path: root/Lib/dos-8x3/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/dos-8x3/')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/dos-8x3/ b/Lib/dos-8x3/
index 796f6a0..7afdf5d 100644
--- a/Lib/dos-8x3/
+++ b/Lib/dos-8x3/
@@ -15,157 +15,157 @@ else:
tstfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base), "test.xml")
del base
-def confirm( test, testname="Test" ):
+def confirm(test, testname = "Test"):
if test:
print "Passed " + testname
print "Failed " + testname
raise Exception
+Node._debug = 1
def testParseFromFile():
from StringIO import StringIO
- dom=parse( StringIO( open( tstfile ).read() ) )
+ dom = parse(StringIO(open(tstfile).read()))
-def testGetElementsByTagName( ):
- dom=parse( tstfile )
- confirm( dom.getElementsByTagName( "LI" )==\
- dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName( "LI" ) )
+def testGetElementsByTagName():
+ dom = parse(tstfile)
+ confirm(dom.getElementsByTagName("LI") == \
+ dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("LI"))
-def testInsertBefore( ):
- dom=parse( tstfile )
- docel=dom.documentElement
+def testInsertBefore():
+ dom = parse(tstfile)
+ docel = dom.documentElement
#docel.insertBefore( dom.createProcessingInstruction("a", "b"),
# docel.childNodes[1])
#docel.insertBefore( dom.createProcessingInstruction("a", "b"),
# docel.childNodes[0])
- #confirm( docel.childNodes[0].tet=="a" )
- #confirm( docel.childNodes[2].tet=="a" )
+ #confirm( docel.childNodes[0].tet == "a")
+ #confirm( docel.childNodes[2].tet == "a")
def testAppendChild():
- dom=parse( tstfile )
- dom.documentElement.appendChild( dom.createComment( u"Hello" ))
- confirm( dom.documentElement.childNodes[-1].nodeName=="#comment" )
- confirm( dom.documentElement.childNodes[-1].data=="Hello" )
+ dom = parse(tstfile)
+ dom.documentElement.appendChild(dom.createComment(u"Hello"))
+ confirm(dom.documentElement.childNodes[-1].nodeName == "#comment")
+ confirm(dom.documentElement.childNodes[-1].data == "Hello")
def testNonZero():
- dom=parse( tstfile )
- confirm( dom )# should not be zero
- dom.appendChild( dom.createComment( "foo" ) )
- confirm( not dom.childNodes[-1].childNodes )
+ dom = parse(tstfile)
+ confirm(dom)# should not be zero
+ dom.appendChild(dom.createComment("foo"))
+ confirm(not dom.childNodes[-1].childNodes)
def testUnlink():
- dom=parse( tstfile )
+ dom = parse(tstfile)
def testElement():
- dom=Document()
- dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) )
- confirm( dom.documentElement )
+ dom = Document()
+ dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
+ confirm(dom.documentElement)
def testAAA():
- dom=parseString( "<abc/>" )
- el=dom.documentElement
- el.setAttribute( "spam", "jam2" )
+ dom = parseString("<abc/>")
+ el = dom.documentElement
+ el.setAttribute("spam", "jam2")
def testAAB():
- dom=parseString( "<abc/>" )
- el=dom.documentElement
- el.setAttribute( "spam", "jam" )
- el.setAttribute( "spam", "jam2" )
+ dom = parseString("<abc/>")
+ el = dom.documentElement
+ el.setAttribute("spam", "jam")
+ el.setAttribute("spam", "jam2")
def testAddAttr():
- dom=Document()
- child=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) )
+ dom = Document()
+ child = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
- child.setAttribute( "def", "ghi" )
- confirm( child.getAttribute( "def" )=="ghi" )
- confirm( child.attributes["def"].value=="ghi" )
+ child.setAttribute("def", "ghi")
+ confirm(child.getAttribute("def") == "ghi")
+ confirm(child.attributes["def"].value == "ghi")
- child.setAttribute( "jkl", "mno" )
- confirm( child.getAttribute( "jkl" )=="mno" )
- confirm( child.attributes["jkl"].value=="mno" )
+ child.setAttribute("jkl", "mno")
+ confirm(child.getAttribute("jkl") == "mno")
+ confirm(child.attributes["jkl"].value == "mno")
- confirm( len( child.attributes )==2 )
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 2)
- child.setAttribute( "def", "newval" )
- confirm( child.getAttribute( "def" )=="newval" )
- confirm( child.attributes["def"].value=="newval" )
+ child.setAttribute("def", "newval")
+ confirm(child.getAttribute("def") == "newval")
