path: root/Doc/packaging
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+.. _packaging-built-dist:
+Creating Built Distributions
+A "built distribution" is what you're probably used to thinking of either as a
+"binary package" or an "installer" (depending on your background). It's not
+necessarily binary, though, because it might contain only Python source code
+and/or byte-code; and we don't call it a package, because that word is already
+spoken for in Python. (And "installer" is a term specific to the world of
+mainstream desktop systems.)
+A built distribution is how you make life as easy as possible for installers of
+your module distribution: for users of RPM-based Linux systems, it's a binary
+RPM; for Windows users, it's an executable installer; for Debian-based Linux
+users, it's a Debian package; and so forth. Obviously, no one person will be
+able to create built distributions for every platform under the sun, so the
+Distutils are designed to enable module developers to concentrate on their
+specialty---writing code and creating source distributions---while an
+intermediary species called *packagers* springs up to turn source distributions
+into built distributions for as many platforms as there are packagers.
+Of course, the module developer could be his own packager; or the packager could
+be a volunteer "out there" somewhere who has access to a platform which the
+original developer does not; or it could be software periodically grabbing new
+source distributions and turning them into built distributions for as many
+platforms as the software has access to. Regardless of who they are, a packager
+uses the setup script and the :command:`bdist` command family to generate built
+As a simple example, if I run the following command in the Distutils source
+ python bdist
+then the Distutils builds my module distribution (the Distutils itself in this
+case), does a "fake" installation (also in the :file:`build` directory), and
+creates the default type of built distribution for my platform. The default
+format for built distributions is a "dumb" tar file on Unix, and a simple
+executable installer on Windows. (That tar file is considered "dumb" because it
+has to be unpacked in a specific location to work.)
+Thus, the above command on a Unix system creates
+:file:`Distutils-1.0.{plat}.tar.gz`; unpacking this tarball from the right place
+installs the Distutils just as though you had downloaded the source distribution
+and run ``python install``. (The "right place" is either the root of
+the filesystem or Python's :file:`{prefix}` directory, depending on the options
+given to the :command:`bdist_dumb` command; the default is to make dumb
+distributions relative to :file:`{prefix}`.)
+Obviously, for pure Python distributions, this isn't any simpler than just
+running ``python install``\ ---but for non-pure distributions, which
+include extensions that would need to be compiled, it can mean the difference
+between someone being able to use your extensions or not. And creating "smart"
+built distributions, such as an executable installer for
+Windows, is far more convenient for users even if your distribution doesn't
+include any extensions.
+The :command:`bdist` command has a :option:`--formats` option, similar to the
+:command:`sdist` command, which you can use to select the types of built
+distribution to generate: for example, ::
+ python bdist --format=zip
+would, when run on a Unix system, create :file:`Distutils-1.0.{plat}.zip`\
+---again, this archive would be unpacked from the root directory to install the
+The available formats for built distributions are:
+| Format | Description | Notes |
+| ``gztar`` | gzipped tar file | (1),(3) |
+| | (:file:`.tar.gz`) | |
+| ``tar`` | tar file (:file:`.tar`) | \(3) |
+| ``zip`` | zip file (:file:`.zip`) | (2),(4) |
+| ``wininst`` | self-extracting ZIP file for | \(4) |
+| | Windows | |
+| ``msi`` | Microsoft Installer. | |
+ default on Unix
+ default on Windows
+ requires external utilities: :program:`tar` and possibly one of :program:`gzip`
+ or :program:`bzip2`
+ requires either external :program:`zip` utility or :mod:`zipfile` module (part
+ of the standard Python library since Python 1.6)
+You don't have to use the :command:`bdist` command with the :option:`--formats`
+option; you can also use the command that directly implements the format you're
+interested in. Some of these :command:`bdist` "sub-commands" actually generate
+several similar formats; for instance, the :command:`bdist_dumb` command
+generates all the "dumb" archive formats (``tar``, ``gztar``, and
+``zip``). The :command:`bdist` sub-commands, and the formats generated by
+each, are:
+| Command | Formats |
+| :command:`bdist_dumb` | tar, gztar, zip |
+| :command:`bdist_wininst` | wininst |
+| :command:`bdist_msi` | msi |
+The following sections give details on the individual :command:`bdist_\*`
+.. _packaging-creating-dumb:
+Creating dumb built distributions
+.. XXX Need to document absolute vs. prefix-relative packages here, but first
+ I have to implement it!
+.. _packaging-creating-wininst:
+Creating Windows Installers
+Executable installers are the natural format for binary distributions on
+Windows. They display a nice graphical user interface, display some information
+about the module distribution to be installed taken from the metadata in the
+setup script, let the user select a few options, and start or cancel the
+Since the metadata is taken from the setup script, creating Windows installers
+is usually as easy as running::
+ python bdist_wininst
+or the :command:`bdist` command with the :option:`--formats` option::
+ python bdist --formats=wininst
+If you have a pure module distribution (only containing pure Python modules and
+packages), the resulting installer will be version independent and have a name
+like :file:`foo-1.0.win32.exe`. These installers can even be created on Unix
+platforms or Mac OS X.
+If you have a non-pure distribution, the extensions can only be created on a
+Windows platform, and will be Python version dependent. The installer filename
+will reflect this and now has the form :file:`foo-1.0.win32-py2.0.exe`. You
+have to create a separate installer for every Python version you want to
+.. TODO Add :term: markup to bytecode when merging into the stdlib
+The installer will try to compile pure modules into bytecode after installation
+on the target system in normal and optimizing mode. If you don't want this to
+happen for some reason, you can run the :command:`bdist_wininst` command with
+the :option:`--no-target-compile` and/or the :option:`--no-target-optimize`
+By default the installer will display the cool "Python Powered" logo when it is
+run, but you can also supply your own 152x261 bitmap which must be a Windows
+:file:`.bmp` file with the :option:`--bitmap` option.
+The installer will also display a large title on the desktop background window
+when it is run, which is constructed from the name of your distribution and the
+version number. This can be changed to another text by using the
+:option:`--title` option.
+The installer file will be written to the "distribution directory" --- normally
+:file:`dist/`, but customizable with the :option:`--dist-dir` option.
+.. _packaging-cross-compile-windows:
+Cross-compiling on Windows
+Starting with Python 2.6, packaging is capable of cross-compiling between
+Windows platforms. In practice, this means that with the correct tools
+installed, you can use a 32bit version of Windows to create 64bit extensions
+and vice-versa.
+To build for an alternate platform, specify the :option:`--plat-name` option
+to the build command. Valid values are currently 'win32', 'win-amd64' and
+'win-ia64'. For example, on a 32bit version of Windows, you could execute::
+ python build --plat-name=win-amd64
+to build a 64bit version of your extension. The Windows Installers also
+support this option, so the command::
+ python build --plat-name=win-amd64 bdist_wininst
+would create a 64bit installation executable on your 32bit version of Windows.
+To cross-compile, you must download the Python source code and cross-compile
+Python itself for the platform you are targetting - it is not possible from a
+binary installtion of Python (as the .lib etc file for other platforms are
+not included.) In practice, this means the user of a 32 bit operating
+system will need to use Visual Studio 2008 to open the
+:file:`PCBuild/PCbuild.sln` solution in the Python source tree and build the
+"x64" configuration of the 'pythoncore' project before cross-compiling
+extensions is possible.
+Note that by default, Visual Studio 2008 does not install 64bit compilers or
+tools. You may need to reexecute the Visual Studio setup process and select
+these tools (using Control Panel->[Add/Remove] Programs is a convenient way to
+check or modify your existing install.)
+.. _packaging-postinstallation-script:
+The Postinstallation script
+Starting with Python 2.3, a postinstallation script can be specified with the
+:option:`--install-script` option. The basename of the script must be
+specified, and the script filename must also be listed in the scripts argument
+to the setup function.
+This script will be run at installation time on the target system after all the
+files have been copied, with ``argv[1]`` set to :option:`-install`, and again at
+uninstallation time before the files are removed with ``argv[1]`` set to
+The installation script runs embedded in the windows installer, every output
+(``sys.stdout``, ``sys.stderr``) is redirected into a buffer and will be
+displayed in the GUI after the script has finished.
+Some functions especially useful in this context are available as additional
+built-in functions in the installation script.
+.. currentmodule:: bdist_wininst-postinst-script
+.. function:: directory_created(path)
+ file_created(path)
+ These functions should be called when a directory or file is created by the
+ postinstall script at installation time. It will register *path* with the
+ uninstaller, so that it will be removed when the distribution is uninstalled.
+ To be safe, directories are only removed if they are empty.
+.. function:: get_special_folder_path(csidl_string)
+ This function can be used to retrieve special folder locations on Windows like
+ the Start Menu or the Desktop. It returns the full path to the folder.
+ *csidl_string* must be one of the following strings::
+ If the folder cannot be retrieved, :exc:`OSError` is raised.
+ Which folders are available depends on the exact Windows version, and probably
+ also the configuration. For details refer to Microsoft's documentation of the
+ :c:func:`SHGetSpecialFolderPath` function.
+.. function:: create_shortcut(target, description, filename[, arguments[, workdir[, iconpath[, iconindex]]]])
+ This function creates a shortcut. *target* is the path to the program to be
+ started by the shortcut. *description* is the description of the shortcut.
+ *filename* is the title of the shortcut that the user will see. *arguments*
+ specifies the command-line arguments, if any. *workdir* is the working directory
+ for the program. *iconpath* is the file containing the icon for the shortcut,
+ and *iconindex* is the index of the icon in the file *iconpath*. Again, for
+ details consult the Microsoft documentation for the :class:`IShellLink`
+ interface.
+Vista User Access Control (UAC)
+Starting with Python 2.6, bdist_wininst supports a :option:`--user-access-control`
+option. The default is 'none' (meaning no UAC handling is done), and other
+valid values are 'auto' (meaning prompt for UAC elevation if Python was
+installed for all users) and 'force' (meaning always prompt for elevation).
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+.. TODO integrate this in commandref and configfile
+.. _packaging-command-hooks:
+Command hooks
+Packaging provides a way of extending its commands by the use of pre- and
+post-command hooks. Hooks are Python functions (or any callable object) that
+take a command object as argument. They're specified in :ref:`config files
+<packaging-config-filenames>` using their fully qualified names. After a
+command is finalized (its options are processed), the pre-command hooks are
+executed, then the command itself is run, and finally the post-command hooks are
+See also global setup hooks in :ref:`setupcfg-spec`.
+.. _packaging-finding-hooks:
+Finding hooks
+As a hook is configured with a Python dotted name, it must either be defined in
+a module installed on the system, or in a module present in the project
+directory, where the :file:`setup.cfg` file lives::
+ # file:
+ def hook(install_cmd):
+ metadata = install_cmd.dist.metadata
+ print('Hooked while installing %r %s!' % (metadata['Name'],
+ metadata['Version']))
+Then you need to configure it in :file:`setup.cfg`::
+ [install_dist]
+ pre-hook.a = _setuphooks.hook
+Packaging will add the project directory to :data:`sys.path` and find the
+``_setuphooks`` module.
+Hooks defined in different config files (system-wide, user-wide and
+project-wide) do not override each other as long as they are specified with
+different aliases (additional names after the dot). The alias in the example
+above is ``a``.
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+.. _packaging-command-reference:
+Command Reference
+This reference briefly documents all standard Packaging commands and some of
+their options.
+.. FIXME does not work: Use pysetup run --help-commands to list all
+ standard and extra commands availavble on your system, with their
+ description. Use pysetup run <command> --help to get help about the options
+ of one command.
+.. XXX sections from this document should be merged with other docs (e.g. check
+ and upload with uploading.rst, install_* with install/install.rst, etc.);
+ there is no value in partially duplicating information. this file could
+ however serve as an index, i.e. just a list of all commands with links to
+ every section that describes options or usage
+Preparing distributions
+Perform some tests on the metadata of a distribution.
+For example, it verifies that all required metadata fields are provided in the
+:file:`setup.cfg` file.
+.. TODO document reST checks
+Run a test suite.
