path: root/Doc/sgml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/sgml')
25 files changed, 0 insertions, 1594 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/catalog b/Doc/sgml/catalog
deleted file mode 100644
index aeae92c..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/catalog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
--- SGML-Open-style catalog for the Python documentation system --
-CATALOG "iso/catalog"
-CATALOG "oasis/catalog"
-PUBLIC "+//IDN Python Documentation 1.0//EN" "python.dtd"
-PUBLIC "+//IDN Python Version//EN" "version.ent"
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsa b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsa
deleted file mode 100644
index b77154c..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN">
- %ISOamsa;
-<!ENTITY cularr SDATA "[cularr]"--/curvearrowleft A: left curved arrow -->
-<!ENTITY curarr SDATA "[curarr]"--/curvearrowright A: rt curved arrow -->
-<!ENTITY dArr SDATA "[dArr ]"--/Downarrow A: down dbl arrow -->
-<!ENTITY darr2 SDATA "[darr2 ]"--/downdownarrows A: two down arrows -->
-<!ENTITY dharl SDATA "[dharl ]"--/downleftharpoon A: dn harpoon-left -->
-<!ENTITY dharr SDATA "[dharr ]"--/downrightharpoon A: down harpoon-rt -->
-<!ENTITY lAarr SDATA "[lAarr ]"--/Lleftarrow A: left triple arrow -->
-<!ENTITY Larr SDATA "[Larr ]"--/twoheadleftarrow A:-->
-<!ENTITY larr2 SDATA "[larr2 ]"--/leftleftarrows A: two left arrows -->
-<!ENTITY larrhk SDATA "[larrhk]"--/hookleftarrow A: left arrow-hooked -->
-<!ENTITY larrlp SDATA "[larrlp]"--/looparrowleft A: left arrow-looped -->
-<!ENTITY larrtl SDATA "[larrtl]"--/leftarrowtail A: left arrow-tailed -->
-<!ENTITY lhard SDATA "[lhard ]"--/leftharpoondown A: l harpoon-down -->
-<!ENTITY lharu SDATA "[lharu ]"--/leftharpoonup A: left harpoon-up -->
-<!ENTITY hArr SDATA "[hArr ]"--/Leftrightarrow A: l&r dbl arrow -->
-<!ENTITY harr SDATA "[harr ]"--/leftrightarrow A: l&r arrow -->
-<!ENTITY lrarr2 SDATA "[lrarr2]"--/leftrightarrows A: l arr over r arr -->
-<!ENTITY rlarr2 SDATA "[rlarr2]"--/rightleftarrows A: r arr over l arr -->
-<!ENTITY harrw SDATA "[harrw ]"--/leftrightsquigarrow A: l&r arr-wavy -->
-<!ENTITY rlhar2 SDATA "[rlhar2]"--/rightleftharpoons A: r harp over l -->
-<!ENTITY lrhar2 SDATA "[lrhar2]"--/leftrightharpoons A: l harp over r -->
-<!ENTITY lsh SDATA "[lsh ]"--/Lsh A:-->
-<!ENTITY map SDATA "[map ]"--/mapsto A:-->
-<!ENTITY mumap SDATA "[mumap ]"--/multimap A:-->
-<!ENTITY nearr SDATA "[nearr ]"--/nearrow A: NE pointing arrow -->
-<!ENTITY nlArr SDATA "[nlArr ]"--/nLeftarrow A: not implied by -->
-<!ENTITY nlarr SDATA "[nlarr ]"--/nleftarrow A: not left arrow -->
-<!ENTITY nhArr SDATA "[nhArr ]"--/nLeftrightarrow A: not l&r dbl arr -->
-<!ENTITY nharr SDATA "[nharr ]"--/nleftrightarrow A: not l&r arrow -->
-<!ENTITY nrarr SDATA "[nrarr ]"--/nrightarrow A: not right arrow -->
-<!ENTITY nrArr SDATA "[nrArr ]"--/nRightarrow A: not implies -->
-<!ENTITY nwarr SDATA "[nwarr ]"--/nwarrow A: NW pointing arrow -->
-<!ENTITY olarr SDATA "[olarr ]"--/circlearrowleft A: l arr in circle -->
-<!ENTITY orarr SDATA "[orarr ]"--/circlearrowright A: r arr in circle -->
-<!ENTITY rAarr SDATA "[rAarr ]"--/Rrightarrow A: right triple arrow -->
-<!ENTITY Rarr SDATA "[Rarr ]"--/twoheadrightarrow A:-->
-<!ENTITY rarr2 SDATA "[rarr2 ]"--/rightrightarrows A: two rt arrows -->
-<!ENTITY rarrhk SDATA "[rarrhk]"--/hookrightarrow A: rt arrow-hooked -->
-<!ENTITY rarrlp SDATA "[rarrlp]"--/looparrowright A: rt arrow-looped -->
-<!ENTITY rarrtl SDATA "[rarrtl]"--/rightarrowtail A: rt arrow-tailed -->
-<!ENTITY rarrw SDATA "[rarrw ]"--/squigarrowright A: rt arrow-wavy -->
-<!ENTITY rhard SDATA "[rhard ]"--/rightharpoondown A: rt harpoon-down -->
-<!ENTITY rharu SDATA "[rharu ]"--/rightharpoonup A: rt harpoon-up -->
-<!ENTITY rsh SDATA "[rsh ]"--/Rsh A:-->
-<!ENTITY drarr SDATA "[drarr ]"--/searrow A: downward rt arrow -->
-<!ENTITY dlarr SDATA "[dlarr ]"--/swarrow A: downward l arrow -->
-<!ENTITY uArr SDATA "[uArr ]"--/Uparrow A: up dbl arrow -->
-<!ENTITY uarr2 SDATA "[uarr2 ]"--/upuparrows A: two up arrows -->
-<!ENTITY vArr SDATA "[vArr ]"--/Updownarrow A: up&down dbl arrow -->
-<!ENTITY varr SDATA "[varr ]"--/updownarrow A: up&down arrow -->
-<!ENTITY uharl SDATA "[uharl ]"--/upleftharpoon A: up harpoon-left -->
-<!ENTITY uharr SDATA "[uharr ]"--/uprightharpoon A: up harp-r-->
-<!ENTITY xlArr SDATA "[xlArr ]"--/Longleftarrow A: long l dbl arrow -->
-<!ENTITY xhArr SDATA "[xhArr ]"--/Longleftrightarrow A: long l&r dbl arr-->
-<!ENTITY xharr SDATA "[xharr ]"--/longleftrightarrow A: long l&r arr -->
-<!ENTITY xrArr SDATA "[xrArr ]"--/Longrightarrow A: long rt dbl arr -->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsb b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsb
deleted file mode 100644
index 43944a7..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN">
- %ISOamsb;
-<!ENTITY amalg SDATA "[amalg ]"--/amalg B: amalgamation or coproduct-->
-<!ENTITY Barwed SDATA "[Barwed]"--/doublebarwedge B: log and, dbl bar-->
-<!ENTITY barwed SDATA "[barwed]"--/barwedge B: logical and, bar above-->
-<!ENTITY Cap SDATA "[Cap ]"--/Cap /doublecap B: dbl intersection-->
-<!ENTITY Cup SDATA "[Cup ]"--/Cup /doublecup B: dbl union-->
-<!ENTITY cuvee SDATA "[cuvee ]"--/curlyvee B: curly logical or-->
-<!ENTITY cuwed SDATA "[cuwed ]"--/curlywedge B: curly logical and-->
-<!ENTITY diam SDATA "[diam ]"--/diamond B: open diamond-->
-<!ENTITY divonx SDATA "[divonx]"--/divideontimes B: division on times-->
-<!ENTITY intcal SDATA "[intcal]"--/intercal B: intercal-->
-<!ENTITY lthree SDATA "[lthree]"--/leftthreetimes B:-->
-<!ENTITY ltimes SDATA "[ltimes]"--/ltimes B: times sign, left closed-->
-<!ENTITY minusb SDATA "[minusb]"--/boxminus B: minus sign in box-->
-<!ENTITY oast SDATA "[oast ]"--/circledast B: asterisk in circle-->
-<!ENTITY ocir SDATA "[ocir ]"--/circledcirc B: open dot in circle-->
-<!ENTITY odash SDATA "[odash ]"--/circleddash B: hyphen in circle-->
-<!ENTITY odot SDATA "[odot ]"--/odot B: middle dot in circle-->
-<!ENTITY ominus SDATA "[ominus]"--/ominus B: minus sign in circle-->
-<!ENTITY oplus SDATA "[oplus ]"--/oplus B: plus sign in circle-->
-<!ENTITY osol SDATA "[osol ]"--/oslash B: solidus in circle-->
-<!ENTITY otimes SDATA "[otimes]"--/otimes B: multiply sign in circle-->
-<!ENTITY plusb SDATA "[plusb ]"--/boxplus B: plus sign in box-->
-<!ENTITY plusdo SDATA "[plusdo]"--/dotplus B: plus sign, dot above-->
-<!ENTITY rthree SDATA "[rthree]"--/rightthreetimes B:-->
-<!ENTITY rtimes SDATA "[rtimes]"--/rtimes B: times sign, right closed-->
-<!ENTITY sdot SDATA "[sdot ]"--/cdot B: small middle dot-->
-<!ENTITY sdotb SDATA "[sdotb ]"--/dotsquare /boxdot B: small dot in box-->
-<!ENTITY setmn SDATA "[setmn ]"--/setminus B: reverse solidus-->
-<!ENTITY sqcap SDATA "[sqcap ]"--/sqcap B: square intersection-->
-<!ENTITY sqcup SDATA "[sqcup ]"--/sqcup B: square union-->
-<!ENTITY ssetmn SDATA "[ssetmn]"--/smallsetminus B: sm reverse solidus-->
-<!ENTITY sstarf SDATA "[sstarf]"--/star B: small star, filled-->
-<!ENTITY timesb SDATA "[timesb]"--/boxtimes B: multiply sign in box-->
-<!ENTITY top SDATA "[top ]"--/top B: inverted perpendicular-->
-<!ENTITY uplus SDATA "[uplus ]"--/uplus B: plus sign in union-->
-<!ENTITY wreath SDATA "[wreath]"--/wr B: wreath product-->
-<!ENTITY xcirc SDATA "[xcirc ]"--/bigcirc B: large circle-->
-<!ENTITY xdtri SDATA "[xdtri ]"--/bigtriangledown B: big dn tri, open-->
-<!ENTITY xutri SDATA "[xutri ]"--/bigtriangleup B: big up tri, open-->
-<!ENTITY coprod SDATA "[coprod]"--/coprod L: coproduct operator-->
-<!ENTITY prod SDATA "[prod ]"--/prod L: product operator-->
-<!ENTITY sum SDATA "[sum ]"--/sum L: summation operator-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsc b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsc
deleted file mode 100644
index 06222d5..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN">
- %ISOamsc;
-<!ENTITY rceil SDATA "[rceil ]"--/rceil C: right ceiling-->
-<!ENTITY rfloor SDATA "[rfloor]"--/rfloor C: right floor-->
-<!ENTITY rpargt SDATA "[rpargt]"--/rightparengtr C: right paren, gt-->
-<!ENTITY urcorn SDATA "[urcorn]"--/urcorner C: upper right corner-->
-<!ENTITY drcorn SDATA "[drcorn]"--/lrcorner C: downward right corner-->
-<!ENTITY lceil SDATA "[lceil ]"--/lceil O: left ceiling-->
-<!ENTITY lfloor SDATA "[lfloor]"--/lfloor O: left floor-->
-<!ENTITY lpargt SDATA "[lpargt]"--/leftparengtr O: left parenthesis, gt-->
-<!ENTITY ulcorn SDATA "[ulcorn]"--/ulcorner O: upper left corner-->
-<!ENTITY dlcorn SDATA "[dlcorn]"--/llcorner O: downward left corner-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsn b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsn
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c8327a..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES
- Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN">
- %ISOamsn;
-<!ENTITY gnap SDATA "[gnap ]"--/gnapprox N: greater, not approximate-->
-<!ENTITY gne SDATA "[gne ]"--/gneq N: greater, not equals-->
-<!ENTITY gnE SDATA "[gnE ]"--/gneqq N: greater, not dbl equals-->
-<!ENTITY gnsim SDATA "[gnsim ]"--/gnsim N: greater, not similar-->
-<!ENTITY gvnE SDATA "[gvnE ]"--/gvertneqq N: gt, vert, not dbl eq-->
-<!ENTITY lnap SDATA "[lnap ]"--/lnapprox N: less, not approximate-->
-<!ENTITY lnE SDATA "[lnE ]"--/lneqq N: less, not double equals-->
-<!ENTITY lne SDATA "[lne ]"--/lneq N: less, not equals-->
-<!ENTITY lnsim SDATA "[lnsim ]"--/lnsim N: less, not similar-->
-<!ENTITY lvnE SDATA "[lvnE ]"--/lvertneqq N: less, vert, not dbl eq-->
-<!ENTITY nap SDATA "[nap ]"--/napprox N: not approximate-->
-<!ENTITY ncong SDATA "[ncong ]"--/ncong N: not congruent with-->
-<!ENTITY nequiv SDATA "[nequiv]"--/nequiv N: not identical with-->
-<!ENTITY ngE SDATA "[ngE ]"--/ngeqq N: not greater, dbl equals-->
-<!ENTITY nge SDATA "[nge ]"--/ngeq N: not greater-than-or-equal-->
-<!ENTITY nges SDATA "[nges ]"--/ngeqslant N: not gt-or-eq, slanted-->
-<!ENTITY ngt SDATA "[ngt ]"--/ngtr N: not greater-than-->
-<!ENTITY nle SDATA "[nle ]"--/nleq N: not less-than-or-equal-->
-<!ENTITY nlE SDATA "[nlE ]"--/nleqq N: not less, dbl equals-->
-<!ENTITY nles SDATA "[nles ]"--/nleqslant N: not less-or-eq, slant-->
-<!ENTITY nlt SDATA "[nlt ]"--/nless N: not less-than-->
-<!ENTITY nltri SDATA "[nltri ]"--/ntriangleleft N: not left triangle-->
-<!ENTITY nltrie SDATA "[nltrie]"--/ntrianglelefteq N: not l tri, eq-->
-<!ENTITY nmid SDATA "[nmid ]"--/nmid-->
-<!ENTITY npar SDATA "[npar ]"--/nparallel N: not parallel-->
-<!ENTITY npr SDATA "[npr ]"--/nprec N: not precedes-->
-<!ENTITY npre SDATA "[npre ]"--/npreceq N: not precedes, equals-->
-<!ENTITY nrtri SDATA "[nrtri ]"--/ntriangleright N: not rt triangle-->
-<!ENTITY nrtrie SDATA "[nrtrie]"--/ntrianglerighteq N: not r tri, eq-->
-<!ENTITY nsc SDATA "[nsc ]"--/nsucc N: not succeeds-->
-<!ENTITY nsce SDATA "[nsce ]"--/nsucceq N: not succeeds, equals-->
-<!ENTITY nsim SDATA "[nsim ]"--/nsim N: not similar-->
-<!ENTITY nsime SDATA "[nsime ]"--/nsimeq N: not similar, equals-->
-<!ENTITY nsmid SDATA "[nsmid ]"--/nshortmid-->
-<!ENTITY nspar SDATA "[nspar ]"--/nshortparallel N: not short par-->
-<!ENTITY nsub SDATA "[nsub ]"--/nsubset N: not subset-->
-<!ENTITY nsube SDATA "[nsube ]"--/nsubseteq N: not subset, equals-->