+ confirm(child.attributes["def"].value == "newval")
- confirm( len( child.attributes )==2 )
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 2)
def testDeleteAttr():
- dom=Document()
- child=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) )
+ dom = Document()
+ child = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
- confirm( len( child.attributes)==0 )
- child.setAttribute( "def", "ghi" )
- confirm( len( child.attributes)==1 )
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 0)
+ child.setAttribute("def", "ghi")
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 1)
del child.attributes["def"]
- confirm( len( child.attributes)==0 )
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 0)
def testRemoveAttr():
- dom=Document()
- child=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) )
+ dom = Document()
+ child = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
- child.setAttribute( "def", "ghi" )
- confirm( len( child.attributes)==1 )
- child.removeAttribute("def" )
- confirm( len( child.attributes)==0 )
+ child.setAttribute("def", "ghi")
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 1)
+ child.removeAttribute("def")
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 0)
def testRemoveAttrNS():
- dom=Document()
- child=dom.appendChild(
- dom.createElementNS( "", "python:abc" ) )
- child.setAttributeNS( "", "xmlns:python",
- "" )
- child.setAttributeNS( "", "python:abcattr", "foo" )
- confirm( len( child.attributes )==2 )
- child.removeAttributeNS( "", "abcattr" )
- confirm( len( child.attributes )==1 )
+ dom = Document()
+ child = dom.appendChild(
+ dom.createElementNS("", "python:abc"))
+ child.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:python",
+ "")
+ child.setAttributeNS("", "python:abcattr", "foo")
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 2)
+ child.removeAttributeNS("", "abcattr")
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 1)
def testRemoveAttributeNode():
- dom=Document()
- child=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "foo" ) )
- child.setAttribute( "spam", "jam" )
- confirm( len( child.attributes )==1 )
- node=child.getAttributeNode( "spam" )
- child.removeAttributeNode( node )
- confirm( len( child.attributes )==0 )
+ dom = Document()
+ child = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("foo"))
+ child.setAttribute("spam", "jam")
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 1)
+ node = child.getAttributeNode("spam")
+ child.removeAttributeNode(node)
+ confirm(len(child.attributes) == 0)
def testChangeAttr():
- dom=parseString( "<abc/>" )
- el=dom.documentElement
- el.setAttribute( "spam", "jam" )
- confirm( len( el.attributes )==1 )
- el.setAttribute( "spam", "bam" )
- confirm( len( el.attributes )==1 )
- el.attributes["spam"]="ham"
- confirm( len( el.attributes )==1 )
- el.setAttribute( "spam2", "bam" )
- confirm( len( el.attributes )==2 )
- el.attributes[ "spam2"]= "bam2"
- confirm( len( el.attributes )==2 )
+ dom = parseString("<abc/>")
+ el = dom.documentElement
+ el.setAttribute("spam", "jam")
+ confirm(len(el.attributes) == 1)
+ el.setAttribute("spam", "bam")
+ confirm(len(el.attributes) == 1)
+ el.attributes["spam"] = "ham"
+ confirm(len(el.attributes) == 1)
+ el.setAttribute("spam2", "bam")
+ confirm(len(el.attributes) == 2)
+ el.attributes[ "spam2"] = "bam2"
+ confirm(len(el.attributes) == 2)
def testGetAttrList():
@@ -186,41 +186,41 @@ def testGetElementsByTagNameNS(): pass
def testGetEmptyNodeListFromElementsByTagNameNS(): pass
def testElementReprAndStr():
- dom=Document()
- el=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) )
- string1=repr( el )
- string2=str( el )
- confirm( string1==string2 )
+ dom = Document()
+ el = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
+ string1 = repr(el)
+ string2 = str(el)
+ confirm(string1 == string2)
# commented out until Fredrick's fix is checked in
def _testElementReprAndStrUnicode():
- dom=Document()
- el=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( u"abc" ) )
- string1=repr( el )
- string2=str( el )
- confirm( string1==string2 )
+ dom = Document()