+When doing test-driven development, or running automated builds that need
+testing before they are installed for downloading or use, it's often useful to
+be able to run a project's unit tests without actually installing the project
+anywhere. The :command:`test` command runs project's unit tests without
+actually installing it, by temporarily putting the project's source on
+:data:`sys.path`, after first running :command:`build_ext -i` to ensure that any
+C extensions are built.
+You can use this command in one of two ways: either by specifying a
+unittest-compatible test suite for your project (or any callable that returns
+it) or by passing a test runner function that will run your tests and display
+results in the console. Both options take a Python dotted name in the form
+``package.module.callable`` to specify the object to use.
+If none of these options are specified, Packaging will try to perform test
+discovery using either unittest (for Python 3.2 and higher) or unittest2 (for
+older versions, if installed).
+.. this is a pseudo-command name used to disambiguate the options in indexes and
+ links
+.. program:: packaging test
+.. cmdoption:: --suite=NAME, -s NAME
+ Specify the test suite (or module, class, or method) to be run. The default
+ for this option can be set by in the project's :file:`setup.cfg` file:
+ .. code-block:: cfg
+ [test]
+ suite = mypackage.tests.get_all_tests
+.. cmdoption:: --runner=NAME, -r NAME
+ Specify the test runner to be called.
+Perform distribution configuration.
+The build step
+This step is mainly useful to compile C/C++ libraries or extension modules. The
+build commands can be run manually to check for syntax errors or packaging
+issues (for example if the addition of a new source file was forgotten in the
+:file:`setup.cfg` file), and is also run automatically by commands which need
+it. Packaging checks the mtime of source and built files to avoid re-building
+if it's not necessary.
+Build all files of a distribution, delegating to the other :command:`build_*`
+commands to do the work.
+Build C libraries.
+Build C/C++ extension modules.
+Build the Python modules (just copy them to the build directory) and
+byte-compile them to .pyc files.
+Build the scripts (just copy them to the build directory and adjust their
+shebang if they're Python scripts).
+Clean the build tree of the release.
+.. program:: packaging clean
+.. cmdoption:: --all, -a
+ Remove build directories for modules, scripts, etc., not only temporary build
+ by-products.
+Creating source and built distributions
+Build a source distribution for a release.
+It is recommended that you always build and upload a source distribution. Users
+of OSes with easy access to compilers and users of advanced packaging tools will
+prefer to compile from source rather than using pre-built distributions. For
+Windows users, providing a binary installer is also recommended practice.
+Build a binary distribution for a release.
+This command will call other :command:`bdist_*` commands to create one or more
+distributions depending on the options given. The default is to create a
+.tar.gz archive on Unix and a zip archive on Windows or OS/2.
+.. program:: packaging bdist
+.. cmdoption:: --formats
+ Binary formats to build (comma-separated list).
+.. cmdoption:: --show-formats
+ Dump list of available formats.
+Build a "dumb" installer, a simple archive of files that could be unpacked under
+``$prefix`` or ``$exec_prefix``.
+Build a Windows installer.
+Build a `Microsoft Installer`_ (.msi) file.
+.. _Microsoft Installer:
+In most cases, the :command:`bdist_msi` installer is a better choice than the
+:command:`bdist_wininst` installer, because it provides better support for Win64
+platforms, allows administrators to perform non-interactive installations, and
+allows installation through group policies.
+Publishing distributions
+This command registers the current release with the Python Package Index. This
+is described in more detail in :PEP:`301`.
+.. TODO explain user and project registration with the web UI
+Upload source and/or binary distributions to PyPI.
+The distributions have to be built on the same command line as the
+:command:`upload` command; see :ref:`packaging-package-upload` for more info.
+.. program:: packaging upload
+.. cmdoption:: --sign, -s
+ Sign each uploaded file using GPG (GNU Privacy Guard). The ``gpg`` program
+ must be available for execution on the system ``PATH``.
+.. cmdoption:: --identity=NAME, -i NAME
+ Specify the identity or key name for GPG to use when signing. The value of
+ this option will be passed through the ``--local-user`` option of the
+ ``gpg`` program.
+.. cmdoption:: --show-response
+ Display the full response text from server; this is useful for debugging
+ PyPI problems.
+.. cmdoption:: --repository=URL, -r URL
+ The URL of the repository to upload to. Defaults to
+ (i.e., the main PyPI installation).
+.. cmdoption:: --upload-docs
+ Also run :command:`upload_docs`. Mainly useful as a default value in
+ :file:`setup.cfg` (on the command line, it's shorter to just type both
+ commands).
+Upload HTML documentation to PyPI.
+PyPI now supports publishing project documentation at a URI of the form
+``<project>``. :command:`upload_docs` will create
+the necessary zip file out of a documentation directory and will post to the
+Note that to upload the documentation of a project, the corresponding version
+must already be registered with PyPI, using the :command:`register` command ---
+just like with :command:`upload`.
+Assuming there is an ``Example`` project with documentation in the subdirectory
+:file:`docs`, for example::
+ Example/
+ setup.cfg
+ docs/
+ build/
+ html/
+ index.html
+ tips_tricks.html
+ index.txt
+ tips_tricks.txt
+You can simply specify the directory with the HTML files in your
+:file:`setup.cfg` file:
+.. code-block:: cfg
+ [upload_docs]
+ upload-dir = docs/build/html
+.. program:: packaging upload_docs
+.. cmdoption:: --upload-dir
+ The directory to be uploaded to the repository. By default documentation
+ is searched for in ``docs`` (or ``doc``) directory in project root.
+.. cmdoption:: --show-response
+ Display the full response text from server; this is useful for debugging
+ PyPI problems.
+.. cmdoption:: --repository=URL, -r URL
+ The URL of the repository to upload to. Defaults to
+ (i.e., the main PyPI installation).
+The install step
+These commands are used by end-users of a project using :program:`pysetup` or
+another compatible installer. Each command will run the corresponding
+:command:`build_*` command and then move the built files to their destination on
+the target system.
+Install a distribution, delegating to the other :command:`install_*` commands to
+do the work. See :ref:`packaging-how-install-works` for complete usage
+Install data files.
+Install files recording details of the installation as specified in :PEP:`376`.
+Install C/C++ header files.
+Install C library files.
+Install scripts.
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+.. _packaging-setup-config:
+Writing the Setup Configuration File
+Often, it's not possible to write down everything needed to build a distribution
+*a priori*: you may need to get some information from the user, or from the
+user's system, in order to proceed. As long as that information is fairly
+simple---a list of directories to search for C header files or libraries, for
+example---then providing a configuration file, :file:`setup.cfg`, for users to
+edit is a cheap and easy way to solicit it. Configuration files also let you
+provide default values for any command option, which the installer can then
+override either on the command line or by editing the config file.
+The setup configuration file is a useful middle-ground between the setup script
+---which, ideally, would be opaque to installers [#]_---and the command line to
+the setup script, which is outside of your control and entirely up to the
+installer. In fact, :file:`setup.cfg` (and any other Distutils configuration
+files present on the target system) are processed after the contents of the
+setup script, but before the command line. This has several useful
+.. If you have more advanced needs, such as determining which extensions to
+ build based on what capabilities are present on the target system, then you
+ need the Distutils auto-configuration facility. This started to appear in
+ Distutils 0.9 but, as of this writing, isn't mature or stable enough yet
+ for real-world use.
+* installers can override some of what you put in :file:`` by editing
+ :file:`setup.cfg`
+* you can provide non-standard defaults for options that are not easily set in
+ :file:``
+* installers can override anything in :file:`setup.cfg` using the command-line
+ options to :file:``
+The basic syntax of the configuration file is simple::
+ [command]
+ option = value
+ ...
+where *command* is one of the Distutils commands (e.g. :command:`build_py`,
+:command:`install_dist`), and *option* is one of the options that command supports.
+Any number of options can be supplied for each command, and any number of
+command sections can be included in the file. Blank lines are ignored, as are
+comments, which run from a ``'#'`` character until the end of the line. Long
+option values can be split across multiple lines simply by indenting the
+continuation lines.
+You can find out the list of options supported by a particular command with the
+universal :option:`--help` option, e.g. ::
+ > python --help build_ext
+ [...]
+ Options for 'build_ext' command:
+ --build-lib (-b) directory for compiled extension modules
+ --build-temp (-t) directory for temporary files (build by-products)
+ --inplace (-i) ignore build-lib and put compiled extensions into the
+ source directory alongside your pure Python modules
+ --include-dirs (-I) list of directories to search for header files
+ --define (-D) C preprocessor macros to define
+ --undef (-U) C preprocessor macros to undefine
+ --swig-opts list of SWIG command-line options
+ [...]
+.. XXX do we want to support `` --help metadata``?
+Note that an option spelled :option:`--foo-bar` on the command line is spelled
+:option:`foo_bar` in configuration files.
+For example, say you want your extensions to be built "in-place"---that is, you
+have an extension :mod:`pkg.ext`, and you want the compiled extension file
+(:file:`` on Unix, say) to be put in the same source directory as your
+pure Python modules :mod:`pkg.mod1` and :mod:`pkg.mod2`. You can always use the
+:option:`--inplace` option on the command line to ensure this::
+ python build_ext --inplace
+But this requires that you always specify the :command:`build_ext` command
+explicitly, and remember to provide :option:`--inplace`. An easier way is to
+"set and forget" this option, by encoding it in :file:`setup.cfg`, the
+configuration file for this distribution::
+ [build_ext]
+ inplace = 1
+This will affect all builds of this module distribution, whether or not you
+explicitly specify :command:`build_ext`. If you include :file:`setup.cfg` in
+your source distribution, it will also affect end-user builds---which is
+probably a bad idea for this option, since always building extensions in-place
+would break installation of the module distribution. In certain peculiar cases,
+though, modules are built right in their installation directory, so this is
+conceivably a useful ability. (Distributing extensions that expect to be built
+in their installation directory is almost always a bad idea, though.)
+Another example: certain commands take options that vary from project to
+project but not depending on the installation system, for example,
+:command:`test` needs to know where your test suite is located and what test
+runner to use; likewise, :command:`upload_docs` can find HTML documentation in
+a :file:`doc` or :file:`docs` directory, but needs an option to find files in
+:file:`docs/build/html`. Instead of having to type out these options each
+time you want to run the command, you can put them in the project's
+ [test]
+ suite = packaging.tests
+ [upload_docs]
+ upload-dir = docs/build/html
+.. seealso::
+ :ref:`packaging-config-syntax` in "Installing Python Projects"
+ More information on the configuration files is available in the manual for
+ system administrators.
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#] This ideal probably won't be achieved until auto-configuration is fully
+ supported by the Distutils.
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+.. _packaging-examples:
+This chapter provides a number of basic examples to help get started with
+.. _packaging-pure-mod:
+Pure Python distribution (by module)
+If you're just distributing a couple of modules, especially if they don't live
+in a particular package, you can specify them individually using the
+:option:`py_modules` option in the setup script.
+In the simplest case, you'll have two files to worry about: a setup script and
+the single module you're distributing, :file:`` in this example::
+ <root>/
+(In all diagrams in this section, *<root>* will refer to the distribution root
+directory.) A minimal setup script to describe this situation would be::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foo',
+ version='1.0',
+ py_modules=['foo'])
+Note that the name of the distribution is specified independently with the
+:option:`name` option, and there's no rule that says it has to be the same as
+the name of the sole module in the distribution (although that's probably a good
+convention to follow). However, the distribution name is used to generate
+filenames, so you should stick to letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
+Since :option:`py_modules` is a list, you can of course specify multiple
+modules, e.g. if you're distributing modules :mod:`foo` and :mod:`bar`, your
+setup might look like this::
+ <root>/
+and the setup script might be ::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ py_modules=['foo', 'bar'])
+You can put module source files into another directory, but if you have enough
+modules to do that, it's probably easier to specify modules by package rather
+than listing them individually.
+.. _packaging-pure-pkg:
+Pure Python distribution (by package)
+If you have more than a couple of modules to distribute, especially if they are
+in multiple packages, it's probably easier to specify whole packages rather than
+individual modules. This works even if your modules are not in a package; you
+can just tell the Distutils to process modules from the root package, and that
+works the same as any other package (except that you don't have to have an
+:file:`` file).
