path: root/Doc/reference/simple_stmts.rst
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1 files changed, 94 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/reference/simple_stmts.rst b/Doc/reference/simple_stmts.rst
index 73183d5..81dc748 100644
--- a/Doc/reference/simple_stmts.rst
+++ b/Doc/reference/simple_stmts.rst
@@ -424,10 +424,10 @@ When :keyword:`return` passes control out of a :keyword:`try` statement with a
:keyword:`finally` clause, that :keyword:`finally` clause is executed before
really leaving the function.
-In a generator function, the :keyword:`return` statement is not allowed to
-include an :token:`expression_list`. In that context, a bare :keyword:`return`
-indicates that the generator is done and will cause :exc:`StopIteration` to be
+In a generator function, the :keyword:`return` statement indicates that the
+generator is done and will cause :exc:`StopIteration` to be raised. The returned
+value (if any) is used as an argument to construct :exc:`StopIteration` and
+becomes the :attr:`StopIteration.value` attribute.
.. _yield:
@@ -449,6 +449,7 @@ The :keyword:`yield` statement is only used when defining a generator function,
and is only used in the body of the generator function. Using a :keyword:`yield`
statement in a function definition is sufficient to cause that definition to
create a generator function instead of a normal function.
When a generator function is called, it returns an iterator known as a generator
iterator, or more commonly, a generator. The body of the generator function is
executed by calling the :func:`next` function on the generator repeatedly until
@@ -468,14 +469,28 @@ resumed before it is finalized (by reaching a zero reference count or by being
garbage collected), the generator-iterator's :meth:`close` method will be
called, allowing any pending :keyword:`finally` clauses to execute.
+When ``yield from <expr>`` is used, it treats the supplied expression as
+a subiterator, producing values from it until the underlying iterator is
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.3
+ Added ``yield from <expr>`` to delegate control flow to a subiterator
+For full details of :keyword:`yield` semantics, refer to the :ref:`yieldexpr`
.. seealso::
:pep:`0255` - Simple Generators
The proposal for adding generators and the :keyword:`yield` statement to Python.
:pep:`0342` - Coroutines via Enhanced Generators
- The proposal that, among other generator enhancements, proposed allowing
- :keyword:`yield` to appear inside a :keyword:`try` ... :keyword:`finally` block.
+ The proposal to enhance the API and syntax of generators, making them
+ usable as simple coroutines.
+ :pep:`0380` - Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator
+ The proposal to introduce the :token:`yield_from` syntax, making delegation
+ to sub-generators easy.
.. _raise:
@@ -645,161 +660,98 @@ The :keyword:`import` statement
relative_module: "."* `module` | "."+
name: `identifier`
-Import statements are executed in two steps: (1) find a module, and initialize
-it if necessary; (2) define a name or names in the local namespace (of the scope
-where the :keyword:`import` statement occurs). The statement comes in two
-forms differing on whether it uses the :keyword:`from` keyword. The first form
-(without :keyword:`from`) repeats these steps for each identifier in the list.
-The form with :keyword:`from` performs step (1) once, and then performs step
-(2) repeatedly. For a reference implementation of step (1), see the
-:mod:`importlib` module.
+The basic import statement (no :keyword:`from` clause) is executed in two
-.. index::
- single: package
+#. find a module, loading and initializing it if necessary
+#. define a name or names in the local namespace for the scope where
+ the :keyword:`import` statement occurs.
-To understand how step (1) occurs, one must first understand how Python handles
-hierarchical naming of modules. To help organize modules and provide a
-hierarchy in naming, Python has a concept of packages. A package can contain
-other packages and modules while modules cannot contain other modules or
-packages. From a file system perspective, packages are directories and modules
-are files. The original `specification for packages
-<>`_ is still available to read,
-although minor details have changed since the writing of that document.
+When the statement contains multiple clauses (separated by
+commas) the two steps are carried out separately for each clause, just
+as though the clauses had been separated out into individiual import
-.. index::
- single: sys.modules
+The details of the first step, finding and loading modules is described in
+greater detail in the section on the :ref:`import system <importsystem>`,
+which also describes the various types of packages and modules that can
+be imported, as well as all the hooks that can be used to customize
+the import system. Note that failures in this step may indicate either
+that the module could not be located, *or* that an error occurred while
+initializing the module, which includes execution of the module's code.
