, :exc:`SyntaxError`, and :exc:`SystemError`. In these
-cases, these exceptions carry all the meaning normally associated with them.
-Refer to the descriptions of each function for detailed information.
-.. _st-objects:
-ST Objects
-Ordered and equality comparisons are supported between ST objects. Pickling of
-ST objects (using the :mod:`pickle` module) is also supported.
-.. data:: STType
- The type of the objects returned by :func:`expr`, :func:`suite` and
- :func:`sequence2st`.
-ST objects have the following methods:
-.. method:: ST.compile(filename='<syntax-tree>')
- Same as ``compilest(st, filename)``.
-.. method:: ST.isexpr()
- Same as ``isexpr(st)``.
-.. method:: ST.issuite()
- Same as ``issuite(st)``.
-.. method:: ST.tolist(line_info=False, col_info=False)
- Same as ``st2list(st, line_info, col_info)``.
-.. method:: ST.totuple(line_info=False, col_info=False)
- Same as ``st2tuple(st, line_info, col_info)``.
-Example: Emulation of :func:`compile`
-While many useful operations may take place between parsing and bytecode
-generation, the simplest operation is to do nothing. For this purpose, using
-the :mod:`parser` module to produce an intermediate data structure is equivalent
-to the code ::
- >>> code = compile('a + 5', '', 'eval')
- >>> a = 5
- >>> eval(code)
- 10
-The equivalent operation using the :mod:`parser` module is somewhat longer, and
-allows the intermediate internal parse tree to be retained as an ST object::
- >>> import parser
- >>> st = parser.expr('a + 5')
- >>> code = st.compile('')
- >>> a = 5
- >>> eval(code)
- 10
-An application which needs both ST and code objects can package this code into
-readily available functions::
- import parser
- def load_suite(source_string):
- st = parser.suite(source_string)
- return st, st.compile()
- def load_expression(source_string):
- st = parser.expr(source_string)
- return st, st.compile()