path: root/Lib/lib-stdwin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/lib-stdwin/')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/lib-stdwin/ b/Lib/lib-stdwin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89b03f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib-stdwin/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+# -- a window-based Python debugger
+import stdwin
+from stdwinevents import *
+import sys
+import basewin
+import bdb
+import repr
+WIDTH = 40
+WdbDone = 'wdb.WdbDone' # Exception to continue execution
+class Wdb(bdb.Bdb, basewin.BaseWindow): # Window debugger
+ def init(self):
+ self.sourcewindows = {}
+ self.framewindows = {}
+ self = bdb.Bdb.init(self)
+ width = WIDTH*stdwin.textwidth('0')
+ height = HEIGHT*stdwin.lineheight()
+ stdwin.setdefwinsize(width, height)
+ self = basewin.BaseWindow.init(self, '--Stack--')
+ self.closed = 0
+ return self
+ def reset(self):
+ if self.closed: raise RuntimeError, 'already closed'
+ bdb.Bdb.reset(self)
+ self.forget()
+ def forget(self):
+ self.lineno = None
+ self.stack = []
+ self.curindex = 0
+ self.curframe = None
+ for fn in self.sourcewindows.keys():
+ self.sourcewindows[fn].resetlineno()
+ def setup(self, f, t):
+ self.forget()
+ self.stack, self.curindex = self.get_stack(f, t)
+ self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0]
+ # Build a list of current frames
+ cfl = []
+ for f, i in self.stack: cfl.append(f)
+ # Remove deactivated frame windows
+ for name in self.framewindows.keys():
+ fw = self.framewindows[name]
+ if fw.frame not in cfl: fw.close()
+ else: fw.refreshframe()
+ # Refresh the stack window
+ self.refreshstack()
+ # Override Bdb methods (except user_call, for now)
+ def user_line(self, frame):
+ # This function is called when we stop or break at this line
+ self.interaction(frame, None)
+ def user_return(self, frame, return_value):
+ # This function is called when a return trap is set here
+ frame.f_locals['__return__'] = return_value
+ self.settitle('--Return--')
+ self.interaction(frame, None)
+ self.settitle('--Stack--')
+ def user_exception(self, frame, (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)):
+ # This function is called if an exception occurs,
+ # but only if we are to stop at or just below this level
+ frame.f_locals['__exception__'] = exc_type, exc_value
+ self.settitle(exc_type + ': ' + repr.repr(exc_value))
+ self.interaction(frame, exc_traceback)
+ self.settitle('--Stack--')
+ # Change the title
+ def settitle(self, title):
+ self.savetitle =
+ # General interaction function
+ def interaction(self, frame, traceback):
+ import mainloop
+ self.popup()
+ self.setup(frame, traceback)
+ try:
+ mainloop.mainloop()
+ except WdbDone:
+ pass
+ self.forget()
+ # Functions whose name is do_X for some character X
+ # are callable directly from the keyboard.