-Once the name of the module is known (unless otherwise specified, the term
-"module" will refer to both packages and modules), searching
-for the module or package can begin. The first place checked is
-:data:`sys.modules`, the cache of all modules that have been imported
-previously. If the module is found there then it is used in step (2) of import
-unless ``None`` is found in :data:`sys.modules`, in which case
-:exc:`ImportError` is raised.
+If the requested module is retrieved successfully, it will be made
+available in the local namespace in one of three ways:
-.. index::
- single: sys.meta_path
- single: finder
- pair: finder; find_module
- single: __path__
-If the module is not found in the cache, then :data:`sys.meta_path` is searched
-(the specification for :data:`sys.meta_path` can be found in :pep:`302`).
-The object is a list of :term:`finder` objects which are queried in order as to
-whether they know how to load the module by calling their :meth:`find_module`
-method with the name of the module. If the module happens to be contained
-within a package (as denoted by the existence of a dot in the name), then a
-second argument to :meth:`find_module` is given as the value of the
-:attr:`__path__` attribute from the parent package (everything up to the last
-dot in the name of the module being imported). If a finder can find the module
-it returns a :term:`loader` (discussed later) or returns ``None``.
+* If the module name is followed by :keyword:`as`, then the name
+ following :keyword:`as` is bound directly to the imported module.
+* If no other name is specified, and the module being imported is a top
+ level module, the module's name is bound in the local namespace as a
+ reference to the imported module
+* If the module being imported is *not* a top level module, then the name
+ of the top level package that contains the module is bound in the local
+ namespace as a reference to the top level package. The imported module
+ must be accessed using its full qualified name rather than directly
-.. index::
- single: sys.path_hooks
- single: sys.path_importer_cache
- single: sys.path
-If none of the finders on :data:`sys.meta_path` are able to find the module
-then some implicitly defined finders are queried. Implementations of Python
-vary in what implicit meta path finders are defined. The one they all do
-define, though, is one that handles :data:`sys.path_hooks`,
-:data:`sys.path_importer_cache`, and :data:`sys.path`.
-The implicit finder searches for the requested module in the "paths" specified
-in one of two places ("paths" do not have to be file system paths). If the
-module being imported is supposed to be contained within a package then the
-second argument passed to :meth:`find_module`, :attr:`__path__` on the parent
-package, is used as the source of paths. If the module is not contained in a
-package then :data:`sys.path` is used as the source of paths.
-Once the source of paths is chosen it is iterated over to find a finder that
-can handle that path. The dict at :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` caches
-finders for paths and is checked for a finder. If the path does not have a
-finder cached then :data:`sys.path_hooks` is searched by calling each object in
-the list with a single argument of the path, returning a finder or raises
-:exc:`ImportError`. If a finder is returned then it is cached in
-:data:`sys.path_importer_cache` and then used for that path entry. If no finder
-can be found but the path exists then a value of ``None`` is
-stored in :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` to signify that an implicit,
-file-based finder that handles modules stored as individual files should be
-used for that path. If the path does not exist then a finder which always
-returns ``None`` is placed in the cache for the path.
.. index::
- single: loader
- pair: loader; load_module
- exception: ImportError
-If no finder can find the module then :exc:`ImportError` is raised. Otherwise
-some finder returned a loader whose :meth:`load_module` method is called with
-the name of the module to load (see :pep:`302` for the original definition of
-loaders). A loader has several responsibilities to perform on a module it
-loads. First, if the module already exists in :data:`sys.modules` (a
-possibility if the loader is called outside of the import machinery) then it
-is to use that module for initialization and not a new module. But if the
-module does not exist in :data:`sys.modules` then it is to be added to that
-dict before initialization begins. If an error occurs during loading of the
-module and it was added to :data:`sys.modules` it is to be removed from the
-dict. If an error occurs but the module was already in :data:`sys.modules` it
-is left in the dict.
+ pair: name; binding
+ keyword: from
+ exception: ImportError
-.. index::
- single: __name__
- single: __file__
- single: __path__
- single: __package__
- single: __loader__
-The loader must set several attributes on the module. :data:`__name__` is to be
-set to the name of the module. :data:`__file__` is to be the "path" to the file
-unless the module is built-in (and thus listed in
-:data:`sys.builtin_module_names`) in which case the attribute is not set.
