path: root/Doc/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/tools')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/tools/ b/Doc/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae643d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doc/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+"""Generate ESIS events based on a LaTeX source document and configuration
+__version__ = '$Revision$'
+import re
+import string
+import StringIO
+import sys
+class Error(Exception):
+ pass
+class LaTeXFormatError(Error):
+ pass
+_begin_env_rx = re.compile(r"[\\]begin{([^}]*)}")
+_end_env_rx = re.compile(r"[\\]end{([^}]*)}")
+_begin_macro_rx = re.compile(r"[\\]([a-zA-Z]+[*]?)({| |)")
+_comment_rx = re.compile("%([^\n]*)\n")
+_text_rx = re.compile(r"[^]%\\{}]+")
+_optional_rx = re.compile(r"[[]([^]]*)[]]")
+_parameter_rx = re.compile("[ \n]*{([^}]*)}")
+_token_rx = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*$")
+_start_group_rx = re.compile("[ \n]*{")
+_start_optional_rx = re.compile("[ \n]*[[]")
+_charmap = {}
+for c in map(chr, range(256)):
+ _charmap[c] = c
+_charmap["\n"] = r"\n"
+_charmap["\\"] = r"\\"
+del c
+def encode(s):
+ return string.join(map(_charmap.get, s), '')
+ESCAPED_CHARS = "$%#^ {}"
+def subconvert(line, ofp, table, discards, autoclosing, knownempty,
+ endchar=None):
+ stack = []
+ while line:
+ if line[0] == endchar and not stack:
+ return line[1:]
+ m = _comment_rx.match(line)
+ if m:
+ text =
+ if text:
+ ofp.write("(COMMENT\n")
+ ofp.write("-%s\n" % encode(text))
+ ofp.write(")COMMENT\n")
+ ofp.write("-\\n\n")
+ else:
+ ofp.write("-\\n\n")
+ line = line[m.end():]
+ continue
+ m = _begin_env_rx.match(line)
+ if m:
+ # re-write to use the macro handler
+ line = r"\%s%s" % (, line[m.end():])
+ continue
+ m =_end_env_rx.match(line)
+ if m:
+ # end of environment
+ envname =
+ if envname == "document":
+ # special magic
+ for n in stack[1:]:
+ if n not in autoclosing:
+ raise LaTeXFormatError("open element on stack: " + `n`)
+ # should be more careful, but this is easier to code:
+ stack = []
+ ofp.write(")document\n")
+ elif envname == stack[-1]:
+ ofp.write(")%s\n" % envname)
+ del stack[-1]
+ else:
+## print "envname ==>", envname
+## print stack
+ raise LaTeXFormatError("environment close doesn't match")
+ line = line[m.end():]
+ continue
+ m = _begin_macro_rx.match(line)
+ if m:
+ # start of macro
+ macroname =
+ if macroname == "verbatim":
+ # really magic case!
+ pos = string.find(line, "\\end{verbatim}")
+ text = line[m.end(1):pos]
+ ofp.write("(verbatim\n")
+ ofp.write("-%s\n" % encode(text))
+ ofp.write(")verbatim\n")
+ line = line[pos + len("\\end{verbatim}"):]
+ continue
+ numbered = 1
+ if macroname[-1] == "*":
+ macroname = macroname[:-1]
+ numbered = 0
+ real_ofp = ofp
+ if macroname in autoclosing and macroname in stack:
+ while stack[-1] != macroname:
+ if stack[-1] and stack[-1] not in discards:
+ ofp.write(")%s\n-\\n\n" % stack[-1])
+ del stack[-1]
+ if macroname not in discards:
+ ofp.write("-\\n\n)%s\n-\\n\n" % macroname)
+ del stack[-1]
+ if macroname in discards:
+ ofp = StringIO.StringIO()
+ #
+ conversion = table.get(macroname, ([], 0, 0))
+ if type(conversion) is type(""):
+ # XXX convert to general entity; ESIS cheats!
+ line = "&%s;%s" % (conversion, line[m.end(1):])
+ continue
+ params, optional, empty = conversion
+ empty = empty or knownempty(macroname)
+ if empty:
+ ofp.write("e\n")
+ if not numbered:
+ ofp.write("Anumbered TOKEN no\n")
+ if params:
+ if optional and len(params) == 1:
+ line = line = line[m.end():]
+ else:
+ line = line[m.end() - 1:]
+ else:
+ line = line[m.end():]
+ #
+ # Very ugly special case to deal with \item[]. The catch is that
+ # this needs to occur outside the for loop that handles attribute
+ # parsing so we can 'continue' the outer loop.
+ #
+ if optional and type(params[0]) is type(()):
+ # the attribute name isn't used in this special case
+ stack.append(macroname)
+ ofp.write("(%s\n" % macroname)
+ m = _start_optional_rx.match(line)
+ if m:
+ line = line[m.end():]
+ line = subconvert(line, ofp, table, discards,
+ autoclosing, knownempty, endchar="]")
+ line = "}" + line
+ continue
+ # handle attribute mappings here:
+ for attrname in params:
+ if optional:
+ optional = 0
+ if type(attrname) is type(""):
+ m = _optional_rx.match(line)
+ if m:
+ line = line[m.end():]
+ ofp.write("A%s TOKEN %s\n"
+ % (attrname, encode(
+ elif type(attrname) is type(()):
+ # This is a sub-element; but don't place the
+ # element we found on the stack (\section-like)
+ stack.append(macroname)
+ ofp.write("(%s\n" % macroname)
+ macroname = attrname[0]
+ m = _start_group_rx.match(line)
+ if m:
+ line = line[m.end():]
+ elif type(attrname) is type([]):
+ # A normal subelement.
