path: root/Lib/distutils/command/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/distutils/command/')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/distutils/command/ b/Lib/distutils/command/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985a37a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/distutils/command/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+Implements the Distutils 'bdist_sdux' command to create HP-UX
+swinstall depot"""
+# Mark Alexander <>
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 0.2 "
+import os, string
+import glob
+from types import *
+from distutils.core import Command, DEBUG
+from distutils.util import get_platform
+from distutils.file_util import write_file
+from distutils.errors import *
+from distutils.command import bdist_packager
+import sys
+from commands import getoutput
+/usr/bin/which python 2>&1 >/dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Python must be on your PATH" &>2
+ echo "ERROR: (You may need to link it to /usr/bin) " &>2
+ exit 1
+PY_DIR=`python -c "import sys;print '%s/lib/python%s' % (sys.exec_prefix,sys.version[0:3])" #2>/dev/null`
+PY_PKG_DIR=`python -c "import sys;print '%s/lib/python%s/site-packages' % (sys.exec_prefix,sys.version[0:3])" #2>/dev/null`
+PY_LIB_DIR=`dirname $PY_PKG_DIR`
+if [ "`dirname ${SW_LOCATION}`" = "__DISTUTILS_PKG_DIR__" ]; then
+ # swinstall to default location
+ if [ "${PY_PKG_DIR}" != "__DISTUTILS_PKG_DIR__" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: " &>2
+ echo "ERROR: Python is not installed where this package expected!" &>2
+ echo "ERROR: You need to manually relocate this package to your python installation." &>2
+ echo "ERROR: " &>2
+ echo "ERROR: Re-run swinstall specifying the product name:location, e.g.:" &>2
+ echo "ERROR: " &>2
+ echo "ERROR: swinstall -s [source] __DISTUTILS_NAME__:${PY_PKG_DIR}/__DISTUTILS_DIRNAME__" &>2
+ echo "ERROR: " &>2
+ echo "ERROR: to relocate this package to match your python installation" &>2
+ echo "ERROR: " &>2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "`dirname ${SW_LOCATION}`" != "${PY_PKG_DIR}" -a "`dirname ${SWLOCATION}`" != "${PY_LIB_DIR}" ]; then
+ echo "WARNING: " &>2
+ echo "WARNING: Package is being installed outside the 'normal' python search path!" &>2
+ echo "WARNING: Add ${SW_LOCATION} to PYTHONPATH to use this package" &>2
+ echo "WARNING: " &>2
+ fi
+/usr/bin/which python 2>&1 >/dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Python must be on your PATH" &>2
+ echo "ERROR: (You may need to link it to /usr/bin) " &>2
+ exit 1
+python -c "import compileall;compileall.compile_dir(\\"${SW_LOCATION}\\")"
+# remove compiled bytecode files
+find ${SW_LOCATION} -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} \;
+find ${SW_LOCATION} -name "*.pyo" -exec rm {} \;
+if [ `find ${SW_LOCATION} ! -type d | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
+ # remove if there's nothing but empty directories left
+ rm -rf ${SW_LOCATION}
+class bdist_sdux(bdist_packager.bdist_packager):
+ description = "create an HP swinstall depot"
+ user_options = bdist_packager.bdist_packager.user_options + [
+ #('revision=', None,
+ #"package revision number (PSTAMP)"),
+ ('keep-permissions', None,
+ "Don't reset permissions and ownership to root/bin"), # XXX
+ ('corequisites=', None,
+ "corequisites"), # XXX
+ ('prerequisites=', None,
+ "prerequisites"), # XXX
+ #('category=', None,
+ #"Software category"),
+ ('checkinstall=', None, # XXX ala request
+ "checkinstall script (Bourne shell code)"),
+ ('configure=', None, # XXX
+ "configure script (Bourne shell code)"),
+ ('unconfigure=', None, # XXX
+ "unconfigure script (Bourne shell code)"),
+ ('verify=', None, # XXX
+ "verify script (Bourne shell code)"),
+ ('unpreinstall=', None, # XXX
+ "unpreinstall script (Bourne shell code)"),
+ ('unpostinstall=', None, # XXX
+ "unpostinstall script (Bourne shell code)"),
+ ]
+ boolean_options = ['keep-permissions']
+ def initialize_options (self):
+ bdist_packager.bdist_packager.initialize_options(self)
+ self.corequisites = None
+ self.prerequesites = None
+ self.checkinstall = None
+ self.configure = None
+ self.unconfigure = None
+ self.verify = None
+ self.unpreinstall = None
+ self.unpostinstall = None
+ # More
+ self.copyright = None
+ self.readme = None
+ self.machine_type = None
+ self.os_name = None
+ self.os_release = None
+ = None
+ self.readme = None
+ self.copyright = None
+ self.architecture= None
+ self.keep_permissions= None
+ options = self.distribution.get_option_dict('bdist_packager')
+ for key in options.keys():
+ setattr(self,key,options[key][1])
+ # initialize_options()
+ def finalize_options (self):
+ if self.pkg_dir==None:
+ dist_dir = self.get_finalized_command('bdist').dist_dir
+ self.pkg_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir, "sdux")
+ self.ensure_script('corequisites')
+ self.ensure_script('prerequesites')
+ self.ensure_script('checkinstall')
+ self.ensure_script('configure')
+ self.ensure_script('unconfigure')
+ self.ensure_script('verify')
+ self.ensure_script('unpreinstall')
+ self.ensure_script('unpostinstall')
+ self.ensure_script('copyright')
+ self.ensure_script('readme')
+ self.ensure_string('machine_type','*')
+ if not self.__dict__.has_key('platforms'):
+ # This is probably HP, but if it's not, use sys.platform
+ if sys.platform[0:5] == "hp-ux":
+ self.platforms = "HP-UX"
+ else:
+ self.platforms = string.upper(sys.platform)
+ else:
+ # we can only handle one
+ self.platforms=string.join(self.platforms[0])
+ self.ensure_string('os_release','*')
+ self.ensure_string('directory','%s/lib/python%s/site-packages' % \
+ (sys.exec_prefix, sys.version[0:3]))
+ bdist_packager.bdist_packager.finalize_options(self)
+ "__DISTUTILS_DIRNAME__", self.root_package)
+ "__DISTUTILS_DIRNAME__", self.root_package)
+ #"__DISTUTILS_NAME__", self.root_package)
+ #"__DISTUTILS_NAME__", self.root_package)
+ # finalize_options()
+ def run (self):
+ # make directories
+ self.mkpath(self.pkg_dir)
+ psf_path = os.path.join(self.pkg_dir,
+ "%s.psf" % self.get_binary_name())
+ # build package
+ self.announce('Building package')
+ self.run_command('build')
+ self.announce('Creating psf file')
+ self.execute(write_file,
+ (psf_path,
+ self._make_control_file()),
+ "writing '%s'" % psf_path)
+ if self.control_only: # stop if requested
+ return
+ self.announce('Creating package')
+ spawn_cmd = ['swpackage', '-s']
+ spawn_cmd.append(psf_path)
+ spawn_cmd.append('-x')
+ spawn_cmd.append('target_type=tape')
+ spawn_cmd.append('@')
+ spawn_cmd.append(self.pkg_dir+"/"+self.get_binary_name()+'.depot')
+ self.spawn(spawn_cmd)
+ # run()
+ def _make_control_file(self):
+ # Generate a psf file and return it as list of strings (one per line).