-<!ENTITY nsubE SDATA "[nsubE ]"--/nsubseteqq N: not subset, dbl eq-->
-<!ENTITY nsup SDATA "[nsup ]"--/nsupset N: not superset-->
-<!ENTITY nsupE SDATA "[nsupE ]"--/nsupseteqq N: not superset, dbl eq-->
-<!ENTITY nsupe SDATA "[nsupe ]"--/nsupseteq N: not superset, equals-->
-<!ENTITY nvdash SDATA "[nvdash]"--/nvdash N: not vertical, dash-->
-<!ENTITY nvDash SDATA "[nvDash]"--/nvDash N: not vertical, dbl dash-->
-<!ENTITY nVDash SDATA "[nVDash]"--/nVDash N: not dbl vert, dbl dash-->
-<!ENTITY nVdash SDATA "[nVdash]"--/nVdash N: not dbl vertical, dash-->
-<!ENTITY prnap SDATA "[prnap ]"--/precnapprox N: precedes, not approx-->
-<!ENTITY prnE SDATA "[prnE ]"--/precneqq N: precedes, not dbl eq-->
-<!ENTITY prnsim SDATA "[prnsim]"--/precnsim N: precedes, not similar-->
-<!ENTITY scnap SDATA "[scnap ]"--/succnapprox N: succeeds, not approx-->
-<!ENTITY scnE SDATA "[scnE ]"--/succneqq N: succeeds, not dbl eq-->
-<!ENTITY scnsim SDATA "[scnsim]"--/succnsim N: succeeds, not similar-->
-<!ENTITY subne SDATA "[subne ]"--/subsetneq N: subset, not equals-->
-<!ENTITY subnE SDATA "[subnE ]"--/subsetneqq N: subset, not dbl eq-->
-<!ENTITY supne SDATA "[supne ]"--/supsetneq N: superset, not equals-->
-<!ENTITY supnE SDATA "[supnE ]"--/supsetneqq N: superset, not dbl eq-->
-<!ENTITY vsubnE SDATA "[vsubnE]"--/subsetneqq N: subset not dbl eq, var-->
-<!ENTITY vsubne SDATA "[vsubne]"--/subsetneq N: subset, not eq, var-->
-<!ENTITY vsupne SDATA "[vsupne]"--/supsetneq N: superset, not eq, var-->
-<!ENTITY vsupnE SDATA "[vsupnE]"--/supsetneqq N: super not dbl eq, var-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamso b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamso
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9b329..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamso
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary//EN">
- %ISOamso;
-<!ENTITY ang SDATA "[ang ]"--/angle - angle-->
-<!ENTITY angmsd SDATA "[angmsd]"--/measuredangle - angle-measured-->
-<!ENTITY beth SDATA "[beth ]"--/beth - beth, Hebrew-->
-<!ENTITY bprime SDATA "[bprime]"--/backprime - reverse prime-->
-<!ENTITY comp SDATA "[comp ]"--/complement - complement sign-->
-<!ENTITY daleth SDATA "[daleth]"--/daleth - daleth, Hebrew-->
-<!ENTITY ell SDATA "[ell ]"--/ell - cursive small l-->
-<!ENTITY empty SDATA "[empty ]"--/emptyset /varnothing =small o, slash-->
-<!ENTITY gimel SDATA "[gimel ]"--/gimel - gimel, Hebrew-->
-<!ENTITY image SDATA "[image ]"--/Im - imaginary-->
-<!ENTITY inodot SDATA "[inodot]"--/imath =small i, no dot-->
-<!ENTITY jnodot SDATA "[jnodot]"--/jmath - small j, no dot-->
-<!ENTITY nexist SDATA "[nexist]"--/nexists - negated exists-->
-<!ENTITY oS SDATA "[oS ]"--/circledS - capital S in circle-->
-<!ENTITY planck SDATA "[planck]"--/hbar /hslash - Planck's over 2pi-->
-<!ENTITY real SDATA "[real ]"--/Re - real-->
-<!ENTITY sbsol SDATA "[sbsol ]"--/sbs - short reverse solidus-->
-<!ENTITY vprime SDATA "[vprime]"--/varprime - prime, variant-->
-<!ENTITY weierp SDATA "[weierp]"--/wp - Weierstrass p-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsr b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsr
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f26c34..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOamsr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN">
- %ISOamsr;
-<!ENTITY ape SDATA "[ape ]"--/approxeq R: approximate, equals-->
-<!ENTITY asymp SDATA "[asymp ]"--/asymp R: asymptotically equal to-->
-<!ENTITY bcong SDATA "[bcong ]"--/backcong R: reverse congruent-->
-<!ENTITY bepsi SDATA "[bepsi ]"--/backepsilon R: such that-->
-<!ENTITY bowtie SDATA "[bowtie]"--/bowtie R:-->
-<!ENTITY bsim SDATA "[bsim ]"--/backsim R: reverse similar-->
-<!ENTITY bsime SDATA "[bsime ]"--/backsimeq R: reverse similar, eq-->
-<!ENTITY bump SDATA "[bump ]"--/Bumpeq R: bumpy equals-->
-<!ENTITY bumpe SDATA "[bumpe ]"--/bumpeq R: bumpy equals, equals-->
-<!ENTITY cire SDATA "[cire ]"--/circeq R: circle, equals-->
-<!ENTITY colone SDATA "[colone]"--/coloneq R: colon, equals-->
-<!ENTITY cuepr SDATA "[cuepr ]"--/curlyeqprec R: curly eq, precedes-->
-<!ENTITY cuesc SDATA "[cuesc ]"--/curlyeqsucc R: curly eq, succeeds-->
-<!ENTITY cupre SDATA "[cupre ]"--/curlypreceq R: curly precedes, eq-->
-<!ENTITY dashv SDATA "[dashv ]"--/dashv R: dash, vertical-->
-<!ENTITY ecir SDATA "[ecir ]"--/eqcirc R: circle on equals sign-->
-<!ENTITY ecolon SDATA "[ecolon]"--/eqcolon R: equals, colon-->
-<!ENTITY eDot SDATA "[eDot ]"--/doteqdot /Doteq R: eq, even dots-->
-<!ENTITY esdot SDATA "[esdot ]"--/doteq R: equals, single dot above-->
-<!ENTITY efDot SDATA "[efDot ]"--/fallingdotseq R: eq, falling dots-->
-<!ENTITY egs SDATA "[egs ]"--/eqslantgtr R: equal-or-gtr, slanted-->
-<!ENTITY els SDATA "[els ]"--/eqslantless R: eq-or-less, slanted-->
-<!ENTITY erDot SDATA "[erDot ]"--/risingdotseq R: eq, rising dots-->
-<!ENTITY fork SDATA "[fork ]"--/pitchfork R: pitchfork-->
-<!ENTITY frown SDATA "[frown ]"--/frown R: down curve-->
-<!ENTITY gap SDATA "[gap ]"--/gtrapprox R: greater, approximate-->
-<!ENTITY gsdot SDATA "[gsdot ]"--/gtrdot R: greater than, single dot-->
-<!ENTITY gE SDATA "[gE ]"--/geqq R: greater, double equals-->
-<!ENTITY gel SDATA "[gel ]"--/gtreqless R: greater, equals, less-->
-<!ENTITY gEl SDATA "[gEl ]"--/gtreqqless R: gt, dbl equals, less-->
-<!ENTITY ges SDATA "[ges ]"--/geqslant R: gt-or-equal, slanted-->
-<!ENTITY Gg SDATA "[Gg ]"--/ggg /Gg /gggtr R: triple gtr-than-->
-<!ENTITY gl SDATA "[gl ]"--/gtrless R: greater, less-->
-<!ENTITY gsim SDATA "[gsim ]"--/gtrsim R: greater, similar-->
-<!ENTITY Gt SDATA "[Gt ]"--/gg R: dbl greater-than sign-->
-<!ENTITY lap SDATA "[lap ]"--/lessapprox R: less, approximate-->
-<!ENTITY ldot SDATA "[ldot ]"--/lessdot R: less than, with dot-->
-<!ENTITY lE SDATA "[lE ]"--/leqq R: less, double equals-->
-<!ENTITY lEg SDATA "[lEg ]"--/lesseqqgtr R: less, dbl eq, greater-->
-<!ENTITY leg SDATA "[leg ]"--/lesseqgtr R: less, eq, greater-->
-<!ENTITY les SDATA "[les ]"--/leqslant R: less-than-or-eq, slant-->
-<!ENTITY lg SDATA "[lg ]"--/lessgtr R: less, greater-->
-<!ENTITY Ll SDATA "[Ll ]"--/Ll /lll /llless R: triple less-than-->
-<!ENTITY lsim SDATA "[lsim ]"--/lesssim R: less, similar-->
-<!ENTITY Lt SDATA "[Lt ]"--/ll R: double less-than sign-->
-<!ENTITY ltrie SDATA "[ltrie ]"--/trianglelefteq R: left triangle, eq-->
-<!ENTITY mid SDATA "[mid ]"--/mid R:-->
-<!ENTITY models SDATA "[models]"--/models R:-->
-<!ENTITY pr SDATA "[pr ]"--/prec R: precedes-->
-<!ENTITY prap SDATA "[prap ]"--/precapprox R: precedes, approximate-->
-<!ENTITY pre SDATA "[pre ]"--/preceq R: precedes, equals-->
-<!ENTITY prsim SDATA "[prsim ]"--/precsim R: precedes, similar-->
-<!ENTITY rtrie SDATA "[rtrie ]"--/trianglerighteq R: right tri, eq-->
-<!ENTITY samalg SDATA "[samalg]"--/smallamalg R: small amalg-->
-<!ENTITY sc SDATA "[sc ]"--/succ R: succeeds-->
-<!ENTITY scap SDATA "[scap ]"--/succapprox R: succeeds, approximate-->
-<!ENTITY sccue SDATA "[sccue ]"--/succcurlyeq R: succeeds, curly eq-->
-<!ENTITY sce SDATA "[sce ]"--/succeq R: succeeds, equals-->
-<!ENTITY scsim SDATA "[scsim ]"--/succsim R: succeeds, similar-->
-<!ENTITY sfrown SDATA "[sfrown]"--/smallfrown R: small down curve-->
-<!ENTITY smid SDATA "[smid ]"--/shortmid R:-->
-<!ENTITY smile SDATA "[smile ]"--/smile R: up curve-->
-<!ENTITY spar SDATA "[spar ]"--/shortparallel R: short parallel-->
-<!ENTITY sqsub SDATA "[sqsub ]"--/sqsubset R: square subset-->
-<!ENTITY sqsube SDATA "[sqsube]"--/sqsubseteq R: square subset, equals-->
-<!ENTITY sqsup SDATA "[sqsup ]"--/sqsupset R: square superset-->
-<!ENTITY sqsupe SDATA "[sqsupe]"--/sqsupseteq R: square superset, eq-->
-<!ENTITY ssmile SDATA "[ssmile]"--/smallsmile R: small up curve-->
-<!ENTITY Sub SDATA "[Sub ]"--/Subset R: double subset-->
-<!ENTITY subE SDATA "[subE ]"--/subseteqq R: subset, dbl equals-->
-<!ENTITY Sup SDATA "[Sup ]"--/Supset R: dbl superset-->
-<!ENTITY supE SDATA "[supE ]"--/supseteqq R: superset, dbl equals-->
-<!ENTITY thkap SDATA "[thkap ]"--/thickapprox R: thick approximate-->
-<!ENTITY thksim SDATA "[thksim]"--/thicksim R: thick similar-->
-<!ENTITY trie SDATA "[trie ]"--/triangleq R: triangle, equals-->
-<!ENTITY twixt SDATA "[twixt ]"--/between R: between-->
-<!ENTITY vdash SDATA "[vdash ]"--/vdash R: vertical, dash-->
-<!ENTITY Vdash SDATA "[Vdash ]"--/Vdash R: dbl vertical, dash-->
-<!ENTITY vDash SDATA "[vDash ]"--/vDash R: vertical, dbl dash-->
-<!ENTITY veebar SDATA "[veebar]"--/veebar R: logical or, bar below-->
-<!ENTITY vltri SDATA "[vltri ]"--/vartriangleleft R: l tri, open, var-->
-<!ENTITY vprop SDATA "[vprop ]"--/varpropto R: proportional, variant-->
-<!ENTITY vrtri SDATA "[vrtri ]"--/vartriangleright R: r tri, open, var-->
-<!ENTITY Vvdash SDATA "[Vvdash]"--/Vvdash R: triple vertical, dash-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISObox b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISObox
deleted file mode 100644
index 643e926..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISObox
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Box and Line Drawing//EN">
- %ISObox;
-<!-- All names are in the form: box1234, where:
- box = constants that identify a box drawing entity.
- 1&2 = v, V, u, U, d, D, Ud, or uD, as follows:
- v = vertical line for full height.
- u = upper half of vertical line.
- d = downward (lower) half of vertical line.
- 3&4 = h, H, l, L, r, R, Lr, or lR, as follows:
- h = horizontal line for full width.
- l = left half of horizontal line.
- r = right half of horizontal line.
- In all cases, an upper-case letter means a double or heavy line.
-<!ENTITY boxh SDATA "[boxh ]"--horizontal line -->
-<!ENTITY boxv SDATA "[boxv ]"--vertical line-->
-<!ENTITY boxur SDATA "[boxur ]"--upper right quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxul SDATA "[boxul ]"--upper left quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxdl SDATA "[boxdl ]"--lower left quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxdr SDATA "[boxdr ]"--lower right quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxvr SDATA "[boxvr ]"--upper and lower right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxhu SDATA "[boxhu ]"--upper left and right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxvl SDATA "[boxvl ]"--upper and lower left quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxhd SDATA "[boxhd ]"--lower left and right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxvh SDATA "[boxvh ]"--all four quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxvR SDATA "[boxvR ]"--upper and lower right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxhU SDATA "[boxhU ]"--upper left and right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxvL SDATA "[boxvL ]"--upper and lower left quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxhD SDATA "[boxhD ]"--lower left and right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxvH SDATA "[boxvH ]"--all four quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxH SDATA "[boxH ]"--horizontal line-->
-<!ENTITY boxV SDATA "[boxV ]"--vertical line-->