+ attrname = attrname[0]
+ stack.append(macroname)
+ stack.append(attrname)
+ ofp.write("(%s\n" % macroname)
+ macroname = attrname
+ else:
+ m = _parameter_rx.match(line)
+ if not m:
+ raise LaTeXFormatError(
+ "could not extract parameter group: "
+ + `line`)
+ value =
+ if _token_rx.match(value):
+ dtype = "TOKEN"
+ else:
+ dtype = "CDATA"
+ ofp.write("A%s %s %s\n"
+ % (attrname, dtype, encode(value)))
+ line = line[m.end():]
+ stack.append(macroname)
+ if type(conversion) is not type(""):
+ ofp.write("(%s\n" % macroname)
+ if empty:
+ line = "}" + line
+ ofp = real_ofp
+ continue
+ if line[0] == "}":
+ # end of macro
+ macroname = stack[-1]
+ conversion = table.get(macroname)
+ if macroname \
+ and macroname not in discards \
+ and type(conversion) is not type(""):
+ # otherwise, it was just a bare group
+ ofp.write(")%s\n" % stack[-1])
+ del stack[-1]
+ line = line[1:]
+ continue
+ if line[0] == "{":
+ stack.append("")
+ line = line[1:]
+ continue
+ if line[0] == "\\" and line[1] in ESCAPED_CHARS:
+## print "*** Found", `line[1]`, "as escaped character. ***"
+ ofp.write("-%s\n" % encode(line[1]))
+ line = line[2:]
+ continue
+ if line[:2] == r"\\":
+ ofp.write("(BREAK\n)BREAK\n")
+ line = line[2:]
+ continue
+ m = _text_rx.match(line)
+ if m:
+ text = encode(
+ ofp.write("-%s\n" % text)
+ line = line[m.end():]
+ continue
+ # special case because of \item[]
+ if line[0] == "]":
+ ofp.write("-]\n")
+ line = line[1:]
+ continue
+ # avoid infinite loops
+ extra = ""
+ if len(line) > 100:
+ extra = "..."
+ raise LaTeXFormatError("could not identify markup: %s%s"
+ % (`line[:100]`, extra))
+def convert(ifp, ofp, table={}, discards=(), autoclosing=(), knownempties=()):
+ d = {}
+ for gi in knownempties:
+ d[gi] = gi
+ return subconvert(, ofp, table, discards, autoclosing, d.has_key)
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+ ifp = open(sys.argv[1])
+ ofp = sys.stdout
+ elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
+ ifp = open(sys.argv[1])
+ ofp = open(sys.argv[2], "w")
+ else:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ convert(ifp, ofp, {
+ # entries are name
+ # -> ([list of attribute names], first_is_optional, empty)
+ "cfuncdesc": (["type", "name", ("args",)], 0, 0),
+ "chapter": ([("title",)], 0, 0),
+ "chapter*": ([("title",)], 0, 0),
+ "classdesc": (["name", ("constructor-args",)], 0, 0),
+ "ctypedesc": (["name"], 0, 0),
+ "cvardesc": (["type", "name"], 0, 0),
+ "datadesc": (["name"], 0, 0),
+ "declaremodule": (["id", "type", "name"], 1, 1),
+ "deprecated": (["release"], 0, 1),
+ "documentclass": (["classname"], 0, 1),
+ "excdesc": (["name"], 0, 0),
+ "funcdesc": (["name", ("args",)], 0, 0),
+ "funcdescni": (["name", ("args",)], 0, 0),
+ "indexii": (["ie1", "ie2"], 0, 1),
+ "indexiii": (["ie1", "ie2", "ie3"], 0, 1),
+ "indexiv": (["ie1", "ie2", "ie3", "ie4"], 0, 1),
+ "input": (["source"], 0, 1),
+ "item": ([("leader",)], 1, 0),
+ "label": (["id"], 0, 1),
+ "manpage": (["name", "section"], 0, 1),
+ "memberdesc": (["class", "name"], 1, 0),
+ "methoddesc": (["class", "name", ("args",)], 1, 0),
+ "methoddescni": (["class", "name", ("args",)], 1, 0),
+ "opcodedesc": (["name", "var"], 0, 0),
+ "par": ([], 0, 1),
+ "rfc": (["number"], 0, 1),
+ "section": ([("title",)], 0, 0),
+ "seemodule": (["ref", "name"], 1, 0),
+ "tableii": (["colspec", "style", "head1", "head2"], 0, 0),
+ "tableiii": (["colspec", "style", "head1", "head2", "head3"], 0, 0),
+ "tableiv": (["colspec", "style", "head1", "head2", "head3", "head4"],
+ 0, 0),
+ "versionadded": (["version"], 0, 1),
+ "versionchanged": (["version"], 0, 1),
+ #
+ "ABC": "ABC",
+ "C": "C",
+ "Cpp": "Cpp",
+ "EOF": "EOF",
+ "e": "backslash",
+ "ldots": "ldots",
+ "NULL": "NULL",
+ "UNIX": "Unix",
+ #
+ # Things that will actually be going away!
+ #
+ "fi": ([], 0, 1),
+ "ifhtml": ([], 0, 1),
+ "makeindex": ([], 0, 1),
+ "makemodindex": ([], 0, 1),
+ "maketitle": ([], 0, 1),
+ "noindent": ([], 0, 1),
+ "tableofcontents": ([], 0, 1),
+ },
+ discards=["fi", "ifhtml", "makeindex", "makemodindex", "maketitle",
+ "noindent", "tableofcontents"],
+ autoclosing=["chapter", "section", "subsection", "subsubsection",
+ "paragraph", "subparagraph", ],
+ knownempties=["rfc", "declaremodule", "appendix",
+ "maketitle", "makeindex", "makemodindex",
+ "localmoduletable", "manpage", "input"])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()