-If what is being imported is a package then :data:`__path__` is to be set to a
-list of paths to be searched when looking for modules and packages contained
-within the package being imported. :data:`__package__` is optional but should
-be set to the name of package that contains the module or package (the empty
-string is used for module not contained in a package). :data:`__loader__` is
-also optional but should be set to the loader object that is loading the
+The :keyword:`from` form uses a slightly more complex process:
-.. index::
- exception: ImportError
+#. find the module specified in the :keyword:`from` clause loading and
+ initializing it if necessary;
+#. for each of the identifiers specified in the :keyword:`import` clauses:
-If an error occurs during loading then the loader raises :exc:`ImportError` if
-some other exception is not already being propagated. Otherwise the loader
-returns the module that was loaded and initialized.
+ #. check if the imported module has an attribute by that name
+ #. if not, attempt to import a submodule with that name and then
+ check the imported module again for that attribute
+ #. if the attribute is not found, :exc:`ImportError` is raised.
+ #. otherwise, a reference to that value is bound in the local namespace,
+ using the name in the :keyword:`as` clause if it is present,
+ otherwise using the attribute name
-When step (1) finishes without raising an exception, step (2) can begin.
-The first form of :keyword:`import` statement binds the module name in the local
-namespace to the module object, and then goes on to import the next identifier,
-if any. If the module name is followed by :keyword:`as`, the name following
-:keyword:`as` is used as the local name for the module.
+ import foo # foo imported and bound locally
+ import # imported, foo bound locally
+ import as fbb # imported and bound as fbb
+ from import baz # imported and bound as baz
+ from foo import attr # foo imported and foo.attr bound as attr
-.. index::
- pair: name; binding
- exception: ImportError
+If the list of identifiers is replaced by a star (``'*'``), all public
+names defined in the module are bound in the local namespace for the scope
+where the :keyword:`import` statement occurs.
-The :keyword:`from` form does not bind the module name: it goes through the list
-of identifiers, looks each one of them up in the module found in step (1), and
-binds the name in the local namespace to the object thus found. As with the
-first form of :keyword:`import`, an alternate local name can be supplied by
-specifying ":keyword:`as` localname". If a name is not found,
-:exc:`ImportError` is raised. If the list of identifiers is replaced by a star
-(``'*'``), all public names defined in the module are bound in the local
-namespace of the :keyword:`import` statement.
+.. index:: single: __all__ (optional module attribute)
+The *public names* defined by a module are determined by checking the module's
+namespace for a variable named ``__all__``; if defined, it must be a sequence
+of strings which are names defined or imported by that module. The names
+given in ``__all__`` are all considered public and are required to exist. If
+``__all__`` is not defined, the set of public names includes all names found
+in the module's namespace which do not begin with an underscore character
+(``'_'``). ``__all__`` should contain the entire public API. It is intended
+to avoid accidentally exporting items that are not part of the API (such as
+library modules which were imported and used within the module).
+The :keyword:`from` form with ``*`` may only occur in a module scope.
+Attempting to use it in class or function definitions will raise a
.. index:: single: __all__ (optional module attribute)
The *public names* defined by a module are determined by checking the module's
-namespace for a variable named ``__all__``; if defined, it must be a sequence of
-strings which are names defined or imported by that module. The names given in
-``__all__`` are all considered public and are required to exist. If ``__all__``
-is not defined, the set of public names includes all names found in the module's
-namespace which do not begin with an underscore character (``'_'``).
-``__all__`` should contain the entire public API. It is intended to avoid
-accidentally exporting items that are not part of the API (such as library
-modules which were imported and used within the module).
+namespace for a variable named ``__all__``; if defined, it must be a sequence
+of strings which are names defined or imported by that module. The names
+given in ``__all__`` are all considered public and are required to exist. If
+``__all__`` is not defined, the set of public names includes all names found
+in the module's namespace which do not begin with an underscore character
+(``'_'``). ``__all__`` should contain the entire public API. It is intended
+to avoid accidentally exporting items that are not part of the API (such as
+library modules which were imported and used within the module).
The :keyword:`from` form with ``*`` may only occur in a module scope. The wild
card form of import --- ``import *`` --- is only allowed at the module level.