-<!ENTITY boxUR SDATA "[boxUR ]"--upper right quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxUL SDATA "[boxUL ]"--upper left quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxDL SDATA "[boxDL ]"--lower left quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxDR SDATA "[boxDR ]"--lower right quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxVR SDATA "[boxVR ]"--upper and lower right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxHU SDATA "[boxHU ]"--upper left and right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxVL SDATA "[boxVL ]"--upper and lower left quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxHD SDATA "[boxHD ]"--lower left and right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxVH SDATA "[boxVH ]"--all four quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxVr SDATA "[boxVr ]"--upper and lower right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxHu SDATA "[boxHu ]"--upper left and right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxVl SDATA "[boxVl ]"--upper and lower left quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxHd SDATA "[boxHd ]"--lower left and right quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxVh SDATA "[boxVh ]"--all four quadrants-->
-<!ENTITY boxuR SDATA "[boxuR ]"--upper right quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxUl SDATA "[boxUl ]"--upper left quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxdL SDATA "[boxdL ]"--lower left quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxDr SDATA "[boxDr ]"--lower right quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxUr SDATA "[boxUr ]"--upper right quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxuL SDATA "[boxuL ]"--upper left quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxDl SDATA "[boxDl ]"--lower left quadrant-->
-<!ENTITY boxdR SDATA "[boxdR ]"--lower right quadrant-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOcyr1 b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOcyr1
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b961b..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOcyr1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Russian Cyrillic//EN">
- %ISOcyr1;
-<!ENTITY acy SDATA "[acy ]"--=small a, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Acy SDATA "[Acy ]"--=capital A, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY bcy SDATA "[bcy ]"--=small be, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Bcy SDATA "[Bcy ]"--=capital BE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY vcy SDATA "[vcy ]"--=small ve, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Vcy SDATA "[Vcy ]"--=capital VE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY gcy SDATA "[gcy ]"--=small ghe, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Gcy SDATA "[Gcy ]"--=capital GHE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY dcy SDATA "[dcy ]"--=small de, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Dcy SDATA "[Dcy ]"--=capital DE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY iecy SDATA "[iecy ]"--=small ie, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY IEcy SDATA "[IEcy ]"--=capital IE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY iocy SDATA "[iocy ]"--=small io, Russian-->
-<!ENTITY IOcy SDATA "[IOcy ]"--=capital IO, Russian-->
-<!ENTITY zhcy SDATA "[zhcy ]"--=small zhe, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY ZHcy SDATA "[ZHcy ]"--=capital ZHE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY zcy SDATA "[zcy ]"--=small ze, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Zcy SDATA "[Zcy ]"--=capital ZE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY icy SDATA "[icy ]"--=small i, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Icy SDATA "[Icy ]"--=capital I, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY jcy SDATA "[jcy ]"--=small short i, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Jcy SDATA "[Jcy ]"--=capital short I, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY kcy SDATA "[kcy ]"--=small ka, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Kcy SDATA "[Kcy ]"--=capital KA, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY lcy SDATA "[lcy ]"--=small el, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Lcy SDATA "[Lcy ]"--=capital EL, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY mcy SDATA "[mcy ]"--=small em, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Mcy SDATA "[Mcy ]"--=capital EM, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY ncy SDATA "[ncy ]"--=small en, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Ncy SDATA "[Ncy ]"--=capital EN, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY ocy SDATA "[ocy ]"--=small o, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Ocy SDATA "[Ocy ]"--=capital O, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY pcy SDATA "[pcy ]"--=small pe, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Pcy SDATA "[Pcy ]"--=capital PE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY rcy SDATA "[rcy ]"--=small er, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Rcy SDATA "[Rcy ]"--=capital ER, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY scy SDATA "[scy ]"--=small es, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Scy SDATA "[Scy ]"--=capital ES, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY tcy SDATA "[tcy ]"--=small te, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Tcy SDATA "[Tcy ]"--=capital TE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY ucy SDATA "[ucy ]"--=small u, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Ucy SDATA "[Ucy ]"--=capital U, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY fcy SDATA "[fcy ]"--=small ef, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Fcy SDATA "[Fcy ]"--=capital EF, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY khcy SDATA "[khcy ]"--=small ha, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY KHcy SDATA "[KHcy ]"--=capital HA, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY tscy SDATA "[tscy ]"--=small tse, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY TScy SDATA "[TScy ]"--=capital TSE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY chcy SDATA "[chcy ]"--=small che, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY CHcy SDATA "[CHcy ]"--=capital CHE, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY shcy SDATA "[shcy ]"--=small sha, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY SHcy SDATA "[SHcy ]"--=capital SHA, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY shchcy SDATA "[shchcy]"--=small shcha, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY SHCHcy SDATA "[SHCHcy]"--=capital SHCHA, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY hardcy SDATA "[hardcy]"--=small hard sign, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY HARDcy SDATA "[HARDcy]"--=capital HARD sign, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY ycy SDATA "[ycy ]"--=small yeru, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Ycy SDATA "[Ycy ]"--=capital YERU, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY softcy SDATA "[softcy]"--=small soft sign, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY SOFTcy SDATA "[SOFTcy]"--=capital SOFT sign, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY ecy SDATA "[ecy ]"--=small e, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY Ecy SDATA "[Ecy ]"--=capital E, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY yucy SDATA "[yucy ]"--=small yu, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY YUcy SDATA "[YUcy ]"--=capital YU, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY yacy SDATA "[yacy ]"--=small ya, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY YAcy SDATA "[YAcy ]"--=capital YA, Cyrillic-->
-<!ENTITY numero SDATA "[numero]"--=numero sign-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOcyr2 b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOcyr2
deleted file mode 100644
index 480b01c..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOcyr2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Non-Russian Cyrillic//EN">
- %ISOcyr2;
-<!ENTITY djcy SDATA "[djcy ]"--=small dje, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY DJcy SDATA "[DJcy ]"--=capital DJE, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY gjcy SDATA "[gjcy ]"--=small gje, Macedonian-->
-<!ENTITY GJcy SDATA "[GJcy ]"--=capital GJE Macedonian-->
-<!ENTITY jukcy SDATA "[jukcy ]"--=small je, Ukrainian-->
-<!ENTITY Jukcy SDATA "[Jukcy ]"--=capital JE, Ukrainian-->
-<!ENTITY dscy SDATA "[dscy ]"--=small dse, Macedonian-->
-<!ENTITY DScy SDATA "[DScy ]"--=capital DSE, Macedonian-->
-<!ENTITY iukcy SDATA "[iukcy ]"--=small i, Ukrainian-->
-<!ENTITY Iukcy SDATA "[Iukcy ]"--=capital I, Ukrainian-->
-<!ENTITY yicy SDATA "[yicy ]"--=small yi, Ukrainian-->
-<!ENTITY YIcy SDATA "[YIcy ]"--=capital YI, Ukrainian-->
-<!ENTITY jsercy SDATA "[jsercy]"--=small je, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY Jsercy SDATA "[Jsercy]"--=capital JE, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY ljcy SDATA "[ljcy ]"--=small lje, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY LJcy SDATA "[LJcy ]"--=capital LJE, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY njcy SDATA "[njcy ]"--=small nje, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY NJcy SDATA "[NJcy ]"--=capital NJE, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY tshcy SDATA "[tshcy ]"--=small tshe, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY TSHcy SDATA "[TSHcy ]"--=capital TSHE, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY kjcy SDATA "[kjcy ]"--=small kje Macedonian-->
-<!ENTITY KJcy SDATA "[KJcy ]"--=capital KJE, Macedonian-->
-<!ENTITY ubrcy SDATA "[ubrcy ]"--=small u, Byelorussian-->
-<!ENTITY Ubrcy SDATA "[Ubrcy ]"--=capital U, Byelorussian-->
-<!ENTITY dzcy SDATA "[dzcy ]"--=small dze, Serbian-->
-<!ENTITY DZcy SDATA "[DZcy ]"--=capital dze, Serbian-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOdia b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOdia
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b6f98d..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOdia
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN">
- %ISOdia;
-<!ENTITY acute SDATA "[acute ]"--=acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY breve SDATA "[breve ]"--=breve-->
-<!ENTITY caron SDATA "[caron ]"--=caron-->
-<!ENTITY cedil SDATA "[cedil ]"--=cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY circ SDATA "[circ ]"--=circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY dblac SDATA "[dblac ]"--=double acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY die SDATA "[die ]"--=dieresis-->
-<!ENTITY dot SDATA "[dot ]"--=dot above-->
-<!ENTITY grave SDATA "[grave ]"--=grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY macr SDATA "[macr ]"--=macron-->
-<!ENTITY ogon SDATA "[ogon ]"--=ogonek-->
-<!ENTITY ring SDATA "[ring ]"--=ring-->
-<!ENTITY tilde SDATA "[tilde ]"--=tilde-->
-<!ENTITY uml SDATA "[uml ]"--=umlaut mark-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk1 b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk1
deleted file mode 100644
index dea16bf..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN">
- %ISOgrk1;
