path: root/Doc/library/xmlrpc.server.rst
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1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
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+:mod:`xmlrpc.server` --- Basic XML-RPC servers
+.. module:: xmlrpc.server
+ :synopsis: Basic XML-RPC server implementations.
+.. moduleauthor:: Brian Quinlan <>
+.. sectionauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. <>
+The :mod:`xmlrpc.server` module provides a basic server framework for XML-RPC
+servers written in Python. Servers can either be free standing, using
+:class:`SimpleXMLRPCServer`, or embedded in a CGI environment, using
+.. class:: SimpleXMLRPCServer(addr[, requestHandler[, logRequests[, allow_none[, encoding[, bind_and_activate]]]]])
+ Create a new server instance. This class provides methods for registration of
+ functions that can be called by the XML-RPC protocol. The *requestHandler*
+ parameter should be a factory for request handler instances; it defaults to
+ :class:`SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler`. The *addr* and *requestHandler* parameters
+ are passed to the :class:`socketserver.TCPServer` constructor. If *logRequests*
+ is true (the default), requests will be logged; setting this parameter to false
+ will turn off logging. The *allow_none* and *encoding* parameters are passed
+ on to :mod:`xmlrpc.client` and control the XML-RPC responses that will be returned
+ from the server. The *bind_and_activate* parameter controls whether
+ :meth:`server_bind` and :meth:`server_activate` are called immediately by the
+ constructor; it defaults to true. Setting it to false allows code to manipulate
+ the *allow_reuse_address* class variable before the address is bound.
+.. class:: CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler([allow_none[, encoding]])
+ Create a new instance to handle XML-RPC requests in a CGI environment. The
+ *allow_none* and *encoding* parameters are passed on to :mod:`xmlrpc.client`
+ and control the XML-RPC responses that will be returned from the server.
+.. class:: SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler()
+ Create a new request handler instance. This request handler supports ``POST``
+ requests and modifies logging so that the *logRequests* parameter to the
+ :class:`SimpleXMLRPCServer` constructor parameter is honored.
+.. _simple-xmlrpc-servers:
+SimpleXMLRPCServer Objects
+The :class:`SimpleXMLRPCServer` class is based on
+:class:`socketserver.TCPServer` and provides a means of creating simple, stand
+alone XML-RPC servers.
+.. method:: SimpleXMLRPCServer.register_function(function[, name])
+ Register a function that can respond to XML-RPC requests. If *name* is given,
+ it will be the method name associated with *function*, otherwise
+ ``function.__name__`` will be used. *name* can be either a normal or Unicode
+ string, and may contain characters not legal in Python identifiers, including
+ the period character.
+.. method:: SimpleXMLRPCServer.register_instance(instance[, allow_dotted_names])
+ Register an object which is used to expose method names which have not been
+ registered using :meth:`register_function`. If *instance* contains a
+ :meth:`_dispatch` method, it is called with the requested method name and the
+ parameters from the request. Its API is ``def _dispatch(self, method, params)``
+ (note that *params* does not represent a variable argument list). If it calls
+ an underlying function to perform its task, that function is called as
+ ``func(*params)``, expanding the parameter list. The return value from
+ :meth:`_dispatch` is returned to the client as the result. If *instance* does
+ not have a :meth:`_dispatch` method, it is searched for an attribute matching
+ the name of the requested method.
+ If the optional *allow_dotted_names* argument is true and the instance does not
+ have a :meth:`_dispatch` method, then if the requested method name contains
+ periods, each component of the method name is searched for individually, with
+ the effect that a simple hierarchical search is performed. The value found from
+ this search is then called with the parameters from the request, and the return
+ value is passed back to the client.
+ .. warning::
+ Enabling the *allow_dotted_names* option allows intruders to access your
+ module's global variables and may allow intruders to execute arbitrary code on
+ your machine. Only use this option on a secure, closed network.
+.. method:: SimpleXMLRPCServer.register_introspection_functions()
+ Registers the XML-RPC introspection functions ``system.listMethods``,
+ ``system.methodHelp`` and ``system.methodSignature``.
+.. method:: SimpleXMLRPCServer.register_multicall_functions()
+ Registers the XML-RPC multicall function system.multicall.
+.. attribute:: SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.rpc_paths
+ An attribute value that must be a tuple listing valid path portions of the URL
+ for receiving XML-RPC requests. Requests posted to other paths will result in a
+ 404 "no such page" HTTP error. If this tuple is empty, all paths will be
+ considered valid. The default value is ``('/', '/RPC2')``.
+.. _simplexmlrpcserver-example:
+SimpleXMLRPCServer Example
+Server code::
+ from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCServer
+ from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler
+ # Restrict to a particular path.
+ class RequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
+ rpc_paths = ('/RPC2',)
+ # Create server
+ server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000),
+ requestHandler=RequestHandler)
+ server.register_introspection_functions()
+ # Register pow() function; this will use the value of
+ # pow.__name__ as the name, which is just 'pow'.
+ server.register_function(pow)
+ # Register a function under a different name
+ def adder_function(x,y):
+ return x + y
+ server.register_function(adder_function, 'add')
+ # Register an instance; all the methods of the instance are
+ # published as XML-RPC methods (in this case, just 'div').