+ el = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement(u"abc"))
+ string1 = repr(el)
+ string2 = str(el)
+ confirm(string1 == string2)
# commented out until Fredrick's fix is checked in
def _testElementReprAndStrUnicodeNS():
- dom=Document()
- el=dom.appendChild(
- dom.createElementNS( u"", u"slash:abc" ))
- string1=repr( el )
- string2=str( el )
- confirm( string1==string2 )
- confirm( string1.find("slash:abc" )!=-1 )
+ dom = Document()
+ el = dom.appendChild(
+ dom.createElementNS(u"", u"slash:abc"))
+ string1 = repr(el)
+ string2 = str(el)
+ confirm(string1 == string2)
+ confirm(string1.find("slash:abc") != -1)
- confirm( len( Node.allnodes )==0 )
+ confirm(len(Node.allnodes) == 0)
def testAttributeRepr():
- dom=Document()
- el=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( u"abc" ) )
- node=el.setAttribute( "abc", "def" )
- confirm( str( node ) == repr( node ) )
+ dom = Document()
+ el = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement(u"abc"))
+ node = el.setAttribute("abc", "def")
+ confirm(str(node) == repr(node))
- confirm( len( Node.allnodes )==0 )
+ confirm(len(Node.allnodes) == 0)
def testTextNodeRepr(): pass
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ def testWriteXML():
domstr = dom.toxml()
confirm(str == domstr)
- confirm( len( Node.allnodes )==0 )
+ confirm(len(Node.allnodes) == 0)
def testProcessingInstruction(): pass
@@ -308,21 +308,87 @@ def testClonePIShallow(): pass
def testClonePIDeep(): pass
+def testSiblings():
+ doc = parseString("<doc><?pi?>text?<elm/></doc>")
+ root = doc.documentElement
+ (pi, text, elm) = root.childNodes
+ confirm(pi.nextSibling is text and
+ pi.previousSibling is None and
+ text.nextSibling is elm and
+ text.previousSibling is pi and
+ elm.nextSibling is None and
+ elm.previousSibling is text, "testSiblings")
+ doc.unlink()
+def testParents():
+ doc = parseString("<doc><elm1><elm2/><elm2><elm3/></elm2></elm1></doc>")
+ root = doc.documentElement
+ elm1 = root.childNodes[0]
+ (elm2a, elm2b) = elm1.childNodes
+ elm3 = elm2b.childNodes[0]
+ confirm(root.parentNode is doc and
+ elm1.parentNode is root and
+ elm2a.parentNode is elm1 and
+ elm2b.parentNode is elm1 and
+ elm3.parentNode is elm2b, "testParents")
+ doc.unlink()
+def testSAX2DOM():
+ from xml.dom import pulldom
+ sax2dom = pulldom.SAX2DOM()
+ sax2dom.startDocument()
+ sax2dom.startElement("doc", {})
+ sax2dom.characters("text")
+ sax2dom.startElement("subelm", {})
+ sax2dom.characters("text")
+ sax2dom.endElement("subelm")
+ sax2dom.characters("text")
+ sax2dom.endElement("doc")
+ sax2dom.endDocument()
+ doc = sax2dom.document
+ root = doc.documentElement
+ (text1, elm1, text2) = root.childNodes
+ text3 = elm1.childNodes[0]
+ confirm(text1.previousSibling is None and
+ text1.nextSibling is elm1 and
+ elm1.previousSibling is text1 and
+ elm1.nextSibling is text2 and
+ text2.previousSibling is elm1 and
+ text2.nextSibling is None and
+ text3.previousSibling is None and
+ text3.nextSibling is None, "testSAX2DOM - siblings")
+ confirm(root.parentNode is doc and
+ text1.parentNode is root and
+ elm1.parentNode is root and
+ text2.parentNode is root and
+ text3.parentNode is elm1, "testSAX2DOM - parents")
+ doc.unlink()
+names = globals().keys()
+works = 1
for name in names:
- if name.startswith( "test" ):
- func=globals()[name]
+ if name.startswith("test"):
+ func = globals()[name]
print "Test Succeeded", name
confirm(len(Node.allnodes) == 0,
"assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0")
- if len( Node.allnodes ):
+ if len(Node.allnodes):
print "Garbage left over:"
if verbose:
print Node.allnodes.items()[0:10]
@@ -330,13 +396,13 @@ for name in names:
# Don't print specific nodes if repeatable results
# are needed
print len(Node.allnodes)
- Node.allnodes={}
- except Exception, e :
- works=0
+ Node.allnodes = {}
+ except Exception, e:
+ works = 0
print "Test Failed: ", name
- apply( traceback.print_exception, sys.exc_info() )
+ traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info())
print `e`
- Node.allnodes={}
+ Node.allnodes = {}
if works:
print "All tests succeeded"