-<!ENTITY agr SDATA "[agr ]"--=small alpha, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Agr SDATA "[Agr ]"--=capital Alpha, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY bgr SDATA "[bgr ]"--=small beta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Bgr SDATA "[Bgr ]"--=capital Beta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY ggr SDATA "[ggr ]"--=small gamma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Ggr SDATA "[Ggr ]"--=capital Gamma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY dgr SDATA "[dgr ]"--=small delta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Dgr SDATA "[Dgr ]"--=capital Delta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY egr SDATA "[egr ]"--=small epsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Egr SDATA "[Egr ]"--=capital Epsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY zgr SDATA "[zgr ]"--=small zeta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Zgr SDATA "[Zgr ]"--=capital Zeta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY eegr SDATA "[eegr ]"--=small eta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY EEgr SDATA "[EEgr ]"--=capital Eta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY thgr SDATA "[thgr ]"--=small theta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY THgr SDATA "[THgr ]"--=capital Theta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY igr SDATA "[igr ]"--=small iota, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Igr SDATA "[Igr ]"--=capital Iota, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY kgr SDATA "[kgr ]"--=small kappa, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Kgr SDATA "[Kgr ]"--=capital Kappa, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY lgr SDATA "[lgr ]"--=small lambda, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Lgr SDATA "[Lgr ]"--=capital Lambda, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY mgr SDATA "[mgr ]"--=small mu, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Mgr SDATA "[Mgr ]"--=capital Mu, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY ngr SDATA "[ngr ]"--=small nu, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Ngr SDATA "[Ngr ]"--=capital Nu, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY xgr SDATA "[xgr ]"--=small xi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Xgr SDATA "[Xgr ]"--=capital Xi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY ogr SDATA "[ogr ]"--=small omicron, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Ogr SDATA "[Ogr ]"--=capital Omicron, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY pgr SDATA "[pgr ]"--=small pi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Pgr SDATA "[Pgr ]"--=capital Pi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY rgr SDATA "[rgr ]"--=small rho, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Rgr SDATA "[Rgr ]"--=capital Rho, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY sgr SDATA "[sgr ]"--=small sigma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Sgr SDATA "[Sgr ]"--=capital Sigma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY sfgr SDATA "[sfgr ]"--=final small sigma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY tgr SDATA "[tgr ]"--=small tau, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Tgr SDATA "[Tgr ]"--=capital Tau, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY ugr SDATA "[ugr ]"--=small upsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Ugr SDATA "[Ugr ]"--=capital Upsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY phgr SDATA "[phgr ]"--=small phi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY PHgr SDATA "[PHgr ]"--=capital Phi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY khgr SDATA "[khgr ]"--=small chi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY KHgr SDATA "[KHgr ]"--=capital Chi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY psgr SDATA "[psgr ]"--=small psi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY PSgr SDATA "[PSgr ]"--=capital Psi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY ohgr SDATA "[ohgr ]"--=small omega, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY OHgr SDATA "[OHgr ]"--=capital Omega, Greek-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk2 b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk2
deleted file mode 100644
index 657bb99..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Monotoniko Greek//EN">
- %ISOgrk2;
-<!ENTITY aacgr SDATA "[aacgr ]"--=small alpha, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Aacgr SDATA "[Aacgr ]"--=capital Alpha, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY eacgr SDATA "[eacgr ]"--=small epsilon, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Eacgr SDATA "[Eacgr ]"--=capital Epsilon, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY eeacgr SDATA "[eeacgr]"--=small eta, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY EEacgr SDATA "[EEacgr]"--=capital Eta, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY idigr SDATA "[idigr ]"--=small iota, dieresis, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Idigr SDATA "[Idigr ]"--=capital Iota, dieresis, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY iacgr SDATA "[iacgr ]"--=small iota, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Iacgr SDATA "[Iacgr ]"--=capital Iota, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY idiagr SDATA "[idiagr]"--=small iota, dieresis, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY oacgr SDATA "[oacgr ]"--=small omicron, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Oacgr SDATA "[Oacgr ]"--=capital Omicron, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY udigr SDATA "[udigr ]"--=small upsilon, dieresis, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Udigr SDATA "[Udigr ]"--=capital Upsilon, dieresis, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY uacgr SDATA "[uacgr ]"--=small upsilon, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Uacgr SDATA "[Uacgr ]"--=capital Upsilon, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY udiagr SDATA "[udiagr]"--=small upsilon, dieresis, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY ohacgr SDATA "[ohacgr]"--=small omega, accent, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY OHacgr SDATA "[OHacgr]"--=capital Omega, accent, Greek-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk3 b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk3
deleted file mode 100644
index f76c3a0..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN">
- %ISOgrk3;
-<!ENTITY alpha SDATA "[alpha ]"--=small alpha, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY beta SDATA "[beta ]"--=small beta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY gamma SDATA "[gamma ]"--=small gamma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Gamma SDATA "[Gamma ]"--=capital Gamma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY gammad SDATA "[gammad]"--/digamma-->
-<!ENTITY delta SDATA "[delta ]"--=small delta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Delta SDATA "[Delta ]"--=capital Delta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY epsi SDATA "[epsi ]"--=small epsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY epsiv SDATA "[epsiv ]"--/varepsilon-->
-<!ENTITY epsis SDATA "[epsis ]"--/straightepsilon-->
-<!ENTITY zeta SDATA "[zeta ]"--=small zeta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY eta SDATA "[eta ]"--=small eta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY thetas SDATA "[thetas]"--straight theta-->
-<!ENTITY Theta SDATA "[Theta ]"--=capital Theta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY thetav SDATA "[thetav]"--/vartheta - curly or open theta-->
-<!ENTITY iota SDATA "[iota ]"--=small iota, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY kappa SDATA "[kappa ]"--=small kappa, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY kappav SDATA "[kappav]"--/varkappa-->
-<!ENTITY lambda SDATA "[lambda]"--=small lambda, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Lambda SDATA "[Lambda]"--=capital Lambda, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY mu SDATA "[mu ]"--=small mu, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY nu SDATA "[nu ]"--=small nu, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY xi SDATA "[xi ]"--=small xi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Xi SDATA "[Xi ]"--=capital Xi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY pi SDATA "[pi ]"--=small pi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY piv SDATA "[piv ]"--/varpi-->
-<!ENTITY Pi SDATA "[Pi ]"--=capital Pi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY rho SDATA "[rho ]"--=small rho, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY rhov SDATA "[rhov ]"--/varrho-->
-<!ENTITY sigma SDATA "[sigma ]"--=small sigma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Sigma SDATA "[Sigma ]"--=capital Sigma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY sigmav SDATA "[sigmav]"--/varsigma-->
-<!ENTITY tau SDATA "[tau ]"--=small tau, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY upsi SDATA "[upsi ]"--=small upsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Upsi SDATA "[Upsi ]"--=capital Upsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY phis SDATA "[phis ]"--/straightphi - straight phi-->
-<!ENTITY Phi SDATA "[Phi ]"--=capital Phi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY phiv SDATA "[phiv ]"--/varphi - curly or open phi-->
-<!ENTITY chi SDATA "[chi ]"--=small chi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY psi SDATA "[psi ]"--=small psi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Psi SDATA "[Psi ]"--=capital Psi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY omega SDATA "[omega ]"--=small omega, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY Omega SDATA "[Omega ]"--=capital Omega, Greek-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk4 b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk4
deleted file mode 100644
index e4427a0..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOgrk4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Alternative Greek Symbols//EN">
- %ISOgrk4;
-<!ENTITY b.alpha SDATA "[b.alpha ]"--=small alpha, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.beta SDATA "[b.beta ]"--=small beta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.gamma SDATA "[b.gamma ]"--=small gamma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.Gamma SDATA "[b.Gamma ]"--=capital Gamma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.gammad SDATA "[b.gammad]"--/digamma-->
-<!ENTITY SDATA "[ ]"--=small delta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.Delta SDATA "[b.Delta ]"--=capital Delta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.epsi SDATA "[b.epsi ]"--=small epsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.epsiv SDATA "[b.epsiv ]"--/varepsilon-->
-<!ENTITY b.epsis SDATA "[b.epsis ]"--/straightepsilon-->
-<!ENTITY b.zeta SDATA "[b.zeta ]"--=small zeta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.eta SDATA "[b.eta ]"--=small eta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.thetas SDATA "[b.thetas]"--straight theta-->
-<!ENTITY b.Theta SDATA "[b.Theta ]"--=capital Theta, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.thetav SDATA "[b.thetav]"--/vartheta - curly or open theta-->
