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diff --git a/Doc/reference/datamodel.rst b/Doc/reference/datamodel.rst
index 75cb52f..68e9f10 100644
--- a/Doc/reference/datamodel.rst
+++ b/Doc/reference/datamodel.rst
@@ -529,14 +529,21 @@ Callable types
single: __kwdefaults__ (function attribute)
pair: global; namespace
- User-defined methods
+ Instance methods
.. index::
object: method
object: user-defined method
pair: user-defined; method
- A user-defined method object combines a class, a class instance (or ``None``)
- and any callable object (normally a user-defined function).
+ An instance method object combines a class, a class instance and any
+ callable object (normally a user-defined function).
+ .. index::
+ single: __func__ (method attribute)
+ single: __self__ (method attribute)
+ single: __doc__ (method attribute)
+ single: __name__ (method attribute)
+ single: __module__ (method attribute)
Special read-only attributes: :attr:`__self__` is the class instance object,
:attr:`__func__` is the function object; :attr:`__doc__` is the method's
@@ -544,77 +551,52 @@ Callable types
method name (same as ``__func__.__name__``); :attr:`__module__` is the
name of the module the method was defined in, or ``None`` if unavailable.
- .. index::
- single: __doc__ (method attribute)
- single: __name__ (method attribute)
- single: __module__ (method attribute)
- single: __func__ (method attribute)
- single: __self__ (method attribute)
Methods also support accessing (but not setting) the arbitrary function
attributes on the underlying function object.
- User-defined method objects may be created when getting an attribute of a class
- (perhaps via an instance of that class), if that attribute is a user-defined
- function object, an unbound user-defined method object, or a class method
- object. When the attribute is a user-defined method object, a new method object
- is only created if the class from which it is being retrieved is the same as, or
- a derived class of, the class stored in the original method object; otherwise,
- the original method object is used as it is.
- .. index::
- single: __func__ (method attribute)
- single: __self__ (method attribute)
- When a user-defined method object is created by retrieving a user-defined
- function object from a class, its :attr:`__self__` attribute is ``None``
- and the method object is said to be unbound. When one is created by
- retrieving a user-defined function object from a class via one of its
- instances, its :attr:`__self__` attribute is the instance, and the method
- object is said to be bound. Its :attr:`__func__` attribute is the
- original function object.
- .. index:: single: __func__ (method attribute)
- When a user-defined method object is created by retrieving another method object
- from a class or instance, the behaviour is the same as for a function object,
- except that the :attr:`__func__` attribute of the new instance is not the
- original method object but its :attr:`__func__` attribute.
- .. index::
- single: __func__ (method attribute)
- single: __self__ (method attribute)
- When a user-defined method object is created by retrieving a class method object
- from a class or instance, its :attr:`__self__` attribute is the class itself (the
- same as the :attr:`im_class` attribute), and its :attr:`__func__` attribute is
- the function object underlying the class method.
- When an unbound user-defined method object is called, the underlying function
- (:attr:`__func__`) is called, with the restriction that the first argument must
- be an instance of the proper class (:attr:`im_class`) or of a derived class
- thereof.
- When a bound user-defined method object is called, the underlying function
- (:attr:`__func__`) is called, inserting the class instance (:attr:`__self__`) in
- front of the argument list. For instance, when :class:`C` is a class which
- contains a definition for a function :meth:`f`, and ``x`` is an instance of
- :class:`C`, calling ``x.f(1)`` is equivalent to calling ``C.f(x, 1)``.
- When a user-defined method object is derived from a class method object, the
- "class instance" stored in :attr:`__self__` will actually be the class itself, so
- that calling either ``x.f(1)`` or ``C.f(1)`` is equivalent to calling ``f(C,1)``
- where ``f`` is the underlying function.
- Note that the transformation from function object to (unbound or bound) method
- object happens each time the attribute is retrieved from the class or instance.
- In some cases, a fruitful optimization is to assign the attribute to a local
- variable and call that local variable. Also notice that this transformation only
- happens for user-defined functions; other callable objects (and all non-callable
- objects) are retrieved without transformation. It is also important to note
- that user-defined functions which are attributes of a class instance are not
- converted to bound methods; this *only* happens when the function is an
- attribute of the class.
+ User-defined method objects may be created when getting an attribute of a
+ class (perhaps via an instance of that class), if that attribute is a
+ user-defined function object or a class method object.
+ When an instance method object is created by retrieving a user-defined
+ function object from a class via one of its instances, its
+ :attr:`__self__` attribute is the instance, and the method object is said
+ to be bound. The new method's :attr:`__func__` attribute is the original
+ function object.