+The setup script from the last example could also be written as ::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ packages=[''])
+(The empty string stands for the root package.)
+If those two files are moved into a subdirectory, but remain in the root
+package, e.g.::
+ <root>/
+ src/
+then you would still specify the root package, but you have to tell the
+Distutils where source files in the root package live::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ package_dir={'': 'src'},
+ packages=[''])
+More typically, though, you will want to distribute multiple modules in the same
+package (or in sub-packages). For example, if the :mod:`foo` and :mod:`bar`
+modules belong in package :mod:`foobar`, one way to lay out your source tree is
+ <root>/
+ foobar/
+This is in fact the default layout expected by the Distutils, and the one that
+requires the least work to describe in your setup script::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ packages=['foobar'])
+If you want to put modules in directories not named for their package, then you
+need to use the :option:`package_dir` option again. For example, if the
+:file:`src` directory holds modules in the :mod:`foobar` package::
+ <root>/
+ src/
+an appropriate setup script would be ::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ package_dir={'foobar': 'src'},
+ packages=['foobar'])
+Or, you might put modules from your main package right in the distribution
+ <root>/
+in which case your setup script would be ::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ package_dir={'foobar': ''},
+ packages=['foobar'])
+(The empty string also stands for the current directory.)
+If you have sub-packages, they must be explicitly listed in :option:`packages`,
+but any entries in :option:`package_dir` automatically extend to sub-packages.
+(In other words, the Distutils does *not* scan your source tree, trying to
+figure out which directories correspond to Python packages by looking for
+:file:`` files.) Thus, if the default layout grows a sub-package::
+ <root>/
+ foobar/
+ subfoo/
+then the corresponding setup script would be ::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ packages=['foobar', 'foobar.subfoo'])
+(Again, the empty string in :option:`package_dir` stands for the current
+.. _packaging-single-ext:
+Single extension module
+Extension modules are specified using the :option:`ext_modules` option.
+:option:`package_dir` has no effect on where extension source files are found;
+it only affects the source for pure Python modules. The simplest case, a
+single extension module in a single C source file, is::
+ <root>/
+ foo.c
+If the :mod:`foo` extension belongs in the root package, the setup script for
+this could be ::
+ from packaging.core import setup, Extension
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ ext_modules=[Extension('foo', ['foo.c'])])
+If the extension actually belongs in a package, say :mod:`foopkg`, then
+With exactly the same source tree layout, this extension can be put in the
+:mod:`foopkg` package simply by changing the name of the extension::
+ from packaging.core import setup, Extension
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ packages=['foopkg'],
+ ext_modules=[Extension('', ['foo.c'])])
+Checking metadata
+The ``check`` command allows you to verify if your project's metadata
+meets the minimum requirements to build a distribution.
+To run it, just call it using your :file:`` script. If something is
+missing, ``check`` will display a warning.
+Let's take an example with a simple script::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foobar')
+.. TODO configure logging StreamHandler to match this output
+Running the ``check`` command will display some warnings::
+ $ python check
+ running check
+ warning: check: missing required metadata: version, home_page
+ warning: check: missing metadata: either (author and author_email) or
+ (maintainer and maintainer_email) must be supplied
+If you use the reStructuredText syntax in the ``long_description`` field and
+`Docutils <>`_ is installed you can check if
+the syntax is fine with the ``check`` command, using the ``restructuredtext``
+For example, if the :file:`` script is changed like this::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ desc = """\
+ Welcome to foobar!
+ ===============
+ This is the description of the ``foobar`` project.
+ """
+ setup(name='foobar',
+ version='1.0',
+ author=u'Tarek Ziadé',
+ author_email='',
+ summary='Foobar utilities'
+ description=desc,
+ home_page='')
+Where the long description is broken, ``check`` will be able to detect it
+by using the :mod:`docutils` parser::
+ $ python check --restructuredtext
+ running check
+ warning: check: Title underline too short. (line 2)
+ warning: check: Could not finish the parsing.
+.. _packaging-reading-metadata:
+Reading the metadata
+The :func:`packaging.core.setup` function provides a command-line interface
+that allows you to query the metadata fields of a project through the
+:file:`` script of a given project::
+ $ python --name
+ foobar
+This call reads the ``name`` metadata by running the
+:func:`packaging.core.setup` function. When a source or binary
+distribution is created with Distutils, the metadata fields are written
+in a static file called :file:`PKG-INFO`. When a Distutils-based project is
+installed in Python, the :file:`PKG-INFO` file is copied alongside the modules
+and packages of the distribution under :file:`NAME-VERSION-pyX.X.egg-info`,
+where ``NAME`` is the name of the project, ``VERSION`` its version as defined
+in the Metadata, and ``pyX.X`` the major and minor version of Python like
+``2.7`` or ``3.2``.
+You can read back this static file, by using the
+:class:`packaging.dist.Metadata` class and its
+:func:`read_pkg_file` method::
+ >>> from packaging.metadata import Metadata
+ >>> metadata = Metadata()
+ >>> metadata.read_pkg_file(open('distribute-0.6.8-py2.7.egg-info'))
+ >>>
+ 'distribute'
+ >>> metadata.version
+ '0.6.8'
+ >>> metadata.description
+ 'Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages'
+Notice that the class can also be instantiated with a metadata file path to
+loads its values::
+ >>> pkg_info_path = 'distribute-0.6.8-py2.7.egg-info'
+ >>> Metadata(pkg_info_path).name
+ 'distribute'
+.. XXX These comments have been here for at least ten years. Write the
+ sections or delete the comments (we can maybe ask Greg Ward about
+ the planned contents). (Unindent to make them section titles)
+ .. multiple-ext::
+ Multiple extension modules
+ ==========================
+ Putting it all together
+ =======================
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+.. _extending-packaging:
+Extending Distutils
+Distutils can be extended in various ways. Most extensions take the form of new
+commands or replacements for existing commands. New commands may be written to
+support new types of platform-specific packaging, for example, while
+replacements for existing commands may be made to modify details of how the
+command operates on a package.
+Most extensions of the packaging are made within :file:`` scripts that
+want to modify existing commands; many simply add a few file extensions that
+should be copied into packages in addition to :file:`.py` files as a
+Most packaging command implementations are subclasses of the
+:class:`packaging.cmd.Command` class. New commands may directly inherit from
+:class:`Command`, while replacements often derive from :class:`Command`
+indirectly, directly subclassing the command they are replacing. Commands are
+required to derive from :class:`Command`.
+.. .. _extend-existing:
+ Extending existing commands
+ ===========================
+.. .. _new-commands:
+ Writing new commands
+ ====================
+Integrating new commands
+There are different ways to integrate new command implementations into
+packaging. The most difficult is to lobby for the inclusion of the new features
+in packaging itself, and wait for (and require) a version of Python that
+provides that support. This is really hard for many reasons.
+The most common, and possibly the most reasonable for most needs, is to include
+the new implementations with your :file:`` script, and cause the
+:func:`packaging.core.setup` function use them::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ from packaging.command.build_py import build_py as _build_py
+ class build_py(_build_py):
+ """Specialized Python source builder."""
+ # implement whatever needs to be different...
+ setup(..., cmdclass={'build_py': build_py})
+This approach is most valuable if the new implementations must be used to use a
+particular package, as everyone interested in the package will need to have the
+new command implementation.
+Beginning with Python 2.4, a third option is available, intended to allow new
+commands to be added which can support existing :file:`` scripts without
+requiring modifications to the Python installation. This is expected to allow
+third-party extensions to provide support for additional packaging systems, but
+the commands can be used for anything packaging commands can be used for. A new
+configuration option, :option:`command_packages` (command-line option
+:option:`--command-packages`), can be used to specify additional packages to be
+searched for modules implementing commands. Like all packaging options, this
+can be specified on the command line or in a configuration file. This option
+can only be set in the ``[global]`` section of a configuration file, or before
+any commands on the command line. If set in a configuration file, it can be
+overridden from the command line; setting it to an empty string on the command
+line causes the default to be used. This should never be set in a configuration
+file provided with a package.
+This new option can be used to add any number of packages to the list of
+packages searched for command implementations; multiple package names should be
+separated by commas. When not specified, the search is only performed in the
+:mod:`packaging.command` package. When :file:`` is run with the option
+:option:`--command-packages` :option:`distcmds,buildcmds`, however, the packages
+:mod:`packaging.command`, :mod:`distcmds`, and :mod:`buildcmds` will be searched
+in that order. New commands are expected to be implemented in modules of the
+same name as the command by classes sharing the same name. Given the example
+command-line option above, the command :command:`bdist_openpkg` could be
+implemented by the class :class:`distcmds.bdist_openpkg.bdist_openpkg` or
+Adding new distribution types
+Commands that create distributions (files in the :file:`dist/` directory) need
+to add ``(command, filename)`` pairs to ``self.distribution.dist_files`` so that
+:command:`upload` can upload it to PyPI. The *filename* in the pair contains no
+path information, only the name of the file itself. In dry-run mode, pairs
+should still be added to represent what would have been created.
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+.. _packaging-index:
+ Distributing Python Projects
+:Authors: The Fellowship of the Packaging
+:Release: |version|
+:Date: |today|
+This document describes Packaging for Python authors, describing how to use the
+module to make Python applications, packages or modules easily available to a
+wider audience with very little overhead for build/release/install mechanics.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ :numbered:
+ tutorial
+ setupcfg
+ introduction
+ setupscript
+ configfile
+ sourcedist
+ builtdist
+ packageindex
+ uploading
+ examples
+ extending
+ commandhooks
+ commandref
+.. seealso::
+ :ref:`packaging-install-index`
+ A user-centered manual which includes information on adding projects
+ into an existing Python installation. You do not need to be a Python
+ programmer to read this manual.
+ :mod:`packaging`
+ A library reference for developers of packaging tools wanting to use
+ standalone building blocks like :mod:`~packaging.version` or
+ :mod:`~packaging.metadata`, or extend Packaging itself.
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+.. _packaging-intro:
+An Introduction to Packaging
+This document covers using Packaging to distribute your Python modules,
+concentrating on the role of developer/distributor. If you're looking for
+information on installing Python modules you should refer to the
+:ref:`packaging-install-index` chapter.
+Throughout this documentation, the terms "Distutils", "the Distutils" and
+"Packaging" will be used interchangeably.
+.. _packaging-concepts:
+Concepts & Terminology
+Using Distutils is quite simple both for module developers and for
+users/administrators installing third-party modules. As a developer, your
+responsibilities (apart from writing solid, well-documented and well-tested
+code, of course!) are:
+* writing a setup script (:file:`` by convention)
+* (optional) writing a setup configuration file
+* creating a source distribution
+* (optional) creating one or more "built" (binary) distributions of your
+ project
+All of these tasks are covered in this document.
+Not all module developers have access to multiple platforms, so one cannot
+expect them to create buildt distributions for every platform. To remedy
+this, it is hoped that intermediaries called *packagers* will arise to address
+this need. Packagers take source distributions released by module developers,
+build them on one or more platforms and release the resulting built
+distributions. Thus, users on a greater range of platforms will be able to
+install the most popular Python modules in the most natural way for their
+platform without having to run a setup script or compile a single line of code.
+.. _packaging-simple-example:
+A Simple Example
+A setup script is usually quite simple, although since it's written in Python
+there are no arbitrary limits to what you can do with it, though you should be
+careful about putting expensive operations in your setup script.
+Unlike, say, Autoconf-style configure scripts the setup script may be run
+multiple times in the course of building and installing a module
+If all you want to do is distribute a module called :mod:`foo`, contained in a
+file :file:``, then your setup script can be as simple as::
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ setup(name='foo',
+ version='1.0',
+ py_modules=['foo'])
+Some observations:
+* most information that you supply to the Distutils is supplied as keyword
+ arguments to the :func:`setup` function
+* those keyword arguments fall into two categories: package metadata (name,
+ version number, etc.) and information about what's in the package (a list
+ of pure Python modules in this case)
+* modules are specified by module name, not filename (the same will hold true
+ for packages and extensions)
+* it's recommended that you supply a little more metadata than we have in the
+ example. In particular your name, email address and a URL for the
+ project if appropriate (see section :ref:`packaging-setup-script` for an example)
+To create a source distribution for this module you would create a setup
+script, :file:``, containing the above code and run::
+ python sdist
+which will create an archive file (e.g., tarball on Unix, ZIP file on Windows)
+containing your setup script :file:``, and your module :file:``.