-<!ENTITY b.iota SDATA "[b.iota ]"--=small iota, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.kappa SDATA "[b.kappa ]"--=small kappa, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.kappav SDATA "[b.kappav]"--/varkappa-->
-<!ENTITY b.lambda SDATA "[b.lambda]"--=small lambda, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.Lambda SDATA "[b.Lambda]"--=capital Lambda, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY SDATA "[ ]"--=small mu, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY SDATA "[ ]"--=small nu, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.xi SDATA "[b.xi ]"--=small xi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.Xi SDATA "[b.Xi ]"--=capital Xi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.pi SDATA "[b.pi ]"--=small pi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.Pi SDATA "[b.Pi ]"--=capital Pi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.piv SDATA "[b.piv ]"--/varpi-->
-<!ENTITY b.rho SDATA "[b.rho ]"--=small rho, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.rhov SDATA "[b.rhov ]"--/varrho-->
-<!ENTITY b.sigma SDATA "[b.sigma ]"--=small sigma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.Sigma SDATA "[b.Sigma ]"--=capital Sigma, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.sigmav SDATA "[b.sigmav]"--/varsigma-->
-<!ENTITY b.tau SDATA "[b.tau ]"--=small tau, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.upsi SDATA "[b.upsi ]"--=small upsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.Upsi SDATA "[b.Upsi ]"--=capital Upsilon, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.phis SDATA "[b.phis ]"--/straightphi - straight phi-->
-<!ENTITY b.Phi SDATA "[b.Phi ]"--=capital Phi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.phiv SDATA "[b.phiv ]"--/varphi - curly or open phi-->
-<!ENTITY b.chi SDATA "[b.chi ]"--=small chi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.psi SDATA "[b.psi ]"--=small psi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.Psi SDATA "[b.Psi ]"--=capital Psi, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY SDATA "[ ]"--=small omega, Greek-->
-<!ENTITY b.Omega SDATA "[b.Omega ]"--=capital Omega, Greek-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOlat1 b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOlat1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7d0a7..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOlat1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN">
- %ISOlat1;
-<!ENTITY aacute SDATA "[aacute]"--=small a, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Aacute SDATA "[Aacute]"--=capital A, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY acirc SDATA "[acirc ]"--=small a, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Acirc SDATA "[Acirc ]"--=capital A, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY agrave SDATA "[agrave]"--=small a, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY Agrave SDATA "[Agrave]"--=capital A, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY aring SDATA "[aring ]"--=small a, ring-->
-<!ENTITY Aring SDATA "[Aring ]"--=capital A, ring-->
-<!ENTITY atilde SDATA "[atilde]"--=small a, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY Atilde SDATA "[Atilde]"--=capital A, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY auml SDATA "[auml ]"--=small a, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY Auml SDATA "[Auml ]"--=capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY aelig SDATA "[aelig ]"--=small ae diphthong (ligature)-->
-<!ENTITY AElig SDATA "[AElig ]"--=capital AE diphthong (ligature)-->
-<!ENTITY ccedil SDATA "[ccedil]"--=small c, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY Ccedil SDATA "[Ccedil]"--=capital C, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY eth SDATA "[eth ]"--=small eth, Icelandic-->
-<!ENTITY ETH SDATA "[ETH ]"--=capital Eth, Icelandic-->
-<!ENTITY eacute SDATA "[eacute]"--=small e, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Eacute SDATA "[Eacute]"--=capital E, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY ecirc SDATA "[ecirc ]"--=small e, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Ecirc SDATA "[Ecirc ]"--=capital E, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY egrave SDATA "[egrave]"--=small e, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY Egrave SDATA "[Egrave]"--=capital E, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY euml SDATA "[euml ]"--=small e, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY Euml SDATA "[Euml ]"--=capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY iacute SDATA "[iacute]"--=small i, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Iacute SDATA "[Iacute]"--=capital I, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY icirc SDATA "[icirc ]"--=small i, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Icirc SDATA "[Icirc ]"--=capital I, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY igrave SDATA "[igrave]"--=small i, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY Igrave SDATA "[Igrave]"--=capital I, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY iuml SDATA "[iuml ]"--=small i, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY Iuml SDATA "[Iuml ]"--=capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY ntilde SDATA "[ntilde]"--=small n, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY Ntilde SDATA "[Ntilde]"--=capital N, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY oacute SDATA "[oacute]"--=small o, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Oacute SDATA "[Oacute]"--=capital O, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY ocirc SDATA "[ocirc ]"--=small o, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Ocirc SDATA "[Ocirc ]"--=capital O, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY ograve SDATA "[ograve]"--=small o, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY Ograve SDATA "[Ograve]"--=capital O, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY oslash SDATA "[oslash]"--=small o, slash-->
-<!ENTITY Oslash SDATA "[Oslash]"--=capital O, slash-->
-<!ENTITY otilde SDATA "[otilde]"--=small o, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY Otilde SDATA "[Otilde]"--=capital O, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY ouml SDATA "[ouml ]"--=small o, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY Ouml SDATA "[Ouml ]"--=capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY szlig SDATA "[szlig ]"--=small sharp s, German (sz ligature)-->
-<!ENTITY thorn SDATA "[thorn ]"--=small thorn, Icelandic-->
-<!ENTITY THORN SDATA "[THORN ]"--=capital THORN, Icelandic-->
-<!ENTITY uacute SDATA "[uacute]"--=small u, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Uacute SDATA "[Uacute]"--=capital U, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY ucirc SDATA "[ucirc ]"--=small u, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Ucirc SDATA "[Ucirc ]"--=capital U, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY ugrave SDATA "[ugrave]"--=small u, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY Ugrave SDATA "[Ugrave]"--=capital U, grave accent-->
-<!ENTITY uuml SDATA "[uuml ]"--=small u, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY Uuml SDATA "[Uuml ]"--=capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY yacute SDATA "[yacute]"--=small y, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Yacute SDATA "[Yacute]"--=capital Y, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY yuml SDATA "[yuml ]"--=small y, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOlat2 b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOlat2
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bcb337..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOlat2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN">
- %ISOlat2;
-<!ENTITY abreve SDATA "[abreve]"--=small a, breve-->
-<!ENTITY Abreve SDATA "[Abreve]"--=capital A, breve-->
-<!ENTITY amacr SDATA "[amacr ]"--=small a, macron-->
-<!ENTITY Amacr SDATA "[Amacr ]"--=capital A, macron-->
-<!ENTITY aogon SDATA "[aogon ]"--=small a, ogonek-->
-<!ENTITY Aogon SDATA "[Aogon ]"--=capital A, ogonek-->
-<!ENTITY cacute SDATA "[cacute]"--=small c, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Cacute SDATA "[Cacute]"--=capital C, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY ccaron SDATA "[ccaron]"--=small c, caron-->
-<!ENTITY Ccaron SDATA "[Ccaron]"--=capital C, caron-->
-<!ENTITY ccirc SDATA "[ccirc ]"--=small c, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Ccirc SDATA "[Ccirc ]"--=capital C, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY cdot SDATA "[cdot ]"--=small c, dot above-->
-<!ENTITY Cdot SDATA "[Cdot ]"--=capital C, dot above-->
-<!ENTITY dcaron SDATA "[dcaron]"--=small d, caron-->
-<!ENTITY Dcaron SDATA "[Dcaron]"--=capital D, caron-->
-<!ENTITY dstrok SDATA "[dstrok]"--=small d, stroke-->
-<!ENTITY Dstrok SDATA "[Dstrok]"--=capital D, stroke-->
-<!ENTITY ecaron SDATA "[ecaron]"--=small e, caron-->
-<!ENTITY Ecaron SDATA "[Ecaron]"--=capital E, caron-->
-<!ENTITY edot SDATA "[edot ]"--=small e, dot above-->
-<!ENTITY Edot SDATA "[Edot ]"--=capital E, dot above-->
-<!ENTITY emacr SDATA "[emacr ]"--=small e, macron-->
-<!ENTITY Emacr SDATA "[Emacr ]"--=capital E, macron-->
-<!ENTITY eogon SDATA "[eogon ]"--=small e, ogonek-->
-<!ENTITY Eogon SDATA "[Eogon ]"--=capital E, ogonek-->
-<!ENTITY gacute SDATA "[gacute]"--=small g, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY gbreve SDATA "[gbreve]"--=small g, breve-->
-<!ENTITY Gbreve SDATA "[Gbreve]"--=capital G, breve-->
-<!ENTITY Gcedil SDATA "[Gcedil]"--=capital G, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY gcirc SDATA "[gcirc ]"--=small g, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Gcirc SDATA "[Gcirc ]"--=capital G, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY gdot SDATA "[gdot ]"--=small g, dot above-->
-<!ENTITY Gdot SDATA "[Gdot ]"--=capital G, dot above-->
-<!ENTITY hcirc SDATA "[hcirc ]"--=small h, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Hcirc SDATA "[Hcirc ]"--=capital H, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY hstrok SDATA "[hstrok]"--=small h, stroke-->
-<!ENTITY Hstrok SDATA "[Hstrok]"--=capital H, stroke-->
-<!ENTITY Idot SDATA "[Idot ]"--=capital I, dot above-->
-<!ENTITY Imacr SDATA "[Imacr ]"--=capital I, macron-->
-<!ENTITY imacr SDATA "[imacr ]"--=small i, macron-->
-<!ENTITY ijlig SDATA "[ijlig ]"--=small ij ligature-->
-<!ENTITY IJlig SDATA "[IJlig ]"--=capital IJ ligature-->
-<!ENTITY inodot SDATA "[inodot]"--=small i without dot-->
-<!ENTITY iogon SDATA "[iogon ]"--=small i, ogonek-->
-<!ENTITY Iogon SDATA "[Iogon ]"--=capital I, ogonek-->
-<!ENTITY itilde SDATA "[itilde]"--=small i, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY Itilde SDATA "[Itilde]"--=capital I, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY jcirc SDATA "[jcirc ]"--=small j, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Jcirc SDATA "[Jcirc ]"--=capital J, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY kcedil SDATA "[kcedil]"--=small k, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY Kcedil SDATA "[Kcedil]"--=capital K, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY kgreen SDATA "[kgreen]"--=small k, Greenlandic-->