+ When a user-defined method object is created by retrieving another method
+ object from a class or instance, the behaviour is the same as for a
+ function object, except that the :attr:`__func__` attribute of the new
+ instance is not the original method object but its :attr:`__func__`
+ attribute.
+ When an instance method object is created by retrieving a class method
+ object from a class or instance, its :attr:`__self__` attribute is the
+ class itself, and its :attr:`__func__` attribute is the function object
+ underlying the class method.
+ When an instance method object is called, the underlying function
+ (:attr:`__func__`) is called, inserting the class instance
+ (:attr:`__self__`) in front of the argument list. For instance, when
+ :class:`C` is a class which contains a definition for a function
+ :meth:`f`, and ``x`` is an instance of :class:`C`, calling ``x.f(1)`` is
+ equivalent to calling ``C.f(x, 1)``.
+ When an instance method object is derived from a class method object, the
+ "class instance" stored in :attr:`__self__` will actually be the class
+ itself, so that calling either ``x.f(1)`` or ``C.f(1)`` is equivalent to
+ calling ``f(C,1)`` where ``f`` is the underlying function.
+ Note that the transformation from function object to instance method
+ object happens each time the attribute is retrieved from the instance. In
+ some cases, a fruitful optimization is to assign the attribute to a local
+ variable and call that local variable. Also notice that this
+ transformation only happens for user-defined functions; other callable
+ objects (and all non-callable objects) are retrieved without
+ transformation. It is also important to note that user-defined functions
+ which are attributes of a class instance are not converted to bound
+ methods; this *only* happens when the function is an attribute of the
+ class.
Generator functions
.. index::
@@ -731,16 +713,12 @@ Custom classes
pair: class; attribute
When a class attribute reference (for class :class:`C`, say) would yield a
- user-defined function object or an unbound user-defined method object whose
- associated class is either :class:`C` or one of its base classes, it is
- transformed into an unbound user-defined method object whose :attr:`im_class`
- attribute is :class:`C`. When it would yield a class method object, it is
- transformed into a bound user-defined method object whose :attr:`im_class`
- and :attr:`__self__` attributes are both :class:`C`. When it would yield a
- static method object, it is transformed into the object wrapped by the static
- method object. See section :ref:`descriptors` for another way in which
- attributes retrieved from a class may differ from those actually contained in
- its :attr:`__dict__`.
+ class method object, it is transformed into an instance method object whose
+ :attr:`__self__` attributes is :class:`C`. When it would yield a static
+ method object, it is transformed into the object wrapped by the static method
+ object. See section :ref:`descriptors` for another way in which attributes
+ retrieved from a class may differ from those actually contained in its
+ :attr:`__dict__`.
.. index:: triple: class; attribute; assignment
@@ -772,22 +750,19 @@ Class instances
pair: class; instance
pair: class instance; attribute
- A class instance is created by calling a class object (see above). A class
- instance has a namespace implemented as a dictionary which is the first place in
- which attribute references are searched. When an attribute is not found there,
- and the instance's class has an attribute by that name, the search continues
- with the class attributes. If a class attribute is found that is a user-defined
- function object or an unbound user-defined method object whose associated class
- is the class (call it :class:`C`) of the instance for which the attribute
- reference was initiated or one of its bases, it is transformed into a bound
- user-defined method object whose :attr:`im_class` attribute is :class:`C` and
- whose :attr:`__self__` attribute is the instance. Static method and class method
- objects are also transformed, as if they had been retrieved from class
- :class:`C`; see above under "Classes". See section :ref:`descriptors` for
- another way in which attributes of a class retrieved via its instances may
- differ from the objects actually stored in the class's :attr:`__dict__`. If no
- class attribute is found, and the object's class has a :meth:`__getattr__`
- method, that is called to satisfy the lookup.
+ A class instance is created by calling a class object (see above). A class
+ instance has a namespace implemented as a dictionary which is the first place
+ in which attribute references are searched. When an attribute is not found
+ there, and the instance's class has an attribute by that name, the search
+ continues with the class attributes. If a class attribute is found that is a
+ user-defined function object, it is transformed into an instance method
+ object whose :attr:`__self__` attribute is the instance. Static method and
+ class method objects are also transformed; see above under "Classes". See
+ section :ref:`descriptors` for another way in which attributes of a class
+ retrieved via its instances may differ from the objects actually stored in
+ the class's :attr:`__dict__`. If no class attribute is found, and the
+ object's class has a :meth:`__getattr__` method, that is called to satisfy
+ the lookup.
.. index:: triple: class instance; attribute; assignment