+The archive file will be named :file:`foo-1.0.tar.gz` (or :file:`.zip`), and
+will unpack into a directory :file:`foo-1.0`.
+If an end-user wishes to install your :mod:`foo` module all he has to do is
+download :file:`foo-1.0.tar.gz` (or :file:`.zip`), unpack it, and from the
+:file:`foo-1.0` directory run ::
+ python install
+which will copy :file:`` to the appropriate directory for
+third-party modules in their Python installation.
+This simple example demonstrates some fundamental concepts of Distutils.
+First, both developers and installers have the same basic user interface, i.e.
+the setup script. The difference is which Distutils *commands* they use: the
+:command:`sdist` command is almost exclusively for module developers, while
+:command:`install` is more often used by installers (although some developers
+will want to install their own code occasionally).
+If you want to make things really easy for your users, you can create more
+than one built distributions for them. For instance, if you are running on a
+Windows machine and want to make things easy for other Windows users, you can
+create an executable installer (the most appropriate type of built distribution
+for this platform) with the :command:`bdist_wininst` command. For example::
+ python bdist_wininst
+will create an executable installer, :file:`foo-1.0.win32.exe`, in the current
+directory. You can find out what distribution formats are available at any time
+by running ::
+ python bdist --help-formats
+.. _packaging-python-terms:
+General Python terminology
+If you're reading this document, you probably have a good idea of what Python
+modules, extensions and so forth are. Nevertheless, just to be sure that
+everyone is on the same page, here's a quick overview of Python terms:
+ The basic unit of code reusability in Python: a block of code imported by
+ some other code. Three types of modules are important to us here: pure
+ Python modules, extension modules and packages.
+pure Python module
+ A module written in Python and contained in a single :file:`.py` file (and
+ possibly associated :file:`.pyc` and/or :file:`.pyo` files). Sometimes
+ referred to as a "pure module."
+extension module
+ A module written in the low-level language of the Python implementation: C/C++
+ for Python, Java for Jython. Typically contained in a single dynamically
+ loaded pre-compiled file, e.g. a shared object (:file:`.so`) file for Python
+ extensions on Unix, a DLL (given the :file:`.pyd` extension) for Python
+ extensions on Windows, or a Java class file for Jython extensions. Note that
+ currently Distutils only handles C/C++ extensions for Python.
+ A module that contains other modules, typically contained in a directory of
+ the filesystem and distinguished from other directories by the presence of a
+ file :file:``.
+root package
+ The root of the hierarchy of packages. (This isn't really a package,
+ since it doesn't have an :file:`` file. But... we have to
+ call it something, right?) The vast majority of the standard library is
+ in the root package, as are many small standalone third-party modules that
+ don't belong to a larger module collection. Unlike regular packages,
+ modules in the root package can be found in many directories: in fact,
+ every directory listed in ``sys.path`` contributes modules to the root
+ package.
+.. _packaging-term:
+Distutils-specific terminology
+The following terms apply more specifically to the domain of distributing Python
+modules using Distutils:
+module distribution
+ A collection of Python modules distributed together as a single downloadable
+ resource and meant to be installed all as one. Examples of some well-known
+ module distributions are NumPy, SciPy, PIL (the Python Imaging
+ Library) or mxBase. (Module distributions would be called a *package*,
+ except that term is already taken in the Python context: a single module
+ distribution may contain zero, one, or many Python packages.)
+pure module distribution
+ A module distribution that contains only pure Python modules and packages.
+ Sometimes referred to as a "pure distribution."
+non-pure module distribution
+ A module distribution that contains at least one extension module. Sometimes
+ referred to as a "non-pure distribution."
+distribution root
+ The top-level directory of your source tree (or source distribution). The
+ directory where :file:`` exists. Generally :file:`` will
+ be run from this directory.
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+.. _packaging-package-index:
+Registering with the Package Index
+The Python Package Index (PyPI) holds metadata describing distributions
+packaged with packaging. The packaging command :command:`register` is used to
+submit your distribution's metadata to the index. It is invoked as follows::
+ python register
+Distutils will respond with the following prompt::
+ running register
+ We need to know who you are, so please choose either:
+ 1. use your existing login,
+ 2. register as a new user,
+ 3. have the server generate a new password for you (and email it to you), or
+ 4. quit
+ Your selection [default 1]:
+Note: if your username and password are saved locally, you will not see this
+If you have not registered with PyPI, then you will need to do so now. You
+should choose option 2, and enter your details as required. Soon after
+submitting your details, you will receive an email which will be used to confirm
+your registration.
+Once you are registered, you may choose option 1 from the menu. You will be
+prompted for your PyPI username and password, and :command:`register` will then
+submit your metadata to the index.
+You may submit any number of versions of your distribution to the index. If you
+alter the metadata for a particular version, you may submit it again and the
+index will be updated.
+PyPI holds a record for each (name, version) combination submitted. The first
+user to submit information for a given name is designated the Owner of that
+name. They may submit changes through the :command:`register` command or through
+the web interface. They may also designate other users as Owners or Maintainers.
+Maintainers may edit the package information, but not designate other Owners or
+By default PyPI will list all versions of a given package. To hide certain
+versions, the Hidden property should be set to yes. This must be edited through
+the web interface.
+.. _packaging-pypirc:
+The .pypirc file
+The format of the :file:`.pypirc` file is as follows::
+ [packaging]
+ index-servers =
+ pypi
+ [pypi]
+ repository: <repository-url>
+ username: <username>
+ password: <password>
+The *packaging* section defines a *index-servers* variable that lists the
+name of all sections describing a repository.
+Each section describing a repository defines three variables:
+- *repository*, that defines the url of the PyPI server. Defaults to
+ ````.
+- *username*, which is the registered username on the PyPI server.
+- *password*, that will be used to authenticate. If omitted the user
+ will be prompt to type it when needed.
+If you want to define another server a new section can be created and
+listed in the *index-servers* variable::
+ [packaging]
+ index-servers =
+ pypi
+ other
+ [pypi]
+ repository: <repository-url>
+ username: <username>
+ password: <password>
+ [other]
+ repository:
+ username: <username>
+ password: <password>
+:command:`register` can then be called with the -r option to point the
+repository to work with::
+ python register -r
+For convenience, the name of the section that describes the repository
+may also be used::
+ python register -r other
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+.. highlightlang:: cfg
+.. _setupcfg-spec:
+Specification of the :file:`setup.cfg` file
+:version: 0.9
+This document describes the :file:`setup.cfg`, an ini-style configuration file
+used by Packaging to replace the :file:`` file used by Distutils.
+This specification is language-agnostic, and will therefore repeat some
+information that's already documented for Python in the
+:class:`configparser.RawConfigParser` documentation.
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 3
+ :local:
+The ini-style format used in the configuration file is a simple collection of
+sections that group sets of key-value fields separated by ``=`` or ``:`` and
+optional whitespace. Lines starting with ``#`` or ``;`` are comments and will
+be ignored. Empty lines are also ignored. Example::
+ [section1]
+ # comment
+ name = value
+ name2 = "other value"
+ [section2]
+ foo = bar
+Parsing values
+Here are a set of rules to parse values:
+- If a value is quoted with ``"`` chars, it's a string. If a quote character is
+ present in the quoted value, it can be escaped as ``\"`` or left as-is.
+- If the value is ``true``, ``t``, ``yes``, ``y`` (case-insensitive) or ``1``,
+ it's converted to the language equivalent of a ``True`` value; if it's
+ ``false``, ``f``, ``no``, ``n`` (case-insensitive) or ``0``, it's converted to
+ the equivalent of ``False``.
+- A value can contain multiple lines. When read, lines are converted into a
+ sequence of values. Each line after the first must start with a least one
+ space or tab character; this leading indentation will be stripped.
+- All other values are considered strings.
+ [section]
+ foo = one
+ two
+ three
+ bar = false
+ baz = 1.3
+ boo = "ok"
+ beee = "wqdqw pojpj w\"ddq"
+Extending files
+A configuration file can be extended (i.e. included) by other files. For this,
+a ``DEFAULT`` section must contain an ``extends`` key which value points to one
+or more files which will be merged into the current files by adding new sections
+and fields. If a file loaded by ``extends`` contains sections or keys that
+already exist in the original file, they will not override the previous values.
+Contents of :file:`one.cfg`::
+ [section1]
+ name = value
+ [section2]
+ foo = foo from one.cfg
+Contents of :file:`two.cfg`::
+ extends = one.cfg
+ [section2]
+ foo = foo from two.cfg
+ baz = baz from two.cfg
+The result of parsing :file:`two.cfg` is equivalent to this file::
+ [section1]
+ name = value
+ [section2]
+ foo = foo from one.cfg
+ baz = baz from two.cfg
+Example use of multi-line notation to include more than one file::
+ extends = one.cfg
+ two.cfg
+When several files are provided, they are processed sequentially, following the
+precedence rules explained above. This means that the list of files should go
+from most specialized to most common.
+**Tools will need to provide a way to produce a merged version of the
+file**. This will be useful to let users publish a single file.
+Description of sections and fields
+Each section contains a description of its options.
+- Options that are marked *multi* can have multiple values, one value per
+ line.
+- Options that are marked *optional* can be omitted.
+- Options that are marked *environ* can use environment markers, as described
+ in :PEP:`345`.
+The sections are:
+ Global options not related to one command.
+ Name, version and other information defined by :PEP:`345`.
+ Modules, scripts, data, documentation and other files to include in the
+ distribution.
+extension sections
+ Options used to build extension modules.
+command sections
+ Options given for specific commands, identical to those that can be given
+ on the command line.
+Global options
+Contains global options for Packaging. This section is shared with Distutils.
+ Defined Packaging command. A command is defined by its fully
+ qualified name. *optional*, *multi*
+ Examples::
+ [global]
+ commands =
+ package.setup.CustomSdistCommand
+ package.setup.BdistDeb
+ Defined Packaging compiler. A compiler is defined by its fully
+ qualified name. *optional*, *multi*
+ Example::
+ [global]
+ compilers =
+ hotcompiler.SmartCCompiler
+ Defines a list of callables to be called right after the :file:`setup.cfg`
+ file is read, before any other processing. Each value is a Python dotted
+ name to an object, which has to be defined in a module present in the project
+ directory alonside :file:`setup.cfg` or on Python's :data:`sys.path` (see
+ :ref:`packaging-finding-hooks`). The callables are executed in the
+ order they're found in the file; if one of them cannot be found, tools should
+ not stop, but for example produce a warning and continue with the next line.
+ Each callable receives the configuration as a dictionary (keys are
+ :file:`setup.cfg` sections, values are dictionaries of fields) and can make
+ any change to it. *optional*, *multi*
+ Example::
+ [global]
+ setup_hooks = _setuphooks.customize_config
+The metadata section contains the metadata for the project as described in
+:PEP:`345`. Field names are case-insensitive.
+ Name of the project.
+ Version of the project. Must comply with :PEP:`386`.
+ Platform specification describing an operating system
+ supported by the distribution which is not listed in the "Operating System"
+ Trove classifiers (:PEP:`301`). *optional*, *multi*
+ Binary distributions containing a PKG-INFO file will
+ use the Supported-Platform field in their metadata to specify the OS and
+ CPU for which the binary distribution was compiled. The semantics of
+ the Supported-Platform field are free form. *optional*, *multi*
+ A one-line summary of what the distribution does.
+ (Used to be called *description* in Distutils1.)
+ A longer description. (Used to be called *long_description*
+ in Distutils1.) A file can be provided in the *description-file* field.
+ *optional*
+ A list of additional keywords to be used to assist searching
+ for the distribution in a larger catalog. Comma or space-separated.
+ *optional*
+ The URL for the distribution's home page.