+ def do_up(self):
+ if self.curindex == 0:
+ stdwin.fleep()
+ else:
+ self.curindex = self.curindex - 1
+ self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0]
+ self.refreshstack()
+ do_u = do_up
+ def do_down(self):
+ if self.curindex + 1 == len(self.stack):
+ stdwin.fleep()
+ else:
+ self.curindex = self.curindex + 1
+ self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0]
+ self.refreshstack()
+ do_d = do_down
+ def do_step(self):
+ self.set_step()
+ raise WdbDone
+ do_s = do_step
+ def do_next(self):
+ self.set_next(self.curframe)
+ raise WdbDone
+ do_n = do_next
+ def do_return(self):
+ self.set_return(self.curframe)
+ raise WdbDone
+ do_r = do_return
+ def do_continue(self):
+ self.set_continue()
+ raise WdbDone
+ do_c = do_cont = do_continue
+ def do_quit(self):
+ self.close()
+ raise WdbDone
+ do_q = do_quit
+ def do_list(self):
+ fn = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename
+ if not self.sourcewindows.has_key(fn):
+ import wdbsrcwin
+ try:
+ self.sourcewindows[fn] = \
+ wdbsrcwin.DebuggerSourceWindow(). \
+ init(self, fn)
+ except IOError:
+ stdwin.fleep()
+ return
+ w = self.sourcewindows[fn]
+ lineno = self.stack[self.curindex][1]
+ w.setlineno(lineno)
+ w.popup()
+ do_l = do_list
+ def do_frame(self):
+ name = 'locals' + `self.curframe`[16:-1]
+ if self.framewindows.has_key(name):
+ self.framewindows[name].popup()
+ else:
+ import wdbframewin
+ self.framewindows[name] = \
+ wdbframewin.FrameWindow().init(self, \
+ self.curframe, \
+ self.curframe.f_locals, name)
+ do_f = do_frame
+ def do_globalframe(self):
+ name = 'globals' + `self.curframe`[16:-1]
+ if self.framewindows.has_key(name):
+ self.framewindows[name].popup()
+ else:
+ import wdbframewin
+ self.framewindows[name] = \
+ wdbframewin.FrameWindow().init(self, \
+ self.curframe, \
+ self.curframe.f_globals, name)
+ do_g = do_globalframe
+ # Link between the debugger and the window
+ def refreshstack(self):
+ height = stdwin.lineheight() * (1 + len(self.stack))
+, height))
+ self.refreshall() # XXX be more subtle later
+ # Also pass the information on to the source windows
+ filename = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename
+ lineno = self.curframe.f_lineno
+ for fn in self.sourcewindows.keys():
+ w = self.sourcewindows[fn]
+ if fn == filename:
+ w.setlineno(lineno)
+ else:
+ w.resetlineno()
+ # The remaining methods override BaseWindow methods
+ def close(self):
+ if not self.closed:
+ basewin.BaseWindow.close(self)
+ self.closed = 1
+ for key in self.sourcewindows.keys():
+ self.sourcewindows[key].close()
+ for key in self.framewindows.keys():
+ self.framewindows[key].close()
+ self.set_quit()
+ def char(self, detail):
+ try:
+ func = eval('self.do_' + detail)
+ except (AttributeError, SyntaxError):
+ stdwin.fleep()
+ return
+ func()
+ def command(self, detail):
+ if detail == WC_UP:
+ self.do_up()
+ elif detail == WC_DOWN:
+ self.do_down()
+ def mouse_down(self, detail):
+ (h, v), clicks, button, mask = detail
+ i = v / stdwin.lineheight()
+ if 0 <= i < len(self.stack):
+ if i != self.curindex:
+ self.curindex = i
+ self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0]
+ self.refreshstack()
+ elif clicks == 2:
+ self.do_frame()
+ else:
+ stdwin.fleep()
+ def draw(self, detail):
+ import linecache, codehack, string
+ d =
+ try:
+ h, v = 0, 0
+ for f, lineno in self.stack:
+ fn = f.f_code.co_filename
+ if f is self.curframe:
+ s = '> '
+ else:
+ s = ' '
+ s = s + fn + '(' + `lineno` + ')'
+ s = s + codehack.getcodename(f.f_code)
+ if f.f_locals.has_key('__args__'):
+ args = f.f_locals['__args__']
+ if args is not None:
+ s = s + repr.repr(args)
+ if f.f_locals.has_key('__return__'):
+ rv = f.f_locals['__return__']
+ s = s + '->'
+ s = s + repr.repr(rv)
+ line = linecache.getline(fn, lineno)
+ if line: s = s + ': ' + string.strip(line)
+ d.text((h, v), s)
+ v = v + d.lineheight()
+ finally:
+ d.close()
+def run(statement):
+ x = Wdb().init()
+ try:
+ finally: x.close()
+def runctx(statement, globals, locals):
+ x = Wdb().init()
+ try: x.runctx(statement, globals, locals)
+ finally: x.close()
+TESTCMD = 'import x; x.main()'
+def test():
+ import linecache
+ linecache.checkcache()
+ run(TESTCMD)