-<!ENTITY lacute SDATA "[lacute]"--=small l, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Lacute SDATA "[Lacute]"--=capital L, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY lcaron SDATA "[lcaron]"--=small l, caron-->
-<!ENTITY Lcaron SDATA "[Lcaron]"--=capital L, caron-->
-<!ENTITY lcedil SDATA "[lcedil]"--=small l, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY Lcedil SDATA "[Lcedil]"--=capital L, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY lmidot SDATA "[lmidot]"--=small l, middle dot-->
-<!ENTITY Lmidot SDATA "[Lmidot]"--=capital L, middle dot-->
-<!ENTITY lstrok SDATA "[lstrok]"--=small l, stroke-->
-<!ENTITY Lstrok SDATA "[Lstrok]"--=capital L, stroke-->
-<!ENTITY nacute SDATA "[nacute]"--=small n, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Nacute SDATA "[Nacute]"--=capital N, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY eng SDATA "[eng ]"--=small eng, Lapp-->
-<!ENTITY ENG SDATA "[ENG ]"--=capital ENG, Lapp-->
-<!ENTITY napos SDATA "[napos ]"--=small n, apostrophe-->
-<!ENTITY ncaron SDATA "[ncaron]"--=small n, caron-->
-<!ENTITY Ncaron SDATA "[Ncaron]"--=capital N, caron-->
-<!ENTITY ncedil SDATA "[ncedil]"--=small n, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY Ncedil SDATA "[Ncedil]"--=capital N, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY odblac SDATA "[odblac]"--=small o, double acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Odblac SDATA "[Odblac]"--=capital O, double acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Omacr SDATA "[Omacr ]"--=capital O, macron-->
-<!ENTITY omacr SDATA "[omacr ]"--=small o, macron-->
-<!ENTITY oelig SDATA "[oelig ]"--=small oe ligature-->
-<!ENTITY OElig SDATA "[OElig ]"--=capital OE ligature-->
-<!ENTITY racute SDATA "[racute]"--=small r, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Racute SDATA "[Racute]"--=capital R, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY rcaron SDATA "[rcaron]"--=small r, caron-->
-<!ENTITY Rcaron SDATA "[Rcaron]"--=capital R, caron-->
-<!ENTITY rcedil SDATA "[rcedil]"--=small r, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY Rcedil SDATA "[Rcedil]"--=capital R, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY sacute SDATA "[sacute]"--=small s, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Sacute SDATA "[Sacute]"--=capital S, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY scaron SDATA "[scaron]"--=small s, caron-->
-<!ENTITY Scaron SDATA "[Scaron]"--=capital S, caron-->
-<!ENTITY scedil SDATA "[scedil]"--=small s, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY Scedil SDATA "[Scedil]"--=capital S, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY scirc SDATA "[scirc ]"--=small s, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Scirc SDATA "[Scirc ]"--=capital S, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY tcaron SDATA "[tcaron]"--=small t, caron-->
-<!ENTITY Tcaron SDATA "[Tcaron]"--=capital T, caron-->
-<!ENTITY tcedil SDATA "[tcedil]"--=small t, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY Tcedil SDATA "[Tcedil]"--=capital T, cedilla-->
-<!ENTITY tstrok SDATA "[tstrok]"--=small t, stroke-->
-<!ENTITY Tstrok SDATA "[Tstrok]"--=capital T, stroke-->
-<!ENTITY ubreve SDATA "[ubreve]"--=small u, breve-->
-<!ENTITY Ubreve SDATA "[Ubreve]"--=capital U, breve-->
-<!ENTITY udblac SDATA "[udblac]"--=small u, double acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Udblac SDATA "[Udblac]"--=capital U, double acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY umacr SDATA "[umacr ]"--=small u, macron-->
-<!ENTITY Umacr SDATA "[Umacr ]"--=capital U, macron-->
-<!ENTITY uogon SDATA "[uogon ]"--=small u, ogonek-->
-<!ENTITY Uogon SDATA "[Uogon ]"--=capital U, ogonek-->
-<!ENTITY uring SDATA "[uring ]"--=small u, ring-->
-<!ENTITY Uring SDATA "[Uring ]"--=capital U, ring-->
-<!ENTITY utilde SDATA "[utilde]"--=small u, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY Utilde SDATA "[Utilde]"--=capital U, tilde-->
-<!ENTITY wcirc SDATA "[wcirc ]"--=small w, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Wcirc SDATA "[Wcirc ]"--=capital W, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY ycirc SDATA "[ycirc ]"--=small y, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Ycirc SDATA "[Ycirc ]"--=capital Y, circumflex accent-->
-<!ENTITY Yuml SDATA "[Yuml ]"--=capital Y, dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY zacute SDATA "[zacute]"--=small z, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY Zacute SDATA "[Zacute]"--=capital Z, acute accent-->
-<!ENTITY zcaron SDATA "[zcaron]"--=small z, caron-->
-<!ENTITY Zcaron SDATA "[Zcaron]"--=capital Z, caron-->
-<!ENTITY zdot SDATA "[zdot ]"--=small z, dot above-->
-<!ENTITY Zdot SDATA "[Zdot ]"--=capital Z, dot above-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOnum b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOnum
deleted file mode 100644
index d7b41c3..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOnum
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN">
- %ISOnum;
-<!ENTITY half SDATA "[half ]"--=fraction one-half-->
-<!ENTITY frac12 SDATA "[frac12]"--=fraction one-half-->
-<!ENTITY frac14 SDATA "[frac14]"--=fraction one-quarter-->
-<!ENTITY frac34 SDATA "[frac34]"--=fraction three-quarters-->
-<!ENTITY frac18 SDATA "[frac18]"--=fraction one-eighth-->
-<!ENTITY frac38 SDATA "[frac38]"--=fraction three-eighths-->
-<!ENTITY frac58 SDATA "[frac58]"--=fraction five-eighths-->
-<!ENTITY frac78 SDATA "[frac78]"--=fraction seven-eighths-->
-<!ENTITY sup1 SDATA "[sup1 ]"--=superscript one-->
-<!ENTITY sup2 SDATA "[sup2 ]"--=superscript two-->
-<!ENTITY sup3 SDATA "[sup3 ]"--=superscript three-->
-<!ENTITY plus SDATA "[plus ]"--=plus sign B:-- >
-<!ENTITY plusmn SDATA "[plusmn]"--/pm B: =plus-or-minus sign-->
-<!ENTITY lt SDATA "[lt ]"--=less-than sign R:-->
-<!ENTITY equals SDATA "[equals]"--=equals sign R:-->
-<!ENTITY gt SDATA "[gt ]"--=greater-than sign R:-->
-<!ENTITY divide SDATA "[divide]"--/div B: =divide sign-->
-<!ENTITY times SDATA "[times ]"--/times B: =multiply sign-->
-<!ENTITY curren SDATA "[curren]"--=general currency sign-->
-<!ENTITY pound SDATA "[pound ]"--=pound sign-->
-<!ENTITY dollar SDATA "[dollar]"--=dollar sign-->
-<!ENTITY cent SDATA "[cent ]"--=cent sign-->
-<!ENTITY yen SDATA "[yen ]"--/yen =yen sign-->
-<!ENTITY num SDATA "[num ]"--=number sign-->
-<!ENTITY percnt SDATA "[percnt]"--=percent sign-->
-<!ENTITY amp SDATA "[amp ]"--=ampersand-->
-<!ENTITY ast SDATA "[ast ]"--/ast B: =asterisk-->
-<!ENTITY commat SDATA "[commat]"--=commercial at-->
-<!ENTITY lsqb SDATA "[lsqb ]"--/lbrack O: =left square bracket-->
-<!ENTITY bsol SDATA "[bsol ]"--/backslash =reverse solidus-->
-<!ENTITY rsqb SDATA "[rsqb ]"--/rbrack C: =right square bracket-->
-<!ENTITY lcub SDATA "[lcub ]"--/lbrace O: =left curly bracket-->
-<!ENTITY horbar SDATA "[horbar]"--=horizontal bar-->
-<!ENTITY verbar SDATA "[verbar]"--/vert =vertical bar-->
-<!ENTITY rcub SDATA "[rcub ]"--/rbrace C: =right curly bracket-->
-<!ENTITY micro SDATA "[micro ]"--=micro sign-->
-<!ENTITY ohm SDATA "[ohm ]"--=ohm sign-->
-<!ENTITY deg SDATA "[deg ]"--=degree sign-->
-<!ENTITY ordm SDATA "[ordm ]"--=ordinal indicator, masculine-->
-<!ENTITY ordf SDATA "[ordf ]"--=ordinal indicator, feminine-->
-<!ENTITY sect SDATA "[sect ]"--=section sign-->
-<!ENTITY para SDATA "[para ]"--=pilcrow (paragraph sign)-->
-<!ENTITY middot SDATA "[middot]"--/centerdot B: =middle dot-->
-<!ENTITY larr SDATA "[larr ]"--/leftarrow /gets A: =leftward arrow-->
-<!ENTITY rarr SDATA "[rarr ]"--/rightarrow /to A: =rightward arrow-->
-<!ENTITY uarr SDATA "[uarr ]"--/uparrow A: =upward arrow-->
-<!ENTITY darr SDATA "[darr ]"--/downarrow A: =downward arrow-->
-<!ENTITY copy SDATA "[copy ]"--=copyright sign-->
-<!ENTITY reg SDATA "[reg ]"--/circledR =registered sign-->
-<!ENTITY trade SDATA "[trade ]"--=trade mark sign-->
-<!ENTITY brvbar SDATA "[brvbar]"--=broken (vertical) bar-->
-<!ENTITY not SDATA "[not ]"--/neg /lnot =not sign-->
-<!ENTITY sung SDATA "[sung ]"--=music note (sung text sign)-->
-<!ENTITY excl SDATA "[excl ]"--=exclamation mark-->
-<!ENTITY iexcl SDATA "[iexcl ]"--=inverted exclamation mark-->
-<!ENTITY quot SDATA "[quot ]"--=quotation mark-->
-<!ENTITY apos SDATA "[apos ]"--=apostrophe-->
-<!ENTITY lpar SDATA "[lpar ]"--O: =left parenthesis-->
-<!ENTITY rpar SDATA "[rpar ]"--C: =right parenthesis-->
-<!ENTITY comma SDATA "[comma ]"--P: =comma-->
-<!ENTITY lowbar SDATA "[lowbar]"--=low line-->
-<!ENTITY hyphen SDATA "[hyphen]"--=hyphen-->
-<!ENTITY period SDATA "[period]"--=full stop, period-->
-<!ENTITY sol SDATA "[sol ]"--=solidus-->
-<!ENTITY colon SDATA "[colon ]"--/colon P:-->
-<!ENTITY semi SDATA "[semi ]"--=semicolon P:-->
-<!ENTITY quest SDATA "[quest ]"--=question mark-->
-<!ENTITY iquest SDATA "[iquest]"--=inverted question mark-->
-<!ENTITY laquo SDATA "[laquo ]"--=angle quotation mark, left-->
-<!ENTITY raquo SDATA "[raquo ]"--=angle quotation mark, right-->
-<!ENTITY lsquo SDATA "[lsquo ]"--=single quotation mark, left-->
-<!ENTITY rsquo SDATA "[rsquo ]"--=single quotation mark, right-->
-<!ENTITY ldquo SDATA "[ldquo ]"--=double quotation mark, left-->
-<!ENTITY rdquo SDATA "[rdquo ]"--=double quotation mark, right-->
-<!ENTITY nbsp SDATA "[nbsp ]"--=no break (required) space-->
-<!ENTITY shy SDATA "[shy ]"--=soft hyphen-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOpub b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOpub
deleted file mode 100644
index c184973..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOpub
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN">
- %ISOpub;
-<!ENTITY emsp SDATA "[emsp ]"--=em space-->
-<!ENTITY ensp SDATA "[ensp ]"--=en space (1/2-em)-->
-<!ENTITY emsp13 SDATA "[emsp3 ]"--=1/3-em space-->
-<!ENTITY emsp14 SDATA "[emsp4 ]"--=1/4-em space-->
-<!ENTITY numsp SDATA "[numsp ]"--=digit space (width of a number)-->
-<!ENTITY puncsp SDATA "[puncsp]"--=punctuation space (width of comma)-->
-<!ENTITY thinsp SDATA "[thinsp]"--=thin space (1/6-em)-->
-<!ENTITY hairsp SDATA "[hairsp]"--=hair space-->
-<!ENTITY mdash SDATA "[mdash ]"--=em dash-->
-<!ENTITY ndash SDATA "[ndash ]"--=en dash-->
-<!ENTITY dash SDATA "[dash ]"--=hyphen (true graphic)-->
-<!ENTITY blank SDATA "[blank ]"--=significant blank symbol-->
-<!ENTITY hellip SDATA "[hellip]"--=ellipsis (horizontal)-->
-<!ENTITY nldr SDATA "[nldr ]"--=double baseline dot (en leader)-->
-<!ENTITY frac13 SDATA "[frac13]"--=fraction one-third-->
-<!ENTITY frac23 SDATA "[frac23]"--=fraction two-thirds-->
-<!ENTITY frac15 SDATA "[frac15]"--=fraction one-fifth-->
-<!ENTITY frac25 SDATA "[frac25]"--=fraction two-fifths-->
-<!ENTITY frac35 SDATA "[frac35]"--=fraction three-fifths-->
-<!ENTITY frac45 SDATA "[frac45]"--=fraction four-fifths-->
-<!ENTITY frac16 SDATA "[frac16]"--=fraction one-sixth-->
-<!ENTITY frac56 SDATA "[frac56]"--=fraction five-sixths-->
-<!ENTITY incare SDATA "[incare]"--=in-care-of symbol-->
-<!ENTITY block SDATA "[block ]"--=full block-->
-<!ENTITY uhblk SDATA "[uhblk ]"--=upper half block-->
-<!ENTITY lhblk SDATA "[lhblk ]"--=lower half block-->
-<!ENTITY blk14 SDATA "[blk14 ]"--=25% shaded block-->
-<!ENTITY blk12 SDATA "[blk12 ]"--=50% shaded block-->