+ The URL from which this version of the distribution
+ can be downloaded. *optional*
+ Author's name. *optional*
+ Author's e-mail. *optional*
+ Maintainer's name. *optional*
+ Maintainer's e-mail. *optional*
+ A text indicating the term of uses, when a trove classifier does
+ not match. *optional*.
+ Classification for the distribution, as described in PEP 301.
+ *optional*, *multi*, *environ*
+ name of another packaging project required as a dependency.
+ The format is *name (version)* where version is an optional
+ version declaration, as described in PEP 345. *optional*, *multi*, *environ*
+ name of another packaging project contained within this
+ distribution. Same format than *requires-dist*. *optional*, *multi*,
+ *environ*
+ name of another packaging project this version obsoletes.
+ Same format than *requires-dist*. *optional*, *multi*, *environ*
+ Specifies the Python version the distribution requires. The value is a
+ comma-separated list of version predicates, as described in PEP 345.
+ *optional*, *environ*
+ a dependency in the system. This field is free-form,
+ and just a hint for downstream maintainers. *optional*, *multi*,
+ *environ*
+ A label, followed by a browsable URL for the project.
+ "label, url". The label is limited to 32 signs. *optional*, *multi*
+One extra field not present in PEP 345 is supported:
+ Path to a text file that will be used to fill the ``description`` field.
+ Multiple values are accepted; they must be separated by whitespace.
+ ``description-file`` and ``description`` are mutually exclusive. *optional*
+ [metadata]
+ name = pypi2rpm
+ version = 0.1
+ author = Tarek Ziadé
+ author-email =
+ summary = Script that transforms an sdist archive into a RPM package
+ description-file = README
+ home-page =
+ project-url:
+ Repository,
+ RSS feed,
+ classifier =
+ Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
+ License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)
+You should not give any explicit value for metadata-version: it will be guessed
+from the fields present in the file.
+This section describes the files included in the project.
+ the root directory containing all packages and modules
+ (default: current directory). *optional*
+ a list of packages the project includes *optional*, *multi*
+ a list of packages the project includes *optional*, *multi*
+ a list of scripts the project includes *optional*, *multi*
+ a list of patterns to include extra files *optional*,
+ *multi*
+ [files]
+ packages_root = src
+ packages =
+ pypi2rpm
+ pypi2rpm.command
+ scripts =
+ pypi2rpm/
+ extra_files =
+.. Note::
+ The :file:`setup.cfg` configuration file is included by default. Contrary to
+ Distutils, :file:`README` (or :file:`README.txt`) and :file:`` are
+ not included by default.
+This section describes the files used by the project which must not be installed
+in the same place that python modules or libraries, they are called
+**resources**. They are for example documentation files, script files,
+databases, etc...
+For declaring resources, you must use this notation::
+ source = destination
+Data-files are declared in the **resources** field in the **file** section, for
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ source1 = destination1
+ source2 = destination2
+The **source** part of the declaration are relative paths of resources files
+(using unix path separator **/**). For example, if you've this source tree::
+ foo/
+ doc/
+ scripts/
+Your setup.cfg will look like::
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ doc/ = destination_doc
+ scripts/ = destination_scripts
+The final paths where files will be placed are composed by : **source** +
+**destination**. In the previous example, **doc/** will be placed in
+**destination_doc/doc/** and **scripts/** will be placed in
+**destination_scripts/scripts/**. (If you want more control on the final
+path, take a look at :ref:`setupcfg-resources-base-prefix`).
+The **destination** part of resources declaration are paths with categories.
+Indeed, it's generally a bad idea to give absolute path as it will be cross
+incompatible. So, you must use resources categories in your **destination**
+declaration. Categories will be replaced by their real path at the installation
+time. Using categories is all benefit, your declaration will be simpler, cross
+platform and it will allow packager to place resources files where they want
+without breaking your code.
+Categories can be specified by using this syntax::
+ {category}
+Default categories are:
+* config
+* appdata
+* appdata.arch
+* appdata.persistent
+* appdata.disposable
+* help
+* icon
+* scripts
+* doc
+* info
+* man
+A special category also exists **{}** that will be replaced by
+the name of the distribution, but as most of the defaults categories use them,
+so it's not necessary to add **{}** into your destination.
+If you use categories in your declarations, and you are encouraged to do, final
+path will be::
+ source + destination_expanded
+.. _example_final_path:
+For example, if you have this setup.cfg::
+ [metadata]
+ name = foo
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ doc/ = {doc}
+And if **{doc}** is replaced by **{datadir}/doc/{}**, final
+path will be::
+ {datadir}/doc/foo/doc/
+Where {datafir} category will be platform-dependent.
+More control on source part
+Glob syntax
+When you declare source file, you can use a glob-like syntax to match multiples file, for example::
+ scripts/* = {script}
+Will match all the files in the scripts directory and placed them in the script category.
+Glob tokens are:
+ * ``*``: match all files.
+ * ``?``: match any character.
+ * ``**``: match any level of tree recursion (even 0).
+ * ``{}``: will match any part separated by comma (example: ``{sh,bat}``).
+.. TODO Add examples
+Order of declaration
+The order of declaration is important if one file match multiple rules. The last
+rules matched by file is used, this is useful if you have this source tree::
+ foo/
+ doc/
+ index.rst
+ setup.rst
+ documentation.txt
+ doc.tex
+And you want all the files in the doc directory to be placed in {doc} category,
+but README must be placed in {help} category, instead of listing all the files
+one by one, you can declare them in this way::
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ doc/* = {doc}
+ doc/README = {help}
+You can exclude some files of resources declaration by giving no destination, it
+can be useful if you have a non-resources file in the same directory of
+resources files::
+ foo/
+ doc/
+ doc.tex
+ documentation.txt
+ docu.rst
+Your **files** section will be::
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ doc/* = {doc}
+ doc/RELEASES =
+More control on destination part
+.. _setupcfg-resources-base-prefix:
+Defining a base prefix
+When you define your resources, you can have more control of how the final path
+is computed.
+By default, the final path is::
+ destination + source
+This can generate long paths, for example (example_final_path_)::
+ {datadir}/doc/foo/doc/
+When you declare your source, you can use whitespace to split the source in
+**prefix** **suffix**. So, for example, if you have this source::
+ docs/
+The **prefix** is "docs/" and the **suffix** is "doc.html".
+.. note::
+ Separator can be placed after a path separator or replace it. So these two
+ sources are equivalent::
+ docs/
+ docs
+.. note::
+ Glob syntax is working the same way with standard source and split source.
+ So these rules::
+ docs/*
+ docs/ *
+ docs *
+ Will match all the files in the docs directory.
+When you use split source, the final path is computed this way::
+ destination + prefix
+So for example, if you have this setup.cfg::
+ [metadata]
+ name = foo
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ doc/ = {doc}
+And if **{doc}** is replaced by **{datadir}/doc/{}**, final
+path will be::
+ {datadir}/doc/foo/
+Overwriting paths for categories
+This part is intended for system administrators or downstream OS packagers.
+The real paths of categories are registered in the *sysconfig.cfg* file
+installed in your python installation. This file uses an ini format too.
+The content of the file is organized into several sections:
+* globals: Standard categories's paths.
+* posix_prefix: Standard paths for categories and installation paths for posix
+ system.
+* other ones XXX
+Standard categories paths are platform independent, they generally refers to
+other categories, which are platform dependent. :mod:`sysconfig` will choose
+these category from sections matching For example::
+ doc = {datadir}/doc/{}
+It refers to datadir category, which can be different between platforms. In
+posix system, it may be::
+ datadir = /usr/share
+So the final path will be::
+ doc = /usr/share/doc/{}
+The platform-dependent categories are:
+* confdir
+* datadir
+* libdir
+* base
+Defining extra categories
+.. TODO
+These examples are incremental but work unitarily.
+Resources in root dir
+Source tree::
+ babar-1.0/
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ README = {doc}
+ *.sh = {scripts}
+So and will be placed in {scripts} directory.
+Now let's move all the scripts into a scripts directory.
+Resources in sub-directory
+Source tree::
+ babar-1.1/
+ scripts/
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ README = {doc}
+ scripts/ LAUNCH = {doc}
+ scripts/ *.sh = {scripts}
+It's important to use the separator after scripts/ to install all the shell
+scripts into {scripts} instead of {scripts}/scripts.
+Now let's add some docs.
+Resources in multiple sub-directories
+Source tree::
+ babar-1.2/
+ scripts/
+ docs/
+ api
+ man
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ README = {doc}
+ scripts/ LAUNCH = {doc}
+ scripts/ *.sh = {scripts}
+ doc/ * = {doc}
+ doc/ man = {man}
+You want to place all the file in the docs script into {doc} category, instead
+of man, which must be placed into {man} category, we will use the order of
+declaration of globs to choose the destination, the last glob that match the
+file is used.
+Now let's add some scripts for windows users.
+Complete example
+Source tree::
+ babar-1.3/
+ doc/
+ api
+ man
+ scripts/
+ babar.bat
+ launch.bat
+ [files]
+ resources =
+ README = {doc}
+ scripts/ LAUNCH = {doc}
+ scripts/ *.{sh,bat} = {scripts}
+ doc/ * = {doc}
+ doc/ man = {man}
+We use brace expansion syntax to place all the shell and batch scripts into
+{scripts} category.
+Extension sections
+If a project includes extension modules written in C or C++, each one of them
+needs to have its options defined in a dedicated section. Here's an example::
+ [files]
+ packages = coconut
+ [extension=_fastcoconut]
+ name = coconut._fastcoconut
+ language = cxx
+ sources = cxx_src/cononut_utils.cxx
+ cxx_src/python_module.cxx
+ include_dirs = /usr/include/gecode
+ /usr/include/blitz
+ extra_compile_args =
+ -fPIC -O2
+ -DGECODE_VERSION=$(./gecode_version) -- sys.platform != 'win32'
+ /DGECODE_VERSION='win32' -- sys.platform == 'win32'
+The section name must start with ``extension=``; the righ-hand part is currently
+discarded. Valid fields and their values are listed in the documentation of the
+:class:`packaging.compiler.extension.Extension` class; values documented as
+Python lists translate to multi-line values in the configuration file. In
+addition, multi-line values accept environment markers on each line, after a
+Command sections
+To pass options to commands without having to type them on the command line
+for each invocation, you can write them in the :file:`setup.cfg` file, in a
+section named after the command. Example::
+ [sdist]
+ # special function to add custom files
+ manifest-builders = package.setup.list_extra_files
+ [build]
+ use-2to3 = True
+ [build_ext]
+ inplace = on
+ [check]
+ strict = on
+ all = on
+Option values given in the configuration file can be overriden on the command
+line. See :ref:`packaging-setup-config` for more information.
+Every section can have fields that are not part of this specification. They are
+called **extensions**.
+An extension field starts with ``X-``. Example::
+ [metadata]
+ name = Distribute
+ X-Debian-Name = python-distribute
+Changes in the specification
+The versioning scheme for this specification is **MAJOR.MINOR**. Changes in the
+specification will cause the version number to be updated.
+Changes to the minor number reflect backwards-compatible changes:
+- New fields and sections (optional or mandatory) can be added.
+- Optional fields can be removed.
+The major number will be incremented for backwards-incompatible changes:
+- Mandatory fields or sections are removed.
+- Fields change their meaning.
+As a consequence, a tool written to consume 1.5 has these properties:
+- Can read 1.1, 1.2 and all versions < 1.5, since the tool knows what
+ optional fields weren't there.
+ .. XXX clarify
+- Can also read 1.6 and other 1.x versions: The tool will just ignore fields it
+ doesn't know about, even if they are mandatory in the new version. If
+ optional fields were removed, the tool will just consider them absent.
+- Cannot read 2.x and should refuse to interpret such files.
+A tool written to produce 1.x should have these properties:
+- Writes all mandatory fields.
+- May write optional fields.