+ class MyFuncs:
+ def div(self, x, y):
+ return x // y
+ server.register_instance(MyFuncs())
+ # Run the server's main loop
+ server.serve_forever()
+The following client code will call the methods made available by the preceding
+ import xmlrpc.client
+ s = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8000')
+ print(s.pow(2,3)) # Returns 2**3 = 8
+ print(s.add(2,3)) # Returns 5
+ print(s.mul(5,2)) # Returns 5*2 = 10
+ # Print list of available methods
+ print(s.system.listMethods())
+The :class:`CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler` class can be used to handle XML-RPC
+requests sent to Python CGI scripts.
+.. method:: CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.register_function(function[, name])
+ Register a function that can respond to XML-RPC requests. If *name* is given,
+ it will be the method name associated with function, otherwise
+ *function.__name__* will be used. *name* can be either a normal or Unicode
+ string, and may contain characters not legal in Python identifiers, including
+ the period character.
+.. method:: CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.register_instance(instance)
+ Register an object which is used to expose method names which have not been
+ registered using :meth:`register_function`. If instance contains a
+ :meth:`_dispatch` method, it is called with the requested method name and the
+ parameters from the request; the return value is returned to the client as the
+ result. If instance does not have a :meth:`_dispatch` method, it is searched
+ for an attribute matching the name of the requested method; if the requested
+ method name contains periods, each component of the method name is searched for
+ individually, with the effect that a simple hierarchical search is performed.
+ The value found from this search is then called with the parameters from the
+ request, and the return value is passed back to the client.
+.. method:: CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.register_introspection_functions()
+ Register the XML-RPC introspection functions ``system.listMethods``,
+ ``system.methodHelp`` and ``system.methodSignature``.
+.. method:: CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.register_multicall_functions()
+ Register the XML-RPC multicall function ``system.multicall``.
+.. method:: CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.handle_request([request_text = None])
+ Handle a XML-RPC request. If *request_text* is given, it should be the POST
+ data provided by the HTTP server, otherwise the contents of stdin will be used.
+ class MyFuncs:
+ def div(self, x, y) : return x // y
+ handler = CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler()
+ handler.register_function(pow)
+ handler.register_function(lambda x,y: x+y, 'add')
+ handler.register_introspection_functions()
+ handler.register_instance(MyFuncs())
+ handler.handle_request()
+Documenting XMLRPC server
+These classes extend the above classes to serve HTML documentation in response
+to HTTP GET requests. Servers can either be free standing, using
+:class:`DocXMLRPCServer`, or embedded in a CGI environment, using
+.. class:: DocXMLRPCServer(addr[, requestHandler[, logRequests[, allow_none[, encoding[, bind_and_activate]]]]])
+ Create a new server instance. All parameters have the same meaning as for
+ :class:`SimpleXMLRPCServer`; *requestHandler* defaults to
+ :class:`DocXMLRPCRequestHandler`.
+.. class:: DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler()
+ Create a new instance to handle XML-RPC requests in a CGI environment.
+.. class:: DocXMLRPCRequestHandler()
+ Create a new request handler instance. This request handler supports XML-RPC
+ POST requests, documentation GET requests, and modifies logging so that the
+ *logRequests* parameter to the :class:`DocXMLRPCServer` constructor parameter is
+ honored.
+.. _doc-xmlrpc-servers:
+DocXMLRPCServer Objects
+The :class:`DocXMLRPCServer` class is derived from :class:`SimpleXMLRPCServer`
+and provides a means of creating self-documenting, stand alone XML-RPC
+servers. HTTP POST requests are handled as XML-RPC method calls. HTTP GET
+requests are handled by generating pydoc-style HTML documentation. This allows a
+server to provide its own web-based documentation.
+.. method:: DocXMLRPCServer.set_server_title(server_title)
+ Set the title used in the generated HTML documentation. This title will be used
+ inside the HTML "title" element.
+.. method:: DocXMLRPCServer.set_server_name(server_name)
+ Set the name used in the generated HTML documentation. This name will appear at
+ the top of the generated documentation inside a "h1" element.
+.. method:: DocXMLRPCServer.set_server_documentation(server_documentation)
+ Set the description used in the generated HTML documentation. This description
+ will appear as a paragraph, below the server name, in the documentation.
+The :class:`DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler` class is derived from
+:class:`CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler` and provides a means of creating
+self-documenting, XML-RPC CGI scripts. HTTP POST requests are handled as XML-RPC
+method calls. HTTP GET requests are handled by generating pydoc-style HTML
+documentation. This allows a server to provide its own web-based documentation.
+.. method:: DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.set_server_title(server_title)
+ Set the title used in the generated HTML documentation. This title will be used
+ inside the HTML "title" element.
+.. method:: DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.set_server_name(server_name)
+ Set the name used in the generated HTML documentation. This name will appear at
+ the top of the generated documentation inside a "h1" element.
+.. method:: DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.set_server_documentation(server_documentation)
+ Set the description used in the generated HTML documentation. This description
+ will appear as a paragraph, below the server name, in the documentation.