-<!ENTITY blk34 SDATA "[blk34 ]"--=75% shaded block-->
-<!ENTITY marker SDATA "[marker]"--=histogram marker-->
-<!ENTITY cir SDATA "[cir ]"--/circ B: =circle, open-->
-<!ENTITY squ SDATA "[squ ]"--=square, open-->
-<!ENTITY rect SDATA "[rect ]"--=rectangle, open-->
-<!ENTITY utri SDATA "[utri ]"--/triangle =up triangle, open-->
-<!ENTITY dtri SDATA "[dtri ]"--/triangledown =down triangle, open-->
-<!ENTITY star SDATA "[star ]"--=star, open-->
-<!ENTITY bull SDATA "[bull ]"--/bullet B: =round bullet, filled-->
-<!ENTITY squf SDATA "[squf ]"--/blacksquare =sq bullet, filled-->
-<!ENTITY utrif SDATA "[utrif ]"--/blacktriangle =up tri, filled-->
-<!ENTITY dtrif SDATA "[dtrif ]"--/blacktriangledown =dn tri, filled-->
-<!ENTITY ltrif SDATA "[ltrif ]"--/blacktriangleleft R: =l tri, filled-->
-<!ENTITY rtrif SDATA "[rtrif ]"--/blacktriangleright R: =r tri, filled-->
-<!ENTITY clubs SDATA "[clubs ]"--/clubsuit =club suit symbol-->
-<!ENTITY diams SDATA "[diams ]"--/diamondsuit =diamond suit symbol-->
-<!ENTITY hearts SDATA "[hearts]"--/heartsuit =heart suit symbol-->
-<!ENTITY spades SDATA "[spades]"--/spadesuit =spades suit symbol-->
-<!ENTITY malt SDATA "[malt ]"--/maltese =maltese cross-->
-<!ENTITY dagger SDATA "[dagger]"--/dagger B: =dagger-->
-<!ENTITY Dagger SDATA "[Dagger]"--/ddagger B: =double dagger-->
-<!ENTITY check SDATA "[check ]"--/checkmark =tick, check mark-->
-<!ENTITY cross SDATA "[ballot]"--=ballot cross-->
-<!ENTITY sharp SDATA "[sharp ]"--/sharp =musical sharp-->
-<!ENTITY flat SDATA "[flat ]"--/flat =musical flat-->
-<!ENTITY male SDATA "[male ]"--=male symbol-->
-<!ENTITY female SDATA "[female]"--=female symbol-->
-<!ENTITY phone SDATA "[phone ]"--=telephone symbol-->
-<!ENTITY telrec SDATA "[telrec]"--=telephone recorder symbol-->
-<!ENTITY copysr SDATA "[copysr]"--=sound recording copyright sign-->
-<!ENTITY caret SDATA "[caret ]"--=caret (insertion mark)-->
-<!ENTITY lsquor SDATA "[lsquor]"--=rising single quote, left (low)-->
-<!ENTITY ldquor SDATA "[ldquor]"--=rising dbl quote, left (low)-->
-<!ENTITY fflig SDATA "[fflig ]"--small ff ligature-->
-<!ENTITY filig SDATA "[filig ]"--small fi ligature-->
-<!ENTITY fjlig SDATA "[fjlig ]"--small fj ligature-->
-<!ENTITY ffilig SDATA "[ffilig]"--small ffi ligature-->
-<!ENTITY ffllig SDATA "[ffllig]"--small ffl ligature-->
-<!ENTITY fllig SDATA "[fllig ]"--small fl ligature-->
-<!ENTITY mldr SDATA "[mldr ]"--em leader-->
-<!ENTITY rdquor SDATA "[rdquor]"--rising dbl quote, right (high)-->
-<!ENTITY rsquor SDATA "[rsquor]"--rising single quote, right (high)-->
-<!ENTITY vellip SDATA "[vellip]"--vertical ellipsis-->
-<!ENTITY hybull SDATA "[hybull]"--rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet)-->
-<!ENTITY loz SDATA "[loz ]"--/lozenge - lozenge or total mark-->
-<!ENTITY lozf SDATA "[lozf ]"--/blacklozenge - lozenge, filled-->
-<!ENTITY ltri SDATA "[ltri ]"--/triangleleft B: l triangle, open-->
-<!ENTITY rtri SDATA "[rtri ]"--/triangleright B: r triangle, open-->
-<!ENTITY starf SDATA "[starf ]"--/bigstar - star, filled-->
-<!ENTITY natur SDATA "[natur ]"--/natural - music natural-->
-<!ENTITY rx SDATA "[rx ]"--pharmaceutical prescription (Rx)-->
-<!ENTITY sext SDATA "[sext ]"--sextile (6-pointed star)-->
-<!ENTITY target SDATA "[target]"--register mark or target-->
-<!ENTITY dlcrop SDATA "[dlcrop]"--downward left crop mark -->
-<!ENTITY drcrop SDATA "[drcrop]"--downward right crop mark -->
-<!ENTITY ulcrop SDATA "[ulcrop]"--upward left crop mark -->
-<!ENTITY urcrop SDATA "[urcrop]"--upward right crop mark -->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOtech b/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOtech
deleted file mode 100644
index cbda344..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/ISOtech
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
- "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN">
- %ISOtech;
-<!ENTITY aleph SDATA "[aleph ]"--/aleph =aleph, Hebrew-->
-<!ENTITY and SDATA "[and ]"--/wedge /land B: =logical and-->
-<!ENTITY ang90 SDATA "[ang90 ]"--=right (90 degree) angle-->
-<!ENTITY angsph SDATA "[angsph]"--/sphericalangle =angle-spherical-->
-<!ENTITY ap SDATA "[ap ]"--/approx R: =approximate-->
-<!ENTITY becaus SDATA "[becaus]"--/because R: =because-->
-<!ENTITY bottom SDATA "[bottom]"--/bot B: =perpendicular-->
-<!ENTITY cap SDATA "[cap ]"--/cap B: =intersection-->
-<!ENTITY cong SDATA "[cong ]"--/cong R: =congruent with-->
-<!ENTITY conint SDATA "[conint]"--/oint L: =contour integral operator-->
-<!ENTITY cup SDATA "[cup ]"--/cup B: =union or logical sum-->
-<!ENTITY equiv SDATA "[equiv ]"--/equiv R: =identical with-->
-<!ENTITY exist SDATA "[exist ]"--/exists =at least one exists-->
-<!ENTITY forall SDATA "[forall]"--/forall =for all-->
-<!ENTITY fnof SDATA "[fnof ]"--=function of (italic small f)-->
-<!ENTITY ge SDATA "[ge ]"--/geq /ge R: =greater-than-or-equal-->
-<!ENTITY iff SDATA "[iff ]"--/iff =if and only if-->
-<!ENTITY infin SDATA "[infin ]"--/infty =infinity-->
-<!ENTITY int SDATA "[int ]"--/int L: =integral operator-->
-<!ENTITY isin SDATA "[isin ]"--/in R: =set membership-->
-<!ENTITY lang SDATA "[lang ]"--/langle O: =left angle bracket-->
-<!ENTITY lArr SDATA "[lArr ]"--/Leftarrow A: =is implied by-->
-<!ENTITY le SDATA "[le ]"--/leq /le R: =less-than-or-equal-->
-<!ENTITY minus SDATA "[minus ]"--B: =minus sign-->
-<!ENTITY mnplus SDATA "[mnplus]"--/mp B: =minus-or-plus sign-->
-<!ENTITY nabla SDATA "[nabla ]"--/nabla =del, Hamilton operator-->
-<!ENTITY ne SDATA "[ne ]"--/ne /neq R: =not equal-->
-<!ENTITY ni SDATA "[ni ]"--/ni /owns R: =contains-->
-<!ENTITY or SDATA "[or ]"--/vee /lor B: =logical or-->
-<!ENTITY par SDATA "[par ]"--/parallel R: =parallel-->
-<!ENTITY part SDATA "[part ]"--/partial =partial differential-->
-<!ENTITY permil SDATA "[permil]"--=per thousand-->
-<!ENTITY perp SDATA "[perp ]"--/perp R: =perpendicular-->
-<!ENTITY prime SDATA "[prime ]"--/prime =prime or minute-->
-<!ENTITY Prime SDATA "[Prime ]"--=double prime or second-->
-<!ENTITY prop SDATA "[prop ]"--/propto R: =is proportional to-->
-<!ENTITY radic SDATA "[radic ]"--/surd =radical-->
-<!ENTITY rang SDATA "[rang ]"--/rangle C: =right angle bracket-->
-<!ENTITY rArr SDATA "[rArr ]"--/Rightarrow A: =implies-->
-<!ENTITY sim SDATA "[sim ]"--/sim R: =similar-->
-<!ENTITY sime SDATA "[sime ]"--/simeq R: =similar, equals-->
-<!ENTITY square SDATA "[square]"--/square B: =square-->
-<!ENTITY sub SDATA "[sub ]"--/subset R: =subset or is implied by-->
-<!ENTITY sube SDATA "[sube ]"--/subseteq R: =subset, equals-->
-<!ENTITY sup SDATA "[sup ]"--/supset R: =superset or implies-->
-<!ENTITY supe SDATA "[supe ]"--/supseteq R: =superset, equals-->
-<!ENTITY there4 SDATA "[there4]"--/therefore R: =therefore-->
-<!ENTITY Verbar SDATA "[Verbar]"--/Vert =dbl vertical bar-->
-<!ENTITY angst SDATA "[angst ]"--Angstrom =capital A, ring-->
-<!ENTITY bernou SDATA "[bernou]"--Bernoulli function (script capital B)-->
-<!ENTITY compfn SDATA "[compfn]"--B: composite function (small circle)-->
-<!ENTITY Dot SDATA "[Dot ]"--=dieresis or umlaut mark-->
-<!ENTITY DotDot SDATA "[DotDot]"--four dots above-->
-<!ENTITY hamilt SDATA "[hamilt]"--Hamiltonian (script capital H)-->
-<!ENTITY lagran SDATA "[lagran]"--Lagrangian (script capital L)-->
-<!ENTITY lowast SDATA "[lowast]"--low asterisk-->
-<!ENTITY notin SDATA "[notin ]"--N: negated set membership-->
-<!ENTITY order SDATA "[order ]"--order of (script small o)-->
-<!ENTITY phmmat SDATA "[phmmat]"--physics M-matrix (script capital M)-->
-<!ENTITY tdot SDATA "[tdot ]"--three dots above-->
-<!ENTITY tprime SDATA "[tprime]"--triple prime-->
-<!ENTITY wedgeq SDATA "[wedgeq]"--R: corresponds to (wedge, equals)-->
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/iso/catalog b/Doc/sgml/iso/catalog
deleted file mode 100644
index ef79493..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/iso/catalog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN" ISOamsa
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN" ISOamsb
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN" ISOamsc
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary//EN" ISOamso
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN" ISOamsr
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN" ISOamsn
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Box and Line Drawing//EN" ISObox
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Russian Cyrillic//EN" ISOcyr1
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Non-Russian Cyrillic//EN" ISOcyr2
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN" ISOdia
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN" ISOgrk1
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Monotoniko Greek//EN" ISOgrk2
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN" ISOgrk3
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Alternative Greek Symbols//EN" ISOgrk4
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN" ISOlat1
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN" ISOlat2
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN" ISOnum
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN" ISOpub
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN" ISOtech
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN" ISOamsa
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN" ISOamsb
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN" ISOamsc
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary//EN" ISOamso
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN" ISOamsr
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN" ISOamsn
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Box and Line Drawing//EN" ISObox
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Russian Cyrillic//EN" ISOcyr1
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Non-Russian Cyrillic//EN" ISOcyr2
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN" ISOdia
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN" ISOgrk1
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Monotoniko Greek//EN" ISOgrk2
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN" ISOgrk3
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Alternative Greek Symbols//EN" ISOgrk4
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN" ISOlat1
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN" ISOlat2
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN" ISOnum
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN" ISOpub
-PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN" ISOtech
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/oasis/catalog b/Doc/sgml/oasis/catalog
deleted file mode 100644
index e4fe312..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/oasis/catalog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Exchange Table Model 19960430//EN" "exchange.txt"
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/oasis/exchange.txt b/Doc/sgml/oasis/exchange.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a6bbf02..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/oasis/exchange.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-<!-- This set of declarations defines the Exchange Table Model as of the
- date shown in the Formal Public Identifier (FPI) for this entity.