+This specification includes work and feedback from these people:
+- Tarek Ziadé
+- Julien Jehannet
+- Boris Feld
+- Éric Araujo
+(If your name is missing, please :ref:`let us know <reporting-bugs>`.)
diff --git a/Doc/packaging/setupscript.rst b/Doc/packaging/setupscript.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbac3dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doc/packaging/setupscript.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+.. _packaging-setup-script:
+Writing the Setup Script
+The setup script is the center of all activity in building, distributing, and
+installing modules using Distutils. The main purpose of the setup script is
+to describe your module distribution to Distutils, so that the various
+commands that operate on your modules do the right thing. As we saw in section
+:ref:`packaging-simple-example`, the setup script consists mainly of a
+call to :func:`setup` where the most information is supplied as
+keyword arguments to :func:`setup`.
+Here's a slightly more involved example, which we'll follow for the next couple
+of sections: a setup script that could be used for Packaging itself::
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ from packaging.core import setup, find_packages
+ setup(name='Packaging',
+ version='1.0',
+ summary='Python Distribution Utilities',
+ keywords=['packaging', 'packaging'],
+ author=u'Tarek Ziadé',
+ author_email='',
+ home_page='',
+ license='PSF',
+ packages=find_packages())
+There are only two differences between this and the trivial one-file
+distribution presented in section :ref:`packaging-simple-example`: more
+metadata and the specification of pure Python modules by package rather than
+by module. This is important since Ristutils consist of a couple of dozen
+modules split into (so far) two packages; an explicit list of every module
+would be tedious to generate and difficult to maintain. For more information
+on the additional metadata, see section :ref:`packaging-metadata`.
+Note that any pathnames (files or directories) supplied in the setup script
+should be written using the Unix convention, i.e. slash-separated. The
+Distutils will take care of converting this platform-neutral representation into
+whatever is appropriate on your current platform before actually using the
+pathname. This makes your setup script portable across operating systems, which
+of course is one of the major goals of the Distutils. In this spirit, all
+pathnames in this document are slash-separated.
+This, of course, only applies to pathnames given to Distutils functions. If
+you, for example, use standard Python functions such as :func:`glob.glob` or
+:func:`os.listdir` to specify files, you should be careful to write portable
+code instead of hardcoding path separators::
+ glob.glob(os.path.join('mydir', 'subdir', '*.html'))
+ os.listdir(os.path.join('mydir', 'subdir'))
+.. _packaging-listing-packages:
+Listing whole packages
+The :option:`packages` option tells the Distutils to process (build, distribute,
+install, etc.) all pure Python modules found in each package mentioned in the
+:option:`packages` list. In order to do this, of course, there has to be a
+correspondence between package names and directories in the filesystem. The
+default correspondence is the most obvious one, i.e. package :mod:`packaging` is
+found in the directory :file:`packaging` relative to the distribution root.
+Thus, when you say ``packages = ['foo']`` in your setup script, you are
+promising that the Distutils will find a file :file:`foo/` (which
+might be spelled differently on your system, but you get the idea) relative to
+the directory where your setup script lives. If you break this promise, the
+Distutils will issue a warning but still process the broken package anyway.
+If you use a different convention to lay out your source directory, that's no
+problem: you just have to supply the :option:`package_dir` option to tell the
+Distutils about your convention. For example, say you keep all Python source
+under :file:`lib`, so that modules in the "root package" (i.e., not in any
+package at all) are in :file:`lib`, modules in the :mod:`foo` package are in
+:file:`lib/foo`, and so forth. Then you would put ::
+ package_dir = {'': 'lib'}
+in your setup script. The keys to this dictionary are package names, and an
+empty package name stands for the root package. The values are directory names
+relative to your distribution root. In this case, when you say ``packages =
+['foo']``, you are promising that the file :file:`lib/foo/` exists.
+Another possible convention is to put the :mod:`foo` package right in
+:file:`lib`, the :mod:`` package in :file:`lib/bar`, etc. This would be
+written in the setup script as ::
+ package_dir = {'foo': 'lib'}
+A ``package: dir`` entry in the :option:`package_dir` dictionary implicitly
+applies to all packages below *package*, so the :mod:`` case is
+automatically handled here. In this example, having ``packages = ['foo',
+'']`` tells the Distutils to look for :file:`lib/` and
+:file:`lib/bar/`. (Keep in mind that although :option:`package_dir`
+applies recursively, you must explicitly list all packages in
+:option:`packages`: the Distutils will *not* recursively scan your source tree
+looking for any directory with an :file:`` file.)
+.. _packaging-listing-modules:
+Listing individual modules
+For a small module distribution, you might prefer to list all modules rather
+than listing packages---especially the case of a single module that goes in the
+"root package" (i.e., no package at all). This simplest case was shown in
+section :ref:`packaging-simple-example`; here is a slightly more involved
+ py_modules = ['mod1', 'pkg.mod2']
+This describes two modules, one of them in the "root" package, the other in the
+:mod:`pkg` package. Again, the default package/directory layout implies that
+these two modules can be found in :file:`` and :file:`pkg/`, and
+that :file:`pkg/` exists as well. And again, you can override the
+package/directory correspondence using the :option:`package_dir` option.
+.. _packaging-describing-extensions:
+Describing extension modules
+Just as writing Python extension modules is a bit more complicated than writing
+pure Python modules, describing them to the Distutils is a bit more complicated.
+Unlike pure modules, it's not enough just to list modules or packages and expect
+the Distutils to go out and find the right files; you have to specify the
+extension name, source file(s), and any compile/link requirements (include
+directories, libraries to link with, etc.).
+.. XXX read over this section
+All of this is done through another keyword argument to :func:`setup`, the
+:option:`ext_modules` option. :option:`ext_modules` is just a list of
+:class:`Extension` instances, each of which describes a single extension module.
+Suppose your distribution includes a single extension, called :mod:`foo` and
+implemented by :file:`foo.c`. If no additional instructions to the
+compiler/linker are needed, describing this extension is quite simple::
+ Extension('foo', ['foo.c'])
+The :class:`Extension` class can be imported from :mod:`packaging.core` along
+with :func:`setup`. Thus, the setup script for a module distribution that
+contains only this one extension and nothing else might be::
+ from packaging.core import setup, Extension
+ setup(name='foo',
+ version='1.0',
+ ext_modules=[Extension('foo', ['foo.c'])])
+The :class:`Extension` class (actually, the underlying extension-building
+machinery implemented by the :command:`build_ext` command) supports a great deal
+of flexibility in describing Python extensions, which is explained in the
+following sections.
+Extension names and packages
+The first argument to the :class:`Extension` constructor is always the name of
+the extension, including any package names. For example, ::
+ Extension('foo', ['src/foo1.c', 'src/foo2.c'])
+describes an extension that lives in the root package, while ::
+ Extension('', ['src/foo1.c', 'src/foo2.c'])
+describes the same extension in the :mod:`pkg` package. The source files and
+resulting object code are identical in both cases; the only difference is where
+in the filesystem (and therefore where in Python's namespace hierarchy) the
+resulting extension lives.
+If you have a number of extensions all in the same package (or all under the
+same base package), use the :option:`ext_package` keyword argument to
+:func:`setup`. For example, ::
+ setup(...,
+ ext_package='pkg',
+ ext_modules=[Extension('foo', ['foo.c']),
+ Extension('', ['bar.c'])])
+will compile :file:`foo.c` to the extension :mod:``, and :file:`bar.c` to
+Extension source files
+The second argument to the :class:`Extension` constructor is a list of source
+files. Since the Distutils currently only support C, C++, and Objective-C
+extensions, these are normally C/C++/Objective-C source files. (Be sure to use
+appropriate extensions to distinguish C++\ source files: :file:`.cc` and
+:file:`.cpp` seem to be recognized by both Unix and Windows compilers.)
+However, you can also include SWIG interface (:file:`.i`) files in the list; the
+:command:`build_ext` command knows how to deal with SWIG extensions: it will run
+SWIG on the interface file and compile the resulting C/C++ file into your
+.. XXX SWIG support is rough around the edges and largely untested!
+This warning notwithstanding, options to SWIG can be currently passed like
+ setup(...,
+ ext_modules=[Extension('_foo', ['foo.i'],
+ swig_opts=['-modern', '-I../include'])],
+ py_modules=['foo'])
+Or on the command line like this::
+ > python build_ext --swig-opts="-modern -I../include"
+On some platforms, you can include non-source files that are processed by the
+compiler and included in your extension. Currently, this just means Windows
+message text (:file:`.mc`) files and resource definition (:file:`.rc`) files for
+Visual C++. These will be compiled to binary resource (:file:`.res`) files and
+linked into the executable.
+Preprocessor options
+Three optional arguments to :class:`Extension` will help if you need to specify
+include directories to search or preprocessor macros to define/undefine:
+``include_dirs``, ``define_macros``, and ``undef_macros``.
+For example, if your extension requires header files in the :file:`include`
+directory under your distribution root, use the ``include_dirs`` option::
+ Extension('foo', ['foo.c'], include_dirs=['include'])
+You can specify absolute directories there; if you know that your extension will
+only be built on Unix systems with X11R6 installed to :file:`/usr`, you can get
+away with ::
+ Extension('foo', ['foo.c'], include_dirs=['/usr/include/X11'])
+You should avoid this sort of non-portable usage if you plan to distribute your
+code: it's probably better to write C code like ::
+ #include <X11/Xlib.h>
+If you need to include header files from some other Python extension, you can
+take advantage of the fact that header files are installed in a consistent way
+by the Distutils :command:`install_header` command. For example, the Numerical
+Python header files are installed (on a standard Unix installation) to
+:file:`/usr/local/include/python1.5/Numerical`. (The exact location will differ
+according to your platform and Python installation.) Since the Python include
+directory---\ :file:`/usr/local/include/python1.5` in this case---is always
+included in the search path when building Python extensions, the best approach
+is to write C code like ::
+ #include <Numerical/arrayobject.h>
+.. TODO check if it's d2.sysconfig or the new sysconfig module now
+If you must put the :file:`Numerical` include directory right into your header
+search path, though, you can find that directory using the Distutils
+:mod:`packaging.sysconfig` module::
+ from packaging.sysconfig import get_python_inc
+ incdir = os.path.join(get_python_inc(plat_specific=1), 'Numerical')
+ setup(...,
+ Extension(..., include_dirs=[incdir]))
+Even though this is quite portable---it will work on any Python installation,
+regardless of platform---it's probably easier to just write your C code in the
+sensible way.
+You can define and undefine preprocessor macros with the ``define_macros`` and
+``undef_macros`` options. ``define_macros`` takes a list of ``(name, value)``
+tuples, where ``name`` is the name of the macro to define (a string) and
+``value`` is its value: either a string or ``None``. (Defining a macro ``FOO``
+to ``None`` is the equivalent of a bare ``#define FOO`` in your C source: with
+most compilers, this sets ``FOO`` to the string ``1``.) ``undef_macros`` is
+just a list of macros to undefine.
+For example::
+ Extension(...,
+ define_macros=[('NDEBUG', '1'),
+ ('HAVE_STRFTIME', None)],
+ undef_macros=['HAVE_FOO', 'HAVE_BAR'])
+is the equivalent of having this at the top of every C source file::
+ #define NDEBUG 1
+ #undef HAVE_FOO
+ #undef HAVE_BAR
+Library options
+You can also specify the libraries to link against when building your extension,
+and the directories to search for those libraries. The ``libraries`` option is
+a list of libraries to link against, ``library_dirs`` is a list of directories
+to search for libraries at link-time, and ``runtime_library_dirs`` is a list of
+directories to search for shared (dynamically loaded) libraries at run-time.
+For example, if you need to link against libraries known to be in the standard
+library search path on target systems ::
+ Extension(...,
+ libraries=['gdbm', 'readline'])
+If you need to link with libraries in a non-standard location, you'll have to
+include the location in ``library_dirs``::
+ Extension(...,
+ library_dirs=['/usr/X11R6/lib'],
+ libraries=['X11', 'Xt'])
+(Again, this sort of non-portable construct should be avoided if you intend to
+distribute your code.)
+.. XXX Should mention clib libraries here or somewhere else!
+Other options
+There are still some other options which can be used to handle special cases.
+The :option:`optional` option is a boolean; if it is true,
+a build failure in the extension will not abort the build process, but
+instead simply not install the failing extension.
+The :option:`extra_objects` option is a list of object files to be passed to the
+linker. These files must not have extensions, as the default extension for the
+compiler is used.