+ # definitions and headers
+ title = "%s %s" % (self.maintainer,self.maintainer_email)
+ title=title[0:80]
+ #top=self.distribution.packages[0]
+ psf_file = [
+ 'vendor', # Vendor information
+ ' tag %s' % "DISTUTILS",
+ ' title %s' % title,
+ ' description Distutils package maintainer (%s)' % self.license,
+ 'end', # end of vendor
+ 'product', # Product information
+ ' tag %s' %,
+ ' title %s' % self.description,
+ ' description %s' % self.description,
+ ' revision %s' % self.version,
+ ' architecture %s' % self.platforms,
+ ' machine_type %s' % self.machine_type,
+ ' os_name %s' % self.platforms,
+ ' os_release %s' % self.os_release,
+ ' directory %s' % + "/" + self.root_package,
+ ]
+ self.write_script(os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, "checkinstall"),
+ 'checkinstall',DEFAULT_CHECKINSTALL)
+ psf_file.extend([' checkinstall %s/checkinstall' % self.pkg_dir])
+ self.write_script(os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, "postinstall"),
+ 'postinstall',DEFAULT_POSTINSTALL)
+ psf_file.extend([' postinstall %s/postinstall' % self.pkg_dir])
+ self.write_script(os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, "preremove"),
+ 'preremove',DEFAULT_PREREMOVE)
+ psf_file.extend([' preremove %s/preremove' % self.pkg_dir])
+ self.write_script(os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, "postremove"),
+ 'postremove',DEFAULT_POSTREMOVE)
+ psf_file.extend([' postremove %s/postremove' % self.pkg_dir])
+ if self.preinstall:
+ self.write_script(self.pkg_dir+"/preinstall", 'preinstall', None)
+ psf_file.extend([' preinstall %s/preinstall' % self.pkg_dir])
+ if self.configure:
+ self.write_script(self.pkg_dir+"/configure", 'configure', None)
+ psf_file.extend([' configure %s/configure' % self.pkg_dir])
+ if self.unconfigure:
+ self.write_script(self.pkg_dir+"/unconfigure", 'unconfigure', None)
+ psf_file.extend([' unconfigure %s/unconfigure' % self.pkg_dir])
+ if self.verify:
+ self.write_script(self.pkg_dir+"/verify", 'verify', None)
+ psf_file.extend([' verify %s/verify' % self.pkg_dir])
+ if self.unpreinstall:
+ self.write_script(self.pkg_dir+"/unpreinstall", 'unpreinstall', None)
+ psf_file.extend([' unpreinstall %s/unpreinstall' % self.pkg_dir])
+ if self.unpostinstall:
+ self.write_script(self.pkg_dir+"/unpostinstall", 'unpostinstall', None)
+ psf_file.extend([' unpostinstall %s/unpostinstall' % self.pkg_dir])
+ psf_file.extend([' is_locatable true'])
+ #if self.long_description:
+ #psf_file.extend([self.long_description])
+ if self.copyright:
+ # XX make a copyright file XXX
+ write_script('copyright')
+ psf_file.extend([' copyright <copyright'])
+ if self.readme:
+ # XX make a readme file XXX
+ write_script('readme')
+ psf_file.extend([' readme <readme'])
+ psf_file.extend([' fileset']) # start fileset
+ if self.distribution.ext_modules:
+ platlib=self.get_finalized_command('build').build_platlib
+ else:
+ platlib=self.get_finalized_command('build').build_lib
+ title = "%s installation files" % (
+ psf_file.extend([
+ ' tag %s' % 'FILES',
+ ' title %s' % "%s installation files" % (,
+ ' revision %s' % self.version,
+ ' directory %s/%s=%s/%s' % (platlib,self.root_package,,self.root_package),
+ ])
+ if not self.keep_permissions:
+ psf_file.extend([' file_permissions -m 555 -o root -g bin'])
+ psf_file.extend([' file *'])
+ psf_file.extend([' end']) # end of fileset
+ psf_file.extend(['end']) # end of product
+# XXX add fileset information
+ return psf_file
+ # _make_control_file ()
+# class bdist_sdux