- This set of declarations may be referred to using a public external
- entity declaration and reference as shown in the following two lines:
-<!ENTITY % calstbls PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Exchange Table Model 19960430//EN">
- If various parameter entities used within this set of declarations
- are to be given non-default values, the appropriate declarations
- should be given before calling in this package (i.e., before the
- "%calstbls;" reference).
- NOTE: This set of declarations assumes a NAMELEN of 32 as is used in
- the standard CALS defined SGML declaration.
-<!-- This entity includes a set of element and attribute declarations
- that partially defines the Exchange table model. However, the model
- is not well-defined without the accompanying natural language
- description of the semantics (meanings) of these various elements,
- attributes, and attribute values. The semantic writeup, also available
- from OASIS, should be used in conjunction with this entity.
-<!-- In order to use the Exchange table model, various parameter entity
- declarations are required. A brief description is as follows:
- %bodyatt In ATTLIST of: Additional (non-table related)
- table element(s) attributes on the overall
- (wrapper) table element(s)
- %yesorno In ATTLIST of: An attribute declared value
- almost all elements for a "boolean" attribute
- %titles In content model of: The "title" part of the model
- table element(s) group for the table element(s)
- %paracon In content model of: The "text" (logical content)
- <entry> of the model group for <entry>
- In declaration of: The name(s) of the "table"
- table element(s) element(s)
- %tbl.table-titles.mdl In content model of: The model group for the title
- table elements(s) part of the content model for
- table element(s)
- %tbl.table-main.mdl In content model of: The model group for the main part
- table elements(s) (not including titles) of the
- content model for table element(s)
- %tbl.table.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
- table elements(s) model for table element(s),
- often (and by default) defined
- in terms of %tbl.table-titles.mdl
- and %tbl.table-main.mdl
- %tbl.table.excep In content model of: The exceptions for the content
- table element(s) model for table element(s)
- %tbl.table.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
- table element(s) table element(s)
- %tbl.tgroup.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
- <tgroup> model for <tgroup>
- %tbl.tgroup.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
- <tgroup> <tgroup> element
- %tbl.tbody.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
- <tbody> <tbody> element
- %tbl.colspec.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
- <colspec> <colspec> element
- In declaration of: The name(s) of the table
- head/foot element(s) head and foot element(s)
- %tbl.hdft.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
- head/foot element(s) model for head/foot element(s)
- %tbl.hdft.excep In content model of: The exceptions for the content
- head/foot element(s) model for head/foot element(s)
- %tbl.hdft.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
- head/foot element(s) head/foot element(s)
- %tbl.row.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
- <row> model for <row>
- %tbl.row.excep In content model of: The exceptions for the content
- <row> model for <row>
- %tbl.row.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
- <row> <row> element
- %tbl.entry.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
- <entry> model for <entry>
- %tbl.entry.excep In content model of: The exceptions for the content
- <entry> model for <entry>
- %tbl.entry.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
- <entry> <entry> element
- This set of declarations will use the default definitions shown below
- for any of these parameter entities that are not declared before this
- set of declarations is referenced.
-<!-- These definitions are not directly related to the table model, but are
- used in the default CALS table model and may be defined elsewhere (and
- prior to the inclusion of this table module) in the referencing DTD. -->
-<!ENTITY % bodyatt "">
-<!ENTITY % yesorno 'NUMBER' -- no if zero(s),
- yes if any other digits value -->
-<!ENTITY % titles 'title?'>
-<!ENTITY % paracon '#PCDATA' -- default for use in entry content -->
-The parameter entities as defined below change and simplify the CALS table
-model as published (as part of the Example DTD) in MIL-HDBK-28001. The
-resulting simplified DTD has support from the OASIS vendors and is
-therefore more interoperable among different systems.
-These following declarations provide the Exchange default definitions
-for these entities. However, these entities can be redefined (by giving
-the appropriate parameter entity declaration(s) prior to the reference
-to this Table Model declaration set entity) to fit the needs of the
-current application.
-Note, however, that changes may have significant effect on the ability to
-interchange table information. These changes may manifest themselves
-in useability, presentation, and possible structure information degradation.
-<!ENTITY % "table">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.table-main.mdl "tgroup+">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl "%tbl.table-titles.mdl; %tbl.table-main.mdl;">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.table.excep "-(">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.table.att "
- pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED ">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl "colspec*,thead?,tbody">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att "">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att "">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att "">
-<!ENTITY % "thead">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.hdft.mdl "row+">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.hdft.excep "">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.hdft.att "">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl "entry+">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.row.excep "">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.row.att "">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%paracon;)*">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.excep "">
-<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.att "">
-<!-- ===== Element and attribute declarations follow. ===== -->
- Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
- referenced below include:
- ENTITY % "table"
- ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,"
- ENTITY % tbl.table-main.mdl "tgroup+"
- ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl "%tbl.table-titles; %tbl.table-main.mdl;"
- ENTITY % tbl.table.excep "-("
- ENTITY % tbl.table.att "
- pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED "
-<!ELEMENT; - - (%tbl.table.mdl;) %tbl.table.excep; >
- frame (top|bottom|topbot|all|sides|none) #IMPLIED
- colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- %tbl.table.att;
- %bodyatt;
- Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
- referenced below include:
- ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl "colspec*,thead?,tbody"
- ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att ""
-<!ELEMENT tgroup - O (%tbl.tgroup.mdl;) >
-<!ATTLIST tgroup
- colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
- %tbl.tgroup.att;
- Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
- referenced below include:
- ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att ""
-<!ELEMENT colspec - O EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST colspec
- colwidth CDATA #IMPLIED
- colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
- %tbl.colspec.att;
- Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
- referenced below include:
- ENTITY % "thead"
- ENTITY % tbl.hdft.mdl "row+"
- ENTITY % tbl.hdft.excep ""
- ENTITY % tbl.hdft.att ""
-<!ELEMENT; - O (%tbl.hdft.mdl;) %tbl.hdft.excep;>
- valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
- %tbl.hdft.att;
- Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
- referenced below include:
- ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att ""
-<!ELEMENT tbody - O (row+)>
-<!ATTLIST tbody
- valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
- %tbl.tbody.att;
- Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
- referenced below include:
- ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl "entry+"
- ENTITY % tbl.row.excep ""
- ENTITY % tbl.row.att ""
-<!ELEMENT row - O (%tbl.row.mdl;) %tbl.row.excep;>
-<!ATTLIST row
- rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
- %tbl.row.att;
- Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
- referenced below include:
- ENTITY % paracon "#PCDATA"
- ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%paracon;)*"
- ENTITY % tbl.entry.excep ""
- ENTITY % tbl.entry.att ""
-<!ELEMENT entry - O (%tbl.entry.mdl;) %tbl.entry.excep; >
-<!ATTLIST entry
- morerows NUMBER #IMPLIED
- colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
- valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
- %tbl.entry.att;
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/python.dtd b/Doc/sgml/python.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a88ce..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/python.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY % common.att "
-<!ENTITY % descriptor.class "cfuncdesc | cvardesc | ctypedesc |
- classdesc | excdesc | funcdesc | datadesc |
- memberdesc | methoddesc | opcodedesc">
-<!-- include the OASIS Exchange Table Model -->
-<!ENTITY oasis-tables.mod
- PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Exchange Table Model 19960430//EN">
-<!-- define the &version; general entity -->
-<!ENTITY python-version.ent
- PUBLIC "+//IDN Python Version//EN">
-<!ELEMENT input - - EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST input
- %common.att;
- xml:link #FIXED "simple"
- show CDATA "embed"
- embed CDATA "auto"
-<!ELEMENT (function|constant) - - (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST (function|constant)
- %common.att;
- index (index|noindex) noindex
- module CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT method - - (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST method
- %common.att;
- index (index|noindex) noindex
-<!ELEMENT module - - (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST module
- %common.att;
- link (link|nolink) nolink
- package CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT signature - - (name, super*, args?)>
-<!ELEMENT name - - (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT super - - (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT args - - (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT %descriptor.class; - - (sig+, description)>
-<!ELEMENT description - - (%para.mix;)>
diff --git a/Doc/sgml/version.ent b/Doc/sgml/version.ent
deleted file mode 100644
index c6259b1..0000000
--- a/Doc/sgml/version.ent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Version number for the Python interpreter -->
-<!ENTITY version CDATA "1.5">