+:option:`extra_compile_args` and :option:`extra_link_args` can be used to
+specify additional command-line options for the respective compiler and linker
+command lines.
+:option:`export_symbols` is only useful on Windows. It can contain a list of
+symbols (functions or variables) to be exported. This option is not needed when
+building compiled extensions: Distutils will automatically add ``initmodule``
+to the list of exported symbols.
+The :option:`depends` option is a list of files that the extension depends on
+(for example header files). The build command will call the compiler on the
+sources to rebuild extension if any on this files has been modified since the
+previous build.
+Relationships between Distributions and Packages
+.. FIXME rewrite to update to PEP 345 (but without dist/release confusion)
+A distribution may relate to packages in three specific ways:
+#. It can require packages or modules.
+#. It can provide packages or modules.
+#. It can obsolete packages or modules.
+These relationships can be specified using keyword arguments to the
+:func:`packaging.core.setup` function.
+Dependencies on other Python modules and packages can be specified by supplying
+the *requires* keyword argument to :func:`setup`. The value must be a list of
+strings. Each string specifies a package that is required, and optionally what
+versions are sufficient.
+To specify that any version of a module or package is required, the string
+should consist entirely of the module or package name. Examples include
+``'mymodule'`` and ``'xml.parsers.expat'``.
+If specific versions are required, a sequence of qualifiers can be supplied in
+parentheses. Each qualifier may consist of a comparison operator and a version
+number. The accepted comparison operators are::
+ < > ==
+ <= >= !=
+These can be combined by using multiple qualifiers separated by commas (and
+optional whitespace). In this case, all of the qualifiers must be matched; a
+logical AND is used to combine the evaluations.
+Let's look at a bunch of examples:
+| Requires Expression | Explanation |
+| ``==1.0`` | Only version ``1.0`` is compatible |
+| ``>1.0, !=1.5.1, <2.0`` | Any version after ``1.0`` and before ``2.0`` |
+| | is compatible, except ``1.5.1`` |
+Now that we can specify dependencies, we also need to be able to specify what we
+provide that other distributions can require. This is done using the *provides*
+keyword argument to :func:`setup`. The value for this keyword is a list of
+strings, each of which names a Python module or package, and optionally
+identifies the version. If the version is not specified, it is assumed to match
+that of the distribution.
+Some examples:
+| Provides Expression | Explanation |
+| ``mypkg`` | Provide ``mypkg``, using the distribution |
+| | version |
+| ``mypkg (1.1)`` | Provide ``mypkg`` version 1.1, regardless of |
+| | the distribution version |
+A package can declare that it obsoletes other packages using the *obsoletes*
+keyword argument. The value for this is similar to that of the *requires*
+keyword: a list of strings giving module or package specifiers. Each specifier
+consists of a module or package name optionally followed by one or more version
+qualifiers. Version qualifiers are given in parentheses after the module or
+package name.
+The versions identified by the qualifiers are those that are obsoleted by the
+distribution being described. If no qualifiers are given, all versions of the
+named module or package are understood to be obsoleted.
+.. _packaging-installing-scripts:
+Installing Scripts
+So far we have been dealing with pure and non-pure Python modules, which are
+usually not run by themselves but imported by scripts.
+Scripts are files containing Python source code, intended to be started from the
+command line. Scripts don't require Distutils to do anything very complicated.
+The only clever feature is that if the first line of the script starts with
+``#!`` and contains the word "python", the Distutils will adjust the first line
+to refer to the current interpreter location. By default, it is replaced with
+the current interpreter location. The :option:`--executable` (or :option:`-e`)
+option will allow the interpreter path to be explicitly overridden.
+The :option:`scripts` option simply is a list of files to be handled in this
+way. From the PyXML setup script::
+ setup(...,
+ scripts=['scripts/xmlproc_parse', 'scripts/xmlproc_val'])
+All the scripts will also be added to the ``MANIFEST`` file if no template is
+provided. See :ref:`packaging-manifest`.
+.. _packaging-installing-package-data:
+Installing Package Data
+Often, additional files need to be installed into a package. These files are
+often data that's closely related to the package's implementation, or text files
+containing documentation that might be of interest to programmers using the
+package. These files are called :dfn:`package data`.
+Package data can be added to packages using the ``package_data`` keyword
+argument to the :func:`setup` function. The value must be a mapping from
+package name to a list of relative path names that should be copied into the
+package. The paths are interpreted as relative to the directory containing the
+package (information from the ``package_dir`` mapping is used if appropriate);
+that is, the files are expected to be part of the package in the source
+directories. They may contain glob patterns as well.
+The path names may contain directory portions; any necessary directories will be
+created in the installation.
+For example, if a package should contain a subdirectory with several data files,
+the files can be arranged like this in the source tree::
+ src/
+ mypkg/
+ data/
+ tables.dat
+ spoons.dat
+ forks.dat
+The corresponding call to :func:`setup` might be::
+ setup(...,
+ packages=['mypkg'],
+ package_dir={'mypkg': 'src/mypkg'},
+ package_data={'mypkg': ['data/*.dat']})
+All the files that match ``package_data`` will be added to the ``MANIFEST``
+file if no template is provided. See :ref:`packaging-manifest`.
+.. _packaging-additional-files:
+Installing Additional Files
+The :option:`data_files` option can be used to specify additional files needed
+by the module distribution: configuration files, message catalogs, data files,
+anything which doesn't fit in the previous categories.
+:option:`data_files` specifies a sequence of (*directory*, *files*) pairs in the
+following way::
+ setup(...,
+ data_files=[('bitmaps', ['bm/b1.gif', 'bm/b2.gif']),
+ ('config', ['cfg/data.cfg']),
+ ('/etc/init.d', ['init-script'])])
+Note that you can specify the directory names where the data files will be
+installed, but you cannot rename the data files themselves.
+Each (*directory*, *files*) pair in the sequence specifies the installation
+directory and the files to install there. If *directory* is a relative path, it
+is interpreted relative to the installation prefix (Python's ``sys.prefix`` for
+pure-Python packages, ``sys.exec_prefix`` for packages that contain extension
+modules). Each file name in *files* is interpreted relative to the
+:file:`` script at the top of the package source distribution. No
+directory information from *files* is used to determine the final location of
+the installed file; only the name of the file is used.
+You can specify the :option:`data_files` options as a simple sequence of files
+without specifying a target directory, but this is not recommended, and the
+:command:`install_dist` command will print a warning in this case. To install data
+files directly in the target directory, an empty string should be given as the
+All the files that match ``data_files`` will be added to the ``MANIFEST`` file
+if no template is provided. See :ref:`packaging-manifest`.
+.. _packaging-metadata:
+Metadata reference
+The setup script may include additional metadata beyond the name and version.
+This table describes required and additional information:
+.. TODO synchronize with setupcfg; link to it (but don't remove it, it's a
+ useful summary)
+| Meta-Data | Description | Value | Notes |
+| ``name`` | name of the project | short string | \(1) |
+| ``version`` | version of this release | short string | (1)(2) |
+| ``author`` | project author's name | short string | \(3) |
+| ``author_email`` | email address of the | email address | \(3) |
+| | project author | | |
+| ``maintainer`` | project maintainer's name | short string | \(3) |
+| ``maintainer_email`` | email address of the | email address | \(3) |
+| | project maintainer | | |
+| ``home_page`` | home page for the project | URL | \(1) |
+| ``summary`` | short description of the | short string | |
+| | project | | |
+| ``description`` | longer description of the | long string | \(5) |
+| | project | | |
+| ``download_url`` | location where the | URL | |
+| | project may be downloaded | | |
+| ``classifiers`` | a list of classifiers | list of strings | \(4) |
+| ``platforms`` | a list of platforms | list of strings | |
+| ``license`` | license for the release | short string | \(6) |
+ These fields are required.
+ It is recommended that versions take the form *major.minor[.patch[.sub]]*.
+ Either the author or the maintainer must be identified.
+ The list of classifiers is available from the `PyPI website
+ <>`_. See also :mod:`packaging.create`.
+ The ``description`` field is used by PyPI when you are registering a
+ release, to build its PyPI page.
+ The ``license`` field is a text indicating the license covering the
+ distribution where the license is not a selection from the "License" Trove
+ classifiers. See the ``Classifier`` field. Notice that
+ there's a ``licence`` distribution option which is deprecated but still
+ acts as an alias for ``license``.
+'short string'
+ A single line of text, not more than 200 characters.
+'long string'
+ Multiple lines of plain text in reStructuredText format (see
+'list of strings'
+ See below.
+In Python 2.x, "string value" means a unicode object. If a byte string (str or
+bytes) is given, it has to be valid ASCII.
+.. TODO move this section to the version document, keep a summary, add a link
+Encoding the version information is an art in itself. Python projects generally
+adhere to the version format *major.minor[.patch][sub]*. The major number is 0
+for initial, experimental releases of software. It is incremented for releases
+that represent major milestones in a project. The minor number is incremented
+when important new features are added to the project. The patch number
+increments when bug-fix releases are made. Additional trailing version
+information is sometimes used to indicate sub-releases. These are
+"a1,a2,...,aN" (for alpha releases, where functionality and API may change),
+"b1,b2,...,bN" (for beta releases, which only fix bugs) and "pr1,pr2,...,prN"
+(for final pre-release release testing). Some examples:
+ the first, experimental release of a project
+ the second alpha release of the first patch version of 1.0
+:option:`classifiers` are specified in a Python list::
+ setup(...,
+ classifiers=[
+ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
+ 'Environment :: Console',
+ 'Environment :: Web Environment',
+ 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+ 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License',
+ 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
+ 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
+ 'Operating System :: POSIX',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python',
+ 'Topic :: Communications :: Email',
+ 'Topic :: Office/Business',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: Bug Tracking',
+ ])
+Debugging the setup script
+Sometimes things go wrong, and the setup script doesn't do what the developer
+Distutils catches any exceptions when running the setup script, and print a
+simple error message before the script is terminated. The motivation for this
+behaviour is to not confuse administrators who don't know much about Python and
+are trying to install a project. If they get a big long traceback from deep
+inside the guts of Distutils, they may think the project or the Python
+installation is broken because they don't read all the way down to the bottom
+and see that it's a permission problem.
+.. FIXME DISTUTILS_DEBUG is dead, document logging/warnings here
+On the other hand, this doesn't help the developer to find the cause of the
+failure. For this purpose, the DISTUTILS_DEBUG environment variable can be set
+to anything except an empty string, and Packaging will now print detailed
+information about what it is doing, and prints the full traceback in case an
+exception occurs.
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+.. _packaging-source-dist:
+Creating a Source Distribution
+As shown in section :ref:`packaging-simple-example`, you use the :command:`sdist` command
+to create a source distribution. In the simplest case, ::
+ python sdist
+(assuming you haven't specified any :command:`sdist` options in the setup script
+or config file), :command:`sdist` creates the archive of the default format for
+the current platform. The default format is a gzip'ed tar file
+(:file:`.tar.gz`) on Unix, and ZIP file on Windows.
+You can specify as many formats as you like using the :option:`--formats`
+option, for example::
+ python sdist --formats=gztar,zip
+to create a gzipped tarball and a zip file. The available formats are:
+| Format | Description | Notes |
+| ``zip`` | zip file (:file:`.zip`) | (1),(3) |
+| ``gztar`` | gzip'ed tar file | \(2) |
+| | (:file:`.tar.gz`) | |
+| ``bztar`` | bzip2'ed tar file | |
+| | (:file:`.tar.bz2`) | |
+| ``tar`` | tar file (:file:`.tar`) | |
+ default on Windows
+ default on Unix
+ requires either external :program:`zip` utility or :mod:`zipfile` module (part
+ of the standard Python library since Python 1.6)
+When using any ``tar`` format (``gztar``, ``bztar`` or
+``tar``) under Unix, you can specify the ``owner`` and ``group`` names
+that will be set for each member of the archive.
