path: root/Doc/mac/using.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/mac/using.tex')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/mac/using.tex b/Doc/mac/using.tex
index 3e5612e..1e895c7 100644
--- a/Doc/mac/using.tex
+++ b/Doc/mac/using.tex
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ A window flashes after dropping the script onto the
configuration issue; your \program{PythonInterpreter} is setup to exit
immediately upon completion, but your script assumes that if it prints
something that text will stick around for a while. To fix this, see
-section \ref{Defaults}.
+section \ref{defaults}.
After dropping the script onto the \program{PythonInterpreter}, a
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ When you waved the script icon over the \program{PythonInterpreter},
the \program{PythonInterpreter} icon did not hilight. Most likely the
Creator code and document type is unset (or set incorrectly) -- this
often happens when a file originates on a non-Mac computer. See
-section \ref{CreatorCode} for more details.
+section \ref{creator-code} for more details.
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ your currently open script by selecting the appropriate item in the
If you try to open a script with the \program{Python IDE} but either
can't locate it from the ``Open'' dialog box, or you get an error
message like ``Can't open file of type ...'' see section
When the \program{Python IDE} saves a script, it uses the creator code
settings which are available by clicking on the small black triangle
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ To change the default preferences, simply double-click on
of the Interpreter, drop the icon for that copy onto
\program{EditPythonPrefs}. You can also use \program{EditPythonPrefs}
in this fashion to set the preferences of the \program{Python IDE} and
-any applets you create -- see Sections \ref{BuildApplet} and
+any applets you create -- see section %s \ref{BuildApplet} and
\subsection{Adding modules to the Module Search Path