+For example, if you want all files of the archive to be owned by root::
+ python sdist --owner=root --group=root
+.. _packaging-manifest:
+Specifying the files to distribute
+If you don't supply an explicit list of files (or instructions on how to
+generate one), the :command:`sdist` command puts a minimal default set into the
+source distribution:
+* all Python source files implied by the :option:`py_modules` and
+ :option:`packages` options
+* all C source files mentioned in the :option:`ext_modules` or
+ :option:`libraries` options
+* scripts identified by the :option:`scripts` option
+ See :ref:`packaging-installing-scripts`.
+* anything that looks like a test script: :file:`test/test\*.py` (currently, the
+ Packaging don't do anything with test scripts except include them in source
+ distributions, but in the future there will be a standard for testing Python
+ module distributions)
+* the configuration file :file:`setup.cfg`
+* all files that matches the ``package_data`` metadata.
+ See :ref:`packaging-installing-package-data`.
+* all files that matches the ``data_files`` metadata.
+ See :ref:`packaging-additional-files`.
+Contrary to Distutils, :file:`README` (or :file:`README.txt`) and
+:file:`` are not included by default.
+Sometimes this is enough, but usually you will want to specify additional files
+to distribute. The typical way to do this is to write a *manifest template*,
+called :file:`` by default. The manifest template is just a list of
+instructions for how to generate your manifest file, :file:`MANIFEST`, which is
+the exact list of files to include in your source distribution. The
+:command:`sdist` command processes this template and generates a manifest based
+on its instructions and what it finds in the filesystem.
+If you prefer to roll your own manifest file, the format is simple: one filename
+per line, regular files (or symlinks to them) only. If you do supply your own
+:file:`MANIFEST`, you must specify everything: the default set of files
+described above does not apply in this case.
+:file:`MANIFEST` files start with a comment indicating they are generated.
+Files without this comment are not overwritten or removed.
+See :ref:`packaging-manifest-template` section for a syntax reference.
+.. _packaging-manifest-options:
+Manifest-related options
+The normal course of operations for the :command:`sdist` command is as follows:
+* if the manifest file, :file:`MANIFEST` doesn't exist, read :file:``
+ and create the manifest
+* if neither :file:`MANIFEST` nor :file:`` exist, create a manifest
+ with just the default file set
+* if either :file:`` or the setup script (:file:``) are more
+ recent than :file:`MANIFEST`, recreate :file:`MANIFEST` by reading
+ :file:``
+* use the list of files now in :file:`MANIFEST` (either just generated or read
+ in) to create the source distribution archive(s)
+There are a couple of options that modify this behaviour. First, use the
+:option:`--no-defaults` and :option:`--no-prune` to disable the standard
+"include" and "exclude" sets.
+Second, you might just want to (re)generate the manifest, but not create a
+source distribution::
+ python sdist --manifest-only
+:option:`-o` is a shortcut for :option:`--manifest-only`.
+.. _packaging-manifest-template:
+The template
+A :file:`` file can be added in a project to define the list of
+files to include in the distribution built by the :command:`sdist` command.
+When :command:`sdist` is run, it will look for the :file:`` file
+and interpret it to generate the :file:`MANIFEST` file that contains the
+list of files that will be included in the package.
+This mechanism can be used when the default list of files is not enough.
+(See :ref:`packaging-manifest`).
+The manifest template has one command per line, where each command specifies a
+set of files to include or exclude from the source distribution. For an
+example, let's look at the Packaging' own manifest template::
+ include *.txt
+ recursive-include examples *.txt *.py
+ prune examples/sample?/build
+The meanings should be fairly clear: include all files in the distribution root
+matching :file:`\*.txt`, all files anywhere under the :file:`examples` directory
+matching :file:`\*.txt` or :file:`\*.py`, and exclude all directories matching
+:file:`examples/sample?/build`. All of this is done *after* the standard
+include set, so you can exclude files from the standard set with explicit
+instructions in the manifest template. (Or, you can use the
+:option:`--no-defaults` option to disable the standard set entirely.)
+The order of commands in the manifest template matters: initially, we have the
+list of default files as described above, and each command in the template adds
+to or removes from that list of files. Once we have fully processed the
+manifest template, we remove files that should not be included in the source
+* all files in the Packaging "build" tree (default :file:`build/`)
+* all files in directories named :file:`RCS`, :file:`CVS`, :file:`.svn`,
+ :file:`.hg`, :file:`.git`, :file:`.bzr` or :file:`_darcs`
+Now we have our complete list of files, which is written to the manifest for
+future reference, and then used to build the source distribution archive(s).
+You can disable the default set of included files with the
+:option:`--no-defaults` option, and you can disable the standard exclude set
+with :option:`--no-prune`.
+Following the Packaging' own manifest template, let's trace how the
+:command:`sdist` command builds the list of files to include in the Packaging
+source distribution:
+#. include all Python source files in the :file:`packaging` and
+ :file:`packaging/command` subdirectories (because packages corresponding to
+ those two directories were mentioned in the :option:`packages` option in the
+ setup script---see section :ref:`packaging-setup-script`)
+#. include :file:`README.txt`, :file:``, and :file:`setup.cfg` (standard
+ files)
+#. include :file:`test/test\*.py` (standard files)
+#. include :file:`\*.txt` in the distribution root (this will find
+ :file:`README.txt` a second time, but such redundancies are weeded out later)
+#. include anything matching :file:`\*.txt` or :file:`\*.py` in the sub-tree
+ under :file:`examples`,
+#. exclude all files in the sub-trees starting at directories matching
+ :file:`examples/sample?/build`\ ---this may exclude files included by the
+ previous two steps, so it's important that the ``prune`` command in the manifest
+ template comes after the ``recursive-include`` command
+#. exclude the entire :file:`build` tree, and any :file:`RCS`, :file:`CVS`,
+ :file:`.svn`, :file:`.hg`, :file:`.git`, :file:`.bzr` and :file:`_darcs`
+ directories
+Just like in the setup script, file and directory names in the manifest template
+should always be slash-separated; the Packaging will take care of converting
+them to the standard representation on your platform. That way, the manifest
+template is portable across operating systems.
+The manifest template commands are:
+| Command | Description |
+| :command:`include pat1 pat2 ...` | include all files matching any of the listed |
+| | patterns |
+| :command:`exclude pat1 pat2 ...` | exclude all files matching any of the listed |
+| | patterns |
+| :command:`recursive-include dir pat1 pat2 | include all files under *dir* matching any of |
+| ...` | the listed patterns |
+| :command:`recursive-exclude dir pat1 pat2 | exclude all files under *dir* matching any of |
+| ...` | the listed patterns |
+| :command:`global-include pat1 pat2 ...` | include all files anywhere in the source tree |
+| | matching --- & any of the listed patterns |
+| :command:`global-exclude pat1 pat2 ...` | exclude all files anywhere in the source tree |
+| | matching --- & any of the listed patterns |
+| :command:`prune dir` | exclude all files under *dir* |
+| :command:`graft dir` | include all files under *dir* |
+The patterns here are Unix-style "glob" patterns: ``*`` matches any sequence of
+regular filename characters, ``?`` matches any single regular filename
+character, and ``[range]`` matches any of the characters in *range* (e.g.,
+``a-z``, ``a-zA-Z``, ``a-f0-9_.``). The definition of "regular filename
+character" is platform-specific: on Unix it is anything except slash; on Windows
+anything except backslash or colon.
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+Packaging tutorial
+Welcome to the Packaging tutorial! We will learn how to use Packaging
+to package your project.
+.. TODO merge with introduction.rst
+Getting started
+Packaging works with the *setup.cfg* file. It contains all the metadata for
+your project, as defined in PEP 345, but also declare what your project
+Let's say you have a project called *CLVault* containing one package called
+*clvault*, and a few scripts inside. You can use the *pysetup* script to create
+a *setup.cfg* file for the project. The script will ask you a few questions::
+ $ mkdir CLVault
+ $ cd CLVault
+ $ pysetup create
+ Project name [CLVault]:
+ Current version number: 0.1
+ Package description:
+ >Command-line utility to store and retrieve passwords
+ Author name: Tarek Ziade
+ Author e-mail address:
+ Project Home Page:
+ Do you want to add a package ? (y/n): y
+ Package name: clvault
+ Do you want to add a package ? (y/n): n
+ Do you want to set Trove classifiers? (y/n): y
+ Please select the project status:
+ 1 - Planning
+ 2 - Pre-Alpha
+ 3 - Alpha
+ 4 - Beta
+ 5 - Production/Stable
+ 6 - Mature
+ 7 - Inactive
+ Status: 3
+ What license do you use: GPL
+ Matching licenses:
+ 1) License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+ 2) License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
+ Type the number of the license you wish to use or ? to try again:: 1
+ Do you want to set other trove identifiers (y/n) [n]: n
+ Wrote "setup.cfg".
+A setup.cfg file is created, containing the metadata of your project and the
+list of the packages it contains::
+ $ cat setup.cfg
+ [metadata]
+ name = CLVault
+ version = 0.1
+ author = Tarek Ziade
+ author_email =
+ description = Command-line utility to store and retrieve passwords
+ home_page =
+ classifier = Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
+ License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+ [files]
+ packages = clvault
+Our project will depend on the *keyring* project. Let's add it in the
+[metadata] section::
+ [metadata]
+ ...
+ requires_dist =
+ keyring
+Running commands
+You can run useful commands on your project once the setup.cfg file is ready:
+- sdist: creates a source distribution
+- register: register your project to PyPI
+- upload: upload the distribution to PyPI
+- install_dist: install it
+All commands are run using the run script::
+ $ pysetup run install_dist
+ $ pysetup run sdist
+ $ pysetup run upload
+If you want to push a source distribution of your project to PyPI, do::
+ $ pysetup run sdist register upload
+Installing the project
+The project can be installed by manually running the packaging install command::
+ $ pysetup run install_dist
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+.. _packaging-package-upload:
+Uploading Packages to the Package Index
+The Python Package Index (PyPI) not only stores the package info, but also the
+package data if the author of the package wishes to. The packaging command
+:command:`upload` pushes the distribution files to PyPI.
+The command is invoked immediately after building one or more distribution
+files. For example, the command ::
+ python sdist bdist_wininst upload
+will cause the source distribution and the Windows installer to be uploaded to
+PyPI. Note that these will be uploaded even if they are built using an earlier
+invocation of :file:``, but that only distributions named on the command
+line for the invocation including the :command:`upload` command are uploaded.
+The :command:`upload` command uses the username, password, and repository URL
+from the :file:`$HOME/.pypirc` file (see section :ref:`packaging-pypirc` for more on this
+file). If a :command:`register` command was previously called in the same
+command, and if the password was entered in the prompt, :command:`upload` will
+reuse the entered password. This is useful if you do not want to store a clear
+text password in the :file:`$HOME/.pypirc` file.
+You can specify another PyPI server with the :option:`--repository=*url*`
+ python sdist bdist_wininst upload -r
+See section :ref:`packaging-pypirc` for more on defining several servers.
+You can use the :option:`--sign` option to tell :command:`upload` to sign each
+uploaded file using GPG (GNU Privacy Guard). The :program:`gpg` program must
+be available for execution on the system :envvar:`PATH`. You can also specify
+which key to use for signing using the :option:`--identity=*name*` option.
+Other :command:`upload` options include :option:`--repository=<url>` or
+:option:`--repository=<section>` where *url* is the url of the server and
+*section* the name of the section in :file:`$HOME/.pypirc`, and
+:option:`--show-response` (which displays the full response text from the PyPI
+server for help in debugging upload problems).
+PyPI package display
+The ``description`` field plays a special role at PyPI. It is used by
+the server to display a home page for the registered package.
+If you use the `reStructuredText <>`_
+syntax for this field, PyPI will parse it and display an HTML output for
+the package home page.
+The ``description`` field can be filled from a text file located in the
+ from packaging.core import setup
+ fp = open('README.txt')
+ try:
+ description =
+ finally:
+ fp.close()
+ setup(name='Packaging',
+ description=description)
+In that case, :file:`README.txt` is a regular reStructuredText text file located
+in the root of the package besides :file:``.
+To prevent registering broken reStructuredText content, you can use the
+:program:`rst2html` program that is provided by the :mod:`docutils` package
+and check the ``description`` from the command line::
+ $ python --description | > output.html
+:mod:`docutils` will display a warning if there's something wrong with your